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2 hours ago, Ludvig said:

Donald Trump won the 2020 election 

Exactly. I mean, that's why all those people were taking a pleasant stroll through the halls of the Capitol Building and innocently collecting souvenirs of their Jan 6 visit. They were all there with their riot gear to make sure all those Antifa folk didn't interfere with the peaceful transfer of power that Trump bigly won. By the biggest numbers ever seen. You've never seen numbers so big.

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I love that the Dems rigged the election for trump to lose by almost 9 millions votes or some crap.


But also couldn't rig it enough to win the house and senate outright.


Schroedingers democrats am I right?


Ironically.  Trump and his idiots keep claiming he was robbed and lost the election.  But also claim Biden is the most corrupt president ever which suggests that Trump is in fact not the real president because Biden is.


I mean man....what a series of hurdles to navigate to try to avoid admitting you're effectively a f**king idiot

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6 hours ago, Ludvig said:

How about this for facts. Real life experience under trump. 
no wars. 
cheap energy 

That alone made life better 


No new 'wars' but plenty of bombs dropped and secret ops. More bombs than Obama who had a pretty horrific stat in that regard. 


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4 hours ago, Ludvig said:

In 2024 watch if it’s Election Day trump will win if it’s election week then he’ll lose cause the machines will switch votes. Just like the dems said


Good idea....get the excuses out of the way early....


Your boy Dolt 45 would be proud....

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2 minutes ago, Gnarcore said:

No new 'wars' but plenty of bombs dropped and secret ops. More bombs than Obama who had a pretty horrific stat in that regard. 



Lets also not forget the assassination of a foreign general in a different foreign country, which led to the shooting down of a plane carrying dozens of Canadians and 176 people overall....


Orange Julius Caesar and his "My big red button is bigger than yours", is hardly the epitome of a peacemaker.

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8 hours ago, Ludvig said:

The problem with proving it In court 

is the same powers that did the rigging are in power of the states thus making access to relevant info impossible. There is ample video prove and the fact that there is fighting against audits is suspect to say the least. Why not do a bipartisan open audit of the election and disprove or prove that the election was legit. 
its simple they don’t want an audit cause it would prove that trump won

How about a partisan audit, by the side that lost, without any bipartisan oversight or participation? Because they did that in Arizona and still found nothing. 

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35 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

How about a partisan audit, by the side that lost, without any bipartisan oversight or participation? Because they did that in Arizona and still found nothing. 


Cybernijas with the ultimate facepalm.




Arizona ‘audit’ finds Biden won (by more votes) and no evidence of fraud

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23 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Trump ‘Loudly’ Reminding Us How ‘Dangerous and Deranged’ He Is With Suggestion to Execute Top General: MSNBC Conservative



Some good points highlighted in that piece that apply to Canada and recent polls.  We're not heading to the polls anytime soon, so people really aren't thinking about who they will actually vote for.  When the chips are down and people start focusing in on what electing a Con government is actually going to mean, you'll see a shift, imo 


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