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1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

Fox seems a little more balanced. Maybe CNN will follow suit and then their new stations will actually be doing it right.

Sad that Rotten Ronnie got rid of the Fairness Doctrine.  This is the root cause of the "fake news" madness where people now have to defend their source while trying to make an argument.

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4 hours ago, BlockerHigh said:

I truly wonder how the left / dems and main stream media would react if Trump said something like this


Actually, I know....Sorry but "camps" lol...I'm not even going to say it. The fact many will ignore this (or rationalize it away) and not realize how these people think, is a worry. Gotta love fascism. Now had Trump said this....oh boy!


Coming from the same woman who paid for the Steele Dossier and tried to have Trump impeached for being a Russian asset. But muh "democracy!"


SMH...I do hope the younger generation wakes up and learns how manipulated they are...





Did she say camps?  or did she say formal deprogramming?

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3 hours ago, BlockerHigh said:

She said “formal deprogramming”


you may want to learn history 




she also called Maga “extremists” for being election deniers and i don’t see how putting the us first is somehow extreme? Unless of course you’re part of a globalist uniparty of dems and republicans who like to steal from taxpayers 



Election deniers? Lol

Can you see how it works now?




4 hours ago, BlockerHigh said:

She said camps...read my edits...I missed your previous post so I will accept that.


4 hours ago, BlockerHigh said:

Excuse it a way bro.

I am totally sure the woman who calls 75 million human beings deplorables and refers to putting them in camps because they think differently, is not a fascist. I was under the impression in a free society, you're allowed to think as you please, not have to think they way you're told? Perhaps I'm wrong?


You may want to consider how Hitler used language to make Jews seem "subhuman" ...this is a fascist tactic. Am I talking extermination camps? No


But the fact you don't even call out her language to put people in "deprogramming" camps for the way they think...is the ABSOLUTELY THE PROBLEM in society today. Remember "plague rats?"....(aka anti vaxxers)....you need to learn some history friend.

I also know your take would be 100% the opposite if Trump said it...carry on man




4 hours ago, BlockerHigh said:

I truly wonder how the left / dems and main stream media would react if Trump said something like this


Actually, I know....Sorry but "camps" lol...I'm not even going to say it. The fact many will ignore this (or rationalize it away) and not realize how these people think, is a worry. Gotta love fascism. Now had Trump said this....oh boy!


Coming from the same woman who paid for the Steele Dossier and tried to have Trump impeached for being a Russian asset. But muh "democracy!"


SMH...I do hope the younger generation wakes up and learns how manipulated they are...





Sorry, you...said camps.  repeatedly.  Or is it formal deprogramming now.


Your endless shifting is confusing and hard to follow.  

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59 minutes ago, BlockerHigh said:

My point is, you’ve clearly not been in the work force long enough to feel the effect of taxation and poor policy 


the fact you believe you use taxation to create prosperity is a naive illusion sold to you by governments 


the fact you believe taxing Canadians and sending that money to pakistan as an example, for gender studies, increases our GDP suggests you’ve not taken an economics course.


suggest maybe you take one or two. 

best of luck 

Fun fact lol.


The highest rates of prosperity and unbroken growth in the US was when the average tax rate was at or around 90% before trending down towards 70% before reaganomics took over.  What is the tax rate in America now?  The current rates are 7 tiers between 10% and 37% with many of the wealthiest not paying more than 10% but in fact paying less.


In canada the longest period of prosperity and unbroken growth was about the same and the average tax rate was at or around 90% for most of that before trending below 60% in the same time frame as the US and now sits at or between 15% and 33% with many of the wealthiest paying no more than 15% but in fact many times less


But you think that the US and Canada specifically are in trouble and that taxation to create prosperity is an illusion except since the 80s all that has happened has been the erosion of the middle class and the loss of wealth via transfer to the top 10% 

So between the mid 40s through mid 80s the only thing that changed besides unbroken growth and prosperity was the lowering of the tax rate and you now think that Canada is not prosperous.



Edited by Warhippy
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1 hour ago, Ryan Strome said:

Fox seems a little more balanced. Maybe CNN will follow suit and then their new stations will actually be doing it right.


CNN has already followed suit that's why so many Repub politicians who wouldn't talk to them will now grant them interviews. Example Jim Jordan granting CNN's Manu Raju an interview etc.


Lots of unfounded assumptions in your posts Stromey. You can do better.

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1 hour ago, nuckin_futz said:


CNN has already followed suit that's why so many Repub politicians who wouldn't talk to them will now grant them interviews. Example Jim Jordan granting CNN's Manu Raju an interview etc.


Lots of unfounded assumptions in your posts Stromey. You can do better.

Dude I haven't had cable for some time so admittedly it's YouTube on my phone. CNN still seems quite bias to me but who knows. 

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14 hours ago, bishopshodan said:


I dunno, she didn't say camps. That's all I was pointing out. She said formal deprogamming. Not foced re-education camps. If you dont see the difference then I dont know what to say. 


I never said National divorce was unprecedented or lunacy or anything other than...that the term sounds silly.


Anyway, As for your last sentence I think the trouble has just gotten so loud  (GVF) . Mostly due to the internet and the politicians of today.  

I still believe the majority of people sit somewhere in the middle. 


Hey I'll say I was being a bit hyperbolic with the 'camps' comment, but that said, I think we can agree its obviously coded language. I don't think she has some grand plan when she says that but I also don't find her to be a benevolent person.


What 'de-programming' means could be anything from TV commercials/subliminal messaging to the use of the enforced re-education. Which is why I asked you those questions about what you think this means specifically. And not because I think I have the answer, but because once someone in power decides on using force to achieve desired ideological outcomes these things can follow their own (bad) logic. And I'm not a fan of even cracking a window to that if you get what I mean.



7 hours ago, Calamity K said:

We agree 100%, although I don't know what Trump has to do with it.



Well you said "why would she let you go?" which is why I clarified my myself. I'm an onlooker putting in my 0.02 not someone necessarily in that fight. 


And if I'm being honest I feel like you almost have to nowadays, but I'm glad we agree. 


13 hours ago, King Heffy said:

The exact same as denazification in Germany after WWII.


Well it obviously didn't work if we are still saluting them in our parliament today. 


But seriously this is a false equivalence. Trump's presidency already came & passed, no one was unable to freely criticize him as leader (as our former message board could surely serve as evidence), no one was rounded up & put to death, elections weren't suspended once he was in power, exc.


So should that country throw their own people in camps for the sin of voting in a democracy? I get hating Trump there's plenty to take issue with, but this seems wild. I mean I guess both Hitler & Trump drank water so maybe your onto something. 


Edited by Smashian Kassian
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9 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:

Well it obviously didn't work if we are still saluting them in our parliament today. 


Let's not pretend that the whole Hunka incident was premeditated and points to some policy change.  


I can agree it was a fustercluck, a national embarrassment. and it happened on the libs watch.  But It seems to have been a huge error by one guy and he resigned in shame.


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18 hours ago, The Lock said:


The problem is, a large portion of the American population is right wing. It's not just the capitalist; however, it also partially because of the capitalists that the American society tends to lean that direction. There's a lot of propaganda that happens. There are a lot of rural states as well which keep the far right in power, especially since the Democrats don't seem to know how to reach rural populations (which is ironic as they've had a HUGE opportunity to do so the past couple of years).


This isn't just a rich vs poor scenario. It's a situation of propaganda. It's a situation of the majority of that population not knowing anything outside their own bubble (ie. they don't see what more progressive countries are doing). While the corporations are largely to blame for things in the states, it's not all the corporations at this point since the ideas are largely ingrained in the population as well.


I think, until the population actually sees what a competent left party is capable of without a far right constantly creating propaganda against change, the US is going to drag its feet behind other countries, including Canada, when it comes to certain policies.


However, despite what I've said, I still disagree that both parties are fundamentally the same. There is after all still a progressive part of the Democrats just as much as there is a far right contingent of the Republicans. However, in order for that more progressive contingent to be of use and help push things forward, we have to get right of "Trump's ghosts" first.


Since I don't feel like rewriting the original post I made here, I will paste the link to it:







From slave society, to feudalism, to capitalism very little has changed when it comes to that fundamental  power dynamic. And in a world of global monetary market capitalism you can argue its more entrenched than ever.


Obviously you can pick this little thing here and there that make these "two" parties "different," but it's only skindeep, my friend.


Fundamentally, it's the Demopublican party representing the status quo.

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9 minutes ago, Canuckle said:

From slave society, to feudalism, to capitalism very little has changed when it comes to that fundamental  power dynamic. And in a world of global monetary market capitalism you can argue its more entrenched than ever.


Obviously you can pick this little thing here and there that make these "two" parties "different," but it's only skindeep, my friend.


Fundamentally, it's the Demopublican party representing the status quo.


Just a few little things here and there..



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42 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:


Just a few little things here and there..





Conservatives and Liberals support private property rights of the means of production and enforcement of class society.


Conservatives and Liberals support the existence of billionaires and continued exploitation and capital accumulation


Conservatives and liberals support monetary market capitalism.






and there's  few on that list that kinda make me laugh too


"Liberals won" the 8 hour work day and 40 hour work week? Paid vacation? Labor rights? Worker safety laws? Lol


Damn near ALL of that came from the rising socialist, anarchist unionization movements.

It was a CONCESSION forced by working people on the state.


The "liberals" didn't do that shit on their own accord. THEY WERE FORCED.  They were quite have happy with current levels of exploitation for their industrialist buddies and continued along that way just fine.


Christ. Wage slavery is still a thing. Which as we know they both very much support.


Sooooooo many of those cherry picked points lack serious context and are outright dishonest. "For" "against" "win" "lose".


Yes, skin deep.



Edited by Canuckle
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12 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Well if I ever get cable back I'll go to the mainstream media. Then when you see me again I will be far left leaning and trying to blame everybody else for any sort of issue that might arise in my life.

A steady dose of all the channels allows you to pull a good variety of viewpoints.  Aljazera sp?  BBC, CNN, all the Canadian networks, and even someFox news if you wanna see how crazy some folks are and have a laugh 😂 

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19 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Based on the video I watched, it seems far more balanced than it ever was, but I'm glad I could make you chuckle. Laughter is a great thing

It’s getting better for sure, they have a couple brave anchors that go against the norm for fox.  Still too many talking heads leftover from the Tucker Carlson era sadly.  But they are marginally better.  It’s when they start delving into the conspiracy stuff that loses me. 

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5 minutes ago, Rook said:

It’s getting better for sure, they have a couple brave anchors that go against the norm for fox.  Still too many talking heads leftover from the Tucker Carlson era sadly.  But they are marginally better.  It’s when they start delving into the conspiracy stuff that loses me. 

I thought the covid comment was hilarious. I feel like the other woman was like "oh my f$&k...you didn't.🤬

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23 minutes ago, Rook said:

It’s getting better for sure, they have a couple brave anchors that go against the norm for fox.  Still too many talking heads leftover from the Tucker Carlson era sadly.  But they are marginally better.  It’s when they start delving into the conspiracy stuff that loses me. 


The vaccine stuff on Fox is a great example. I remember posting the Fox corporate policy in the Covid thread over a year ago. All staff had to report their vax status to Human Resources by a certain date and that anyone unvaccinated had to take a weekly Covid test before they could enter the building. After a while they included  a vaccine passport that allowed only fully vaccinated employees to work in their offices without wearing a mask or social distancing.


Meanwhile their prime time host is comparing government guidelines to Jim Crow laws.

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