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Do you smoke?..

Canuck You

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What do you mean by smoke?


Like cigarettes?


In my young 20s, I used to spoke cigarettes at the bars while drinking. It was casual smoking. I was never addicted, it was just something I did at the bars. 


Then one day I decided that smoking at the bars was no longer for me and stopped completely.


Of course this was many years ago when you could smoke cigarettes at bars. 

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, brilac said:

What do you mean by smoke?


Like cigarettes?


In my young 20s, I used to spoke cigarettes at the bars while drinking. It was casual smoking. I was never addicted, it was just something I did at the bars. 


Then one day I decided that smoking at the bars was no longer for me and stopped completely.


Of course this was many years ago when you could smoke cigarettes at bars. 

Anything really.

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Have seen what vaping nicotine and weed does to my 17 year old's addict brain and it is scary.

Her addictions really started with social media though, gateway drug that is destroying society and the life of a once promising child.

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Used to, many years ago. So glad I quit.


Never really did like weed...it just set my anxiety on fire but I was a go with the flow'er and all my friends did so when I was young and stupid I did too. 


My entire family smoked cigarettes and it was a natural for me to follow that path. Smoked a lot...my ex hated it and was a big factor in why I quit. Also, I was into fitness and so that didn't really make sense.

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I quit 30 years ago

I realized 80% of the cigs I smoked were habit cigs (while driving, after meals, at my breaks, at the pub, etc.,etc., etc.) and only a few were from actual nic. cravings

If you smoke, do yourself a favour, QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!

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By not smoking I was basically the rebel. My mom quit, my Dad couldn't, he could at best cut down. My Dad I am eternally grateful. He had pipes. I always thought dudes who smoked pipes looked distinguished. So one day when I was 12 my Dad offered to have me try his pipe. I'm not sure if it was cow dung, or just old tobbaco leaf. But I was stupid. I didn't just take a puff, I just inhaled a full lungful of smoke. I coughed for a bit, was dizzy, then turned 12 shades of green. Barely made it to the toilet and puked.

After I composed myself. My Dad was smiling at me. "Still want to smoke?" In a hoarse whisper I said "No...."


Considering I had a mild stroke 7.5 years ago, it was probably for the best. I'm more puzzled on how people can afford it? My Dad smoked at least 1/2 a pack a day and usually more. And that was when it was $5 a pack. Now it's like what $20 a pack? No thanks.

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There are many reasons people smoke tobacco, none of them good. What some people don't realize is how difficult it can be to quit the habit. Once you do you can really appreciate the value of good health. Reformed smokers may be a pain in the butt, however they are likely going to live longer than those that continue to smoke.

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Used to smoke a lot of weed and went off and on of cigs for years. It is almost 8 years since the last time I quit cigs and quit weed full stop 13-14 years ago. Went from enjoying weed to full on anxiety and as someone who is otherwise stress free said that is enough.

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Smoked cigs for about 8 years, (16- 24) Even at that young age, I could feel something strange after hockey. Quit. Did it help? A little at first then after a year, plenty.

Went back a wee bit splitting up with the X. I got custody of my Son, then stopped for good. Believe it or not; I tried weed just four times in my life. Just made me dizzy,

I think I lucked out there. 

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I smoke marijuana and tobacco. I started when I was 19. I managed to quit the nicotine for 7 months a couple of years ago but picked it up again. Once I'm motivated to quit again I'll give it another real go, but right now I'm not too interested in quitting.

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4 minutes ago, 112 said:

I smoke marijuana and tobacco. I started when I was 19. I managed to quit the nicotine for 7 months a couple of years ago but picked it up again. Once I'm motivated to quit again I'll give it another real go, but right now I'm not too interested in quitting.

Robin Williams played an ex-psychologist in the movie "Dead Again" and said it perfectly. "Someone's either a smoker or a nonsmoker. There's no in-between. The trick is to find out which one you are and be that. Don't tell me you're trying to quit. People who say they are trying to quit are basically pussies who cannot commit. Find out which one you are. Be that. That's it. If you're a nonsmoker, you'll know."

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My Dad was a 2 1/2 pack a day Cameo smoker. I took up smoking at university, a pipe, looked cool.Switched to cigs when I started working. Nearly blew myself up on a fuel truck so switched to cigars to limit access. My daughter learned in school how bad smoking was and started breaking my cigars in half. I was hiding my cigar stash out in the garage. It was about - 15 outside one day and I am smoking this rather disgusting cigar in my garage when I decided to quit. That June, 3 days into my West Coast Trail hike I threw my last cigars into the camp fire and told my buds that was it. Haven’t smoked since nor wanted to. No cravings. 

Edited by Boudrias
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I did smoke cigarettes one and off for a long time, quit about 20 years ago. Used to enjoy the odd cigar, don't do that anymore either, get too buzzed even not inhaling. Tried weed a few times, not my thing. 


Vaping concerns me a lot, kids are inhaling so much unregulated crap its concerning. Anything brought to you by the folks that sold cancer for decades should be a red flag. 

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I occasionally smoked (when drinking) in my teens and early 20s. I was a chewing tobacco user for about 10 years too, Army habit. Quitting that was very difficult, even years later I find it very hard to be as focused or alert as I was with a lump of Skoal straight in my lip.


But I have kids now and I want to be around as long as I possibly can for them. So none of that crap anymore.

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I quit smoking darts about 7 years ago, but I still miss and love them.  LOL!

I genuinely LOVE smoking, but I don’t like the wheezing or stinking, so I quit.  
Also, 18$ a pack or some shit like that. 
Those are crack prices!   

having said that, I still smoke a good amount of weed, but it’s all home grown and clean as a whistle. 

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Grew up in a family of chain smokers and that was all the motivation I needed to NEVER smoke.  Sadly though it has affected how I look at others who do smoke, as I now, rightly or wrongly, judge people who smoke, especially those that do it flagrantly  around others including children. Sorry,  but my lived experience has jaded me.

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4 minutes ago, Fanuck said:

Grew up in a family of chain smokers and that was all the motivation I needed to NEVER smoke.  Sadly though it has affected how I look at others who do smoke, as I now, rightly or wrongly, judge people who smoke, especially those that do it flagrantly  around others including children. Sorry,  but my lived experience has jaded me.

Both my parents smoked. 
They would hotbox the van on hockey trips.   It was horrible.  
But for some reason, I grew up to love it. 
My brother on the other hand, hates smoking with a passion.  
Aggressively hates it and anyone who smokes.  Lol.   

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Used to smoke a lot. Back during my army days I would go through 2 packs a day between smoking myself and my buddies getting "one" from me. Quit when my wife got pregnant with our son, over 30 years ago. Now smoke from time to time but only when playing poker at WSOP in Vegas, during a tournament break. Just a routine, really - 20 minutes break, have a cigarette, then go to the washroom (the huge lineup is usually gone by that time 🙂).

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22 minutes ago, D.B Cooper said:

I quit smoking darts about 7 years ago, but I still miss and love them.  LOL!

I genuinely LOVE smoking, but I don’t like the wheezing or stinking, so I quit.  
Also, 18$ a pack or some shit like that. 
Those are crack prices!   

having said that, I still smoke a good amount of weed, but it’s all home grown and clean as a whistle. 

When cigs were $8 a pack I ran a C-store that did + $1 million a year in inside sales. Of that total about half was cigarettes. That was 25 years ago and even then we wondered how people could afford it. 

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