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What's missing from this team that's going to keep them from being contenders? Too soft?

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8 hours ago, erkayloomeh said:

I went to game around 2011 or so and had ice level seats. Ryan Kesler never shut up the whole game. He was either chirping the other team or talking aggressive to his own teammates. When he'd line up for a faceoff he'd circle two or three times staring at his own teammates. 

He was boss.  That's the type of leader we need here. Not the meek,  lead by example off the ice type. 

Going back to Travis greens end days I saw a mentally weak, broken team. 

The focus has been on the positional needs of the team etc, but imo this team needs a couple of bonifide pricks.  

Do we even have one?

Jt Miller has a fit on ice because he's pissed or yells at his goalie and everyone gets all over the guy?  

We need more passion and then you will see alot of other things fall into place. We don't just need talent we need the will to win. 

Bieksa said JT Miller reminds him of Kesler, with added offense, and less defence (and did acknowledge Kesler's one off 41 goal year).  Both guys just hate  to lose.   Not sure why that's such a bad thing.   It takes a village.


As for the OP, a good top four D,  a 3C and a solid back-up.     And another power guy upfront.  



Edited by IBatch
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45 minutes ago, IBatch said:

Bieksa said JT Miller reminds him of Kesler, with added offense, and less defence (and did acknowledge Kesler's one off 41 goal year).  Both guys just hate  to lose.   Not sure why that's such a bad thing.   It takes a village.


As for the OP, a good top four D,  a 3C and a solid back-up.     And another power guy upfront.  




It's not a bad thing. I think what really irks some fans is how JT didn't backcheck. He was lazy defensively. I'm not sure if that's going to fly under Tocchet. Boudreau was more known for a run n' gun kind of game, but if there's any amount of winning that's going to happen, both in the season and in the post-season, defense is the name of the game, and if Miller can't play that game, then we're in a world of hurt come the start of the season. He needs to buy in, because if he doesn't, we've got a problem on our hands. 


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What's stopping them is that they simply aren't there yet in terms of team development.


Some big roster holes yet to fill. And the few blue chip prospects they need are a year or two away from jumping in, let alone becoming impact players.


Once the roster is where it needs to be ie. proper players with defined roles, adequate depth, etc. the only thing stopping them would be themselves.

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10 hours ago, Canucklehead44 said:

some bad contracts and too much money on wingers. Brock really needs to get into the 30 goal 70 point range for us 


Pretty much. Gotta see who's worth staying out of the wingers after this year. Beau might be odd man out though since he's expiring and considering our difficulty trading wingers. 


Once we get cap we can further improve the D and acquire the right pieces at our forward group to really round things out.


I wouldn't mind someone gritty in the top 6(who obviously has top 6 talent) and a take no shit bottom 6 that can play in their end. Defensive D to help eat up tough minutes and allow guys like Hronek/Hughes to run wild and free. Big hit on our star players or you start messing with our goalie? We do the same to yours or go after you. Up the levels of pushback when things get tough and it will help this team tremendously.  Teams need to know we can do more than just score at a high level.


Need multiple guys. Really help bring this group together even further.



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