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What's wrong with Petey?


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36 minutes ago, wai_lai416 said:

who knows we will never know coz we know that ain't gonna happen.. and brock is prolly still a 30g 60p guy without miller.. he was literally our best player during that shortened season iirc. the problem with our cap structure is we are paying high end player but spreading them all over the lineup.. if you are paying high end player.. might as well stack them up.. if you are going to spread out the players.. then you might as well sign a bunch of mid tier top 6 players instead of signing like 2 higher end top 6 in ep and miller and then spread them out and not give them proper linemates to play with.. out of all the playoff teams this season EP plays on one of the cheapest cap hit line (pre retention from trade) with the exception of couple like philly with a bunch on elc/cheap contract even if you factor in the raise to 11.6 next season if the line stays as it is he's still in the bottom half of the league in terms of cap hit for his entire line. at this point i rather see them play miller and ep together along with like a hoglander or something and then move boeser in the off season and have 2-3 4-5mil proper top 6 (not ones that were never a top 6 in their career like mikheyev) for the 2nd line instead

Dude.  I literally showed you the stats.   Like to see them again?  Here's the line combos - and this is even with Horvat, the year after Brock (who we all know has been thrashed on here)... 


If you want Brock on EPs line so bad, send a letter to the coaches.   Green, Bruce and Tochett disagree.   Two of those coaches tried that and it didn't work so well.   Didn't work so well with Miller at times either.   EPs going to get thrashed hard by this fanbase if he can't figure it out .   He's now one of the highest paid players cap percentage wise ever.    Only Sundin, Naslund (deservedly so) and Luongo,  got this.   It's ridiculous at this point to make any excuses.   Kesler had the spare parts for years.    Going into this post season ... i'd take 2010 and 2011 Kesler over current EP any day of the week.  


The brass'es expectations should be,  EP will take over Millers line,  well really that should be now, but eventually.    Don't need to compare the two either.    Our cup aspirations were  done if we didn't re-sign.   Not sure why we need to compare the two.   That's goofy.    Seems to be a carry over from Horvat to a degree ... if we are going to do so...well.   It is what it is.   The covid year that was bad.   Brock was arguably the best forward, but even still it wasn't exactly great was it?    And the follow up was pretty bad.    With Miller.  With EP.  With Horvat and EP especially.    There is a reason why he's stapled to Millers line. 


As far as the "cap structure".   That's really easy to say, a lot harder to do.    No one player should get special treatment.   Personally i'm stoked they did what they could to add Zadarov this year.   Amazing trade and cost too.   Lindholm.   It's not like they didn't try and fix it did they?


Edited by IBatch
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On 3/17/2024 at 3:45 AM, IBatch said:

    Miller played with everyone and the kitchen sink his 99 point season.    Blendered both by Bruce and by Green.    Yes his regular, has mostly been Brock though, 3 coaches now prefer that.    So not sure where "not even close" comes from.    Saying that he's been the most complete hockey player since he's arrived, and the top scorer, well one of them is subjective, the other a fact.     Agree EP is younger, just entering his peak prime years and should anywhere over the next 1-3 seasons (said this a lot too), take over as this teams number one center.    That's the whole point having both these guys.    Locking down those two roles is pretty important for any team with cup aspirations.     Miller is better at face offs, forechecking (as mentioned, both Brock and EP publicly thanked him for helping them with this part of the game), and hitting.     Doesn't tend to get into "slumps" in the same way.    EP had a fantastic season last year,  and things looked more or less the same to start this year ... past that every year he's had his struggles.  


Fully expect EP to end up passing Hank as this teams all-time leading scorer.   Aside from Bure and Linden, haven't seen anyone else come into this league and move up the lineup so quickly.    QHs too.  


Miller's 99 point year, the most i've seen an individual player, put a team on his shoulders and say let's go...in a long time.    And sure he had help.    Only Miller and Garland were really doing much of anything under Green.   Under Bruce, Miller was on a 120 point pace.  Last season was probably his worst, especially  the start.     EP outshone him for sure.  

This year, under Tochett, Miller's line has been tasked to go head to head at home, to play against the best in the world.    And during the brief Lotto line re-enactment,  Miller was taking the face-offs.     


Both guys can have positive outcomes if they aren't on the scoreboard.   In different ways.   If Millers line doesn't score, and isn't scored against the Mckinnon's, McDavids, Kucherov's of the league that's fine.    He's actually one of the best fantasy league players out there, ones that count hits, blocks, shots on net too.   


Will stand by it, so far, Miller has been the best overall player since he's arrived.    Nobody was expecting him to be a top ten scorer, let alone center when we traded for him.     Yet he became one.    


As for Brock, prior to this year, there were many on this site that completely gave up on him, and felt he was a black hole, an anchor.   


Here's Millers Green/Bruce season.   Part of the point of this article, was saying the best lines in hockey all play well over 400 minutes together.    This year, EP was given 3rd line minutes for a stretch of games to try and "get him going".  

The Lotto line was simply bad and did need to be broken up.   EP got time with everyone.    There is a dialogue now that he should get some time with Brock.   Find that hilarious given how much he apparently was holding Miller back.     This also showed that Miller was more effective than Horvat.   Who was traded the following year.   Don't know why people were on the trade Miller train (but get that someone needed to go to).   There are some on here that hate being wrong, and still want that I swear.   We are toast if he goes down in the playoffs.     Haven't seen EP put the team on his back or inspire in the same way, last year was a mess, he was a bright light for sure.    Hope for the future. 


  Miller went to the All-Star game and came back and kept at it.   Sucks that some of that got wasted.    A hat trick against MIN for example.    EPs slump hasn't helped.   JT's just kept at it, as usual. 



As a curiousity, only one line played more then 200 minutes together.    And EP/Horvat/Brock definitely didn't bring it. 


JT Millers on a 105 point pace, 40ish goal pace.   Hits, good face off guy, and is considered a power forward.    Deserves some recognition.     Also has close to 50 more assists then EP as a Canuck, since he arrived,  is that's not distributing scoring, i'm not sure what is.    9th most points as a center, since he arrived, ahead of Brayden Point ... EPs 15th.    Only 19 points behind Crosby who's 5th.     And let's be real, those were some bad/mediocre  teams.    EP for sure had a great season last year.   And sure he will in the future, but stand by that I believe,   JT Millers been the better overall player, since he arrived (more consistent anyways, and yet again going to get Hart votes)..   Fully expect them to switch roles in the future.   As soon as next year.   If the coach plays you head to head against the best lines ... and you still come out ahead.    That's something special.  

Man, seeing that Hogs-Petey-Podz line with those underlying stats tells me enough that we should at least attempt that line again.  It'd provide so much value if we had that line click.  Then Lindholm might get going again too if he's played next to Miller.







Honestly, sometimes I feel like our coaching staff is holding back on some of these things to unleash it all in the playoffs lol

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12 hours ago, 43isprime said:


Would you happen to remember the quote about Pettersson needing play drivers on his wing?



Mentions how both Lindholm and Petey need forecheckers on their wings



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3 hours ago, KesLord said:

I like how we have posts like this for Petey 3-5 times a year... 


never really see these posts about other guys in his price range 

because none of the guy in his price range. 0 not even 1 plays with less talent or cap hit linemates than him.

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I wonder if Petey's insistence to wait until the season was over was also to take the pressure off of himself, not just to avoid noise in the media.  He knows himself better than anyone, and perhaps he felt more comfortable playing out the season without having more pressure, especially at the end of the season, to live up to the price. That he didn't also want the extra pressure of being the $92.8 million man until he could process it better in time away from Vancouver, and make a summer deal, to be ready for training camp with a new mindset.  But the noise in the media and the fact that JR/PA have done wonders to build the support around him, and the team was playing way better than expected, were factors in signing now.  ie...he felt he had to discard that previous plan because of developing circumstances.


But a part of me wonders if the media hadn't gone back on their word and started bleeting about it nonstop after the All Star break, and everyone had just calmed down and respected his initial wishes, he'd be a more productive player for us right now.


Despite the media's fearmongering, it was clear in that press conference that Petey never had any desire to go anywhere else. He joked about that fact as 'holding his cards to his chest' during the presser.  I had a 99% belief he'd have signed in the Summer anyways.


It is what it is.

He'd eventually have to get used to the pressure of being the highest paid Canuck anyways. But I'm just thinking for the good of team's success, he'd have maybe worked harder if he was still in the 'negotiation' phase.  Even if just to create his own internal challenge...to show Vancouver that he deserves the big raise now and the playoffs.  Just a thought. Maybe I'm way off.



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12 hours ago, HKSR said:

Honestly, sometimes I feel like our coaching staff is holding back on some of these things to unleash it all in the playoffs lol

Why would Tocchet show what he got when we’re already in playoff?


Tocchet has mostly tried to sharpen the defensive tools he want to use in playoffs when we’re leading.

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7 hours ago, kilgore said:

I wonder if Petey's insistence to wait until the season was over was also to take the pressure off of himself, not just to avoid noise in the media.  He knows himself better than anyone, and perhaps he felt more comfortable playing out the season without having more pressure, especially at the end of the season, to live up to the price. That he didn't also want the extra pressure of being the $92.8 million man until he could process it better in time away from Vancouver, and make a summer deal, to be ready for training camp with a new mindset.  But the noise in the media and the fact that JR/PA have done wonders to build the support around him, and the team was playing way better than expected, were factors in signing now.  ie...he felt he had to discard that previous plan because of developing circumstances.


But a part of me wonders if the media hadn't gone back on their word and started bleeting about it nonstop after the All Star break, and everyone had just calmed down and respected his initial wishes, he'd be a more productive player for us right now.


Despite the media's fearmongering, it was clear in that press conference that Petey never had any desire to go anywhere else. He joked about that fact as 'holding his cards to his chest' during the presser.  I had a 99% belief he'd have signed in the Summer anyways.


It is what it is.

He'd eventually have to get used to the pressure of being the highest paid Canuck anyways. But I'm just thinking for the good of team's success, he'd have maybe worked harder if he was still in the 'negotiation' phase.  Even if just to create his own internal challenge...to show Vancouver that he deserves the big raise now and the playoffs.  Just a thought. Maybe I'm way off.



I don’t get why fans or journps bother about what Petey thinks.


I can assure you that the advice he gets from swedes is ”let the agent do the work”.

If the agent wants to wait longer it’s the agent because Petey let him run it.


The reason Petey signed is due to all around that was stressed about the situation so he went against his agent and signed.


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  • 1 month later...

Having read all kinds of speculation, trashing and support of Petey in every game thread for weeks and months now, I've started to wonder a bit more about this myself.


I posted in another thread throwing out random possibilities based on nothing at all just to illustrate the point that it could be any number of things that none of us have any clue about.


That said, something really stood out for me in tonight's game that has me developing a theory. Pure speculation of course but just wondering what others think of it.


When Lindholm scored in OT to win, every player poured off the bench to join their teammates on the ice in celebration. Petey started to do the same but hit a brief log jam of bodies doing  the same so opted instead to turn and fist bump a couple of the trainers before jumping over the boards. At first this made me think it odd that he didn't react the same as the rest of the guys but someone mentioned in the PGT that it was classy of him to celebrate with the trainers in that moment and I don't disagree.


Then, when watching all the on ice celebration, especially the exuberant joy shared between Brock, Milsy and Garly, I noticed Petey's relative absence and again just sort of wondered.


Wouldn't it be awesome to see Petey leading the charge of jumps and hugs and laughs the way Garland and others do in these big moments? But, of course, we all know, that's just not Petey's style. He's quite subdued by nature and rarely shows a great deal of emotion except for immediately after scoring a big goal from time to time.


Still, I wondered if he's sort of the odd man out or the square peg when it comes to the culture of the team and some of the light-hearted fun they have together on the ice, the bench and, I assume, in their road travels together.


Then, and this is where the HUGE speculation part kicks in, it occurred to me that some time around when he signed his big contract, someone likely made an innocent joke about him earning it or, you know, "Ya better start  pulling your weight now mister money bags" or something like that and it just landed wrong and he took it personally and so, rather than the weight off his shoulders we all expected to see from the signing, we've seen the exact opposite and he's feeling evne more pressure to perform and prove to his team, the fans, management and himself that he deserves the big bucks.


That's all I got. Total BS shooting out my keyboard but just thought it felt as likely as anything else. Thankfully, he does seem to be turning the corner very gradually and will hopefully have a fun trip back to Van with the boys tonight and hit the ice like a Swedish Demon Tuesday night or, at least, by the time we get to the next round if all continues to flow in our favour.


Fingers crossed and towel flying!!! GCG!!!

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3 hours ago, Steamer4GM said:

Having read all kinds of speculation, trashing and support of Petey in every game thread for weeks and months now, I've started to wonder a bit more about this myself.


I posted in another thread throwing out random possibilities based on nothing at all just to illustrate the point that it could be any number of things that none of us have any clue about.


That said, something really stood out for me in tonight's game that has me developing a theory. Pure speculation of course but just wondering what others think of it.


When Lindholm scored in OT to win, every player poured off the bench to join their teammates on the ice in celebration. Petey started to do the same but hit a brief log jam of bodies doing  the same so opted instead to turn and fist bump a couple of the trainers before jumping over the boards. At first this made me think it odd that he didn't react the same as the rest of the guys but someone mentioned in the PGT that it was classy of him to celebrate with the trainers in that moment and I don't disagree.


Then, when watching all the on ice celebration, especially the exuberant joy shared between Brock, Milsy and Garly, I noticed Petey's relative absence and again just sort of wondered.


Wouldn't it be awesome to see Petey leading the charge of jumps and hugs and laughs the way Garland and others do in these big moments? But, of course, we all know, that's just not Petey's style. He's quite subdued by nature and rarely shows a great deal of emotion except for immediately after scoring a big goal from time to time.


Still, I wondered if he's sort of the odd man out or the square peg when it comes to the culture of the team and some of the light-hearted fun they have together on the ice, the bench and, I assume, in their road travels together.


Then, and this is where the HUGE speculation part kicks in, it occurred to me that some time around when he signed his big contract, someone likely made an innocent joke about him earning it or, you know, "Ya better start  pulling your weight now mister money bags" or something like that and it just landed wrong and he took it personally and so, rather than the weight off his shoulders we all expected to see from the signing, we've seen the exact opposite and he's feeling evne more pressure to perform and prove to his team, the fans, management and himself that he deserves the big bucks.


That's all I got. Total BS shooting out my keyboard but just thought it felt as likely as anything else. Thankfully, he does seem to be turning the corner very gradually and will hopefully have a fun trip back to Van with the boys tonight and hit the ice like a Swedish Demon Tuesday night or, at least, by the time we get to the next round if all continues to flow in our favour.


Fingers crossed and towel flying!!! GCG!!!

No doubt he's putting pressure on himself to perform. 

He went out of his position on the first goal against by trying to do too much. 

At the same time, his skating is off. I believe at one time, he was in nhl fastest skater competition. I don't remember the last time he won a foot race for the puck or accelerated past a d-man. He doesn't even try the reverse hits anymore. And he's had a cross check to the ribs in one of the last reg season games. He could have bruises ribs or something. I think it's a mix of injury and too much pressure. 

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He said in an interview quite some time ago, that he wanted to be the best 2 way center. Thinking he could be like Kopitar or something. They should put him on the wing and focus only on offence to bring his confidence back. Pass the puck 50% and shoot the puck 50% of the time. I think he's afraid to lose the puck.

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9 hours ago, Steamer4GM said:

Having read all kinds of speculation, trashing and support of Petey in every game thread for weeks and months now, I've started to wonder a bit more about this myself.


I posted in another thread throwing out random possibilities based on nothing at all just to illustrate the point that it could be any number of things that none of us have any clue about.


That said, something really stood out for me in tonight's game that has me developing a theory. Pure speculation of course but just wondering what others think of it.


When Lindholm scored in OT to win, every player poured off the bench to join their teammates on the ice in celebration. Petey started to do the same but hit a brief log jam of bodies doing  the same so opted instead to turn and fist bump a couple of the trainers before jumping over the boards. At first this made me think it odd that he didn't react the same as the rest of the guys but someone mentioned in the PGT that it was classy of him to celebrate with the trainers in that moment and I don't disagree.


Then, when watching all the on ice celebration, especially the exuberant joy shared between Brock, Milsy and Garly, I noticed Petey's relative absence and again just sort of wondered.


Wouldn't it be awesome to see Petey leading the charge of jumps and hugs and laughs the way Garland and others do in these big moments? But, of course, we all know, that's just not Petey's style. He's quite subdued by nature and rarely shows a great deal of emotion except for immediately after scoring a big goal from time to time.


Still, I wondered if he's sort of the odd man out or the square peg when it comes to the culture of the team and some of the light-hearted fun they have together on the ice, the bench and, I assume, in their road travels together.


Then, and this is where the HUGE speculation part kicks in, it occurred to me that some time around when he signed his big contract, someone likely made an innocent joke about him earning it or, you know, "Ya better start  pulling your weight now mister money bags" or something like that and it just landed wrong and he took it personally and so, rather than the weight off his shoulders we all expected to see from the signing, we've seen the exact opposite and he's feeling evne more pressure to perform and prove to his team, the fans, management and himself that he deserves the big bucks.


That's all I got. Total BS shooting out my keyboard but just thought it felt as likely as anything else. Thankfully, he does seem to be turning the corner very gradually and will hopefully have a fun trip back to Van with the boys tonight and hit the ice like a Swedish Demon Tuesday night or, at least, by the time we get to the next round if all continues to flow in our favour.


Fingers crossed and towel flying!!! GCG!!!

Honestly, I think it's just cuz he's not having fun out there.  He's immensely frustrated with himself.  You can see it in his play.  He's overthinking things, which is leading to indecisiveness on the ice, and that overthinking is keeping in half a second behind the play. 


Make no mistake, he's been pretty terrible these playoffs, and the last 16 to 18 games as well, but he just oozes natural talent.  One day it'll come together and we will look back the same way we did with the Sedins. 


I'm as frustrated as anybody with Petey, but I am confident that it'll turn around eventually.  I'm not convinced it will happen this year though.  I think it will require an off season reset.  If he somehow turns it around these playoffs, we're going to the finals.  You can quote me on that.

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2 minutes ago, Grinch said:

Seems like we always seem to have the same issue with all the Swedish superstars we have 


inconsistent when it matters

I was just saying the same thing to a buddy last night over a doob.  


I dont remember the Sedins, Edler,  Naslund, etc ever stepping it up when it mattered.


Big playoff performers in 2011 were Kes, Burr, Torres etc. Sedins were avg.


West coast express never really had any playoff success.


But this Pettersson disappearance has been the worst of them all.


At least Lindholm has been making up for him..

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2 minutes ago, Breadnbutta said:

I was just saying the same thing to a buddy last night over a doob.  


I dont remember the Sedins, Edler,  Naslund, etc ever stepping it up when it mattered.


Big playoff performers in 2011 were Kes, Burr, Torres etc. Sedins were avg.


West coast express never really had any playoff success.


But this Pettersson disappearance has been the worst of them all.


At least Lindholm has been making up for him..


this isn't a fair assessment. Even Kes had a quiet series that run too. 


Lets see what Petey takes from round 1 if we get through. 


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27 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


this isn't a fair assessment. Even Kes had a quiet series that run too. 


Lets see what Petey takes from round 1 if we get through. 


Exactly.  Different guys tend to show up in different series.  That's why depth is important.


Henrik and Daniel lead the Canucks in scoring in the playoffs.  Not sure what is expected of them otherwise?

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On 3/14/2024 at 4:32 AM, Drakrami said:

Theres nothing wrong with Pettersson lol. Hes always played like this, save for his first season. Rack up a lot of points, doesn't takeover games, ineffective/invisible for  stretches. But may be get 4 points vs Chicago or something. 


Or may be a more fair way to put it. He doesn't take his game up a notch when the team needs it. 

Yeah I agree with all of this, exactly why I didn't care if we kept him or let him go, I'd have been fine with another good center and a high end D for what we pay for him as of next season..  now that's off the table, no team will ever want to pay that for him of we wanted to trade him, but typical Canucks b.s. 

 We keep getting soft teams and wonder why we don't have a single cup and the time we do get the closest is when we have a tougher team. 

 As for EP40 he doesn't have the McDavid or Matthews drive to dominate a game most nights but we're going to pay him like he does. JTM is more like that then Petey is... 

 And people keep thinking we're going to win a cup at this rate, NOT gonna happen! 




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3 hours ago, iceman1964 said:

Yeah I agree with all of this, exactly why I didn't care if we kept him or let him go, I'd have been fine with another good center and a high end D for what we pay for him as of next season..  now that's off the table, no team will ever want to pay that for him of we wanted to trade him, but typical Canucks b.s. 

 We keep getting soft teams and wonder why we don't have a single cup and the time we do get the closest is when we have a tougher team. 

 As for EP40 he doesn't have the McDavid or Matthews drive to dominate a game most nights but we're going to pay him like he does. JTM is more like that then Petey is... 

 And people keep thinking we're going to win a cup at this rate, NOT gonna happen! 




Last playoffs he averaged more than a point per game which is remarkable in the post-season.  He has had a quiet series and a tough last part to the season.  I wouldn't be surprised if we find out he is nursing an injury.

I would also not be surprise for him to be the star in the next series.  Sometimes matchups matter and when he is playing another line to a draw... it opens up space for another line to get a favourable match up.  Our 3rd line is facing poorer opposition because of the Petterson and Miller lines... and that is allowing them to have success.

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4 hours ago, Bob Long said:


this isn't a fair assessment. Even Kes had a quiet series that run too. 


Lets see what Petey takes from round 1 if we get through. 


it’s like the playoffs are an empty treadmill going at max speed and he is just staring at it cause he is too afraid to jump on and get piled up. 

He is the biggest investment in team history. He costs what a practice facility would FFS. Let’s stop making excuses 

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17 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

it’s like the playoffs are an empty treadmill going at max speed and he is just staring at it cause he is too afraid to jump on and get piled up. 

He is the biggest investment in team history. He costs what a practice facility would FFS. Let’s stop making excuses 


stating a fact isn't making an excuse, its just a fact. Not all guys are good every round.


Having said that, I do think Petey just needs to get out of his own way and just start shooting the puck. 


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Petey is one hell of a player when he has confidence. But he seems to get hit hard when he gets into a funk. Like... really hard. Far harder than most.


I'm getting old and losing track of time, but wasn't it just last season where for the first 20-25 games or more he was just awful. Poor plays, poor energy level, just not himself. Then all of a sudden he got out of it, and finished extremely well. 

Hopefully he can set himself mentally to be more consistent. If not, I fear the fanbase in Vancouver will get on his back right quick which will only exasperate the issue.

You said you wanted to win, Petey. Now we have a winning team. Time to step up and make it happen for yourself.

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19 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


stating a fact isn't making an excuse, its just a fact. Not all guys are good every round.


Having said that, I do think Petey just needs to get out of his own way and just start shooting the puck. 


It’s been months. He doesn’t even look as good as he did in his ELC. He is regressing further and further. I honestly wish we could send him down to the AHL to spark something. 

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14 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

It’s been months. He doesn’t even look as good as he did in his ELC. He is regressing further and further. I honestly wish we could send him down to the AHL to spark something. 


do we have some kind of indication this is a permanent thing? maybe he's got an injury we don't know about. 

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8 hours ago, Bob Long said:


this isn't a fair assessment. Even Kes had a quiet series that run too. 


Lets see what Petey takes from round 1 if we get through. 



Kesler was not about to become the league's 5th highest paid player in the following season. 


Kesler also had matchup duties.


This "let's wait and see how Pettersson does" narrative is really funny. When he was struggling in the regular season, people (including Sat and Bik) said wait and see how he does in the playoffs.


So now that he's not been good for the first four games, we should wait until the second round 🤣


Even if he has a great Game 5 and/or Round 2 - so what? We should then forget the fact that he has 6 goals in his last 37 games? That he's barely shown up in the 4 most important games of the season so far? Consistency matters.


Pettersson needs to be counted on to be able to find a way to somehow show up in some way every game. I think we all agree that's not happening right now.


I hope it changes, but it would not change the fact that he hasn't shown up for the 4 most important games of the season so far.


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