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The funny thing is.

I bet if you were to read the transcript of the debate you would think Joe won by a landslide.


What he was saying, for the most part, was on point.


It was the way he was saying it. He was mumbly, didn't finish some words, and just in general seemed old AF.



I alluded to this earlier. 

This could have been a bad night for the repubs. 

Trump may have just taken out his opponent, the one that pops up in his place could be a champion.


Now, Joe. Step aside. 




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1 hour ago, 24K said:

He met with Biden today after the debate. Came out on Twitter fully backing Biden now. 


Clear sign he failed to convince him. 

I mean probably platitudes and whatnot. 

Obama is the low key guy that gets shit done. 

Other than stopping Russian aggression. 

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7 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

Is it shutdown? 

No- it was one of the things the big O did not get done.


The Guantanamo Bay detention camp (Spanish: Centro de detención de la bahía de Guantánamo) is a United States military prison within the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, also referred to as Gitmo (/ˈɡɪtm/ GIT-moh), on the coast of Guantánamo Bay in Cuba. As of June 2024, of the 779 people detained there since January 2002 when the military prison first opened after the September 11 attacks, 740 had been transferred elsewhere, 30 remained there, and nine had died while in custody.[1]

The camp was established by U.S. President George W. Bush's administration in 2002 during the War on Terror following the September 11, 2001 attacks. Indefinite detention without trial led the operations of this camp to be considered a major breach of human rights by Amnesty International, and a violation of the Due Process Clause of the Fifth and Fourteenth amendments of the United States Constitution by the Center for Constitutional Rights.[2][3] There are also testimonies of abuse and torture of prisoners.[4][5]


a very good movie , regarding this subject is "The Mauritanian." released on 2021

Stellar cast, including Jodie Foster, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Zach Levi.


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I will preface this by stating that our two leaders, Dutton ( leader of the opposition) is a fucking moron, and Albo (PM) while being a decent human being and not a bad leader is not who I would personally choose to lead our country. 


However after watching a replay last night of that debate...


Fuck me dead.

To have to choose between a lying, corrupt, sexual offender, and a person that can barely string a few cogent thoughts together.  


If Biden doesn't back down and let someone, anyone else face off against Trump, then you guys are gonna get another four years of Dickcheese.

And Planet America will keep on running for at least four more years on the ABC over here in Aus. 







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36 minutes ago, Ilunga said:



I will preface this by stating that our two leaders, Dutton ( leader of the opposition) is a fucking moron, and Albo (PM) while being a decent human being and not a bad leader is not who I would personally choose to lead our country. 


However after watching a replay last night of that debate...


Fuck me dead.

To have to choose between a lying, corrupt, sexual offender, and a person that can barely string a few cogent thoughts together.  


If Biden doesn't back down and let someone, anyone else face off against Trump, then you guys are gonna get another four years of Dickcheese.

And Planet America will keep on running for at least four more years on the ABC over here in Aus.



I've been warning people about our duopoly in politics for decades but people are too attached to "their guy" and "their party".


Our idiocy as a lazy electorate has come home to roost in this cycle.  Yet people will continue to believe they're on a "team" regardless of the outcome.


Like I said in a different post though, a DeSantis presidency worries me way more than a second term of Trump.  The Republican party didn't want Trump because he isn't a strict party guy.  DeSantis however will fulfill every radical conservative want and dream and will reshape the country and influence the world if he can at any point get both houses of Congress to go majority Republican.

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5 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:



I've been warning people about our duopoly in politics for decades but people are too attached to "their guy" and "their party".


Our idiocy as a lazy electorate has come home to roost in this cycle.  Yet people will continue to believe they're on a "team" regardless of the outcome.


Like I said in a different post though, a DeSantis presidency worries me way more than a second term of Trump.  The Republican party didn't want Trump because he isn't a strict party guy.  DeSantis however will fulfill every radical conservative want and dream and will reshape the country and influence the world if he can at any point get both houses of Congress to go majority Republican.


Yes, I don't like insulting people, however they don't seem to be very intelligent when it comes to voting for the people that make crucial decisions that shape their lives. 


Those party lines are breaking down here in Aus.

People are starting to wake up to the two major parties and are voting for independent or green candidates that represent how they want our society to be shaped.

And the legacy we leave for our kids. 


These people hold the balance of power in the senate. 

Hopefully there is a bigger " teal wave " at the next election and they can hold the balance of power in the lower house. 



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11 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:

I've been warning people about our duopoly in politics for decades but people are too attached to "their guy" and "their party".


Our idiocy as a lazy electorate has come home to roost in this cycle.  Yet people will continue to believe they're on a "team" regardless of the outcome.


Like I said in a different post though, a DeSantis presidency worries me way more than a second term of Trump.  The Republican party didn't want Trump because he isn't a strict party guy.  DeSantis however will fulfill every radical conservative want and dream and will reshape the country and influence the world if he can at any point get both houses of Congress to go majority Republican.


I know you're talking in broader strokes here, but for me it isn't so much the guy or the party. If Nikki Haley or Larry Hogan (or even better, John Kasich) were the nominee, the prospect of a Republican administration in 2024 wouldn't be all that concerning. I wouldn't be excited about it, but I wouldn't dread it either.


I know you don't agree, but I believe that a second Trump presidency would be an unmitigated disaster, not only for the USA, but for the world in general. It would likely mean the end of Ukraine as we know it, at the very least.


As far as DeSantis goes, I don't like his chances were he the nominee. Everyone expected him to be the man who would challenge Trump for the nomination, but in the end, he failed miserably. I think the same would happen were he to run against any competent democrat. He also wouldn't enjoy the cult-like following that Trump does. He'd have to win on the issues and so far his entire platform seems to be anti-woke....

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Doesn't mean much, but it is interesting:

Reactions ranged from some theorizing the poll was "rigged," to others flatly saying many would "rather vote for a rock before they vote for Trump." (At least two people directly supported the latter statement.)

"Character still matters to some of us," wrote @slanderson2474.

"Yep, they saw Trump lie incessantly and never answer a question," said Dana_Molly_Reid.

"Turns out, Trump's lies and racism were more of a deal breaker than Biden being sick," wrote @Thecolours.

And perhaps most appropriate for the moment, chimed in @Drugged_Atlas, who channeled the philosopher Socrates: "All I know is that I don’t know nothing."

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6 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:

I know you don't agree, but I believe that a second Trump presidency would be an unmitigated disaster, not only for the USA, but for the world in general. It would likely mean the end of Ukraine as we know it, at the very least.


The end of Ukraine would be up to the Republican party in Congress.  If Ukraine comes begging for more money, I think they would have a 50/50 chance of getting it, but it would be used as a lever against the Democrats to get concessions if they have a majority in either house.


The only thing that a president has direct control over is the actual troops.  The purse is controlled by Congress and once they have a veto proof 2/3, they circumvent the President and the handful of lackeys like the howler monkey.


Politics would decide if Ukraine gets any more funding if they come looking for it, not Trump.



As far as DeSantis goes, I don't like his chances were he the nominee. Everyone expected him to be the man who would challenge Trump for the nomination, but in the end, he failed miserably. I think the same would happen were he to run against any competent democrat. He also wouldn't enjoy the cult-like following that Trump does. He'd have to win on the issues and so far his entire platform seems to be anti-woke....



Hopefully from your lips to God's ears. 


I do not want this country to be radicalized by either party.

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2 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


The end of Ukraine would be up to the Republican party in Congress.  If Ukraine comes begging for more money, I think they would have a 50/50 chance of getting it, but it would be used as a lever against the Democrats to get concessions if they have a majority in either house.


The only thing that a president has direct control over is the actual troops.  The purse is controlled by Congress and once they have a veto proof 2/3, they circumvent the President and the handful of lackeys like the howler monkey.


Politics would decide if Ukraine gets any more funding if they come looking for it, not Trump.




Hopefully from your lips to God's ears. 


I do not want this country to be radicalized by either party.


I think you're overestimating congress....if the House is controlled by Republicans there won't be a single bill or piece of legislation passed that isn't approved by the Dear Leader....

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