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[PGT] Stars vs Nux


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2 minutes ago, stawns said:


The Preds are scary right now, but they play a style more complimentary to Vancouver's.  They're good defensively, but not elite, imo.


The knights are a bit of an unknown, but I don't think they're the team they used to be, imo.  They're ripe for a first round fall 

Is this the real Preds team or are they just on a crazy heater? Maybe peaked too soon? I guess we’ll find out. At the very least there would be goals in that series. Can’t say that about the Kings.


I just don’t trust that the Knights aren’t gonna get Stone and Hertl back and get hot right at playoff time. Plus Marchassault always manages to come up with huge goals. Pair that with some heavy favouritism from the league and that’s a dangerous team. But if we get them we get them. At least it should be some entertaining hockey.

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Just now, DeNiro said:

Is this the real Preds team or are they just on a crazy heater? Maybe peaked too soon? I guess we’ll find out. At the very least there would be goals in that series. Can’t say that about the Kings.


I just don’t trust that the Knights aren’t gonna get Stone and Hertl back and get hot right at playoff time. Plus Marchassault always manages to come up with huge goals. Pair that with some heavy favouritism from the league and that’s a dangerous team. But if we get them we get them. At least it should be some entertaining hockey.


They might, but stone has a legit serious medical issue and even if he gets back, how effective is he going to be after that? I've never been worried about hertl, ever.


If they do get everyone back, it'll either be after the reg season or just in the last game or two.......with all the changes there, will they have time to gel?  They're a real unknown, I agree, but that would be a great series I think 

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4 hours ago, 43isprime said:


Look how fast every movement of his was. His footwork and his hands were so quick back then. He looked like a faster skater too (at least relative to the field).


Granted, he was also given tons of time by PKS to load up on his shots from the right circle on the PP.


But seeing this video makes me wonder if bulking up has somehow reduced his quickness and his speed. He doesn't look as dynamic as often as he used to.



You seem to be discounting the fact that he's still been a major component of making the team the #1 team in the NHL all year long. What that includes is changing your game to learn how to win games, as compared to piling up points and being a flashy goalscorer. Like are you mad we don't have 110 points already, and that's on Petey?


What I see is a player that has learned how to win and be central in shutting the other teams down while also being a major contributor offensively. The guy has a 73GP 33G 51A 84PTS and people like you are ripping into him for it. Very naive. Really seems like you're just taking a surface glance and then judging to suit your narrative. 

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2 hours ago, Gawdzukes said:


He's also playing on the #1 team in the league all season, and is one of the undisputed players offensively responsible for that. He also plays very solid defence. But hey don't let anything rational affect your judgement. His amazing plays are down from last year. :frantic: Do you even reflect at all or think about the garbage takes you post? He said he had one poor game. Not season. :picard:


And ignoring someone's opinion on a Canucks board for having the screen name @@Elias Pettersson is one of the dumbest things I've heard in awhile.

I would take your own advice. I mentioned it for the fact he attacked me and he was upset with everyone who said anything about Petey’s game and for a matter of fact Petey wasn’t referring to one game. lol. Who would be bothered if it was one game? That would make no sense at all and would be ridiculous. I could care less what you think about my posts. I often think the same thing about yours so who really cares. It’s stupid for anybody me to think they are so important to this board because they find their own opinions more Important than others. Therefore posters like you who don’t agree go on to personal attacks about peoples posts because you are offended. Your problem not mine. I don’t really care but I do find it humorous that you find what you post so important on here compared to others. When it comes to Petey he hasn’t been great this year and he rarely makes highlight reel plays anymore. His shot isn’t there. So spare me the do you read your posts before you post attack. I am basing it on his previous years and no one can tell me they have been impressed with his game this year. He’s been sub par. Sorry most feel that way.

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20 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:


I didn't see it (clip?) but you must be talking about a missed call. What I mean (obviously) is if they see someone get sticked in the face it's not something they can decide to let go as allowable, like they say would with slight neutral zone holds, some borderline interference, an unintentional trip, or the pushing, shoving, and roughing that we saw just moments earlier. It's written right into the rulebook that you have to be in control of your stick (weapon) and even a complete fluke or unintentional infraction is a penalty regardless of intent.


The penalties were 4-3 at that point. Not going to argue that there weren't a couple iffy and arbitrary calls, there were but there was a soft one on either side. They were attempting to let them play the game out and I don't believe had any intention of handing out a penalty until the obvious high stick to the face. 

Agree on all points amigo. You are absolutely right, that a high sick is a penalty (except for the occasional follow through), but if they see a high stick, they call it instantly... our team has been guilty of a fair few poor high sticking penalties throughout the season...

Asking me for a clip, is like asking a broke man for a loan... Have no idea how to make clips of that... its was also shown on replays.

It was missed call... it happens... I think you're spot on, that there were some soft calls being called at times on both sides... Which actually surprised me... I like that they let most things go against Flames, so to suddenly get called for border line infractions were disappointing...


I have no issues regarding the result... Its was a poor PP that caused the result (or poor PK)... we lost the special teams match up...



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9 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:


You seem to be discounting the fact that he's still been a major component of making the team the #1 team in the NHL all year long. What that includes is changing your game to learn how to win games, as compared to piling up points and being a flashy goalscorer. Like are you mad we don't have 110 points already, and that's on Petey?


What I see is a player that has learned how to win and be central in shutting the other teams down while also being a major contributor offensively. The guy has a 73GP 33G 51A 84PTS and people like you are ripping into him for it. Very naive. Really seems like you're just taking a surface glance and then judging to suit your narrative. 

I think that’s your issue. Most posters on here agree the year hasn’t gone very well for Petey. 5 goals in his last 20 odd games is acceptable for someone playing in the top 6? Give me a break. Fine be ok with it, but it puts so much pressure on the other lines to produce. 

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24 minutes ago, stawns said:


They just don't have the experience, as a group, to fall back in these playoff type games.  To me, that's what this year is about, getting that first taste.  Hopefully they can get some success.




I think you hit the nail on the head here. I want a deep playoff run, but that may be a bit of a dream. They need to get this first taste, go as far as they can, then come back hungrier next season.


I look at the last few games and the teams they have lost to are all very experienced play off teams. Our young guys (minus JT Miller) are all a bit over their heads when a hungry vet team pushes on them. It's happened to this team all season long.


I've loved all the wins. And getting into the playoffs is great. But these kind of losses have tempered my expectations this season. At first I wanted to go all in. But now seeing it, I think the patient approach works out better. We have lots of runway with this young group to keep knocking on the door playoff wise. To sell off our assets for a long cup run this year would be detrimental to that.


So i've taken a seat back, let this young team make mistakes and learn how to play better under pressure. They have shown a willingness to learn and take the next step. We need to trust that process. As painful as that may be. 


I know it's been brought up over and over, but Colorado and MacKinnon had lots of growing pains until they became a perennial cup contender. That took several years to build up to that point. Development curve wise I compare this team to Colorado more that any other club that is out there. Just in how the process went for them...Mac was drafted in 2013, they had a stellar record that year under Roy, lost in the first round, then didn't make the playoffs again till 2018, since 2018 they got kicked out of the 1st/2nd rounds 4 times, then finally going all the way to the cup in 2022. And that's a team with Nathan friggin Mackinnon on it...I see this as a similar template our team will follow, but maybe some longer stretches in between the growth patterns only because we don't have that "phenom" player.


Blah blah blah, it's a process I guess is what i'm saying. Not that you don't already know that lol.


The only issue I have right now is the trotting out of the same power play over and giving PP2 like 15 seconds to work with things. Thats a slap in the face imo. Especially to a guy like Hronek who I think should be getting more looks out there. Not sure what the reason is for this. Most coaches would have done something by now...but once again trying to trust the process...


Go Canucks!

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1 hour ago, HKSR said:

It's just way too obvious.  Honestly if the Canucks had that called as not a high stick, I'd say we dodged a bullet.

Always the best way to look at it... how would you feel had it been the other way around...

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22 minutes ago, Rekker said:

I agree with Stawns on this one. At least the Canucks will win or lose against Vegas while playing Canucks hockey. Watching the Canucks change their style to play LA is like broken drywall time for me. Tough to watch, especially when the Canucks PP isn't doing anything. 


LA, Philly, Dallas, any team that basically plugs up the neutral zone on them so they can't make their plays they like. They don't know how to respond to it yet.


JT Miller is the only guy that comes out in these games imo. He takes those teams head on and always seems to get a goal...just no one else does.

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1 minute ago, Dom said:

Miller is trying his hardest to drag this team through the mud, but he needs a little bit of help. If someone else would step the fuck up, we would be alright. 



I don't think miller has been all that good in the last 4-5.  Well certainly not in the context of his year to date........he's reverted to some of his old bad habits

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15 minutes ago, Hammertime said:

If I can offer my $0.02 regarding the PP.


The answer is Hronek. He reminds me of early Salo where he would just clap bombs where they were going was anyone's guess including Salo. As he matured he realized defenders would freeze preparing for the blast and Salo started feathering pucks through the crowd. As much as our PP being static is a problem for us being static is worse for the PK. If Hronek loads up that wild 1 timer a few times he will start freezing defenders and lanes will open up for him to feather back door plays. 


I think we need to get pucks to Hronek. Lots of pucks. 55 shot attempts 5v4 is not enough double it. We need traffic in front picking up greasy ones. Our PP looks too cutesy let’s break some ankles. I like the idea of parking Zee in front with Miller in the bumper. 

Have a PP like this…


Boeser - screening and moves to side of the net

Miller - bumper spot

EP - same half wall

Hronek - left point for one timer or pass to Boeser down low or pass to Miller/QH and maybe even EP for the one timer.

QH - right point to pass to Hronek/Miller/EP

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3 minutes ago, stawns said:


I don't think miller has been all that good in the last 4-5.  Well certainly not in the context of his year to date........he's reverted to some of his old bad habits

Ya he’s admitted as much as well but that’s ok. He’s still making plays when he has to and getting the odd goal to help his team. He also plays an aggressive style and has continued to try to pull his team into games. It would be great if some followed that leadership  and started to produce to their standards (ahem, ahem, Petey).


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10 hours ago, Dom said:

This is basically it. IF they figure it out, watch out. 9 games to go.... 

Tocchet better get faster at figuring this out. It's going to be a short playoff if he doesn't. 


Think outside the box.

Try stuff.

We're too predictable as it is so fucking throw the spaghetti against the wall. See what sticks.

Try Hogz, which he was asked about.

Try Myer's or Zad or Joshua as a big net front. 

Fix the fucking power play already.

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4-3-1 over the 8-game homestand.

Thought we'd be better but i thought they'd fix the powerplay.


I've grown to like tocchet's media pressers more but "we need to move our legs out there" has been repeated too much by him, maybe he can devise a way to make players switch and move on the pp instead of talking. Same thing as point shots, he talks where we need to be but i'm not seeing adjustments to it. Sometimes i feel like we give up on plays just so we get in a line change. I understand that approach from a fitness/defense first but when i see it when we are trailing late it bugs me. 


I think we're finding our way a little at the moment and I expect us to come back stronger soon but just be great to get the pp working




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9 minutes ago, Hairy Kneel said:

Tocchet better get faster at figuring this out. It's going to be a short playoff if he doesn't. 


Think outside the box.

Try stuff.

We're too predictable as it is so fucking throw the spaghetti against the wall. See what sticks.

Try Hogz, which he was asked about.

Try Myer's or Zad or Joshua as a big net front. 

Fix the fucking power play already.

You got Petey signed now, time to bump him off powerplay 1. Maybe get some fire in his belly cause right now he’s playing like it’s September not March.


You want accountability it has to be on special teams too.

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The big issue I have with the powerplay is that they keep saying that it hasn’t been good and needs to be better but we are what 3 months since it was effective. That’s a lonnnggg time for a pp to be struggling and ineffective. I am more concerned that  it just doesn’t look any different from pp to pp. I really do think it’s because we don’t have a lot of other options to fix it. After Boeser, Petey, Miller, and Hughes who else is going to drag them out of this slump? They really needed another top 6 forward possibly 2. I think that’s what their biggest need is. 2 more top 6 forwards to round out the lineup. It’s not going to happen now but it’s becoming quite obvious. 

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51 minutes ago, Nucker67 said:

Pettersson can be a frustrating player to watch. Has he entered Diva territory?


Watching Miller, Hughes, Joshua, Hoglander, Garland, Podkolzin, etc. - all of them giving their all. Petey tries to do too much in tight spaces and he loses the puck or gets knocked down. I believe he also thinks the game too much instead of just reacting. Maybe lacking confidence, rarely see him drive the net. I'm concerned for how he'll perform in the playoffs and then that big money kicks in next year. 


Pettersson is lanky and awkward, unlike Garland who's a wizard when he's painted in a corner. He always finds a way out and ends up with the puck. Love that guy. Gritty mofo. 


Hoping they sit Cole next game and get Juulsen back in.




I agree that Petie is trying to do too much. It's throwing his offensive game off, his creativity off. He's always leaning in to a physical style. He's trying to hit. It's admirable but it's not his hame. Garland is a warrior on the boards. 

I like Petie's hits and stuff but it's distracting him from playing his game. If plays offense all out, and skating hard, he will draw more penalties too.

Sedin's need to step in here and help him.

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34 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:


I would say if you step back and look quite it's obvious you are a super biased Canuck fan. The league has no reason to operate solely to cheat against the Canucks. It's an absolutely devoid of reason and ludicrous take. We are not the center of the universe.


This is your problem. Try looking at it unbiasedly instead of from the viewpoint they are wrong, which is what it looks like from your comment. If you look at the video's posted you can see the puck is hit in the middle of the blade, you can also see in the accompanying picture that the middle of the blade is lined up exactly with his right shoulder ... so obviously that was the determination and they didn't have enough evidence to overturn the call on the ice. No wonder people feel hard done by all the time when they can't even be honest about what they're seeing.

The place where I have the issue is:


1.  Even if it is even with the right shoulder ii is well over the left shoulder so maybe even with one and over the other is over by logic.  In review every pundit said the Canucks were right until after the review.  Then it's recanted and pundits side with the league take.  And it seems to almost always be like that.  


2.  If that happened in reverse and it was a canuck playing the puck I argue that the call goes the other way.  


This is watching games for 5 years and watching call after call close to the line be not called the same way and see a biased eye making the final decision.  And the issue is, there seems to be thousands of us that have seem this over the years.  


Of course, much of this is also in jest as while we all take it seriously it is just a game and not life and death. 

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1 minute ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

The big issue I have with the powerplay is that they keep saying that it hasn’t been good and needs to be better but we are what 3 months since it was effective. That’s a lonnnggg time for a pp to be struggling and ineffective. I am more concerned that  it just doesn’t look any different from pp to pp. I really do think it’s because we don’t have a lot of other options to fix it. After Boeser, Petey, Miller, and Hughes who else is going to drag them out of this slump? They really needed another top 6 forward possibly 2. I think that’s what their biggest need is. 2 more top 6 forwards to round out the lineup. It’s not going to happen now but it’s becoming quite obvious. 

It’s not a personnel issue it’s a mindset issue. Lots of teams with much less talent have outperformed our powerplay.


I think the issue is they keep trying to score the same goals that were effective early in the season but teams have clamped down on at this point in the season. They need to realize the best play is always throwing the puck on net and jumping on rebounds. Trying to get the perfect cross ice tap

in or bar down one timer is much more difficult this time of year. More often than not the jam plays around the net are what’s gonna get you a goal.

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10 minutes ago, OldFaithfulcap said:

4-3-1 over the 8-game homestand.

Thought we'd be better but i thought they'd fix the powerplay.


I've grown to like tocchet's media pressers more but "we need to move our legs out there" has been repeated too much by him, maybe he can devise a way to make players switch and move on the pp instead of talking. Same thing as point shots, he talks where we need to be but i'm not seeing adjustments to it. Sometimes i feel like we give up on plays just so we get in a line change. I understand that approach from a fitness/defense first but when i see it when we are trailing late it bugs me. 


I think we're finding our way a little at the moment and I expect us to come back stronger soon but just be great to get the pp working




All he can do as a coach and no longer a player is talk and instruct, it is on the players to execute

As frustrating as it is for us to observe, I am sure he feels the same

5V5 they seem to be ok though

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1 minute ago, DeNiro said:

It’s not a personnel issue it’s a mindset issue. Lots of teams with much less talent have outperformed our powerplay.


I think the issue is they keep trying to score the same goals that were effective early in the season but teams have clamped down on at this point in the season. They need to realize the best play is always throwing the puck on net and jumping on rebounds. Trying to get the perfect cross ice tap

in or bar down one timer is much more difficult this time of year. More often than not the jam plays around the net are what’s gonna get you a goal.

Exactly, when all else fails defer to the Greasy Goals. Punch that shii in.

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10 hours ago, Darius said:

I think McDavid's start was hindered by an injury.  Its hard to find any stretches where he doesnt dominate, i guess thats what I was getting at.


I get that EP looks a little off right now.  What I dont get is the complete lack of credit he has in some posters minds.  In the whole history of the team how many players have they drafted that have put up his numbers by his age?  Bure?  Who else (honestly, its late and i might be missing players here).  So he has a string of games where he doesnt look like 100 point center - the daggers come out.  So nothing he has done matters - the kid cant be given some rope?  

So from year one he wins the Calder, puts up a point per game pace in his career.  Hes a young center who probably is still finding his way.  Teams zero in on him, and lets be honest, there are some nights hes paired up with guys that are just starting to roll (Hoglander) or are utility players.


When I say finding his way lets put that into context.  What was Hank/Daniel Sedin doing at 25 or Markus Naslund?  Were they even 60-70 point players?  I watched/listened to the market tear those guys a new one , on many nights, because they werent dominant players at that age. I still remember the barrage of calls on Dan Russell's show slamming the Sedins and how they are weak and trip over the blue line. Those players really started to roll in their late 20s.  Im sure we can find other examples (Should we examine JT Miller at 25 for instance)   


Yeah he is getting paid 11 million NEXT YEAR.  IMHO thats fair market value for the guy considering what other players recently got (Nylander) and what he has accomplished so far as a center.  They are paying for his prime years.


Edit: To be clear @Dumb Nuck im not directing this at you in particular...just saw an opportunity to vent in a response.


Apparently, facts matter.


Total points in one season by age 24:


Pavel Bure - 110

Elias Pettersson - 102

Henrik Sedin - 75

Daniel Sedin - 71

JT Miller - 58

Markus Naslund - 52

Todd Bertuzzi - 50


Calder trophy winners:

Pavel Bure

Elias Pettersson


Pavel Bure and Elias Pettersson are the only 2 players in Vancouver Canucks history to get at least 80 points by age 24.  The others aren't even close.


Petey at age 25 is on pace for 90-95 points.  He is still miles ahead of the Sedins, Naslund, Bertuzzi and Miller at that age.  These are the facts.  


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