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New forum, new team, new year, so how about some new emojis?


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11 hours ago, JeremyCuddles said:

Why, so this place can become Reddit? The downvote murders all discussion on Reddit. The Wat reaction also kind of does this. People will just Wat reaction any opinion they disagree with. It's a literal discussion killer. Downvote dials that up to 11. We don't need that lazy garbage here.


Fully agree 


I've seen the rise and fall of reddit. The upvote / downvote was meant to be in relation to the question: "is this relevant to the discussion?" and those early days were great.  


Eventually the "Idiocracy" timeline won out and people used it as an agreement/disagree button. It killed all good discussion and made reddit into a giant echo chamber... a circlejerk if you prefer imagining 10 dudes with neckbeards all looking to their right and using their left hand to stroke the... well that was enough of a description. 


Plus/minus is a big no from me, I'll just go back to reddit in that case and shut off my brain. 

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1 hour ago, SerenityNow said:

Can I request - whatever emojis are chosen - there is a post somewhere that explains what each one is and/or when to use them?  Maybe there always was an explanatory post and I just never knew where to find it.  

Don't worry about using the wrong one, it's just all for fun.  


To demonstrate, I'll paper bag your post and Alfies 


Edit: apparently the paper bag emoji is gone!?! 



Edited by AatuD2
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23 hours ago, Jester13 said:

Hi friends,


If you're like me, you love the selection of emojis we have - they are a great source of giggles. It was suggested recently that Kuzy's confused face would be a great addition, but that got me thinking: adding emojis is always fun, but as the selection becomes larger and larger, what about subtracting some as well? I mean, it's a new forum, new year, new team; heck, even a new management and plan. Below are some suggestions. Feel free to agree or disagree, add your own ideas, etc.:


1. Suggestion: Add Kuzy as the new confused look and subtract Loui's, as well as remove the actual confused emoji. Reason: it's a new era, and we can help keep the number of emojis down by adding one and subtracting two, as I'm sure we can all agree that we don't want to have too many emojis to choose from.

2. Suggestion: Subtract the tank. Reason: whether you like it or not, management is not tanking but rather going with this core until it's clear the core can't get it done. (We can always bring back the tank emoji if that time ever comes around again).

3. Suggestion: Remove the Bruce Thereitis. Reason: We all love the guy, but I personally feel it's now time to move on from that debacle as well. Our new coaching staff is impressing basically all of us so far, so maybe it's time to also begin this new era with a fresh start.

4. Suggestion: Add a diamond emoji. Reason: Fight pressure with pressure is Tocc's mantra. When a poster mentions how a player had a good game, how a guy or the team fought back, or the team simply had a good game, this could be a great way to support the post in a way that represents this new era.

I'll leave it here and allow for other suggestions, disagreements, or whatever, as I'm getting a little verklempt. Discuss...

I disagree. I want more reactions, not less. But love the just idea, obviously, I suggested it 😉

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