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1 hour ago, Outsiders said:


He was already president once. The American people had never been better off and then covid hit.. You never heard the people complain under his reign about affordability of basic needs like food, housing, gas etc. She's an unqualified liar who can't even do an interview. It's a disgrace to America that a candidate like that is even an option. She has no plan, which is evident from the last 3.5 years and has an excuse for everything. Wars have started like no tomorrow and guess who had none while in power? I'd rather have someone who would take a bullet for the country, stand up to other countries, and fight for the people of America. Not some puppet who has no power, is a yes women, and is seen as weak by world leaders. Trump will not like countries take advantage and they play by our rules.

Under Trump the average GDP growth was 2.3%, topping out at 2.9% in 2018. Trump promised annual GDP growth of 4-6%. Over Trump’s 4 years GDP grew 7.6%.


Under Biden GDP has grown by 11.8%. ( source the Wall Street Journal).

As long as the people who lost their manufacturing jobs during Trump’s term are still unemployed, then we’ll go by their complaints about the economy. 

You have no proof that other world leaders see Harris as weak and Trump as someone they would respect. You just have your warm and fuzzy feelings about Trump and this leads to your parroting of MAGA talking points. 

By the way, no one lies as much as Trump, and it isn’t even close. 


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1 hour ago, Outsiders said:


He was already president once. The American people had never been better off and then covid hit..


There are several times in history when the American people have been better off. You just weren't aware of how good you had it, or you weren't alive then.


1 hour ago, Outsiders said:

You never heard the people complain under his reign about affordability of basic needs like food, housing, gas etc.


Maybe you just weren't listening, or maybe you were so infatuated with the Orange man that you couldn't hear. Also, kings reign, presidents govern. Big difference that you don't seem to understand.


1 hour ago, Outsiders said:

She's an unqualified liar who can't even do an interview.


Liar? what has she lied about? She does interviews, lots of them, while Trump sits on his ample ass and hate tweets while cancelling ALL his interviews and debates.


1 hour ago, Outsiders said:


It's a disgrace to America that a candidate like that is even an option. She has no plan, which is evident from the last 3.5 years and has an excuse for everything.


Yes she does, but you won't hear about her plans on Fox, Newsmax, the Fascist Network, OAN, X, Facebook, or News of the Weird.


1 hour ago, Outsiders said:


Wars have started like no tomorrow and guess who had none while in power?


Name one war that has started either a) because the US started one, or b) that the US could have prevented. Name one current war where there are American boots on the ground in a combat role.


1 hour ago, Outsiders said:

I'd rather have someone who would take a bullet for the country, stand up to other countries, and fight for the people of America.


He didn't take a bullet. Something scratched his ear, and he then claimed a 2 cm hole in his hear that completely (and impossibly) healed in under five days. The countries he stands up for are Russia, Hungary, China and North Korea. He also loves the Phillippines because their leader is a strong man who thinks nothing of extrajudicial executions of suspected drug dealers. He doesn't give a shit about more than half of the people of America, who he regards as the enemy within.


1 hour ago, Outsiders said:

Not some puppet who has no power, is a yes women, and is seen as weak by world leaders.


You are talking about Trump here, who is a laughing stock around the globe. Every leader knows he can be manipulated by simple praise and favours. He is a diplomatic disaster who would pull out of NATO, stop sending aid to Ukraine and WEAKEN the US. 


1 hour ago, Outsiders said:

Trump will not like countries take advantage and they play by our rules.


Give one example of a country that "takes advantage" of the US. I'll save you the effort because you can't. If anything, the US is often the party that doesn't live up to trade agreements. Ever heard of how they play dirty with Canadian softwood lumber?


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3 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Seems wrong, if that’s the case. What’s stopping someone from voting multiple times in different spots? 

In the last few days, we’ve noticed a rare interest in how states keep people from voting twice.

We don’t have the answer down to the finest degree—and that’s in part because each state has its own laws and procedures, so there are at least 50 different answers. The most important thing we can say is that state election directors know in minute detail how their state keeps people from voting twice in the same election. 

In general, it is hard to vote twice in the same state for the same election because states keep a record of who has voted. The first ballot that is recorded from a given voter gets counted, precluding the person from voting again.


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7 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Seems wrong, if that’s the case. What’s stopping someone from voting multiple times in different spots? 

Well, there is also the problem that voting multiple times is a felony at the Federal level in the US.  A fine of not more than $10,000 and prison sentence of not more than five years, or both.  And the Federal level, there is no parole, with only up to 54 days credit for each year served for good behaviour.


State penalties vary.



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6 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Seems wrong, if that’s the case. What’s stopping someone from voting multiple times in different spots? 

I think there’s a lot of bullshit being spread by the MAGGATs. You have to register to vote in the US, just like any other first world Country. To register you need to be a citizen. Citizen’s have to obtain a US Social Security Number. SSN. The SSN is linked to your last name. 

It seems possible to impersonate another voter by obtaining their voter registration and SSN. Not that likely because who in their right mind would stand in long lineups multiple times just to add a few fraudulent votes, when 150 million other people are voting? The risk of getting caught and charged with a crime hardly seems worth the effort. 

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5 hours ago, Cranston said:

Good idea to throw in a red herring. Saying the claim is false, is false, because it is possible that it is true. WaPo should be more honest. His claim has not, and maybe could not, be proven in a court of law. That is true.


It is said half the people in Haiti practice voodoo and animal sacrifice is part of that religion. It has also been said people that people in Haiti have been eating cats and dogs. There are references to this prior to 2024.


I'm not putting two and two together so don't bother claiming that I am.


Oh, you're not putting anything together....


If you can't see that the pet eating story was bullshit and designed to rile up the gullible morons against immigrants, then I  have zero hope for you....:picard:

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8 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Oh, you're not putting anything together....


If you can't see that the pet eating story was bullshit and designed to rile up the gullible morons against immigrants, then I  have zero hope for you....:picard:


Kind of proves the point I made in the first place about how people believe the lies about illegal voting no matter the facts. Here we are pages and weeks later still talking about a junk story started by lady making the accusations about Haitians after her cat Mr Sassy went missing. No matter that Mr Sassy later shows up later in her basement and she says never mind. JD runs with the story, later he admits he made it up “to get people talking.”

Trump gets embarrassed in the debate about the size of his crowds and that they get bored and leave early, can’t think of a response and goes off on a tangent re-purposing the whole damn lie. And here we are…

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Speaking of Leon...you may or may not be aware that he has an ongoing court battle with Media Matters and he's received some favorable rulings from a Federal judge in Texas....





A federal judge in Texas overseeing a high-profile lawsuit filed by billionaire Elon Musk against the watchdog group Media Matters was buying and selling stock in Musk’s Tesla company in 2023, the year Musk filed the suit, according to financial disclosure reports recently made public.

In August, NPR reported that U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor of the Northern District of Texas had made an investment in Tesla of between $15,001 and $50,000. O’Connor has delivered a string of decisions in the Media Matters lawsuit in favor of Musk, who argues the advocacy group disparaged X, his social media site.



Even judicial corruption is bigger in Texas....no wonder Leon moved there....

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Remember Hair Gropenfuhrer whingeing about being spied on by Obama? Well, file this one under "every accusation is a confession", I suppose:







Daniel P. Meyer, a 25-year veteran of national security law, released a memo sent to members of the U.S. Senate, claiming that his client is aware of a program by Donald Trump to surveil Democratic officials in Congress.

Florida reporter Grant Stern posted the memo on his Substack. Among the details, it says Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) were all being watched by an effort that continued from 2022 into this year.

"The private surveillance program was run by former or retired employees of the United States Intelligence Community. The third party in contact with our client indicated former President Donald Trump was knowledgeable of the private surveillance program," the letter says.

"Our client heard or saw evidence of a third party working with the above individuals to conduct an unlawful, private surveillance program using facial recognition to identify and leverage senior Democratic Party members," the letter continues.

It also alleges that the same "client is a direct witness to events indicating Rudolph William Louis Giuliani, Stephen Kevin Bannon, Roger Jason Stone — in concert with others — used manipulated data regarding Hunter Biden's laptop to affect public affairs."

"Former President Donald Trump was knowledgeable of the private surveillance program," the letter also says.



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4 hours ago, Cranston said:

I'm not trying to to prove they were eating pets in Springfield. My only point was Wapo shouldn't take the liberty of calling it a false claim. Reread. Unproven would be acceptable imo.

If something is proven to have not happened or is "unproven" but someone states unequivocally it happens or happened then is it not in fact a false claim?


Example:  They are eating pets in Springfield.  Springfield police mayor council and individual who made the original claim:  it didn't happen isn't happening and has not happened.  Therefore it is not unproven it is false.  


So my question here is shouldn't it be on the person (potential VP VANCE) to actually not make "unproven claims" that are in fact false, to which he admitted it was not just false but that he would continue making "unproven claims" to piss people off and get their attention.


Which of these standards should be held more accountable?

A potential VP who admits to lying about racially charged incidents in order to drum up support or attention


A media publication that used the word false as opposed to "unproven claim"


Which is mroe egregious to you?

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2 hours ago, Alflives said:

Seems wrong, if that’s the case. What’s stopping someone from voting multiple times in different spots? 

Hopefully you at least have to say a name and that's on a list. Hopefully that name is on a list at one place. With mail in ballots and no ID i have no idea how integrity can be maintained.

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3 hours ago, Cranston said:

I don't know what your triggered about. I asked for a link because I'd like to see it and couldn't find it. 

So people can ask you to verify something and you can refuse but they can answer with your exact tone of conversation and you demand more from them than you're willing to give yourself?


This trump/Vance support is starting to make sense

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1 hour ago, bishopshodan said:


Its' so wonky.


Funny thing is for me personally, I happen to be a conscientious vegetarian so eating a dog is no worse than eating a pig, to me.

I dont preach and I realise the difference between a pet and livestock. That said, I bet the sentient animals dont see the difference. 


That reminds me, I gotta head over to the meme thread. They have been bashing vegans again. Gotta go post a defense meme. 


I'm just pleased that I got someone to admit that they ate a squirrel.


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48 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

So people can ask you to verify something and you can refuse but they can answer with your exact tone of conversation and you demand more from them than you're willing to give yourself?


This trump/Vance support is starting to make sense

What did I not verify? Are you referring to a homework list that was given to me? Ask me a question and I will do my best to answer, give me a list of things to keep me busy for a month and I might not.

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7 minutes ago, Cranston said:

Hopefully you at least have to say a name and that's on a list. Hopefully that name is on a list at one place. With mail in ballots and no ID i have no idea how integrity can be maintained.


You have no idea how the system works.....you have no idea how integrity can be maintained....


The pattern I see here is that you have no idea....

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