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[PGT] Nashville at Vancouver - Stanley Cup Playoffs Round 1 - Game 2

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3 hours ago, Gawdzukes said:


He's not wrong on that though. The logic is reasonable. If Miller is still scoring 80-90 points in 3 years he'd still be a main contributor but it's also quite possible the traded assets may be better value in 3 years right when Petey and Hughes are possibly at their very best. We don't know yet, that stuff is in the future.


Add the OEL hit the next 2 years, plus raises to Petey, Hronek, Joshua, Zadorov, etc., and it surely makes that timeline difficult. Now that Demko is currently hurt as well maybe our true contending window is 3 years away. We'll see what happens. Personally I'm enjoying the hockey and the team so I support what we've done.


Your post makes no sense. 


You say in 3 years Petey and Hughes might "possibly be at their very best" which is an unknown. 

You say "if" Miller is scoring 80-90 pts, he might be a better trade value. 

You talk about the OEL cap hit and the upcoming raises required for Hronek, Joshua, Zadorov. You also acknowledge Petey's new cap hit next year. You forget that Quinn will probably be the highest paid D man after 3 seasons. 


Right now, Canucks are a top 5 team in the league and division champs. 

Right now Miller is scoring 103 pts (not 80-90)

Right now Hughes leads all d men in pts. 

Demko is 28 and one of the top goalies in the league at a bargain contract and has 2 more seasons left at that price. 

Petey (as much as we harp on him) scored 89 pts while making 7.35m this year

Boeser just hit a career year and has 1 year left on his contract. 


This is all before new big contracts kick in and we're forced to lose some players. 


I'm not gloom and doom to say our window is only open now and will close in 2-3 years. Our management has done an amazing job with guys like Podz, Hogz, Lekkermaki, Willander ready to come in through the system and take big roles but to say our true contending timeline is 3 years away is just stupid. 


Are we waiting for all the stars to align perfectly? Will that be our 1 shot at our cup? 

Like how much more perfect does it need to get? 


What if I told you in 3 years, Miller is an 80 pt player. 

Petey stays a 90 pt player while making 11.6m

Hughes is a 90 pt player on his final year before UFA with multiple Norris trophies under his belt and will become the highest paid d man in the league. 

We let Myers go and Z is now making 4.5m

DJ is making 3.25m and playing as he is now

Hronek is making 7.5m and playing the same

We lost Boeser and replaced him with Lekkermaki who is learning the ropes and putting up 50 pts

We lost Garland to UFA 

Podz is comfortable in a 3rd line role putting up 40 pts. 

We let Lindholm go this summer

Willander is playing steady bottom pairing and learning the ropes


Does that sound like a contender? 

It could be if we made other trades to bolster the lineup but that's my point. It's still a big UNKNOWN. 


Like how is that situation better than the current situation (before Demko got injured) 


It really isn't and to kick the can down the road for an unknown is beyond stupid. 


It's like folding AK suited and hoping you'll get dealt pocket Aces in 3 years. 





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6 hours ago, madrigal77 said:

The Province reporting Demko's out until at least the conference final and may need season ending surgery.

And there it is. 

We sold half the farm for Lindholm for this.

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6 minutes ago, -dlc- said:



Serves them right for not allowing our fans in the building. F 'em.

Wow thats crazy. I remember their cup run fan support was wild. I wonder why fans are checked out? Nash is battling hard In this series too. Shots on goal are few and hard to get. 


Plus Suter of all people is so far the only canuck getting shots on a consistent basis. Hopefully we see an uptick in his mins. 


Plus Pete Lafferty/Pod?

Has it been tried?

Feel like those 3 are the  next best 3 right now outside the top 6. Lindholm stole Pete's lunch a bit but being a rhs and a wiz in the dot with D chopps I can't see Pete bumping Lindy. The reality is as much as I love Pete and believe in him he's been soundly out played by Miller for top banana and I don't think Pete Boeser is a better combo. 


Feel like Mik and Hogs have been non factors. Big Hoglander fan but 1 shot attempt that missed the net in 2 games maybe some Blueger time would benefit them. Hog scored from the 4th line during reg. Or maybe he draws into Miller's lw to get him going. I dunno but Pete's line is getting caved right now he's gotta take someone under his wing or on it. 


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LOL I'll laugh if we have more people in our building watching an away game on the screen than the Deadators do in their building for a live performance.



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