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[ARTICLE] What it might take to sign Nikita Zadorov and if it makes sense for the Canucks

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5 minutes ago, stawns said:


But this is six consecutive playoff seasons for Edmonton and their second trip to the conference finals in 3 years.  And when you have one of the best players in the history of the game having one of the best playoff performances in the history of the game, then everything else goes out the window, imo 

No it's not.  It's their 5th if you count them losing in the qualifying round of the bubble year playoffs.  If you don't count that qualifying round (they lost), then it's only their 4th year in a row. 


2018-19 did not make the playoffs

2019-20 lost in the qualifying round of the bubble playoff


2020-21 they lost in the 1st round

2021-22 they lost in the conference final

2022-23 they lost in the 2nd round

2023-24 we'll find out tonight

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2 minutes ago, HKSR said:

Ok, I don't agree with that because I believe this Canucks roster will be a consistent playoff team for the next several years.  Within the division, I see EDM, VGK, and VAN fighting for the 3 top spots over the course of the next few years.  I also see this team being within the top 10 in the league overall as well. 


My top 10 teams for the next several years:  FLA, EDM, CAR, NYR, DAL, VAN, VGK, COL, WPG, BOS.  Personally I think BOS is on a downward trend, same with WPG and VGK.  Not sure how or why VAN would not be in this group.  The next tier down would be teams like LAK, NAS, NYI, WAS, DET, etc.  The Canucks are clearly above those teams.


Who said they weren't going to be a consistent playoff team?

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6 minutes ago, stawns said:


Who said they weren't going to be a consistent playoff team?

Your assessment was looking at bodies of work to date (retrospective) and @HKSR was forward-looking. You are not in disagreement until you state that you disagree with what @HKSR - don’t try place the burden of proof of your disagreement on them.

Speak plainly - do you agree that on a forward looking basis the Canucks fit your criteria for top tier team?

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1 minute ago, stawns said:


Who said they weren't going to be a consistent playoff team?

You said: "My definition of upper tier are teams  who finish in the top end of the league in regular season consistently, consistently win playoff rounds and are always a threat to get to the conference finals."


So by your definition:

1. Finish in the top end of the league in regular season consistently

2. Consistently win playoff rounds and are always a threat to get to the Conference finals


So if #1 needs to be true, then it means they are a consistent playoff team.  It's what separates the top teams from the wild card teams.  In other words, the Upper Tier.


#2 is yet to be seen... but I'd say it leaves a lot to opinion rather than fact...


Did you know that COL never made the Conference finals at all before winning it all in 2021-22? 


VAN also never made the Conference finals before getting to the big show in 2011.  Pretty sure most people would have put Vancouver in the "Upper Tier" of the league back then.


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1 hour ago, GrammaInTheTub said:

Your assessment was looking at bodies of work to date (retrospective) and @HKSR was forward-looking. You are not in disagreement until you state that you disagree with what @HKSR - don’t try place the burden of proof of your disagreement on them.

Speak plainly - do you agree that on a forward looking basis the Canucks fit your criteria for top tier team?


Looking at the body of work for teams that have been in their window for several years and using that as a comparable.  I never once said the Canucks weren't going to be a consistent playoff team.  In fact, I said they're at the start of their window.

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1 hour ago, HKSR said:

You said: "My definition of upper tier are teams  who finish in the top end of the league in regular season consistently, consistently win playoff rounds and are always a threat to get to the conference finals."


So by your definition:

1. Finish in the top end of the league in regular season consistently

2. Consistently win playoff rounds and are always a threat to get to the Conference finals


So if #1 needs to be true, then it means they are a consistent playoff team.  It's what separates the top teams from the wild card teams.  In other words, the Upper Tier.


#2 is yet to be seen... but I'd say it leaves a lot to opinion rather than fact...


Did you know that COL never made the Conference finals at all before winning it all in 2021-22? 


VAN also never made the Conference finals before getting to the big show in 2011.  Pretty sure most people would have put Vancouver in the "Upper Tier" of the league back then.



Yes, upper tier teams, as in the real contenders........the teams that are consistently the serious contenders for the Cup.


You're trying to argue against something I never said.  I absolutely believe the Canucks are a playoff team.......in fact, when they were down with BB at the helm, I was one of the very few who said they were a playoff team with a better coach 

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8 minutes ago, stawns said:


Yes, upper tier teams, as in the real contenders........the teams that are consistently the serious contenders for the Cup.


You're trying to argue against something I never said.  I absolutely believe the Canucks are a playoff team.......in fact, when they were down with BB at the helm, I was one of the very few who said they were a playoff team with a better coach 

Not trying to argue against what you said.  I'm trying to understand what you define as an Upper Tier team.  When a team is finishing in the top 10 of the league consistently, wouldn't it by definition mean that team is gonna be a consistent threat to do damage in the playoffs?  How many of those teams that consistently finish top 10 not be a team that could threaten to make the Conference finals?

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what would you rather have ?


Podz and Milky 



Joshua, CHI 2nd, 2024 and Zads...


Podz + Milky to CHI for their 2nd, opens cap to give Zads a bit more, sign Joshua and probably enough to sign Brett Murray or maybe maybe Duhaime

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3 hours ago, HKSR said:

Not trying to argue against what you said.  I'm trying to understand what you define as an Upper Tier team.  When a team is finishing in the top 10 of the league consistently, wouldn't it by definition mean that team is gonna be a consistent threat to do damage in the playoffs?  How many of those teams that consistently finish top 10 not be a team that could threaten to make the Conference finals?


As I said, there's usually 5 teams who have been having regular season and playoff success, to some degree, consistently over multiple years.  Those teams have tried and failed multiple times and then re-jigged their lines in the off season until they get the right formula.  


The Canucks are at the very beginning of that process and, though you definitely get Cinderella runs every once in awhile, theres no reason to think Vancouver won't follow the same path as most teams.

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7 hours ago, stawns said:


It takes most teams several tries and failures to get to that upper tier of teams........take the cores of Fla and Edm for instance.  For both teams, this their 5th kick at the can and for one of them, it'll be their 6th failure.  


You try and fail, then adjust your lineup.........rinse and repeat until you get the right mix.  That's how it goes for most teams, I don't know why the Canucks would be any different.

There’s a massive difference their core isn’t lead by a 30 year old and a 28 year old goalie and a 28year old winger when they first tried and fail? Edmonton Florida their cores tried and failed when they were like 24-25? And now in it when they are in their peak 27-29? We can try and fail several times all we want.. our core will includes players in their 30-34. Will they even still be “core” or we need to look for production elsewhere even though the core of boeser Demko if they re-sign and miller will be eating up close to 24mil between the 3?

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A little quieter than I would like in terms of not hearing much of anything in regards to the Canucks free agents. I like that this management group runs a much tighter ship than we are accustomed to don't get me wrong but as a fan I would have expected at minimum a couple pending Unrestricted Free Agents not named Mark Friedman ( all due respect ) to extend contracts here. I am of the mind set that Zadorov, Myers, and Blueger are returning, just my feeling of it all. Just not overly comfortable watching the days slip by and crickets.


I do get a chuckle out of how much the media is getting nothing out of the club. Seeing Dhaliwal shift to " hearing Tocchet spoke to management " is comical.


Seeing Friedman and others continue to suggest that Vancouver retaining a pending Free Agent or going after a bigger name like Guentzel is going to " be difficult for Vancouver " to do, like somehow sitting essentially after Hronek's signing a middle of the league in cap space is now proving difficult for Vancouver to commit to signing players, just hot garbage. 


Anyone hearing anything else??? tangible

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1 hour ago, Mike Vanderhoek said:

A little quieter than I would like in terms of not hearing much of anything in regards to the Canucks free agents. I like that this management group runs a much tighter ship than we are accustomed to don't get me wrong but as a fan I would have expected at minimum a couple pending Unrestricted Free Agents not named Mark Friedman ( all due respect ) to extend contracts here. I am of the mind set that Zadorov, Myers, and Blueger are returning, just my feeling of it all. Just not overly comfortable watching the days slip by and crickets.


I do get a chuckle out of how much the media is getting nothing out of the club. Seeing Dhaliwal shift to " hearing Tocchet spoke to management " is comical.


Seeing Friedman and others continue to suggest that Vancouver retaining a pending Free Agent or going after a bigger name like Guentzel is going to " be difficult for Vancouver " to do, like somehow sitting essentially after Hronek's signing a middle of the league in cap space is now proving difficult for Vancouver to commit to signing players, just hot garbage. 


Anyone hearing anything else??? tangible

It is funny to see these insiders grasp at straws 

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8 hours ago, stawns said:

It was a good start, and winning a round was what I was hoping for this year.  That said, I think they're still 2-3 years away from being in the upper tier of teams. 


They've got a fair amount of work to do and it's not going to get done in one off season.  They're not one long term, high priced winger away, not even close, imo.

It depends on how much Allvin is able to do this offseason.  He could make a lot of moves or a few very significant ones or things might just not break his way.  But I think that the biggest factor is the core group being in their prime.  Petey (25), Miller (30) Hughes (24).  


I think that since Miller is older, he's going to try to force it

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2 hours ago, Mike Vanderhoek said:

A little quieter than I would like in terms of not hearing much of anything in regards to the Canucks free agents. I like that this management group runs a much tighter ship than we are accustomed to don't get me wrong but as a fan I would have expected at minimum a couple pending Unrestricted Free Agents not named Mark Friedman ( all due respect ) to extend contracts here. I am of the mind set that Zadorov, Myers, and Blueger are returning, just my feeling of it all. Just not overly comfortable watching the days slip by and crickets.


I do get a chuckle out of how much the media is getting nothing out of the club. Seeing Dhaliwal shift to " hearing Tocchet spoke to management " is comical.


Seeing Friedman and others continue to suggest that Vancouver retaining a pending Free Agent or going after a bigger name like Guentzel is going to " be difficult for Vancouver " to do, like somehow sitting essentially after Hronek's signing a middle of the league in cap space is now proving difficult for Vancouver to commit to signing players, just hot garbage. 


Anyone hearing anything else??? tangible


I thought the Hronek signing was a good piece of work. 


It's a puzzle, managing this number of pending FA's. I don't think they can do them one at a time; I think it's more likely we'll hear news on 2 or 3 together.

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4 minutes ago, Goalie Interference said:


I thought the Hronek signing was a good piece of work. 


It's a puzzle, managing this number of pending FA's. I don't think they can do them one at a time; I think it's more likely we'll hear news on 2 or 3 together.


I agree on Hronek and kind of figure like you say, there will be a day where two or three signings are announced.

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Lots of cap space out there but it will disappear quickly, I think patience will yield value/depth. I think Mgmt will let the FAs go to market with a number in mind (unless the FAs come down to their number). Mgmt will lose some of those FAs but it will be because other teams "overpay". Hopefully that means other value deals become available.



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7 hours ago, Crabcakes said:

It depends on how much Allvin is able to do this offseason.  He could make a lot of moves or a few very significant ones or things might just not break his way.  But I think that the biggest factor is the core group being in their prime.  Petey (25), Miller (30) Hughes (24).  


I think that since Miller is older, he's going to try to force it

I agree that he might try to force it. With Miller's age and Demko's compounding injuries we realistically have a 4 year window. Or depending on Demko's and Hughes' upcoming contract negotiations it might just be the next 2 or 3 years. That is unless we can find a replacement starter and the cap rises significantly enough to absorb the blow of an aging Miller.


However, this is also my concern with spending a lot on more 30 year olds. Is 2-3, maybe 4, competitive years enough to get a cup or do we end up another Calgary with a team on the downtrend and a number of aging anchor contracts that stall any rebuild?

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