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2 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Where were you when someone posted a few days ago that Trump raped a 13 year old girl?


I don't recall seeing that statement. I don't read every page so must have missed it. And I already said I wouldn't repeat that allegation because I've never seen any proof that it were true. See what I did there? I refrained from repeating as fact something that had never been proven that I read on Twitter.

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Posted (edited)

The title is a little clickbaity because the article isn't well organized in respect to giving a concise and straight answer, but it has some good information...



Here’s how the process to replace Biden works if he withdraws



Edited by Sabrefan1
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1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:



Sabre didn't debunk sh*t but the press 8 years ago most definitely did...  I just happened to remember the story and found an old article about it. 


Your defense to being called out like you were should have involved you pointing out the time stamps of the posts.  I caught the misinformation about Trump shortly after it was posted. 


Nobody had much of a chance to read and post about it, before I logged on, read the post, and remembered that whole situation from 8 years ago.  I only remembered it because it was so bizarre and one of the worst attempts at blackmail I had seen.  It fell apart fairly quickly.


It was a former Jerry Springer producer trying to extort a large sum of money from the 2016 Trump campaign.  The Jerry Springer producer got caught and everybody dropped all legal actions.



Not sure what you're on about here? I got called what now?


I don't think that article exonerates Trump nearly as much as you, apparently. 

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2 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Unfortunately, the mouse on my computer is acting weird and just by luck I happened to land on the front page of CNN...   🤨


Breaking News, Latest News and Videos | CNN


Interesting that all I see is them talking about Joe Biden.  No mention of Trump raping a 13 year old girl.


In all seriousness, I am really starting to wonder why they are doing this.  They have been Biden's biggest advocates for the better part of 3 1/2 years and now all of a sudden because, like Joe said, one bad night, and they have turned on him like flies on shit.  I mean this is the biggest turnaround that I have ever seen, and it literally happened overnight.


I am really curious as to what people think about this and why it is happening.  It would be great if anyone had some perspective on this.  I have my own theories, but I'd rather hear from everyone else.  Thoughts?

The owners of CNN likely donate huge dollars to the Democratic Party. They see Biden as incapable of beating Trump, especially after the debate debacle. IMHAO CNN will be pushing Newsom. 

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1 hour ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Not sure what you're on about here? I got called what now?


You guys were having a minor peeing match and you were called out.  I was saying that your defense was easy enough.  The time stamps on the posts proved you likely wouldn't have been able to respond to the post before I had chimed in.


As an aside, I actually laughed out loud when I read your, "I got called what now?"   😂



I don't think that article exonerates Trump nearly as much as you, apparently. 


Then you disagree with both me and just about every reporter, good and bad, out there.  This story was killed in it's infancy and in the crib because it was both shady and borderline illegal what that dude tried to do.


If there was a kernel of truth, it would have popped by either the media or law enforcement at some point in the last 8 years.

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1 minute ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

Elon Muskovite wins again!🤣



These 2 dickheads, plus Bezos, Page and Arnault are worth 1 trillion dollars combined.

Continent of Africa has GDP of 3.1 trillion and the population of around 1.3 billion.

Food for thought!

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9 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


You guys were having a minor peeing match and you were called out.  I was saying that your defense was easy enough.  The time stamps on the posts proved you likely wouldn't have been able to respond to the post before I had chimed in.


As an aside, I actually laughed out loud when I read your, "I got called what now?"   😂



Then you disagree with both me and just about every reporter, good and bad, out there.  This story was killed in it's infancy and in the crib because it was both shady and borderline illegal what that dude tried to do.


If there was a kernel of truth, it would have popped by either the media or law enforcement at some point in the last 8 years.

I think you might be mistaken or I'm misunderstanding. The post you respond to was my first post in here in days. 


Rape casses get dropped all the time for many reasons. What happened to the other 23 allegations? What's more likely, this guy made up the entire story in 2016, about things we now know were happening in Epstein’s apartment, then found a girl the right age, from the right place, to bring forth this lawsuit? Or, this guy found out about this girl and concocted this scheme to profit from the situation? I'm going with the latter as the former has a zero percent chance of success. 


Anyhoo, I'm not even saying it's real, only that it's entirely plausible, and there's more evidence for it then most of the crackpot theories we get around here, include your own medical diagnosis'. Certainly more than Laura Loomers twitter feed. 


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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

I think you might be mistaken or I'm misunderstanding. The post you respond to was my first post in here in days.


You're misunderstanding my original post.  I'll send you a DM.  I don't want to be a d-bag and call that person out publicly.



Rape casses get dropped all the time for many reasons. What happened to the other 23 allegations? What's more likely, this guy made up the entire story in 2016, about things we now know were happening in Epstein’s apartment, then found a girl the right age, from the right place, to bring forth this lawsuit? Or, this guy found out about this girl and concocted this scheme to profit from the situation? I'm going with the latter as the former has a zero percent chance of success.



What's more likely?  The media, which has been trying to destroy Trump, covering up the rape and kidnapping of a child by him, or the story was found to be flimsy, entirely made up by an extremely shady person who stuck a pretend "victim" in a mask, and the story and accusations fell apart as soon as it became public and was investigated by multiple news organizations? 


I'll go with the latter as the former has, if it was possible, less than a zero chance.



Anyhoo, I'm not even saying it's real, only that it's entirely plausible, and there's more evidence for it then most of the crackpot theories we get around here,


It's plausible that anyone who stepped foot on Epstein's properties raped underage people while there.  Although I seriously doubt that Hillary Clinton had her way with anyone while she was there.



include your own medical diagnosis'.


Oh.  You mean my "diagnosis" of Biden having severe age related mental issues that were being covered up by his aides and other Democratic leaders that turned out to be 100 percent true? 


It wasn't a diagnosis.  A diagnosis would be if I named an actual disease.  It was an educated guess based on what I have seen on occasion from people since I was a child from now deceased family members and what I've discussed over the years with friends and old colleagues who have gone through the same things.


If I see you profusely bleeding from your neck, I know that you're more than likely going to die because I have eyes that can see and a brain that can reason a situation out even though I can't diagnose and tell you exactly which artery you are bleeding out from.


I have no idea what actual neurological condition Biden has, I just know that it's painfully obvious that he has one that has been going on for some time.


It absolutely worries me that I honestly think that he still has a chance to win this race if he stays in it.  I don't want him or Trump as president.  So I've gone a bit selfish and stopped caring about which one of the two gets in.

Edited by Sabrefan1
edited and added a little for clarity of point.
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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:


So, you think CNN actually wants Trump to win and be the President?  That's kinda way out there to be honest, but an interesting theory nonetheless...

It's not a far stretch that companies will always take the profits over ethics and integrity of the profession. 


Like when Facebook was warned that the 'people you may know ' feature enabled predators to hurt children. It ignored that because clicks made the line go up.


On that note with CNN:



Lichtman, appearing with hosts John Berman and Sara Sidner, shifted gears during his comments about recent polls between Trump and Democratic incumbent Joe Biden.

"I love you guys in the media, but I have to say, you are complicit in Donald Trump lying and conning his way to the presidency. All of the attention has been on Biden's faltering debate, but Donald Trump's debate was vastly worse," Lichtman said.

"There's an old saying, it's not just the evil people who wreak havoc on the world, it's the good people who don't do enough to stop them. And the media right now is complicit in Donald Trump gaslighting his way to the presidency and threatening our democracy," Lichtman added.

Edited by DSVII
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38 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Wow, the radio host got fired…



In a statement, WURD Radio claimed, “The interview featured pre-determined questions provided by the White House, which violates our practice of remaining an independent media outlet accountable to our listeners.”



Good...  She was apparently hired to be an objective host and by acquiescing to the Biden administrations request to be able to control the interview, she did the polar opposite of what she was hired for.


Radio is a dying medium and she just made it much more difficult on herself to ever get hired in it again. 


She's obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

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The money is starting to walk away.  This could be the beginning of the end for Biden and the possible beginning of a Kamala Harris or Gavin Newsom presidential campaign.



Major Democratic donors call for Biden to step aside after ABC News interview



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1 minute ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

The world wasn’t ready for Trump in 2016. It’s not making that mistake this time.

In 2016, no one in the world was ready for President Trump. America’s NATO allies aren’t making the same mistake this time.






In Brussels, NATO officials have devised a plan to lock in long-term military support for Ukraine



My favourite part of the article is it's opening sentence.  Now the US should sit the rest of that conflict out now no matter who the next president is.  Let Europe handle it from here.  If Putin steps foot into Poland or another NATO country then we can hop back in and decimate his ground troops in that area.

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5 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:





My favourite part of the article is it's opening sentence.  Now the US should sit the rest of that conflict out now no matter who the next president is.  Let Europe handle it from here.  If Putin steps foot into Poland or another NATO country then we can hop back in and decimate his ground troops in that area.

Did the first sentence offend you in some way?  (Forgive me but the rest of it sounded a bit like flag waving to me.)

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Satchmo said:

Did the first sentence offend you in some way?  (Forgive me but the rest of it sounded a bit like flag waving to me.)


Nope.  Like I said, it was my favourite part of the article.  I've said here and in the Ukraine thread, more than once, that I want Europe to take care of the Russia/Ukraine problem, not us.  The world police role is exhausting and not worth it.  I don't like sending tens and hundreds of billions to other countries when our infrastructure is stagnant and tens of millions go hungry here in the US.



If you mean the decimating Russian troops for attacking a NATO country part as flag waving, the Russian's have a tough enough time keeping their soldiers from abandoning their equipment and walking/running away from angry Ukrainians with tiny explosive drones.  Now bring in a wing of F-16 & 18's, F-22's, FF-35's, etc. with precision guided missiles and the Russian ground troops would get demolished.  Then the world gets destabilized which could lead to parts of a few continents glowing in the dark.  Having to attack Russian troops would suck, but if they say, march into Poland, a good number of those Russians wouldn't march back out.


I think the French and UK air forces could likely do the same thing except they don't have the same stealth tech on their planes so they would lose many more planes.

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This statement is for you to answer..........just wanting your opinion......It may sound aggressive, but it is not meant to be.......I will try my best


IMO, that the US, who has been the worlds #1 power, has done this by being it's #1 seller of expensive goods. I think that the US Republicans / Trump are making a 

 grave error in forcing Europe to work together. IMO, it is making them stronger, and Trumps stance on NATO  is forcing them into being stronger. I wonder how that will affect the USA economically? IMO, this war is showing a great deal to the Europeans. Including how unstable and unreliable the US is these days. And maybe, while Trump is is, just how untrustworthy the US will be for the next 4 years.


That is not even getting into the Senate and Congress if Republican held

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Posted (edited)

Biden sends defiant letter to Democrats, says time to end questions, come together (msn.com)


Biden sends defiant letter to Democrats, says time to end questions, come together


In a lengthy letter to Democrats, President Joe Biden on Monday says it is time for the party to come together so it can have the best chance at beating Donald Trump.


"The question of how to move forward has been well-aired for over a week now. And it's time for it to end," Biden says. "We have one job. And that is to beat Donald Trump. We have 42 days to the Democratic Convention and 119 days to the general election. Any weakening of resolve or lack of clarity about the task ahead only helps Trump and hurts us. It is time to come together, move forward as a unified party, and defeat Donald Trump."


Biden, noting that House and Senate members are returning to Washington Monday, appears to be trying to head off a growing number of Democrats either saying he should step aside as the party's presumptive nominee -- or are continuing to question whether he needs to do so.


"Now that you have returned from the July 4th recess, I want you to know that despite all the speculation in the press and elsewhere, I am firmly committed to staying in this race, to running this race to the end, and to beating Donald Trump," he writes.

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, JIAHN said:



This statement is for you to answer..........just wanting your opinion......It may sound aggressive, but it is not meant to be.......I will try my best


IMO, that the US, who has been the worlds #1 power, has done this by being it's #1 seller of expensive goods. I think that the US Republicans / Trump are making a 

 grave error in forcing Europe to work together. IMO, it is making them stronger, and Trumps stance on NATO  is forcing them into being stronger. I wonder how that will affect the USA economically? IMO, this war is showing a great deal to the Europeans. Including how unstable and unreliable the US is these days. And maybe, while Trump is is, just how untrustworthy the US will be for the next 4 years.


That is not even getting into the Senate and Congress if Republican held


I would prefer that Europe take the lead on the stuff that happens in their part of the world.  The US's economy won't be hurt because it's not a manufacturing based economy like China's.  The US is a service and high tech based economy.


Spending billions and even trillions of dollars on foreign wars will weaken the US much more than forcing Europe to spend some extra money on their military.


The US has proved it's untrustworthy many times.  As a foreign country, when you make a deal with one president, the next president in office usually has few qualms about breaking the deal. 


Look at Ukraine for instance.  Technically, the US was supposed to defend it because that was part of the deal 30 years ago when they gave up their leftover nuclear arsenal.


The world has learned that when you make a deal with the US, it's only good so long as the people you made that deal with are in power. 


Personally, I'm fine with that.

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24 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


I would prefer that Europe take the lead on the stuff that happens in their part of the world.  The US's economy won't be hurt because it's not a manufacturing based economy like China's.  The US is a service and high tech based economy.


Spending billions and even trillions of dollars on foreign wars will weaken the US much more than forcing Europe to spend some extra money on their military.


The US has proved it's untrustworthy many times.  As a foreign country, when you make a deal with one president, the next president in office usually has few qualms about breaking the deal. 


Look at Ukraine for instance.  Technically, the US was supposed to defend it because that was part of the deal 30 years ago when they gave up their leftover nuclear arsenal.


The world has learned that when you make a deal with the US, it's only good so long as the people you made that deal with are in power. 


Personally, I'm fine with that.

The complete extermination of Putin's regime will permanently lower the need for defence spending, especially in the Arctic.  This needs to be viewed as an investment rather than an expense, and is one that isn't costing American lives.

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17 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

The complete extermination of Putin's regime will permanently lower the need for defence spending,


Strictly speaking, it'll create a political and regional/global power vacuum, which brings its own set of uncertainties.  "permanently lower the need for defence spending" is simplistic and naive at best, and is perhaps more aptly described as "delusional" or "not rooted in reality".


Love ya, Heffy - but let's get real here.

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1 minute ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:


Strictly speaking, it'll create a political and regional/global power vacuum, which brings its own set of uncertainties.  "permanently lower the need for defence spending" is simplistic and naive at best, and is perhaps more aptly described as "delusional" or "not rooted in reality".


Love ya, Heffy - but let's get real here.

You don't think the denazification of Russia will have positive benefits to stability in the Arctic?

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4 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

You don't think the denazification of Russia will have positive benefits to stability in the Arctic?


For a moment, but then once other powers rush in to fill the vacuum, the situation could be just as bad as before, maybe even worse depending on how belligerent the "new powers" become.

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