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1 hour ago, Gnarcore said:

Considering the last two were in the past supporters of Republicans I expect it would be some right wing nutso as the betting favorite. But if migrants killed him and ate him I wouldn't be upset 😄

Why is this not considered a hate crime? How can you people all support and laugh with each other talking about a person's life? Agree or disagree with someone, fine. But talking about supporting any human's murder is horrible. You should be ashamed.

It seems acceptable with the Left. and even, Celebrated. Good on ya

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23 minutes ago, EastCoastExpress said:

Probably more concerned than lonely. Likely feels like the Jewish people did in late 1930s Germany. If you don't accept the mainstream, you will be outcast.

And you are all Diversity, Inclusion, Equality.

Look in the fucking mirror people.


I'm assuming this is sarcasm. If so, then I guess I get it?


Otherwise, I have no clue what you're even talking about to be honest.

Edited by The Lock
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5 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

So Jewish people in 1930's Germany were outcasts because they didn't accept the mainstream?

yes. the mainstream was actually Christianity and it was used to separate and isolate Jews over a period of 10 years or so.

By the time Hitler took power everyone was willing to point out the Jews and have a feast.

Are the Republicans next?

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1 minute ago, EastCoastExpress said:

yes. the mainstream was actually Christianity and it was used to separate and isolate Jews over a period of 10 years or so.

By the time Hitler took power everyone was willing to point out the Jews and have a feast.

Are the Republicans next?

I struggle to understand what you just said but I'll take a swing and say: No. 

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He signed a bill that would allow for no restriction on when an abortion can be.


so hwawas right to bring it up... Now I will hand it to you I can't find him saying that abortion after birth is allowed, but this essentially allows for babies to be killed up until birth.


Knowing Trump he probably seen the governor of Virginia (maybe not a governor, but you know the dude I'm referring to) talking about it, because the first video I showed you many pages back about abortion 100% talked about executing babies (sugar coated words obviously)


So atleast until I do digging ill give you Trump was wrong to insinuate Walz said it, but he was right to raise the topic.


I will admit Trump should definitely start being more prepared for debates, because admittedly specifics are important. But that doesn't discredit the fact he raised a very good and important point by bringing that up, and the average viewer was basically made to believe he was out to lunch and doesn't know what he's talking about.. Like the Ohio thing, he got specifics wrong, but was more than in the right to bring the topics up


But that really doesn't change my stance on the moderators. They should have properly fact checked and then proceed to question Kamala on the topic.. Their main goal that entire debate was to make Trump look as bad and stupid as possible. 


So maybe they never "wrongfully" fact checked Trump when it boils down to specifics, but the way they did it and basically completely disredited very important points he was making is very wrong to me.


However to fact check Trump on every turn over very ticky tacky specifics, and not fact check Kamala's blatant lies is kinda criminal. Especially on a national stage during a presidential debate. Essentially gaslighted the entire country.


Things Kamala should have been fact checked on...


Bloodbath if Trump doesn't win election


Saying Trump left them with the highest unemployment rate since the great depression (only due to pandemic was the rate so high I may add)



Fracking - You can say she changed stance on it all you want, but she said in 2019 "There's no question I am in favor of banning fracking".. She walked it back recently, but  she was more than in favor of it, and If Trump said that quote and conveniently walked it back leading up to the election they (and you) would see through the BS, and would most defiantly fact check him and bring up his 2019 quote.. You can beat this down any way you see fit, but you know I'm right.


I mean there's more she probably should have got fact checked on, but the first 2 are undisputable. You can debate the 3rd one since she did conveniently walk back her very strong stance since, but at end of the day we all know Trump would have got "fact checked" there in her shoes.


It is criminal (imho) to gaslight the American people the way those moderator did during that debate. In my eyes that is a true threat to democracy. It's that shit that's going to win it for Trump. People are seeing right through the BS, as long as their willing to take those left wing glasses off for a little bit.. I took them off, and now I'm so far on the right it's going to take quite a bit for the left to get my trust back. Every since covid you guys (in general) went nuts, and got worse and worse as the years went on.. Attacking people for the vaccine, attacking people because they don't share the same views on the 250 genders, attacking people for supporting Trump. It is so bad a lot of lefties disown their own flesh and blood for supporting Trump. It's really sad imo.. I'm not joking when I say I have never supported a republican before. I believe in a lot of what the "left" is supposed to value.. But like I said that side of the political fence right now is absolutely mad. Very close minded, very loud, obnoxious, and pushing their agenda down people's throats and attacking them for not supporting their views.. Idk how people don't see it.


Kinda veered off the discussion at the end there, but imo its the truth, and people on the left need to realize it and calm tf down, because you guys are losing the trust of people fast. I see a lot of people in my area that used to be pro Clinton/Biden completely turn and see through the BS. They all hated Trump like myself, and think he's a terrible person.. But because of all the false BS you guys push, we trust him more. Or maybe we just don't trust you guys anymore? Probably more the latter if I'm being honest...

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2 minutes ago, EastCoastExpress said:

yes. the mainstream was actually Christianity and it was used to separate and isolate Jews over a period of 10 years or so.

By the time Hitler took power everyone was willing to point out the Jews and have a feast.

Are the Republicans next?

Right wing media has got people so afraid of everything, they just make stuff up to be scared about now.


Nobody is coming for maga lol

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Up until covid hit I have to say those unemployment rates between 2017-2019 look pretty damn good.


But of course that "fact" doesn't get brought up when Kamala lies and says "we took over with the highest unemployment rates since the great depression"


You can try your best to pretend the debate wasn't totally rigged all you want. The proof is in the pudding

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Just now, Gator said:


He signed a bill that would allow for no restriction on when an abortion can be.


so hwawas right to bring it up... Now I will hand it to you I can't find him saying that abortion after birth is allowed, but this essentially allows for babies to be killed up until birth.


Knowing Trump he probably seen the governor of Virginia (maybe not a governor, but you know the dude I'm referring to) talking about it, because the first video I showed you many pages back about abortion 100% talked about executing babies (sugar coated words obviously)


So atleast until I do digging ill give you Trump was wrong to insinuate Walz said it, but he was right to raise the topic.


I will admit Trump should definitely start being more prepared for debates, because admittedly specifics are important. But that doesn't discredit the fact he raised a very good and important point by bringing that up, and the average viewer was basically made to believe he was out to lunch and doesn't know what he's talking about.. Like the Ohio thing, he got specifics wrong, but was more than in the right to bring the topics up


But that really doesn't change my stance on the moderators. They should have properly fact checked and then proceed to question Kamala on the topic.. Their main goal that entire debate was to make Trump look as bad and stupid as possible. 


So maybe they never "wrongfully" fact checked Trump when it boils down to specifics, but the way they did it and basically completely disredited very important points he was making is very wrong to me.


However to fact check Trump on every turn over very ticky tacky specifics, and not fact check Kamala's blatant lies is kinda criminal. Especially on a national stage during a presidential debate. Essentially gaslighted the entire country.


Things Kamala should have been fact checked on...


Bloodbath if Trump doesn't win election


Saying Trump left them with the highest unemployment rate since the great depression (only due to pandemic was the rate so high I may add)



Fracking - You can say she changed stance on it all you want, but she said in 2019 "There's no question I am in favor of banning fracking".. She walked it back recently, but  she was more than in favor of it, and If Trump said that quote and conveniently walked it back leading up to the election they (and you) would see through the BS, and would most defiantly fact check him and bring up his 2019 quote.. You can beat this down any way you see fit, but you know I'm right.


I mean there's more she probably should have got fact checked on, but the first 2 are undisputable. You can debate the 3rd one since she did conveniently walk back her very strong stance since, but at end of the day we all know Trump would have got "fact checked" there in her shoes.


It is criminal (imho) to gaslight the American people the way those moderator did during that debate. In my eyes that is a true threat to democracy. It's that shit that's going to win it for Trump. People are seeing right through the BS, as long as their willing to take those left wing glasses off for a little bit.. I took them off, and now I'm so far on the right it's going to take quite a bit for the left to get my trust back. Every since covid you guys (in general) went nuts, and got worse and worse as the years went on.. Attacking people for the vaccine, attacking people because they don't share the same views on the 250 genders, attacking people for supporting Trump. It is so bad a lot of lefties disown their own flesh and blood for supporting Trump. It's really sad imo.. I'm not joking when I say I have never supported a republican before. I believe in a lot of what the "left" is supposed to value.. But like I said that side of the political fence right now is absolutely mad. Very close minded, very loud, obnoxious, and pushing their agenda down people's throats and attacking them for not supporting their views.. Idk how people don't see it.


Kinda veered off the discussion at the end there, but imo its the truth, and people on the left need to realize it and calm tf down, because you guys are losing the trust of people fast. I see a lot of people in my area that used to be pro Clinton/Biden completely turn and see through the BS. They all hated Trump like myself, and think he's a terrible person.. But because of all the false BS you guys push, we trust him more. Or maybe we just don't trust you guys anymore? Probably more the latter if I'm being honest...

Things happen.  Then doctors and parents decide what to do.


The number of abortions that occur late into a pregnancy is historically rare in Minnesota. The Minnesota Department of Health provides an annual report to the Minnesota Legislature on the number of induced abortions each year. The most recent data from 2022 (annual report, page 14) listed one abortion performed in the third trimester of pregnancy (at 32 weeks), with the majority of abortions occurring in the first trimester (10,979). A similar annual report for 2021 listed one third-trimester abortion involving a Minnesota resident that year, but it was not performed in the state. One third-trimester abortion was also reported in Minnesota in both 2020 and 2019.

Prior to the 2023 PRO Act, abortion was already legal in Minnesota under the Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision, and remained legal in Minnesota following Roe’s reversal as a result of the 1995 Doe v. Gomez Minnesota Supreme Court ruling, which said women had a fundamental right to privacy under the Minnesota Constitution.



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9 minutes ago, The Lock said:


I'm assuming this is sarcasm. If so, then I get it.


Otherwise, I have no clue what you're even talking about to be honest.

It seems that "Globalism" is something most Democrats do not have an understanding of. Hitlers dream, really. I think they stopped teaching history at some point in the 90's.

And I think 80% of Democrats do not read books, History, Philosophy. Dont be offended, I am sure you are one of the 20% that do.... this is not a personal attack

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13 minutes ago, EastCoastExpress said:

yes. the mainstream was actually Christianity and it was used to separate and isolate Jews over a period of 10 years or so.

By the time Hitler took power everyone was willing to point out the Jews and have a feast.

Are the Republicans next?

Unless I'm mistaken, Germany was actually one of the "safer" countries in Europe for people of the Jewish faith prior to the Austrian corporal gaining power.   At least compared to such countries like Russia/Soviet Union.

Edited by NewbieCanuckFan
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1 minute ago, Gator said:

But of course that "fact" doesn't get brought up when Kamala lies and says "we took over with the highest unemployment rates since the great depression"


That's the one debate statement she was fact checked on.  It's a false statement.  She could have said since the 2008 mortgage crisis and been correct.


So, she was fact checked on it.  What is it that you are arguing about again?

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52 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

Yeah, but you don't want some teenager logging in and reading this drivel without also seeing it being challenged.


52 minutes ago, DSVII said:

Its not about beating anyone. Everyone on the forum has their own views and no ones mind os being changed. it's just not letting the disinformation get a free pass.

I agree with both of you in that regard, I just wanted to point out the futility of this exercise with a little humour. I'm sure we are all aware this poster has has no intention on having an honest conversation. Same as the last time "I seen him" here under a different name. 


I will say I did notice they posted a lot less when people stopped responding, and that was nice. 

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1 minute ago, Satchmo said:

That's the one debate statement she was fact checked on.  It's a false statement.  She could have said since the 2008 mortgage crisis and been correct.


So, she was fact checked on it.  What is it that you are arguing about again?

Was she? I don't remember hearing her get fact checked one. Maybe I'm wrong. Just watched a breakdown of things Kamala said during debate (not fact checking her, just her highlights in general) So I went and seen if it was true. Video didn't show her being fact checked.


Ok so you got me there (maybe?)


But I love how you snip that 1 thing to try and discredit the rest. Hence why I don't even bother trying to do digging because you'll ignore everything, and try and discredit everything over 1 little statement lol


Why was she not fact checked when telling people Trump said there would be a bloodbath if he's not elected? When she was obviously insinuating it would be an attack on democracy?


Don't dance around it..

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2 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

Unless I'm mistaken, Germany was actually one of the "safer" countries in Europe for people of the Jewish faith prior to the Austrian corporal gaining power.   At least compared to such countries like Russia/Soviet Union.

Thank you! Yes! When it was Prussia.

Christianity welcomes all races and creeds.

Hitler and the Nazis took advantage of overpopulation to put targets on these new immigrants

However, they took advantage of the local Christian established groups Politically to gain power, and load up on hate.

Soon the christian values of acceptance, tolarance were overturned.

Thats why Diversity and Inclusion and equality are being forced into us now. Because it can be turned. Islam has no tolerance and Europe is experiencing that now.

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17 minutes ago, EastCoastExpress said:

It seems that "Globalism" is something most Democrats do not have an understanding of. Hitlers dream, really. I think they stopped teaching history at some point in the 90's.

And I think 80% of Democrats do not read books, History, Philosophy. Dont be offended, I am sure you are one of the 20% that do.... this is not a personal attack


The fact that you need to single out Democrats as if Democrats are the issue rather than just talking about society (essentially making this a political issue rather than a general issue) makes you just as ignorant as the people you're portraying.


At the very least, this is how you are coming off as right now.


I'm fine with the history part. Singling it out to make it seem like it's left vs right with all of this is just plain stupid.

Edited by The Lock
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4 minutes ago, EastCoastExpress said:

Thank you! Yes! When it was Prussia.

Christianity welcomes all races and creeds.

Hitler and the Nazis took advantage of overpopulation to put targets on these new immigrants

However, they took advantage of the local Christian established groups Politically to gain power, and load up on hate.

Soon the christian values of acceptance, tolarance were overturned.

Thats why Diversity and Inclusion and equality are being forced into us now. Because it can be turned. Islam has no tolerance and Europe is experiencing that now.


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We're obviously never going to see eye to eye on the whole thing so it's kinda pointless to keep discussing it lol. Like I said I could care less how rare or morally right the abortion thing is, he was more than right to raise awareness to the discussion, and we were gaslighted into believing he was crazy to even bring it up.


Idk man. To me you're just either blind as a bat or just being very intentionally ignorant to the points I'm trying to make lol. 


My writing skills don't help me out any debating over text either so I'll give you the W there 🤣.. I just hope enough people see through it, because imo the world is going to go to hell if Trump doesn't get in. 


I really hope you guys are right if she gets in. That's all I'm going to say.

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44 minutes ago, EastCoastExpress said:


Probably more concerned than lonely. Likely feels like the Jewish people did in late 1930s Germany. If you don't accept the mainstream, you will be outcast.

And you are all Diversity, Inclusion, Equality.

Look in the fucking mirror people.


If you want to go that route, one of the earliest things the Nazis did to the Jews was falsely accuse the Jews of persecuting Germans for their beliefs and identity. It's really part of that playbook to accuse the side they want to disenfranchise with the very actions they plan to implement on the group.


The cynical way you use Diversity, Inclusion, Equality really just tells everything eh. I know that's the new buzz word now that 'woke' has lost its original meaning (as intended by the far right), not that they've stopped using it.


And wrapping those values around a guy you support that has openly called immigrants animals, threatened to jail and kill his political opponents and essentially is planning on setting up a theocratic dictatorship to trample everyone's rights. I invite you to check your own reflection here.







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8 minutes ago, Gator said:

Was she? I don't remember hearing her get fact checked one. Maybe I'm wrong. Just watched a breakdown of things Kamala said during debate (not fact checking her, just her highlights in general) So I went and seen if it was true. Video didn't show her being fact checked.


Ok so you got me there (maybe?)


But I love how you snip that 1 thing to try and discredit the rest. Hence why I don't even bother trying to do digging because you'll ignore everything, and try and discredit everything over 1 little statement lol


Why was she not fact checked when telling people Trump said there would be a bloodbath if he's not elected? When she was obviously insinuating it would be an attack on democracy?


Don't dance around it..

Just go back through our posts.  I have already addressed each question you just made but:



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2 minutes ago, The Lock said:


The fact that you need to single out Democrats as if Democrats are the issue rather than just talking about society (essentially making this a political issue rather than a general issue) makes you just as ignorant as the people you're portraying.


At the very least, this is how you are coming off as right now.

Actually, I am a Canadian so I just see the "eye test" of what is happening in society right now, I dont like any of our political choices except maybe Green, or even the Bloc (I dont live in Quebec!!)

But thanks for letting me know I look like an ass, I just speak my mind. I may be wrong? I am actually scared I am correct and we are the next China. You all get a home, you all get groceries, you own nothing. You do as your told.

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Just now, Gator said:

We're obviously never going to see eye to eye on the whole thing so it's kinda pointless to keep discussing it lol. Like I said I could care less how rare or morally right the abortion thing is, he was more than right to raise awareness to the discussion, and we were gaslighted into believing he was crazy to even bring it up.


Idk man. To me you're just either blind as a bat or just being very intentionally ignorant to the points I'm trying to make lol. 


My writing skills don't help me out any debating over text either so I'll give you the W there 🤣.. I just hope enough people see through it, because imo the world is going to go to hell if Trump doesn't get in. 


I really hope you guys are right if she gets in. That's all I'm going to say.


How about this?

I see a lot of people still radicalized overall because of Trump and I hope you one day see it for what it is. I don't expect you to see it now. I even expect you to look at this very post and roll your eyes. Simply put: I expect you to see my post and think I'm just "some lefty who has no idea what he's talking about."


But that doesn't mean I can't at least try and reach out and hope America becomes less divided in the future. I bet we can at least agree that Trump won't do that. There's just too many people against him.

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9 minutes ago, EastCoastExpress said:

Thank you! Yes! When it was Prussia.

Christianity welcomes all races and creeds.


That's a loaded comment with a ton of historical revisionism behind it, there's countless sects that Christians have persecuted and eliminated since the Roman times. 


Let's not forget the 30 years war, when Europe basically burned itself to the ground because of Catholics and Protestants. Millions have died just because they believed in the wrong version of Christianity.



Hitler and the Nazis took advantage of overpopulation to put targets on these new immigrants

However, they took advantage of the local Christian established groups Politically to gain power, and load up on hate.

Soon the christian values of acceptance, tolarance were overturned.

Thats why Diversity and Inclusion and equality are being forced into us now. Because it can be turned. Islam has no tolerance and Europe is experiencing that now.


They took advantage mainly of the resentment from the Treaty of Versailles, which combined with the economic depression that the world was going through. 


Diversity, Inclusion, Equity isn't being forced on anyone. Again, in any functioning society, you tolerate folks for their beliefs and live and let live, but there is a hard line where you cannot tolerate the intolerant. I would bunch Radical Islam and Extremist Christian White Supremists here too. 


That mention of Islam is completely random. I thought just a line above you said Christianity accepted all creeds? 

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53 minutes ago, EastCoastExpress said:


Probably more concerned than lonely. Likely feels like the Jewish people did in late 1930s Germany. If you don't accept the mainstream, you will be outcast.

And you are all Diversity, Inclusion, Equality.

Look in the fucking mirror people.

Switch the poster out for trans people and migrants and you may be onto something. As abhorrent as your attempt at playing the victim may be. 

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