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So this democrat pulled a fire alarm in order to delay a critical vote?  This vote would have served to what?  Oh to keep the government open?


His excuse is that he was in a rush and thought it would open a door to get him to the chambers faster?


Ya not sure I buy that at all.  Seems like a load to me.  Seems suspicious that he'd willingly stop a vote to keep the government open though which is what his party has been clamouring for so who knows.


Bottom line is he's an idiot and should be punished as such.  At the same time, the cries of criminality from the other side of the gallery in the GOP camp are amusing at best.  MGT saying it's as bad as Jan 6th and he should be punished the same way is a joke.


For those stating that people willingly look the other way when a person in their party of choice does something bad, ya that does happen.  No question.  People are willing to hold others to a higher standard than the ones they support.  Partisan bias is real.


But in fairness I see the same statements here almost universally when elected officials do bad things.  regardless of party affiliation or leaning.  Shamefully, there are numerous individuals in the GOP that willingly ignore gruesomely bad actions in their own party to ensure they have numbers while villifying others in the democratic party for far less.  This is NOT TO SAY that the Dems don't also look the other way when their own side messes up.


But let's be totally honest here.  When we hold the test scores side by side, the dems are far more willing to kick censure or remove people from their own party than the GOP has shown themselves willing to do.  Santos?  Gym Jordan?  MGT?  Gaetz?  Cocaine Mitch?  There's enough smoke there on levels that need to be addressed by the party of law and order that it makes their cries in situations like this laughably partisan 


But no more left v right.  This guy should be at the least suspended without pay and at the worst removed from the party and house/senate

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1 hour ago, Ryan Strome said:

Again, I agree with you. I just have a feeling we disagree on the party.


What are your thoughts on Jan 6th?  Because in my mind, there's idiots on both parties, but one Party is not making a secret of turning the US into an authoritarian theocracy.  


One party is ineffectual, the other is trying to tear apart the foundations of the Republic. 


Pulling a fire alarm is a crime that is not equivalent to trying to start a coup and having your supporters storm the capitol. Both need to be punished appropriately.


Funny about this left vs right thing in the context of the Overton window. The Dems wouldn't be considered 'Left' if you were to put them in Canada. likewise, the Republicans aren't conservatives right now. They've been hijacked by the activist reactionaries. I wouldn't even call them conservative. Conservatives foam less at the mouth and have more decorum.

Edited by DSVII
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2 minutes ago, DSVII said:


What are your thoughts on Jan 6th?  Because in my mind, there's idiots on both parties, but one Party is not making a secret of turning the US into an authoritarian theocracy. 


One party is ineffectual, the other is trying to tear apart the foundations of the Republic. 


Pulling a fire alarm is a crime that is not equivalent to trying to start a coup and having your supporters storm the capitol. Both need to be punished appropriately.


Funny about this left vs right thing in the context of the Overton window. The Dems wouldn't be considered 'Left' if you were to put them in Canada. likewise, the Republicans aren't conservatives right now. They've been hijacked by the activist reactionaries. I wouldn't even call them conservative. Conservatives foam less at the mouth and have more decorum.

So a couple things. The Democratic party now would be about as far left as it could possibly get. I mean they have prominent members that say people who menstruate. As for January 6th, I don't think you can blame all Republicans for that. It was a small number of people and you just lumped all Republicans into supporting that apparently. I will add to that. Hillary Clinton had said a couple times about election results and accepting the results and I do believe a few others said the same thing Democrats. There is idiots in both parties that's for sure. It's just if you need any proof. Look at the other thread. Anybody that wasn't a liberal was absolutely chastised and in many cases thrown out because the mods were very liberal themselves. Those on the left were allowed to go away further with bending the rules than those on the right. Anyhow, I do agree there's clowns in both parties. I just think the Democrats and specifically the liberals here have more clowns. But I tried to call it for both sides which I find very rare today.

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24 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

So a couple things. The Democratic party now would be about as far left as it could possibly get. I mean they have prominent members that say people who menstruate. As for January 6th, I don't think you can blame all Republicans for that. It was a small number of people and you just lumped all Republicans into supporting that apparently. I will add to that. Hillary Clinton had said a couple times about election results and accepting the results and I do believe a few others said the same thing Democrats. There is idiots in both parties that's for sure. It's just if you need any proof. Look at the other thread. Anybody that wasn't a liberal was absolutely chastised and in many cases thrown out because the mods were very liberal themselves. Those on the left were allowed to go away further with bending the rules than those on the right. Anyhow, I do agree there's clowns in both parties. I just think the Democrats and specifically the liberals here have more clowns. But I tried to call it for both sides which I find very rare today.


I think we'll have to agree to disagree on that. The Overton window on what has been considered 'centre' has shifted to the Right to the extreme in the last two decades by design. Especially by the conservative media mega-corps like Fox, and now with CNN trying to shift as well to capture that audience.


When Obama had control of both the House and Senate, the best they could pass on Obama care was an insurance plan based on a Republican idea, the Public Option was taken off the table before talks even began. That would be considered a very conservative, business friendly plan in the EU and Canada. 

Dems are just a business friendly with the corporations as the republicans. 


Far left would be nationalizing industries and breaking down the monopolies, not to mention social safety nets like free college and medicine for a start. Dems are actually trying to maintain the status quo, which makes them more conservative in my books, and the republicans the reactionists.



I mean they have prominent members that say people who menstruate

Not sure what this means. Again, culture war BS is all the reactionists have. Because they have no sound policies. I wouldn't get too caught up in that. 



Those on the left were allowed to go away further with bending the rules than those on the right.


If you're talking about the real world. I don't think it's a left or right thing, it's a Rich vs Normal person thing. Trump is still walking free despite threatening the witnesses in his Georgia trial.



As for January 6th, I don't think you can blame all Republicans for that.


I don't, but the silence and inaction from the vast majority of the Republicans in the aftermath of the event except for Liz Cheney, speaks volumes. The nutters like MTG still drive the bus from what I can see.


Edited by DSVII
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4 minutes ago, DSVII said:


I think we'll have to agree to disagree on that. The Overton window on what has been considered 'centre' has shifted to the Right to the extreme in the last two decades by design. Especially by the conservative media mega-corps like Fox, and now with CNN trying to shift as well to capture that audience.


When Obama had control of both the House and Senate, the best they could pass on Obama care was an insurance plan based on a Republican idea, the Public Option was taken off the table before talks even began. That would be considered a very conservative, business friendly plan in the EU and Canada. 

Dems are just a business friendly with the corporations as the republicans. 


Far left would be nationalizing industries and breaking down the monopolies, not to mention social safety nets like free college and medicine for a start. Dems are actually trying to maintain the status quo, which makes them more conservative in my books, and the republicans the reactionists.


Not sure what this means. Again, culture war BS is all the reactionists have. Because they have no sound policies. I wouldn't get too caught up in that. 



If you're talking about the real world. I don't think it's a left or right thing, it's a Rich vs Normal person thing. Trump is still walking free despite threatening the witnesses in his Georgia trial.



I don't, but the silence and inaction from the vast majority of the Republicans in the aftermath of the event except for Liz Cheney, speaks volumes. The nutters like MTG still drive the bus from what I can see.


1) only women can menstruate so the fact that she said people who menstruate is a bit strange and ridiculous and what the new liberal party is in the United States and in Canada


2) as for the staying silent, I will give you that there needs to be  more that speak up against that sort of stuff. But again, it's like when the prime minister did racist stuff here, his supporters just turned a blind eye to it.


3) and I wasn't talking about the normal world I was talking about CDC

Edited by Ryan Strome
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Jack Smith Believes a Possible Motive for Trump’s Stealing Classified Documents Involves Russia

Investigators working for the Justice Department’s Special Counsel, Jack Smith, have allegedly questioned numerous former Trump administration officials regarding the fate of a large cache of classified documents that pertain to the FBI’s investigation into Russia’s interference during the 2016 presidential campaign, The Independent reports.


A report by freelance investigative reporter Murray Waas showed that “at least three” figures in Trump’s inner orbit have been pressured by prosecutors as to whether Trump took “thousands of pages” of documents from the White House. Many of the documents were marked “classified,” which raises questions as to whether attempts would be made to make the records public in order to discredit the DOJ’s investigation into alleged ties between Trump’s 2016 campaign and the Russian Federation.

Trump, who will go down in history as the only U.S. president to be impeached twice, tried to declassify many of the records in question before he left office after issuing a January 19, 2021 memo titled “Declassification of Certain Materials Related to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation.” While Trump ordered that the documents be “declassified to the maximum extent possible,” it isn’t known if this directive was followed.


Waas reports that the FBI and DOJ “slow-walked the declassification order,” per The Independent, due to “cited concerns about how compromising the identities of FBI informants could dissuade witnesses and human intelligence sources from cooperating with US law enforcement and intelligence agencies in the future. The Justice Department informed the White House that portions of the records violated the Privacy Act,” Waas wrote.\


Trump had reportedly been complaining that after he left office he would not have the power to make the records public.


According to Waas, “sources familiar” with the ongoing probe say that prosecutors have asked the former Trump administration officials about conversations they may have had with Trump regarding the classified documents, as well as discussions between senior DOJ officials and the White House Counsel’s Office, and a memo written by then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on January 20, which appeared to reverse some of Trump’s orders, “citing the aforementioned Privacy Act concerns,” The Independent reported.


So it looks very much like the screws are being tightened.




It's an opinion piece so take it FWIW

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1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

Seriously still the Russia thing? Wasn't that proven to be a hoax? Lol


Muller indicted 12 GRU officers for their involvement in 2016. 


The point is Trump was highly bothered by the allegations Russia helped him. Whether the allegations are true or not is irrelevant. The story is he wanted the documents regarding the Crossfire Hurricane investigation to either clear his name or smear the investigation. Documents he was no longer allowed to possess once he was no longer President.


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5 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

Jack Smith Believes a Possible Motive for Trump’s Stealing Classified Documents Involves Russia

Investigators working for the Justice Department’s Special Counsel, Jack Smith, have allegedly questioned numerous former Trump administration officials regarding the fate of a large cache of classified documents that pertain to the FBI’s investigation into Russia’s interference during the 2016 presidential campaign, The Independent reports.


A report by freelance investigative reporter Murray Waas showed that “at least three” figures in Trump’s inner orbit have been pressured by prosecutors as to whether Trump took “thousands of pages” of documents from the White House. Many of the documents were marked “classified,” which raises questions as to whether attempts would be made to make the records public in order to discredit the DOJ’s investigation into alleged ties between Trump’s 2016 campaign and the Russian Federation.

Trump, who will go down in history as the only U.S. president to be impeached twice, tried to declassify many of the records in question before he left office after issuing a January 19, 2021 memo titled “Declassification of Certain Materials Related to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation.” While Trump ordered that the documents be “declassified to the maximum extent possible,” it isn’t known if this directive was followed.


Waas reports that the FBI and DOJ “slow-walked the declassification order,” per The Independent, due to “cited concerns about how compromising the identities of FBI informants could dissuade witnesses and human intelligence sources from cooperating with US law enforcement and intelligence agencies in the future. The Justice Department informed the White House that portions of the records violated the Privacy Act,” Waas wrote.\


Trump had reportedly been complaining that after he left office he would not have the power to make the records public.


According to Waas, “sources familiar” with the ongoing probe say that prosecutors have asked the former Trump administration officials about conversations they may have had with Trump regarding the classified documents, as well as discussions between senior DOJ officials and the White House Counsel’s Office, and a memo written by then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on January 20, which appeared to reverse some of Trump’s orders, “citing the aforementioned Privacy Act concerns,” The Independent reported.


So it looks very much like the screws are being tightened.




It's an opinion piece so take it FWIW

Decent read. I like how opinion piece is put right at the bottom so everybody will probably just gloss over that lol 

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1 minute ago, nuckin_futz said:


Muller indicted 12 GRU officers for their involvement in 2016. 


The point is Trump was highly bothered by the allegations Russia helped him. Whether the allegations are true or not is irrelevant. The story is he wanted the documents regarding the Crossfire Hurricane investigation to either clear his name or smear the investigation. Documents he was no longer allowed to possess once he was no longer President.


Yeah I was reading that other stuff you posted

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3 hours ago, DSVII said:

Agreed. Along with George Santos. Gotta apply this to both sides of the aisle here.


The Republicans started the procedures to remove Santos in the beginning, but for some reason they quickly put on the brakes.  My guess is that he promised 1 or more people in party leadership that he'd vote whichever way they told him to vote.


The guy has a punchable looking face.  I'm amazed that he lied his way into the House.



What's crazier to me is the implications they're voting on a bill without the time to read it which precipitated this stunt.


That's literally 99% of the bills that go through Congress.  The aides, party lawyers, and lobbyists (legal bribers) write bills these days with input from party leaders.


It's one of the reasons why we've been circling drain for the last few decades.



Along with the fact a 90 yr old was casting votes up to her death it's all messed up.


Don't even get me started on that.  She was more confused while talking to the press and her own aides than Joe Biden is when he's trying to figure out how to get off of a stage.


Edited by Sabrefan1
Decided to answer all 3 points rather than initially just the one.
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There was a moment during these oversight hearings that kinda sum things up.


Dem Rep. Greg Casar asked members to raise their hands if they think that BOTH Hunter and TRUMP should be held accountable for any of the indictments against them should they be convicted.  You know who raised their hands and who didn't  Space Laser Lady and her side obviously didn't.


Here's his full 5 minutes.  



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13 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

So a couple things. The Democratic party now would be about as far left as it could possibly get. I mean they have prominent members that say people who menstruate. As for January 6th, I don't think you can blame all Republicans for that. It was a small number of people and you just lumped all Republicans into supporting that apparently. I will add to that. Hillary Clinton had said a couple times about election results and accepting the results and I do believe a few others said the same thing Democrats. There is idiots in both parties that's for sure. It's just if you need any proof. Look at the other thread. Anybody that wasn't a liberal was absolutely chastised and in many cases thrown out because the mods were very liberal themselves. Those on the left were allowed to go away further with bending the rules than those on the right. Anyhow, I do agree there's clowns in both parties. I just think the Democrats and specifically the liberals here have more clowns. But I tried to call it for both sides which I find very rare today.

Actually the left has stayed relatively the same since the 60's, but the right has shifted so far right that it's skewed the spectrum

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15 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:




Iirc the Fuhrer, is, why Stromey got turfed last time.

Maybe we should get a betting pool going, over/under how many days or posts does he last this time?

He- would not be allowed to wager, nor see the guesses.

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1 hour ago, stawns said:

Actually the left has stayed relatively the same since the 60's, but the right has shifted so far right that it's skewed the spectrum

Oh really? I certainly don't recall the phrase people who menstruate being said before.

25 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:




I guess I really am a terrible Nazi.

9 minutes ago, Gurn said:

Iirc the Fuhrer, is, why Stromey got turfed last time.

Maybe we should get a betting pool going, over/under how many days or posts does he last this time?

He- would not be allowed to wager, nor see the guesses.

Yeah funny thing. What was I here for about 14 years prior and then all the sudden when this far left took over we weren't allowed to say anything that offended you guys.

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7 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Oh really? I certainly don't recall the phrase people who menstruate being said before.

I guess I really am a terrible Nazi.

Yeah funny thing. What was I here for about 14 years prior and then all the sudden when this far left took over we weren't allowed to say anything that offended you guys.

Please stay on topic moving forward. 

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