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As a Member of this Forum, Where Does Your Handle Originate From?

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On 7/5/2024 at 7:49 AM, Heretic said:

There was a thread like this on the original CDC.

You mentioned "when the internet was in it's infancy", I am a bit of a Sci-fi nut, with Frank Herbert's Dune series one of my favourites.
My handle came from the 5th book in the original series "Heretic's of Dune".
When the internet first started, we all wanted to be anonymous, specially on Usenet. 
So I chose Heretic.

I too played fps, mainly Quake.  I even ran a clan - we were called The Quakean Peoples Front (a homage to Monty Python's Life Of Brian - Judean Peoples Front)

When Qtest was out, I played a game against Tim Willits - one of the id Software guys, and I loved the grenade launcher - he said I played a lot like Carmack - as he liked the grenades as well lol.

So yes, I have had this handle for a very long time.

I play Overwatch now, and yes, my name is Heretic in it too.  😉



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Nickname Benny from family members. And Ben was grizzly adams bears name. I thought that was cool as I'm somehow related to the Adams family. According to my grandfather who has been working on the family tree 🤨

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Going unto the playoffs in 1982 I was an Islanders fan - well a Trottier fan. I'm watching the Canucks go on their run, I started cheering for them as well since they were my local (ish) team. By the time they hit the finals I'd switched allegiancies and was absolutely convinced the Canucks were going to smash the Islanders. Well I was wrong about the outcome, but I've been a fan ever since. 

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