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9 hours ago, Gator said:

No, unlike the left I don't try to create a false rhetoric at every turn.. 🤦


What I'm pointing out is the "FACT" that she did support defunding the police (no matter how you decorate her stance it's fact she was for it), denied it, and wasn't fact checked about it.


It is that black and white. Dance around the fact all you want. The way that debate was handled was borderline criminal

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25 minutes ago, Gator said:

Are you really though?


All it takes is 1 wrong move... By any side

nuclear explosion GIF


Fear mongering is sad stuff but like I told you a few days back, you are doing a good job of promoting Kamala.

You have done a thorough review of all the reasons Trump needs to lose down south. 


Maybe you're a dem plant like JD Vance?


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11 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:


It is indeed legal in 9 states to have an abortion in the 9th month and throughout the entirety of the pregnancy.  One of those states is Minnesota, where Tim Walz is the Governor.  Isn't that what Trump said, that Walz passed a law to allow this?  


Yes, Some States Allow Abortions Through All Nine Months of Pregnancy (yahoo.com)


According to research by the Guttmacher Institute, a think tank focused on advancing reproductive rights, and KFF, a health policy nonprofit, as of 2024, nine states—plus the District of Columbia—currently place no gestational limits on abortion: Alaska, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, and Vermont.


Some of the states with no gestational limits on abortion passed statutory or constitutional protections for the procedure in the lead-up to the Supreme Court’s 2022 ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned the constitutional right to an abortion established in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, for example, signed legislation in early 2022 protecting abortion access in anticipation of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs. The law included no gestational limits on abortion in the state.


Other states, like Minnesota and Michigan, passed measures protecting access to abortion after Roe was overturned. In January 2023, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signed a bill that imposed no restrictions or gestational limits on abortion, and in November 2022, Michigan voters approved a constitutional amendment establishing an individual right to make decisions about abortion. Michigan’s amendment allows the state to regulate abortion once a fetus has reached a point of viability—typically between 24 and 26 weeks of pregnancy—with exceptions to protect the life, physical health, or mental health of the mother. However, the state has not acted on its right to regulate post-viability abortions, and abortions are currently permitted at any point in pregnancy.


State Bans on Abortion Throughout Pregnancy | Guttmacher Institute




14 states have a total abortion ban.

27 states have abortion bans based on gestational duration.

8 states ban abortion at or before 18 weeks’ gestation.

19 states ban abortion at some point after 18 weeks.



A state-by-state breakdown of abortion laws 2 years after Roe was overturned - ABC News (go.com)


At least nine states have no restrictions based on how far along a woman is in her pregnancy and many have recently added amendments enshrining the right to abortion in their state constitutions.



Minnesota does not prohibit abortion based on how far along a woman is in pregnancy.

The well respected and trustworthy KFF is mentioned.  Lets see what they have to say:


Abortions at or after 21 weeks are uncommon and represent 1% of all abortions in the U.S. The procedures are expensive and often require travel and lost wages. They normally require treatment over multiple days and are only performed by a subset of all abortion providers.


Claims of abortions occurring “moments before birth” or even “after birth” are false. These scenarios do not occur, nor are they legal in the United States.


Reasons individuals seek abortions later in pregnancy include medical concerns such as fetal anomalies or maternal life endangerment, as well as barriers to care that cause delays in obtaining an abortion.


Fourteen states currently ban abortion and 11 have gestational bans that restrict abortion at a certain point in pregnancy. An additional 16 states ban abortion at or near “viability”, the point where a fetus can survive outside the womb.


Access to abortions later in pregnancy has always been limited; there are few providers that offer the services and the costs are often prohibitive. Changes in the landscape of abortion access in the U.S. post-Dobbs has led to an increase in out of state travel for abortion services as well as an increase in delays. It is still unknown whether this has led to an increase in the share of abortions that are performed later in pregnancy.





And Petey - no one really argued that some extremely low percentage of abortions can occur (in some states) in the ninth month if the condition of mother and child call for it. It was really the baby executions thing that most, though apparently not all, wanted to discuss.



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34 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


Checks passport... Yep pretty sure.


I'm sorry for you that you are so operating on fear that Trump looks good to you, I really am. 



Obviously you haven't paid attention to most of what I said over the discussion.. Sure the threat of nuclear war is a MAJOR reason for not wanting Kamala in.. But there's so much more to it than that. Like I said. The Left has gone mad. I believe in more "left" values than "right" values.. Well atleast the ones I thought they stood for years ago I suppose. 


I'm pro vaccine.. But I'm also pro choice, and to me covid is what was the start of the left going crazy. The way people got attacked for not taking a rushed and basically forced vaccine is nuts. And that extends into our borders as well. Our own Prime Minister locked the bank accounts of people donating to a trucker convoy protesting the matter. Do they not have the right to protest? .. For me that was the start of me seeing through the BS.. Now again I'm pro vaccine. I got my shots and believe in it.. What I don't believe in is forcing people to take these drugs through "panic" pushing media BS.


I'm anti gun.. But honestly, taking guns from Americans at this point is only taking them from the innocent. Do you really believe buy back programs are going to stop these mass shootings? 


I'm pro abortion.. Just not to the extreme that it seems democrats are pushing. Trump said he's for the extremes such as rape & Mathers health being at risk, and to me that more aligns with my way of thinking about it. Opening the door to post birth abortion is scary. Atleast for me anyway. Look no further than the MAID system here in Canada for proof of what morally right things open the door for down the road. They're already pushing for mental health to qualify you for MAID.


So yea nuclear war is a major concern of mine, as it should be for everyone imo.. But like I said, it goes WAY beyond that for me.


You guys need atleast 4 years of no Trudeau and no Harris to calm it down a bit 🤣

Edited by Gator
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8 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

Abortions at or after 21 weeks are uncommon and represent 1% of all abortions in the U.S. The procedures are expensive and often require travel and lost wages. They normally require treatment over multiple days and are only performed by a subset of all abortion providers.

Trump has said he is for the extremes such as health of the mother, rape, etc... So I'm sure if these cases fall under those "extremes" you wouldn't see that change under Trump.


8 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

Claims of abortions occurring “moments before birth” or even “after birth” are false. These scenarios do not occur, nor are they legal in the United States.

He did not claim they are occurring, he said they mentioned it (discussing the idea), and there's video proving he did talk about it pages back. "We would keep the baby comfortable and then discuss with the mother about what to do with it" (not exactly quote, but along those lines). He was very much right to bring up that issue. Dance around the fact (like all the other ones) as much as you'd like.


9 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

Reasons individuals seek abortions later in pregnancy include medical concerns such as fetal anomalies or maternal life endangerment, as well as barriers to care that cause delays in obtaining an abortion.

Luke I said. Trump is for those extremes.

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27 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


Fear mongering is sad stuff but like I told you a few days back, you are doing a good job of promoting Kamala.

You have done a thorough review of all the reasons Trump needs to lose down south. 


Maybe you're a dem plant like JD Vance?


Yea fear mongering is sad stuff. 


How many more crazy people needs to try and end Trumps life before you guys truly understand that


Same people used bullying and fear to force a vaccine on people 4 years ago lol. Idk how you can't see the "crazy" in the left the last 4 years

Edited by Gator
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48 minutes ago, Gator said:

Trump has said he is for the extremes such as health of the mother, rape, etc... So I'm sure if these cases fall under those "extremes" you wouldn't see that change under Trump.


He did not claim they are occurring, he said they mentioned it (discussing the idea), and there's video proving he did talk about it pages back. "We would keep the baby comfortable and then discuss with the mother about what to do with it" (not exactly quote, but along those lines). He was very much right to bring up that issue. Dance around the fact (like all the other ones) as much as you'd like.


Luke I said. Trump is for those extremes.

Good for him.  I can't believe we are not over the executing babies thing.  I have seen your video.  I have read the transcript. The words you post do not describe the 'execution of babies'.


A question - if the teenaged victim of a motorcycle accident who has no hope of survival is taken off life support after consultation between his doctor and his parents is that an execution?


Not that it really matters, but the words you are so fixated on were spoken in 2019 by an ex-governor while discussing a proposed bill. The bill did not pass and therefore changed no laws.  


Edit - How can his words 'They are executing babies' be described as 'He did not claim they are occurring' ?


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25 minutes ago, Gator said:

Yea fear mongering is sad stuff. 


How many more crazy people needs to try and end Trumps life before you guys truly understand that


Same people used bullying and fear to force a vaccine on people 4 years ago lol. Idk how you can't see the "crazy" in the left the last 4 years


I'm one person.

I didn't mention anything about crazy people, bullying, or vaccines...


I'm pointing out your fear mongering.

This isn't a left/right thing anymore. It's normal people seeing that the cult named MAGA is out of control.


Trump doesnt respect democracy. Thats the biggest line in the sand. 


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56 minutes ago, Gator said:

Yea fear mongering is sad stuff. 


How many more crazy people needs to try and end Trumps life before you guys truly understand that


Same people used bullying and fear to force a vaccine on people 4 years ago lol. Idk how you can't see the "crazy" in the left the last 4 years

I'll bite on the last one.  If you want to take it further, go to the vaccine thread.


It wasn't a left thing.  The governments of Britain and Australia were in the hands of their Conservative parties.  It was their CONSERVATIVE governments that set their COVID-19 policies.   In some respects, their policies were worse than ours.


But do go on believing that it was leftists that "forced" vaccines. 


Again, if you want to respond, TAKE IT TO THE VACCINE THREAD and tag me in the response. 


Edit:  and FYI it was under the TRUMP administration that operation Warpspeed happened and the vaccines were developed.   As well as the initial lockdowns in the US.  So there is that.

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1 hour ago, Gator said:

Obviously you haven't paid attention to most of what I said over the discussion..


I have, but its a bit like trying to deal with a dog thats always biting its leash. 


1 hour ago, Gator said:

Sure the threat of nuclear war is a MAJOR reason for not wanting Kamala in.. But there's so much more to it than that. Like I said. The Left has gone mad. I believe in more "left" values than "right" values.. Well atleast the ones I thought they stood for years ago I suppose. 


Nah, whats "gone mad" is us being led around by social media hair on fire reactions to every story. We seem to need to hit every single thing with a sledge hammer when often a "meh" or "oh thats interesting" would suffice. 


We're over reacting to everything as a society online - now ask yourself, who really benefits when we're distracted like that?


1 hour ago, Gator said:

I'm pro vaccine.. But I'm also pro choice, and to me covid is what was the start of the left going crazy. The way people got attacked for not taking a rushed and basically forced vaccine is nuts. And that extends into our borders as well. Our own Prime Minister locked the bank accounts of people donating to a trucker convoy protesting the matter. Do they not have the right to protest? .. For me that was the start of me seeing through the BS.. Now again I'm pro vaccine. I got my shots and believe in it.. What I don't believe in is forcing people to take these drugs through "panic" pushing media BS.


what people didn't like was folks who didn't want to take the vaccine, which was their right and their choice - then wanting to force their personal choice on others.


It was their lack of wanting any consequence for their choice that caused the friction. A lot of people that didn't want to take the vaccine did it responsibly, they stayed away from others. We had a couple of folks on the old CDC that took that position, i can respect that. 


What I and others don't respect is someone making a personal choice, then trying to force it on others. I'm sure youd agree with that in general. 


1 hour ago, Gator said:

I'm anti gun.. But honestly, taking guns from Americans at this point is only taking them from the innocent. Do you really believe buy back programs are going to stop these mass shootings? 


no ones comin' for their guns. Mental health checks are a good idea. 


1 hour ago, Gator said:

I'm pro abortion.. Just not to the extreme that it seems democrats are pushing. Trump said he's for the extremes such as rape & Mathers health being at risk, and to me that more aligns with my way of thinking about it. Opening the door to post birth abortion is scary. Atleast for me anyway. Look no further than the MAID system here in Canada for proof of what morally right things open the door for down the road. They're already pushing for mental health to qualify you for MAID.


Do you have a GP? if you do, maybe have a chat with them about this 'late term abortion' stuff. Someone's fed you some misinformation and you really need to make an adjustment here, you are really off in the rhubarb.


1 hour ago, Gator said:

So yea nuclear war is a major concern of mine, as it should be for everyone imo.. But like I said, it goes WAY beyond that for me.


You guys need atleast 4 years of no Trudeau and no Harris to calm it down a bit 🤣


Trudeau is almost certainly done in a year or less, not sure how its relevant to Trump hurting us on trade?


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55 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:





This is an expected gesture for candidates in a functioning democracy to make. Whatever the personal views of Trump, and believe me there are many, he's still the candidate for a major party. Where was Trump's when Nancy Pelosi's husband got attacked? 


Great example of the de-escalating language used by one party in response to a crisis.

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2 hours ago, Gator said:

Yea fear mongering is sad stuff. 


How many more crazy people needs to try and end Trumps life before you guys truly understand that


Same people used bullying and fear to force a vaccine on people 4 years ago lol. Idk how you can't see the "crazy" in the left the last 4 years


Trying to sane-wash the guy calling immigrants animals, rapists and threatening to jail his political opponents is not a good look dude.


The vaccine stuff you can leave to the other thread, but it's the same kind of "bullying" as firefighters telling you to evacuate when your neighbor's house is on fire, and the government mandating you wear seatbelts when driving.


It's a part of a healthy functioning society and government that you seem so intent on attacking.


Going back to our analogy, you're ignoring the right, left and center as badly as the Raven's offensive tackles were last game 🥲 All the content providers you have are reactionary far right and Max Crosby is in the middle just waltzing right past you to the QB.

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25 minutes ago, DSVII said:


This is an expected gesture for candidates in a functioning democracy to make. Whatever the personal views of Trump, and believe me there are many, he's still the candidate for a major party. Where was Trump's when Nancy Pelosi's husband got attacked? 


Great example of the de-escalating language used by one party in response to a crisis.

Not to Elon Muskovite.  (coward didn't even stand by his statement & deleted it after receiving a backlash)

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1 hour ago, Duodenum said:

More Than Half of Trump Voters Believe Haitians Are Eating Pets: Poll




Shows you why they make up these stories. There are a lot of people willing to get angry and believe fake news.


As per Brandolini's Law: The amount of energy needed to refute  bullshit  is an  order of magnitude  bigger than that needed to produce it.


You see the firehouse of disinformation at work from the far right youtubers.

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