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[PGT] Capitals at Canucks

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37 minutes ago, Joshua.Guy said:

sad chris crocker GIF


This thread feels a lot like this Leave Britney Alone video. The boys had a dog shit game and they don't need any of us apologizing for them. 


I hope they give their balls a tug and stop taking these teams lightly. 

Honestly, this is how some react when we hit a bit of a skid in my view.


It's ok, it's a slump. It happens.


To feel disrespected is more in line with what you're suggesting here. That's taking it all too personally. Ride it out, weather the storm.


The team wants to win it's just not as easy to sustain throughout as some here think it is. 


Is the expectation REALLY to win every game? We lost by a goal...not by 9.

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7 hours ago, IBatch said:

98 points?   There have been years 89 is enough.   Usually 93-94 is plenty.    The team does not need 12 points to "clinch".   That's goofy.     This year things are tighter then some years, the West is Best, but there still is a significant drop off between the top four teams, and the rest.    One more win wouldn't clinch as a result ... two likely would.    96 points, can't remember the last time it took that many to get in.   98, don't think that's ever happened. 

Follow me here, someone posted we need 3 more wins to clinch a playoff spot. At the time they posted it that comment was not true, that's all I'm sating, nothing more, nothing less.

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2 minutes ago, Mando27 said:

It's kind of funny seeing the team drag themselves this late into the season. Usually the Canucks are the ones playing hard for no reason at the end of the year.

That's so true that every year when they're dead last or close to the bottom, the team goes on a late season "tear" to position themselves out of a good draft position - for nothing more - than to try and impress Mgmt not to trade them in the off season.

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9 minutes ago, Dom said:

We needed a guy like Toffoli so badly, wonder if management is kicking themselves in the ass for doing nothing. 

I liked/wanted him here too.


But I don't think we need "a" saviour.


We need the team to figure it out...to regroup and play better. I do feel that Juulsen was providing more than Myers is and that Joshua's energy is also missed and will be a welcome addition when he returns. 


This team is not in the state that some make it out to be. They're struggling, it happens.

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Just now, -dlc- said:

Honestly, this is how some react when we hit a bit of a skid in my view.


It's ok, it's a slump. It happens.


To feel disrespected is more in line with what you're suggesting here. That's taking it all too personally.


The team wants to win it's just not as easy to sustain throughout as some here think it is.

Then where was the effort? 


I think you're leaning into the disrespect thing a little too much here. Like I said last night, I move on quickly. I'm a fan but I don't let it control my mood outside of game time. 


Why can't you just admit their effort last night was garbage? Twenty thousand people bought tickets to that game. Many travelled to see them and they barely show up. Good grief.

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8 hours ago, German Canuck said:

98 points are enough this season to clinch the playoffs


8 hours ago, Miss Korea said:


It would take a catastrophic, historical, all-time choke job collapse for the Canucks to fall out of playoff contention.  With just 14 games left, the Minnesota Wild (the 9th place team in the West) is 18 points (or 9W) behind us.  You honestly don't think this team can win... 3 of the next 14 games?  Only two NHL teams have failed to win 3 of their last 10 games: Pittsburgh and San Jose.  Columbus has won 3 of their last 10.  Anaheim has won 3 of their last 10.  Fucking Chicago has won three of their last 10. 


So you really think we can't take 3 out of 14?  This overall drop in form is concerning, but you honestly think this team is in danger of turning into hot garbage?

Lets try comprehension, someone posted with 3 more wins we will clinch a playoff spot, I said that that is not true, at that time we need 6 wins to clinch. I did not give any opinions as to whether I thought we would or wouldn't, I just stated the posters comment was not true. Heck even your post agrees with me.

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8 minutes ago, Joshua.Guy said:

Then where was the effort? 


I think you're leaning into the disrespect thing a little too much here. Like I said last night, I move on quickly. I'm a fan but I don't let it control my mood outside of game time. 


Why can't you just admit their effort last night was garbage? Twenty thousand people bought tickets to that game. Many travelled to see them and they barely show up. Good grief.

The effort was there.....you can't convince me that a team doesn't "try". But they're off right now. Happens.


They outhit the Caps 33-16....that's not a team that isn't putting in effort or mailing it in.


I go to lots of games and .... you win some and you lose some. Best to be mentally prepare for that even if things aren't picture pretty. It's hockey and teams have bad games. I'm leaning into the "disrespect" park because that's...taking it personally. Teams don't try to ruin our nights (or theirs).


My point is mostly that the experience is up to us. If we ONLY go to see a team kill it/win then yeah, we may be disappointed. But take in the sights, sounds, food, music, experience of it all and it's part of .... entertainment. Sports is just that, for our enjoyment and if you have a bit of a "life is what you make it" attitude it can still be enjoyable. Despite a crappy loss. It was a one goal game....boy oh boy, that's nothing compared to some games from the past.


Some of us come here for those same things...but it's less than after a loss when people crap all over the team. One that's given us some pretty great stuff this year...how quickly it's all just forgotten.


I don't think their effort was garbage...I think they came up short and had a terrible second period.

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11 minutes ago, RU SERIOUS said:

That's so true that every year when they're dead last or close to the bottom, the team goes on a late season "tear" to position themselves out of a good draft position - for nothing more - than to try and impress Mgmt not to trade them in the off season.

Yup, IMO the team is already thinking about the playoffs right now.

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11 hours ago, DeNiro said:

No you’re basing it off a couple losses.

You’re part of the group on here that can’t seem to handle any adversity and wanna make bold projections during rough patches every time. It’s annoying really.


Bingo! Nailed it. Nice post. 

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4 minutes ago, -dlc- said:

The effort was there.....you can't convince me that a team doesn't "try".


But they're off right now. Happens.


I go to lots of games and .... you win some and you lose some. Best to be mentally prepare for that even if things aren't picture pretty. It's hockey and teams have bad games. I'm leaning into the "disrespect" park because that's...taking it personally. Teams don't try to ruin our nights (or theirs).


My point is mostly that the experience is up to us. If we ONLY go to see a team kill it/win then yeah, we may be disappointed. But take in the sights, sounds, food, music, experience of it all and it's part of .... entertainment. Sports is just that, for our enjoyment and if you have a bit of a "life is what you make it" attitude it can still be enjoyable. Despite a crappy loss. It was a one goal game....boy oh boy, that's nothing compared to some games from the past.


Some of us come here for those same things...but it's less than after a loss when people crap all over the team. One that's given us some pretty great stuff this year...how quickly it's all just forgotten.


I don't think their effort was garbage...I think they came up short and had a terrible second period.

Every time you quote me you go back to win/lose when I've stated multiple times it's not about that. We'll have to agree to disagree on the effort level. 

Cheers Deb, I'm off to my 4th U11 game of the weekend. 

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The comfort level of being tops for so long has come down to earth. No-one expected our team to sustain that level for the season. After this loss  we can hope that a reset of sorts elevates the team better.



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30 minutes ago, CanuckMan said:

Hopefully Alvin doesn’t pull any Swedish favours but we should not re-sign Lindholm if this is what we’re getting. If we do sign him it should be for no more than 5M. He is definitely not playing like a 7/8M guy.

I wouldn't even re-sign him for 5. Doesn't add enough dynamics to his line, might as well acquire a high end third liner for 3.5.

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11 hours ago, DeNiro said:

So many pessimists in this market.


Nobody said being a fan was easy. Why follow this team if you have zero faith? What a sad way to exist really. Like actually.


Those kind of fans call themselves realists, but they’re just jaded bitter people.


No time for them. We finally have a team that can compete for a cup again and all you hear on here is a bunch of whining. Pathetic bunch.


Gonna have to take a break from this place for awhile I think. Cheers to all the diehards and faithful on here.


Well said. Beautiful, brilliant and so accurate.  Nailed it again. 


A winning season was always going to expose this. 


Despite the loss, the sun is shining. Glorious day. We're still good and don't suck. 


Enjoy the day!


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1 minute ago, Dr. Crossbar said:


Well said. Beautiful, brilliant and so accurate.  Nailed it again. 


A winning season was always going to expose this. 


Despite the loss, the sun is shining. Glorious day. We're still good and don't suck. 


Enjoy the day!


Turn Up Dancing GIF by Rosanna Pansino

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11 hours ago, DeNiro said:

So many pessimists in this market.


Nobody said being a fan was easy. Why follow this team if you have zero faith? What a sad way to exist really. Like actually.


Those kind of fans call themselves realists, but they’re just jaded bitter people.


No time for them. We finally have a team that can compete for a cup again and all you hear on here is a bunch of whining. Pathetic bunch.


Gonna have to take a break from this place for awhile I think. Cheers to all the diehards and faithful on here.

half the fans of this team aren't actually that, they just obsess over the bullshit social media gossip around the team because it's their favourite reality tv show. 

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26 minutes ago, CanuckMan said:

Hopefully Alvin doesn’t pull any Swedish favours but we should not re-sign Lindholm if this is what we’re getting. If we do sign him it should be for no more than 5M. He is definitely not playing like a 7/8M guy.

Why pay him anything? He is not good. Our cup dream was lost for this year when we signed him. Who was responsible for this decision? I'd love to know. Whoever it was should be fired because they are useless judges of talent.  Any poster that suggested EL would be a good signing should never speak again. (lol, jk about the posters here, we aren't paid to do this)

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12 hours ago, 1-d said:


I enjoy watching them too... as long as I don't have to keep thinking about our highest-paid player is playing nowhere near that kind of caliber. 😥

Miller is still a very, very good player, though not a top 3 in the league guy.

11 hours ago, stawns said:


LE didn't win critical faceoffs if I remember correctly 

Perhaps not, but do you remember al the little things he did? 🙂

11 hours ago, canuck73_3 said:

There is literally nothing that can be done about that now this is the team until the draft… 

Call ups


College free agent signings.

coaching changes

signing their Euro players

and iirc trades can still be made, but the traded player can't be in the play offs?


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2 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

Tocchet sounds concerned about the team’s inability to find that next gear. Hopefully they find it, especially the $11.6 million dollar player. 

He also talked repeatedly about coasting and not moving their feet. Touched on guys not getting in front of the net for the point shots. It was a terrible effort all around. He looks a little lost right now to be honest. This isn't the same team as the first half.



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