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[Poll] Should I continue trying to engage the Canucks


Should I continue to try and engage and involve the Canucks in the future of this board, no matter where it resides.  

97 members have voted

  1. 1. To continue or not to continue, that is the question

    • Yes, keep pushing them to engage with this fan group to provide access and resources
    • No, let it go
    • No, let it go, but please make sure they understand that this is THEIR lost opportunity

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I feel that at this point Stealth/Ribs has done such a good job of getting this site up and running that if we were to go back to CDC it would be a slap in the face for them. I don't think that would be fare.  This site has my full support moving forward. Hopefully we can get ad support here and Stealth/Ribs can make some money off their hard work.

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6 hours ago, Bob Long said:


I think its more to do with long term sustainability. Someone is very generously paying to host this, so I know for myself I want to be able to support this site. 


I'll happy for ad's, and also for click-though options to buy merchandise, etc. to make sure it can continue. Administration should be compensated too, that can be a lot of work. 

Fair enough, but I don't see people making those comments, its more just whining. And hosting isn't that expensive its like 100 bucks a year...whomever set this up can easily ask for donations / use adds.


Given the traffic of the old site, the owner here could end up making money.

Edited by BlockerHigh
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They can donate prizes for Goalies contest.

Jersey's for the mods

End of season awards

- best poll question 

- funny member award

- smartest member award

Prizes could be simple Timmy's cards or gift certificates from Canucks store.

A random Xmas prize.

All kinds of stuff their media people could do.



But here not the old page.


Edited by Hairy Kneel
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Just saw this thread


I wanted to know if this is a Bettman / NHL.com decision

or a Canucks team management decision

or a Canucks.com admin decision


How deep does it go?


To see if it was just NHL.com shutting down all message boards I looked at other NHL.com team sites in Canada.

*I don't know if things have recently changed or not though


Surprisingly to me, Calgary is the only message board that exists on their official site of all the cities that I looked at (I only looked at the Canadian sites, and Seattle). Calgary had threads about the new season, complaining about their GM etc...But a lot smaller than ours was. Surprised that Edmonton doesn't have one.


It looks like there are similarities on all the team sites

But also there are unique menu choices for each site. The Kraken for example has a page on tattoos of the players!

So to me it looks like there is an element of leeway for each team's site from NHL.com


Most teams have a page that has links to all the different social media platforms. But that's as close as it gets. But there is some fan engagement with contests etc.


So from that research, there seems to be no league precedent we could use to demand CDC be put back onto their site. It would actually be interesting to know some history of how the message board ever was approved and started on Canucks.com.


You can never go home

But I want to rub that decision in their faces. Especially if they don't even want to address their decision with fans. Now If they do want to have some kind of connection with this site, to help elevate its presence on the interwebs, then I'm still open, but if they snub their exCDC fans completely, then I want to somehow needle them into having to address it and at the very least give us a GD reason!  No matter how weak sauce.

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I'm not sure why anyone would want Canucks Sports and Entertainment involved in this site.  Sources of financial support to keep the site live or even paying those who keep the place running, sure, but aside from that any involvement from a parent company isn't neccesary imo. And there's a real freedom not being under their thumb.


Unless we're talking about scheduled guests/exclusive content/arena meetups arranged with the org, giveaways, or some other interactive piece for the community, which is mutually beneficial for them in driving interest in their brand/continued consumption of their product, I'm not sure what their interest would be. They obviously don't care about the forum on their own site shutting it down. Not sure what would drive them to want to be involved in this one.


Or am I looking at this wrong?


The community should be able to thrive on its own. Appears it already is, growing by the minute by the looks of it! And if finances are the concern, someone should set up an internal funding system. I'd 100% throw some money in to keep it going. And I'm sure others would as well. Community run, community funded should be the goal. Granted maybe easier said than done?


As long as we keep the toxic  reddit/twitiot, witch-hunt b*tch-babies out, I'm game. Lol.

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20 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

There is alot of open space on the left and right sides of the screen for ad space, I definitely wouldn't mind as long as im not having to close ad windows and such or slowed down the experience. 



Ads on either side and/or the header would be fine IMO if it means covering the costs of the site.

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