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14 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

Fox is widely viewed yea, but for some reason they are ALL IN on Trump this year. It moves them out of the category of Mainstream and into the field of partisan pundits. 


They are partisan, but I think most consider Fox to still be mainstream.


However, I would consider all the mainstream news networks to be partisan, just some moreso than others. However, if I can't trust what they say, I see no point in watching any of those networks.

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11 hours ago, 4petesake said:


OMG Bolt! Imagine that - a televised interview that was edited to make a candidate look better…Geez that’s got to be pretty bad, right?




BUSTED: Fox News Caught Red-Handed Editing Trump’s Rambling Answers and False Claims to Create a ‘Coherent’ Interview



It doesn't fit the criteria of an interview so it's totally not the same



4 hours ago, Cranston said:


Not a formal interview and the full version was available for all to see. Talk about desperation.

See.  There it is.  The excuse


2 hours ago, Gator said:

Not accept political bribes from donors special interests (atleast to the scale of other politicians)


Made NATO pay their fair share, and not having so much of that weight be put on the American tax payers 


Didn't take the $400k annual salary paid by American tax payers


Willing to try and put an end to the conflict in the middle east


Its not hard to do. I've said these things. You know these things. You just refuse to listen to these things because your head is so far up the left's ass lol. You're no different than a republican that is only voting Trump because he's a republican. 


I have on MANY occasions over this discussion admitted a lot of the bad about Trump. I watch news from all over. From CNN to Fox, to WION (Indian news channel) amongst other world wide networks. I don't put tunnel vision glasses on with the media like most seem to do. I don't watch it often, but I get a little bit from everywhere.. Interesting when you see the bias from other perspectives.. Apparently WIIN is a Russia bias network. Found that out after watching a video of it seeming like Russia was winning the war, just minutes after hearing the exact opposite from another network. Funny really. And the people watching these networks swear by these networks and REALLY believe in their hearts that they're being fed the whole truth and not being lied to.


Kinda like religion. Everyone believes their god is the right god and everyone else is crazy.


Both are just methods to brainwash the public for their own personal gain

Paragraph by paragraph 


Yes he did so did his kids and family.


Ya he actually really didn't.  NATO started doing that AFTER Trump


Didn't take the salary but forced dignitaries and SS and air force to stay in his resorts and charged three times the price.


Willing to try to what?  Oh by moving the embassy to where and calling it Israel's by right?  Sure


Who's head is where ?  You think Trump is coherent honest and credible and cares about the American people so...


Mate be more honest... You know better and dying on that hill is wild as a Canadian 

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Just now, Master Mind said:


They are partisan, but I think most consider Fox to still be mainstream.


However, I would consider all the mainstream news networks to be partisan, just some moreso than others. However, if I can't trust what they say, I see no point in watching any of those networks.

News is news; spin is spin.


Lord, grant me ... the wisdom to know the difference.

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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

It doesn't fit the criteria of an interview so it's totally not the same

See there it is, wishing that was said. How about criticizing the actual post. Definitely not the same though.


2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:



See.  There it is.  The excuse


Not providing Kamala's full interview or transcript is by far the main issue. Did they ever provide it or at least the transcript? Surely they must have or you'd never be jumping in on this.

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2 hours ago, Bob Long said:


Gator, none of that has an impact on daily American lives.


You seem intent on making this sided.


I'm simply asking what are the tangible benefits to the average American?



Well, a prominent Economist (and Nobel Laureate) disagrees with Gator's opinion that a Trump presidency would benefit the average American....at least, not those wanting to retire with a decent pension:






"Trump has made multiple proposals that would undermine Social Security’s finances," wrote Krugman. "These include exempting Social Security benefits, tips and overtime pay from taxes. Less obviously, perhaps, Trump’s tariffs would be inflationary, increasing Social Security’s cost of living adjustments. And deporting undocumented immigrants — many of whom pay payroll taxes — would further worsen the situation."

Worse still, because Trump's plans "would make the hole in Social Security’s finances much bigger while also weakening the economy and adding trillions to [the] national debt," Congress would have limited options to solve the issue.

Ultimately, he concluded, America will be a much less stable place to retire should Trump get another term and enact his agenda.

"The fate of Social Security isn’t my top concern if Trump wins — I’m more concerned about his threat to democracy — but it’s definitely on the list," he wrote.



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Just now, Cranston said:

See there it is, wishing that was said. How about criticizing the actual post. Definitely not the same though.


Not providing Kamala's full interview or transcript is by far the main issue. Did they ever provide it or at least the transcript? Surely they must have or you'd never be jumping in on this.

Ahhh yes.  Except it is available.


But again this is different because "reasons"

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Just now, RupertKBD said:


Well, a prominent Economist (and Nobel Laureate) disagrees with Gator's opinion that a Trump presidency would benefit the average American....at least, not those wanting to retire with a decent pension:





What entity has Dotard been in charge of that didn't go bankrupt?


He's the opposite of Hyman Roth 🤣

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

Ahhh yes.  Except it is available.


As I expected. Good for them for doing the right thing when they were forced to.


1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

But again this is different because "reasons"

Yes. Different. One had full interview access as a normal course, the other was shamed into compliance (apparently).

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8 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Ahhh yes.  Except it is available.


Wait a minute, I checked it out. Seems like you are mistaken.



8 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

But again this is different because "reasons"


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5 minutes ago, Cranston said:


As I expected. Good for them for doing the right thing when they were forced to.


Yes. Different. One had full interview access as a normal course, the other was shamed into compliance (apparently).

It was available less then 2 hours after the interview but ok.


Watching you make excuses is adorable 

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Just now, Cranston said:

Trump demanding something that is available?  Weird.


Of course it's literally ONLY trump making these accusations and the only reason he is making them is to *checks notes* make baseless claims against the fake news media


Did you even read the links you think support your position?

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6 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Trump demanding something that is available?  Weird.


Of course it's literally ONLY trump making these accusations and the only reason he is making them is to *checks notes* make baseless claims against the fake news media


Did you even read the links you think support your position?

Of course I read it. CBS has not provided the full unedited version of the interview or transcript to anyone. That has always been the issue.

Edited by Cranston
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23 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:


Now I know why you posted this drivel meme with such a small size.  Lets go through each point


1) Undocumented immigration has been a thing for a long long time.  Hell, Reagan provided amnesty to millions when he was POTUS.  The only reason TRUMP's numbers were low (NOT ZERO) was due to the pandemic.  


2) Inflation was WORLD WIDE affecting nations run by left wing and right wing governements.  One word PANDEMIC.  And the US recovered rather well compared to other nations.


3) When gas prices go up, its POTUS fault?  So when they go down they should get the credit then?  Here is the thing.  Inflation is a feature, not a bug.  Gas prices today are higher than they were in 1990 so TRUMP should be to blame as well then?  

Also, the spike in fuel prices didn't just affect the US.  It was a product of the pandemic as well as the war in Ukraine (we'll get to that).


4) Record high consumer debt is an issue, but consumer debt has been an issue for some time.  The 2008 mortgage crisis is an example.  


5) Released terrorists into the country.  Did they though?  They intentionally released known terrorists into the US?  Please.  I mean, terrorists got into the US in the past.  Sept. 11th a prime example.  


6) The US did not start the Ukraine conflict.  Russia did.  Russia invaded.  The US involvement came AFTER is in the form of supplying weapons.


7) The US did not start the conflict in Israel.  Hamas attacked and then Israel responded with a very heavy hand.  US involvement is in supply.  


8 ) Retreats are usually a disaster.  The US withdraw from Vietnam was.  The withdraw from Afghanistan was as well.  Guess who set it up.  TRUMP.  OR did you forget TRUMP letting loose thousands of Taliban fighters and negotiating with the Taliban.  One of those released was leading the attacks on Kabul.


9) Violent crime isn't skyrocketing.  It isn't even at the levels of the late 80's / early 90's.  If you think it is, post your source.


10) The only reason their "political rivals" are being jailed is because they committed crimes.  Thing is, there are examples of DEMOCRATS who have been indicted/convicted of crime in the last 4 years.  US Senator Bob Menendez says hi.


11) Sometimes declines can happen in a short time.  Sometimes, declines can be hard to spot early on.  Thing is, I'd say the same thing about the guy you defend over and over again.


12) America produces more crude oil than any other country.  Hardly a "war on American energy".


13) The pandemic would have a word here.  This also is the product of years of one side attacking public education.  Only ONE side wants to end the Department of Education.  The QOP.


14)  I think you need to look at the list of most unpopular POTUS again.  As for VP, there isn't a lot of polling going back far enough to say definitively.  I'd say Dick Cheney is solidly in the discussion for most unpopular VP.

1 & 5) Being careless with who you let over is the real problem with immigration. Sometimes it feels like national security is a 2nd thought with these decisions.


2) No doubt the pandemic was a cause for inflation, but I have 0 doubts in my mind Trump would've combatted it much better. He's a business man. Biden don't know his head from his ass, and I'd argue he's still brighter than Kamla.


6) Sure they didn't start it.. But take your glasses off and put yourself in Russias shoes for a minute. You telling me NATO isn't a threat to their national security? Are you telling me you don't see the NATO expansion at all as an "offensive" expansion. They have perfectly set themselves up for a WW3 conflict. Genius, and Lucky were on this side of it for sure, but the writing is on the wall. If it was for defense I'm 100% on board... But when you REFUSE to JUST TRY to different the situation it just shows the true intention behind it all. They finally pushed Russia into making that move. Step 1 is complete. Step 2 is getting everyone on board with the war through propaganda.. No I am not at all glorifying Russia or condoning anything they have done. But I'm also not going to pretend to be blind to the obvious BS from my own side either. 1 side clearly wants this war, and the other wants to try and put an end to it. If Trump wasn't the republican nominee wed probably be screwed in that department either way tbh.


7) Supply is nice, but how about trying to bring peace at the same time? Doesnt take a genius to see where this conflict could end up. We're not in the 1940s anymore. Warfare is a totally different ball game.


9) can't seem to find data for 2023/24 but seems to be slight increase in violent crimes after Trump was gone from what I could tell.


10) So Trump is the only 1 in the last 30ish years that has done illegal stuff that deserved have the justice system weaponized against him? Could Trump not have went after Clinton about those emails if he really wanted to? I very well could be wrong, but wasn't that illegal? .. It's just a political game. But you know that, so no sense arguing about it. 


11) 3 months ago is not "early on".. He's only our of the race because they realized he had no chance against Trump. Very democratic decision made there. Long live democracy

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7 minutes ago, Cranston said:

Of course I read it. CBS has not provided the full unedited version of the interview or transcript to anyone. That has always been the issue.

They are trying to get Trump on the air to discuss it though.  Think he will?

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27 minutes ago, Cranston said:

See there it is, wishing that was said. How about criticizing the actual post. Definitely not the same though.


Not providing Kamala's full interview or transcript is by far the main issue. Did they ever provide it or at least the transcript? Surely they must have or you'd never be jumping in on this.


OK just in case I missed it can you show me where I can see the full hour long unedited version from Fox, or the transcript for that matter. Thanks in advance.


A spokesperson for Fox News said, “Every one of Fox & Friendsbarbershop segments are pre-taped and edited. The Bronx edition ran for nearly an hour and was cut for time and clarity.”

Isn’t this what CBS said about the 60 Minutes episode?

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17 minutes ago, Cranston said:

Of course I read it. CBS has not provided the full unedited version of the interview or transcript to anyone. That has always been the issue.

Sure they have 


It's right besides Trump's tax returns and medical review 

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Your reminder that it takes a MINIMUM of 12-18 months for meaningful legislation seriously affect the economy labour market and average Joe or Jane Doe.


Which is why I find it so amusing when people say that somehow some way the Biden/Harris admin is responsible for everything bad when Trump was in power until Jan 6 2021 meaning the bulk of all the debt spending and inflationary issues people claim trump would have handled better are in fact the result of Trump.


But whatever.  He magically makes things better and no two dozen nobel winning economists can make people believe otherwise 

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9 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


OK just in case I missed it can you show me where I can see the full hour long unedited version from Fox, or the transcript for that matter. Thanks in advance.


A spokesperson for Fox News said, “Every one of Fox & Friendsbarbershop segments are pre-taped and edited. The Bronx edition ran for nearly an hour and was cut for time and clarity.”

Isn’t this what CBS said about the 60 Minutes episode?

So I guess Harris/Walz should be having their lawyer demand the entire interview unedited to...do whatever with.


But wait it's different because it's not an interview.


Maybe fox should also release the unedited and unscripted Harris interview they no doubt edited 

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5 minutes ago, Gator said:

1 & 5) Being careless with who you let over is the real problem with immigration. Sometimes it feels like national security is a 2nd thought with these decisions.


2) No doubt the pandemic was a cause for inflation, but I have 0 doubts in my mind Trump would've combatted it much better. He's a business man. Biden don't know his head from his ass, and I'd argue he's still brighter than Kamla.


6) Sure they didn't start it.. But take your glasses off and put yourself in Russias shoes for a minute. You telling me NATO isn't a threat to their national security? Are you telling me you don't see the NATO expansion at all as an "offensive" expansion. They have perfectly set themselves up for a WW3 conflict. Genius, and Lucky were on this side of it for sure, but the writing is on the wall. If it was for defense I'm 100% on board... But when you REFUSE to JUST TRY to different the situation it just shows the true intention behind it all. They finally pushed Russia into making that move. Step 1 is complete. Step 2 is getting everyone on board with the war through propaganda.. No I am not at all glorifying Russia or condoning anything they have done. But I'm also not going to pretend to be blind to the obvious BS from my own side either. 1 side clearly wants this war, and the other wants to try and put an end to it. If Trump wasn't the republican nominee wed probably be screwed in that department either way tbh.


7) Supply is nice, but how about trying to bring peace at the same time? Doesnt take a genius to see where this conflict could end up. We're not in the 1940s anymore. Warfare is a totally different ball game.


9) can't seem to find data for 2023/24 but seems to be slight increase in violent crimes after Trump was gone from what I could tell.


10) So Trump is the only 1 in the last 30ish years that has done illegal stuff that deserved have the justice system weaponized against him? Could Trump not have went after Clinton about those emails if he really wanted to? I very well could be wrong, but wasn't that illegal? .. It's just a political game. But you know that, so no sense arguing about it. 


11) 3 months ago is not "early on".. He's only our of the race because they realized he had no chance against Trump. Very democratic decision made there. Long live democracy

1) & 5)  There was a boarder deal championed by a conservative US Senator that would have increased boarder agents and immigration courts.  TRUMP and the House QOP killed it.


2)  The data says otherwise. He ran on Obamas economy and jacked up the deficit with his tax cuts.  His bankruptcies also say otherwise. 


6)  so you admit that Russia started it.  It was their decision.   Their initiative.   They are to blame.


7)  Biden has been trying.   He's even floated cutting Israel off.  It's hard to get peace when you can't get the two sides to agree.  See the Ukraine conflict. 


9)  a slight increase is not skyrocketing.   Still nowhere near the highs of the 80s and early 90s.


10)  Shillary was investigated.   Don't you remember Comey's October surprise?  Thing is, she was guilty of mishandling which wasn't a felony at the time.  You want to know who made it a felony?  TRUMP.   So TRUMP was the first one who could be punished in that way.  Lol


11)  3 months ago is well after the start of the primaries.  Hell, Biden announced that he was seeking reelection in April 2023.  That killed any momentum of potential serious candidates for the nomination.  Biden had a State of the Union address after that.  

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