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[PGT] Capitals at Canucks

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45 minutes ago, Captkirk888 said:



There is no conspiracy. There are bad calls and fans of every team in every city will complain when the call doesn’t go in favour of their team.

it doesn’t bother me when fans do that or even when they suggest a conspiracy. But I also think too many people get their panties in a knot when fans do.

This a fan site so it should be expected. Just as it should be expected that certain people will be labeled trolls or haters.

If none of this happened and we were all very civil and kept our emotions in check, what fun would that be?


These people are like MAGA.  You can't reason with them.

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2 hours ago, Dr. Crossbar said:

Team needs to dig deep and find a way to come together down the stretch. They're not far from that momentum after beatng the Kings, Vegas, and Jets. They also need to be more confidence playing in front of DeSmith.





Could be an issue but we played well before in front of him. It's not his fault but more likely the team needs to have similar confidence like they do with Demko. Although it's not DeSmith fault as to why we lost to Caps, we just didn't have the offensive fire power. 

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41 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

There is a general lack of accountability in NHL officiating that has led to the overall standard of performance taking an absolute nosedive. 

A conspiracy that does not make. I agree the officiating sucks sometimes and there is a lack of accountability.

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Man. We're too good for our own good. What I mean to say is; teams are gunning' for us. We've had such a great season thus far. Hockey experts are waxing enthusiastic of our team so much that everyone we face will give us their best. Not just the powerhouses, but also teams fighting for a playoff spot and under teams looking to prove themselves against teams like ours.


Depending on the way you look at it, it's a position that is either fortunate for us to be in, or unfortunate. However, the big picture is that we're in the playoffs no matter what circumstance we're in. 


I get that we want our Canucks to have positive results for the remainder of the season. Meaning, we want them to win! And yea. We are. Sort of. Woulda' been nice to beat an Avs team that played the night before they played us. But the Avs weren't champs couple of seasons ago for nuthin'. However, if that was their way of playing tired, then we've got a lot to learn. And we were rested!


Perhaps we're losing lately 'cuz we're........uhmmmmmm..............ermmmmmm........ahem...........too rested? Nah. Probably not. Our inexperience in playoff type games is showing. It's a test for us in every remaining game the rest of the season. A training ground; a fortuitous opportunity to psyche us up for the task ahead of us in the actual playoffs. We'll be fine.

Go Canucks Go!!!!!:towel:

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38 minutes ago, ronning4center said:

Lol bro....you know what I mean.  But thank you for glaringly obvious correction.  Anything else of substance to justify peteys lack of game changing effort of late?


Since he isn't the highest paid player, maybe you could be a bit less upset now?

Petey is a streaky player, but even when he's cooling off, he still gets  some points.

Year, by year he gets better, which is good, because right now- he isn't worth $11.6, but at his age he will be good value, for many of those years.

Frankly paying anyone his up coming contract worries me, so much money invested in 1 pair of legs and arms.

I'd lean to having 2 guys, making $5.8 each, playing for us, instead.


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33 minutes ago, Gurn said:


Since he isn't the highest paid player, maybe you could be a bit less upset now?

Petey is a streaky player, but even when he's cooling off, he still gets  some points.

Year, by year he gets better, which is good, because right now- he isn't worth $11.6, but at his age he will be good value, for many of those years.

Frankly paying anyone his up coming contract worries me, so much money invested in 1 pair of legs and arms.

I'd lean to having 2 guys, making $5.8 each, playing for us, instead.



Whew! After reading your post, I thought I posted my last submission above in the thread "What's wrong with Petey?" 

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2 hours ago, Gurn said:


Since he isn't the highest paid player, maybe you could be a bit less upset now?

Petey is a streaky player, but even when he's cooling off, he still gets  some points.

Year, by year he gets better, which is good, because right now- he isn't worth $11.6, but at his age he will be good value, for many of those years.

Frankly paying anyone his up coming contract worries me, so much money invested in 1 pair of legs and arms.

I'd lean to having 2 guys, making $5.8 each, playing for us, instead.


Fair points.  He is very much a streaky player and more of a complimentary player.   

Here's a new controversial topic thats sure to be fun.... does PA favor Swedish players over common sense?   Peteys deal, the lindholm trade, the lekeremaki pick?  None of them are terrible moves but could he have gone another way?  

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7 minutes ago, ronning4center said:

Fair points.  He is very much a streaky player and more of a complimentary player.   

Here's a new controversial topic thats sure to be fun.... does PA favor Swedish players over common sense?   Peteys deal, the lindholm trade, the lekeremaki pick?  None of them are terrible moves but could he have gone another way?  

I think yes, a little bit. Not from patriotism 🙂 but from his knowledge and relations of that market from his scouting time. I think Canucks success with Swedish born players play a part, and who wouldn't wanna be mentored by the Sedins? The more support for a young kid moving to a different continent, the better chance to success. But regarding Lindholm trade and Petey extension, I don't think it played a part at all.

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16 hours ago, RU SERIOUS said:

The canucks will likely be in 7th or 8th place by next weekend - maybe lower the way most the team has not been showing up.   Sad to see all that hard effort early on go down the drain and needlessly. Oh well!


12 hours ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

Replace the hot dog emoji with the Picard facepalm emjoi please.

I think you should actually request the emoji with "Rose Coloured Glasses" because we have already dropped down to 4th spot and hanging onto that spot by the skin of our teeth - with 4 teams (in 5th thru 8th spot) just behind us within 2 points (3 of them within 1 single point !!!).  So I might have actually been overly optimistic because there's every possibility we could drop even further all the way down to 9th spot within the next couple to few days with another loss.     Very unfortunate indeed - but a very real possibility, except for the rose coloured glasses crowd who aren't paying attention!



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9 hours ago, CanuckMan said:

If we could move Mikheyev out I’d rather have Lindholm at 5M instead of Mikheyev at almost 5M. Rather have the depth at center with no real prospects in the pipe line other than Raty. We have a lot of wingers that might make the push so Mikheyev is expendable if only someone wanted him.

Between the two, there is no doubt Mik is the more completely useless of them but Lind-🏠 is easy to get rid of because we simply don't resign him next year - as his contract is up in the summer.  Mik's contract on the otherhand is like a boat anchor for two more years after this one at almost $5 and because he's so bad it will require either salary retention in a trade. sweetening up a deal with other assets or a straight buyout - to get rid of him.     No matter, it will be costly to unload him and why the canucks may just end up stuck with him.

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7 hours ago, Grandmaster said:

For those that are down about the team:


Playoffs a different season, look at the Bruins. “Best team in the history of hockey”. Knocked out in the first round.


Just got to get in. 

Key to playoff success with a skilled team like ours;


1) being good with injuries 

2) goalie on fire 

3) get the right bounces

.....don't forget.....


4) Players that have fire in their belly with Grit, Determination & Stamina !



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20 minutes ago, RU SERIOUS said:


I think you should actually request the emoji with "Rose Coloured Glasses" because we have already dropped down to 4th spot and hanging onto that spot by the skin of our teeth - with 4 teams (in 5th thru 8th spot) just behind us within 2 points (3 of them within 1 single point !!!).  So I might have actually been overly optimistic because there's every possibility we could drop even further all the way down to 9th spot within the next couple to few days with another loss.     Very unfortunate indeed - but a very real possibility, except for the rose coloured glasses crowd who aren't paying attention!

This will be the second post I come to laughing at after we clinch a playoff spot next Saturday. 

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8 hours ago, stawns said:

To me, that just makes someone come off as completely uneducated about hockey

A lot of available information on how bad officiating has become.   Maybe if you've only followed the sport for two decades, there is some excuse (naivety or ignorance), the overall standards have gone way down.    It's too bad really. 


There has  been an evolving quantity of missed calls, blown calls, bad calls, and even  refs caught on tape managing games.   It's the frequency that's somewhere between annoying and appalling, depending on how it makes you feel.    I'm sure if a blown call causes us a series (it's happened - after the refs made a lot of ridiculous blunders, to other teams).    We've had instant replay since Otto kicked it in.  Or longer, so it's not that (nobody cares about close calls anyways, well some still don't like how that series ended).   It's ok to call it like it is.  Accepting that it's the norm is in some ways, is  like accepting an abusive relationship.    It's all we've got and it's unlikely to change.   

8 hours ago, PhillipBlunt said:

There is a general lack of accountability in NHL officiating that has led to the overall standard of performance taking an absolute nosedive. 



Exactly.    Too many refs.    Double the human error, an extra body on the ice, and your not getting the best of the best.  


There is no way the refs would be ok with half their group getting the boot.   That's actually what should happen.    And maybe put a ref in the box instead if two have to stay.   Adding a ref for sure had its time and place, to get rid of stuff behind the play.   That's been gone forever now.   Let a linesman whistle down a spear or a missed major.   The other stuff wasn't so bad anyways.   Was fun when you got away with it, worth screaming and pointed "hey!!!" at the TV, when it happened to you. 


Kerry Fraser said it best "refs are supposed to develop a relationship with the players, that's not happening today"..how on earth can it with 32 plus spares in rotation?    So the players themselves know what they can and can't get away with.  What do the refs do before the game?  They talk about how to call the game! That in itself, allowed game management, a phrase that never existed pre-lockout,  into our vocabulary. 


 Used to be, we'd get maybe six guys in our circuit.   You'd get to know them well as fans too.  How they'd call the game.   Stewart let guys go, more of a playoff feel,  only called scoring chances or maybe the 3rd shot in a scrum, he allowed the players to decide the tone.    Sure he missed some calls.  A Stewart game, you knew if Calgary or WNP was in town,  he wasn't going to stop them from settling scores.  


  Fraser had his orange helmet (his hairdo).     To get to call a final game, you really had to be as good as it gets.    As good as it gets now, the bar is all over the place.    Pee wee calls, didn't used to be part of the NHL.    


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8 hours ago, Captkirk888 said:

A conspiracy that does not make. I agree the officiating sucks sometimes and there is a lack of accountability.

If there is a conspiracy, there are teams out there who've lost playoff series to terrible officiating.    BTW, not me with the Boston series, we had our chances 2-1 power plays, in our favour. 


Get the tinfoil out, if you think Bettman calls refs or has someone do it, and say " blank " team tonight.    Same with series.   He's been made an ass by the refs too.   A rash of bad calls, not too many years ago, had him publicly defend them as "the best in the world".    Then poor officiating, resulted in a series lost (won), within a week? or a couple days can't remember, but it was very soon after.  lol.   Asked about it ...  "felt like my head was going to explode".     

Edit:  There absolutely is room for improvement.   Reffing, their standard, has gone downhill.    Accountability, is a tough one.   Who sits?  And who comes in.   

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1 hour ago, IBatch said:

If there is a conspiracy, there are teams out there who've lost playoff series to terrible officiating.    BTW, not me with the Boston series, we had our chances 2-1 power plays, in our favour. 


Get the tinfoil out, if you think Bettman calls refs or has someone do it, and say " blank " team tonight.    Same with series.   He's been made an ass by the refs too.   A rash of bad calls, not too many years ago, had him publicly defend them as "the best in the world".    Then poor officiating, resulted in a series lost (won), within a week? or a couple days can't remember, but it was very soon after.  lol.   Asked about it ...  "felt like my head was going to explode".     

Edit:  There absolutely is room for improvement.   Reffing, their standard, has gone downhill.    Accountability, is a tough one.   Who sits?  And who comes in.   


Nobody ever loses because of officiating or a bad call.  They lose because they didn't play well enough to win and sometimes that means not adjusting to the officiating

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38 minutes ago, stawns said:


Nobody ever loses because of officiating or a bad call.  They lose because they didn't play well enough to win and sometimes that means not adjusting to the officiating

When you're up against 5 on 3's fatigue can set in. We've had some really weak calls recently to put teams up 5 on 3 on us. Team has to find an extra gear for sure, but some really weak penalties to give teams a 2 man advantage lately. It's ok to talk about it. Know what I'm sayin?


"A" bad call, sure. But a game that's called badly can start to have an affect. Players wear down and teams with advantages....well, there's a reason they're called advantages.


No one should have to "adjust to officiating". The officials aren't there to be part of the game, they're there to oversee it.


No conspiracies, just piss poor officiating that has a lack of consistency and accountability. Yes, missed calls happen but if they become the norm it's a problem. It's becoming a problem.


The team's mental game has to toughen up - their focus. But some here want to pretend the Canucks just suddenly don't care....aren't trying. Suck. People who aren't here interacting beyond that. Just here to tell us our team sucks. 


No one would mention the refs if it wasn't an issue. It is. Anyone sticking their head in the sand to support their "nope, this team sucks/isn't good enough" narrative has tunnel vision. And yes, is quite likely doing it to get a reaction. Only after losses? Obvious.


Not telling people how to fan but they certainly are when we do mention refs/calls....don't tell me how to do it either. "We look bad as fans" ... I don't have a fragile ego that's hinged on what others think. I know who/what I am.


Shitty reffing isn't why we lose but anyone who knows sports knows there are "turning points" and shifts in momentum. Those can be created by refs getting it wrong and that's frustrating as hell.


The playoffs will be a free for all so this team had better get used to it. That part I can agree with....just not sure they should have to. The fluff on Nate's glove call was atrocious. And those calls have to tighten up. The dive too at the very least.



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1 hour ago, IBatch said:

If there is a conspiracy, there are teams out there who've lost playoff series to terrible officiating.    BTW, not me with the Boston series, we had our chances 2-1 power plays, in our favour. 


Get the tinfoil out, if you think Bettman calls refs or has someone do it, and say " blank " team tonight.    Same with series.   He's been made an ass by the refs too.   A rash of bad calls, not too many years ago, had him publicly defend them as "the best in the world".    Then poor officiating, resulted in a series lost (won), within a week? or a couple days can't remember, but it was very soon after.  lol.   Asked about it ...  "felt like my head was going to explode".     

Edit:  There absolutely is room for improvement.   Reffing, their standard, has gone downhill.    Accountability, is a tough one.   Who sits?  And who comes in.   

Just a bit of a history lesson.

Bettman comes from the NBA right around the time of the referee scandal down there where the refs stated they got instruction from the league. Now those refs did not have an independent ref union.

One of the first things Bettman did was crush the independent NHL ref union. That's not conspiracy.

As a pure fluke the team he is following around and getting the most media attention in years in the states is the NYR that year with the Messier guarantee wins stuff.

The reffing in that series is dubious but the Rangers win and expansion takes off. The one ref that does the most games with the oddest calls is Gregson. Gregson is appointed head ref in a few years.

The loser point, just so losing teams get something. But it confuses the standings because now a team can lose more games and still be a .500 team

Gregson is now the head ref and the words game management are used. IMO Refs should only be in penalty management not how games playout but what the heck.

Now the interesting one Bettman testifies under oath that the NHL is one entity, an entertainment league and that there is no competition between teams, this is recorded in Arizona court files which are in the public domain and now so thoroughly astro surfed as to very hard to find.

Bettman starts calling some Candaian playoff teams as "Canada's team" like all the teams in Canada are just one in the playoffs. Which might explain how no Canadian team has won since he was hired whereas there were 8 Canadian teams winners in the prior 9 years and 13 in the previous 20 years. If ALL the teams in Canada are lumped as one then the odds shift quite a bit to Stanley cup contention.

The league team values soar, 60% of league revenue is from Canada for quite a few years. TO is called Canada's team repeatedly by Bettman.


Vancouver's two cup finals just happen to coincide with the highest TV rankings in the states and two of the best final series ever.


The league expands. 


Mathematically the odds of one Canadian team not winning the cup have now gone beyond winning powerball twice in a row in the states and the odds of finding life on another planet. 


All things being equal there should be a 21.8% chance of any Canadian team winning the cup every year and 43.6% chance for any Canadian team to be in the finals each year. Those numbers become staggering after 30 years doubling each year exponentially. That pointed out there have been Canadian teams in the finals, a Cdn franchise has made an appearance 6 times in 30 years. The different conferences also have an impact. More Cdn teams in the western than eastern so should be even better odds. 4 of 16 in the west. 


There are other considerations of course but the odds, just numbers would bear out in previous years prior to Bettman where 7 American teams won the cup and 12 were in the finals. So 19 out of 20 years an American team either won or played for the cup. But the league was stagnating in the states so it can be said that Canadian teams NOT winning the cup or playing for it has benefited the NHL's value and growth, a good business move.


Funny thing about the NHL it is listed as a non profit league.

The league owns all the franchise by way of being able to take them away from owners or taking them over so they have a lot of control. TO now and the Rangers before were the only teams to challenge the league control, the Ranger capitulated but the NHL would/will not challenge TO who have refused to allow a team in Hamilton. 

The NHL bylaws and rules can be found. Interesting reading. They walk a tight rope legally. But most leagues do with the exception being Baseball who are legally exempt and based in the states. 


No conspiracy. Good business for the entity. All teams have benefited in franchise values alone. And arenas are still filled in Canada and Canada still is the cash cow of the league.


As far as the reffing, the league, the GM's have meeting to set out how the rules are enforced, that is not a conspiracy, the league instructs the ref's in game management. Games used to go up to 3 hours occasionally now just about all are done in 2 hours. Many more OT games than before the loser point. 

IMO the league is better now for fairness with them partnering with Vegas gambling. Being more careful getting it right. I am sure there will never be another Dallas/Buffalo fiasco. That was THE worst. But there is still no doubt about who controls and instructs the referees

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9 hours ago, Captkirk888 said:

A conspiracy that does not make. I agree the officiating sucks sometimes and there is a lack of accountability.

I don't recall anyone calling it a conspiracy.


I do think that it sucks more often than it should and there is zero accountability. That's where the problems lie. That games are sometimes decided when they're officiating poorly and teams get advantages that they may not deserve.



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Sorry, this is just more conspiracy crap. 
NHL officials have extensive review and accountability. 
They are also the best in the world by far, don’t believe try watching any game that isn’t NHL. 

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