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[GDT] LA @ Vancouver - Monday, March 25th - 6pt/9et - SNP/W/O/E/650.

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3 minutes ago, Chickenspear said:

I like hearing the disappointment in his voice when we win. Singhs a sad song. Silver linings and whatnot...


Man the last game was brutal to listen to tho. Fucking flames homer as colour.

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3 hours ago, Darius said:

On a different note, just to make some of you feel old, like i do....the movie the Canucks Goal Song is from made this reference that is now 40 years old:



Can't believe its 40 years ago... How time flies...

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1 hour ago, Dr. Crossbar said:


Thanks for the clarification. I don't get upset at that at all. The Oilers have had a great season. I think it all really depends how one is using it in a discussion. For example (not saying you), to suggest or imply fans should be worried or concerned because of the Oilers games in hand could cause people to get upset ... or that the Canucks are somehow a lesser team because of games in hand or a weaker team.


As an athlete and competitor, as a result of understanding your place in the standings and what you need to do, it's also key - perhaps even more - to understanding how you are different than those above and below you and what strengths you have that they don't and then draw confidence from that knowing.


Yeah I agree the fear mongering stuff is really backwards. Like RUSERIOUS and Canucktrollforlife82's constantly negative spin just gets annoying AF. That I totally get. I used to have both of those guys on ignore, only 5 have made that list in 10+ years but I unblocked them when we went to CFF.


I find the league is super competitive and you have to accept someone will always be right on your tail. For me that's the most interesting parts of the season. I always appreciate that we have to beat really good competition (Oilers) to be in first. I don't see any value in blindly ignoring a team that can beat you. I must have played in over 100 seasons of competitive sports and I've learned the value of never thinking you have it wrapped up ... until you do. That's what leads to blown opportunities for the team, and even being a devastated fan.


1 hour ago, Dr. Crossbar said:

This season is a really great example of letting go of the past, having an open mind, and the importance of having hope. A lot of us lost all hope or found it extremely hard to have hope after the past 7-8 years of Benning. It was brutal. 


If anything, this season is an opportunity for some to re-evaluate and actually enjoy being wrong.


We're getting what we wanted.




I think you're spot on with the Benning stuff. A lot of us self programmed to lean into the suckage and embrace it as a way of coping and we're all still stuck in varying stages to some degree. Some like yourself have seen through the fog and realize it's pretty damn nice out there. It's been a tough stretch for fans the last decade.


Either way we're going to the playoffs so people can get excited or be a stick in the mud. We all know a couple WB's will be proclaiming the end is near no matter how we do. :frantic:

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21 minutes ago, Strawbone said:

Any chance he gets games with the big club?

I doubt it even if he were to stay longer than 8 days


The big club is tightening up their system and process getting ready for playoffs. Its not the time to showcase talent


but i would like to think he is in Abby to showcase as well as get a closer look at what to expect for next year

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30 minutes ago, Johnny said:

I doubt it even if he were to stay longer than 8 days


The big club is tightening up their system and process getting ready for playoffs. Its not the time to showcase talent


but i would like to think he is in Abby to showcase as well as get a closer look at what to expect for next year


I too think this is basically an audition for next year. I'd love to see him light it up in Abby - is the AHL the same level of hockey as the SHL? I imagine it's a pretty different game, maybe more physical. And could we be seeing the first glimpses of Petey's next winger? Having a real sniper on his wing could be really special.

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25 minutes ago, Strawbone said:


I too think this is basically an audition for next year. I'd love to see him light it up in Abby - is the AHL the same level of hockey as the SHL? I imagine it's a pretty different game, maybe more physical. And could we be seeing the first glimpses of Petey's next winger? Having a real sniper on his wing could be really special.

Im looking forward to that day. But given how the new management has handled both podz and hogz I could see it taking a littke bit still


Im not sure what league has more talent, but im willing to bet that the AHL style of player is closer to the NHL than SHL is. This would get him better prepared for a tighter checking game. Also would give the club more control of his development

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