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6 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


It's really too bad that there aren't a half dozen principled Republicans who would back Jeffries and get Congress back to work....


That's impossible. The ones not backing Jordan are facing threatening phone calls and death threats. If some of them backed Jeffries they probably get whacked.

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3 hours ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

I should have included that I wasn't excusing what they did. 


You would think that a building that houses offices for Congress members and committee rooms would be a bit more secure (that is the purpose of the Cannon Building).  However, due to the fact that it is their offices and committee rooms, there is an element that it needs to be open to the public, and not closed off during regular business days.  Unlike the Capital on Jan. 6th, which was a special session where the Capital is closed to the public.


In both cases, there should have been way, way more security.  That being said, these two incidents are not the same.  Apples to oranges.  Both fruit, but different.


You're certainly correct about it not being the same thing. 


I had to Google it to try and refresh my memory.  I haven't been to DC in decades so I did not remember that the offices weren't technically part of the "hill".  I just remember school teachers on the class trip saying that they were built because Congress had outgrown using just the Capitol building.


I'm still not a fan that the people in charge of securing the building let a sizable group, which could have turned violent at any moment after being riled up by Talib, loiter there and block access.  Push them out and let them protest all they want outside as long as they aren't impeding foot access or traffic.

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2 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


You're certainly correct about it not being the same thing. 


I had to Google it to try and refresh my memory.  I haven't been to DC in decades so I did not remember that the offices weren't technically part of the "hill".  I just remember school teachers on the class trip saying that they were built because Congress had outgrown using just the Capitol building.


I'm still not a fan that the people in charge of securing the building let a sizable group, which could have turned violent at any moment after being riled up by Talib, loiter there and block access.  Push them out and let them protest all they want outside as long as they aren't impeding foot access or traffic.


Yes, they should have stayed outside.  Pushing into the building loses any credibility that they may have.  

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4 hours ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

If I was a little fish indicted with these clowns, I'd be on the phone looking to plead as well.  We all know who the real target is.  Those who stay on this sinking ship are going to go down with TRUMP.


Looks like Chesebro is one of those.....







No deal.

Former President Donald Trump campaign attorney Kenneth Chesebro, set to go on trial this month to defend against running interference in the 2020 presidential election -- rejected a plea deal offered in late September from Georgia prosecutors, according to ABC News.

Attorney Kenneth Chesebro, one of the 18 co-defendants charged alongside the 45th president in the Fulton County racketeering case, declined the offer that would have allowed him to dodge prison time.

In return, Chesebro would plea guilty to the top racketeering felony charge, sources told the network, noting that he would have to agree to write a letter of apology.

He is facing seven counts accusing him of pushing a strategy to use so-called "alternate electors" to stymie then Democratic nominee Joe Biden from reaching 270 electoral votes, according to the indictment.

Fulton County prosecutor Nathan Wade confirmed in court that a plea deal would be extended to both Chesebro and Powell ahead of trial.

"We'll sit down and kind of put some things together and we'll reach out to defense counsel individually to extend an offer," said the prosecutor to the judge.

Chesebro is said to have helped invent a fake elector scheme, writing a memo to a Trump campaign lawyer that games out how electors for Trump could subvert the electoral vote .

Last month, his attorneys tried and failed to toss the RICO case.

The judge described the defense's argument as a "strained reading" of Georgia law.

Terms of the deal offered the esquire a chance to take advantage of Georgia's first-offender act, which permits first-time offenders of mostly nonviolent crimes to be granted softer punishments.

Had Chesebro accepted the prosecutor's deal, he could have completed probation and his record could have been wiped clean.

Neither Chesebro's attorney nor a Fulton County district attorney's office spokesperson commented when ABC News reached out.

Trials for Chesebro along with co-defendant Sidney Powell, are scheduled to get underway this week with 450 potential jurors set to be considered when selection begins on Friday.



Sidney got 6 years probation.....hopefully KC gets 6 years in prison.


Let everyone who shelters Bone Spurs know their actions have consequences.....

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5 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


Let me tell you what actually would have happened if Donald Trump had been POTUS......


He would have tried to broker a deal that had Ukraine ceding territory to Russia.....and Zelenskyy would have told him to fuck off.....


Trump would have withheld military funding (again) and the rest of the International community would have jumped in to try and pick up the slack, especisally the other NATO countries. (It's even money as to whether Bone Spurs would have pulled the US out of NATO by this time)


Russia would have invaded anyway...Trump and the MAGAts would have stood by and let it happen and there would be many more dead Ukrainian civilians and more live Russian soldiers....


A leftist fantasy.  You are in the minority.


5 hours ago, Gnarcore said:

Time for my first use of this gem on the new forum! 
Think of how stupid the average..." - George Carlin [ 640x360] :  r/QuotesPorn

If you're going to use Carlin you may regret it.

5 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


It's really too bad that there aren't a half dozen principled Republicans who would back Jeffries and get Congress back to work....

Nothing stopping dems from breaking party ranks, is there?

6 hours ago, Playoff Beered said:





Pretty sick. 

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7 hours ago, Cerridwen said:


I can't stop laughing long enough to type a dry, measured, calm and thread-serious response....the Krapulous Kraken Kracked and I find that hilarious and NOT unexpected. The cuckoo for cocoa puff idiots who jumped aboard Trump's 'Win At Any Cost & If We Don't We'll Just Deny He Lost' wagon were going to jump off eventually when they realized what it was going to cost them personally. She done FAFOed....and what a cost she's paying for it. Not an ounce of sympathy or a single kudo for flipping/pleading out....it was ALL about self-interests. 


(Still laughing...His Corpulentness must be losing his mind! 😂😂)




First I heard of this plea, and it looks good on her. 

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9 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:


One less clown in the clown car. 


Why did he capitalize 'complete' and 'total'?


9 hours ago, Calamity K said:

Since there hasn't been any earth-shattering puppet evidence coming forward, I grabbed  another article from your list. The first line read, 


 Most Americans think that Russian President Vladimir Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if Donald Trump were president.  


No frickin kidding. Thank you.


Do you honestly believe that? Why do you think that is the case? How would Trump be any sort of deterrent for Putin?

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43 minutes ago, Calamity K said:


A leftist fantasy.  You are in the minority.


If you're going to use Carlin you may regret it.

Nothing stopping dems from breaking party ranks, is there?

Pretty sick. 

Here’s some words from a man of god to calm your hurt feelings.



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5 minutes ago, PistolPete13 said:

Hoping that the bloated orange clown learns that lesson too

Yup, went from multi-million dollar wealth to divorce, loss of assets, and years in prison.  Now sells 5 gallon buckets of "food" that you can also use as a toilet.  His words from one of his videos.



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5 hours ago, the destroyer of worlds said:


Yes, they should have stayed outside.  Pushing into the building loses any credibility that they may have.  

Problem is you wouldn't even know ow about this protest if they weren't in the building. What good is credibility when no one even know you exist?


They were at most guilty of protesting without a permit. 


To be clear that is different than Jan 6th where people forcibly got inside. 

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1 hour ago, Calamity K said:

Nothing stopping dems from breaking party ranks, is there?


Nothing aside from the complete lack of a worthy option put forth by the GQP...


If they had nominated Don Bacon, Mike Lawler or even someone like Nancy Mace, we'd have a speaker right now...

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Crazy that the chaos is being tempered by QOP members.   Pence on the 6th.  Now this guy.  He's pushing back against a concept that would lead to a place where no Speaker would have to be elected.   





In the latest sign of House chaos, the temporary speaker is threatening to quit

Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., is resisting a push to get him to move legislation without an explicit vote to expand his powers.
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8 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

Crazy that the chaos is being tempered by QOP members.   Pence on the 6th.  Now this guy.  He's pushing back against a concept that would lead to a place where no Speaker would have to be elected.   





In the latest sign of House chaos, the temporary speaker is threatening to quit

Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., is resisting a push to get him to move legislation without an explicit vote to expand his powers.

The US system is totally stupid. 

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2 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

Crazy that the chaos is being tempered by QOP members.   Pence on the 6th.  Now this guy.  He's pushing back against a concept that would lead to a place where no Speaker would have to be elected.   





In the latest sign of House chaos, the temporary speaker is threatening to quit

Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., is resisting a push to get him to move legislation without an explicit vote to expand his powers.


If I had my way, they'd move on with any warm body in the spot as a temp and just pass only absolutely necessary bills until the next election.  There is supposed to always be a speaker, but they can move on just fine with whoever wants the temp position as a toothless, mostly powerless figurehead.  Then they need to dump election cash in the troublemaker's districts and get them replaced.  Especially the child trafficker who started it all.

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3 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

Some interesting stuff regarding today's events. Sydney Powell is General Flynn's attorney. Apparently he's been strangely silent all day and his brother reportedly deleted his Twitter account.

I was reading earlier that they are working on getting her disbarred.

Imagine having that raving lunatic as your lawyer.

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Just now, Sabrefan1 said:


It's a Democratic Republic.  The system is fine.  The people running it though however are corrupt and self-serving.  Both gangs, whether the party cheerleaders want to admit it or not.

Good point. But is a system fine is corrupt people are able to abuse it like we’re seeing now? 

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