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15 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

Here is George Clooney response after Trump accused him of being a "Hollywood elite."


"Here’s the thing: I grew up in Kentucky. I sold insurance door-to-door. I sold ladies’ shoes. I worked at an all-night liquor store. I would buy suits that were too big and too long and cut the bottom of the pants off to make ties so I’d have a tie to go on job interviews. I grew up understanding what it was like to not have health insurance for eight years.


So this idea that I’m somehow the “Hollywood elite” and this guy who takes a sh** in a gold toilet is somehow the man of the people is laughable.


People in Hollywood, for the most part, are people from the Midwest who moved to Hollywood to have a career. So this idea of “coastal elites” living in a bubble is ridiculous. Who lives in a bigger bubble?


He lives in a gold tower and has twelve people in his company. He doesn’t run a corporation of hundreds of thousands of people he employs and takes care of. He ran a company of twelve people!


When you direct a film you have seven different unions all wanting different things, you have to find consensus with all of them, and you have to get them moving in the same direction.


He’s never had to do any of that kind of stuff. I just look at it and I laugh when I see him say “Hollywood elite.” Hollywood elite? I don’t have a star on Hollywood Boulevard, Donald Trump has a star on Hollywood Boulevard! F*** you!" - George Clooney actor, philanthropist, humanitarian & activist



Well done mr. Clooney. Love to see Trump in a cage match against one of the people he’s said nasty stuff about. How about our PM pounds him? 

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1 hour ago, Cerridwen said:

And TwitterX suspends me for this in regard to a televised Trump lie at some occasion earlier this evening.... WTAF???  I've said much worse...as have others but this gets me a suspension? I'd be LMAO if it weren't so bloody absurd! 🤪

They think you want to combust the trump?🔥

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1 hour ago, Playoff Beered said:

They think you want to combust the trump?🔥


Apparently! 😂

And let's face it, I would have had a trusty Bic right handy if they'd said "Go ahead" but honestly, I was going for a modified "Liar, liar, pants on fire" reference.

I appealed, got an apology for the suspension of my account and allowed back in pretty quickly... but took it as the Universe telling me to perhaps cool it for the evening. If I have to read one more whiny Jr or Eric tweet or Polievre slamming Trudeau or Naomi Wolfe saying women sitting next to vaxxed people on benches, on buses or in hotel rooms get menstrual cramps, I may lose what's left of my mind! Have a good one and see you tomorrow for the latest Trumpantics and Sasquatchian Shenanigans. (Isn't the first Biden impeachment hearing tomorrow? Or did I dream that?)

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Can't help but notice the difference between the new site and the old one.....the Canadian Politics site here has about 4 times as much content as the US Politics....


Maybe if the Yanks invited a Nazi to Congress....


....oh, wait....the place is full of them....:classic_unsure:

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Also couldn't help but notice that while the Repug debate was going on, Bone Spurs was showing his "support" for striking UAW members.....by visiting a non-union shop. :picard:


Of course the speech wasn't as much about the strike as it was about the evils of electric cars....




Looking forward to the upcoming Xitter battle between the two "geniuses".....:classic_rolleyes:

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12 hours ago, Cerridwen said:

And TwitterX suspends me for this in regard to a televised Trump lie at some occasion earlier this evening.... WTAF???  I've said much worse...as have others but this gets me a suspension? I'd be LMAO if it weren't so bloody absurd! 🤪




Maybe @Ribs can build you another one?

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Meanwhile in America the former pres is making friends again


Mark Milley, set to retire as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says he will take "appropriate measures" to ensure his security after former president Donald Trump suggested he had committed a treasonous act that would have once warranted death.

Trump last week criticized Milley's handling of the U.S. withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan in 2020 and said, without providing evidence, that "this guy turned out to be a Woke train wreck who, if the Fake News reporting is correct, was actually dealing with China to give them a heads up on the thinking of the President of the United States."

"This is an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH!" Trump said on Sept. 22 on his Truth Social platform.

Asked about the Trump comments during an interview on CBS's 60 Minutes, Milley in a clip released on Wednesday first smirked and then after a long pause, said,"I've been faithful and loyal to the constitution of the United States for 44 and a half years."

He added: "I've got adequate safety precautions. I wish those comments had not been made, but they were. And I'll take appropriate measures to ensure my safety and the safety of my family."

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Some of my favourite comments from last night.


The admissions should NOT be neglected or ignored or left forgotten by the Dems because there's a lot of ammo shot last night at Trump and the GOP.  The best part is how all of these sycophants (christie not withstanding) defended his every move and are now using them to crap on him and attack him.  It's amusing how they were so proud of it until they weren't.


He should be on this stage tonight," said Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has recently struggled to emerge as the field's top Trump alternative. "He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt. That set the stage for the inflation we have now."


Christie said, "I know you're watching," because "you can't help yourself." And he accused Trump of being absent because "you're afraid of being on this stage and defending your record.



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13 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

Here is George Clooney response after Trump accused him of being a "Hollywood elite."


"Here’s the thing: I grew up in Kentucky. I sold insurance door-to-door. I sold ladies’ shoes. I worked at an all-night liquor store. I would buy suits that were too big and too long and cut the bottom of the pants off to make ties so I’d have a tie to go on job interviews. I grew up understanding what it was like to not have health insurance for eight years.


So this idea that I’m somehow the “Hollywood elite” and this guy who takes a sh** in a gold toilet is somehow the man of the people is laughable.


People in Hollywood, for the most part, are people from the Midwest who moved to Hollywood to have a career. So this idea of “coastal elites” living in a bubble is ridiculous. Who lives in a bigger bubble?


He lives in a gold tower and has twelve people in his company. He doesn’t run a corporation of hundreds of thousands of people he employs and takes care of. He ran a company of twelve people!


When you direct a film you have seven different unions all wanting different things, you have to find consensus with all of them, and you have to get them moving in the same direction.


He’s never had to do any of that kind of stuff. I just look at it and I laugh when I see him say “Hollywood elite.” Hollywood elite? I don’t have a star on Hollywood Boulevard, Donald Trump has a star on Hollywood Boulevard! F*** you!" - George Clooney actor, philanthropist, humanitarian & activist



You tell him Booker

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14 hours ago, Cerridwen said:

And TwitterX suspends me for this in regard to a televised Trump lie at some occasion earlier this evening.... WTAF???  I've said much worse...as have others but this gets me a suspension? I'd be LMAO if it weren't so bloody absurd! 🤪



Wow, you really got to be trying hard to get banned from twitterX.

The reality of it is that they say he illegally inflated the worth of Mar-A-Lago in Florida.

Ask yourself this? If all the properties around Mar-A Lago, which are appraised at 18-30 million, How is Mar-A-Lago only worth 18 million?

The properties around are .5 acres Mar-A-Lago is 70 acres and not just a residence but a business. 140 times the size.

It's madness, if a property like that went for 18 million in Vancouver, our corrupt realtors would be lining up to buy ten of them.

Nobody ever talks about that (they did far more harm to you than Trump could ever do)

I think the other side is doing it to Biden today so please don't call me a fascist or Maga. I'm a centrist but if you look a little further than those memes, you'll find understand the nuances of what's going on politically here. 

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14 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

Here is George Clooney response after Trump accused him of being a "Hollywood elite."


"Here’s the thing: I grew up in Kentucky. I sold insurance door-to-door. I sold ladies’ shoes. I worked at an all-night liquor store. I would buy suits that were too big and too long and cut the bottom of the pants off to make ties so I’d have a tie to go on job interviews. I grew up understanding what it was like to not have health insurance for eight years.


So this idea that I’m somehow the “Hollywood elite” and this guy who takes a sh** in a gold toilet is somehow the man of the people is laughable.


People in Hollywood, for the most part, are people from the Midwest who moved to Hollywood to have a career. So this idea of “coastal elites” living in a bubble is ridiculous. Who lives in a bigger bubble?


He lives in a gold tower and has twelve people in his company. He doesn’t run a corporation of hundreds of thousands of people he employs and takes care of. He ran a company of twelve people!


When you direct a film you have seven different unions all wanting different things, you have to find consensus with all of them, and you have to get them moving in the same direction.


He’s never had to do any of that kind of stuff. I just look at it and I laugh when I see him say “Hollywood elite.” Hollywood elite? I don’t have a star on Hollywood Boulevard, Donald Trump has a star on Hollywood Boulevard! F*** you!" - George Clooney actor, philanthropist, humanitarian & activist




I'm sick of Hollywood.  They have to tell every body else they are horrible because they had bacon for breakfast or support blocking traffic for climate change or something stupid like that.  i don't think Hollywood is too cool.


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5 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:


Trump Disputed $26M Mar-A-Lago Valuation as Too High in 2020

Judge Engoron simply cited undisputed facts and Trump’s words

Immediately after New York State court Judge Arthur Engoron granted partial summary judgment against Donald Trump, his adult kids (Eric and Don Jr.) and the business entities they control, ordering the dissolution of the Trump businesses in connection with the New York Attorney General’s civil fraud case, the Trumps and right-wing media attacked the judge as partisan and incompetent.


He is neither.


The main example they have used to attack the credibility of Judge Engoron’s ruling is not only false but it provides further evidence of Trump’s liability for the fraud he was accused of in the lawsuit. 


Trump, his adult kids, and right-wing media are falsely stating that in the summary judgment order, Judge Engoron ruled that Mar-A-Lago is valued at $18 million. They claim this is an obvious and egregious understatement of the valuation of Mar-A-Lago.


It is not. 


For example, after the ruling by Judge Engoron, Eric Trump posted that the value of Mar-A-Lago is over $1 billion. Don Jr. posted photos of nearby parcels and residential properties that are much smaller and have far less waterfront property that have much higher valuations. Donald Trump posted that the value of Mar-A-Lago is “100 times” the $18 million valuation or $1.8 billion. The New York Post ran with the following headline: “Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate worth 'at least $300M, not $18M as NY judge ruled.”


Here are the facts. The judge did not rule on the valuation of Mar-A-Lago. The judge did not usurp the role of tax assessor and make an independent valuation of Mar-A-Lago. Rather, the judge looked to and cited the undisputed facts which were provided by the Palm Beach County Tax Assessor and by Donald Trump.


The undisputed facts are that the property was valued between $18 million and $26 million during the relevant period of the lawsuit. Judge Engoron simply cited the facts presented to him. 

Judge Engoron cites facts from the Palm Beach County Assessor in his ruling.Judge Engoron cites facts from the Palm Beach County Assessor in his ruling.

Judge Engoron's Ruling

As part of their disinformation campaign to attack the judge and judicial system and play the role of victim, here is what the Trumps don’t mention.


In 2020, Donald Trump appealed a $26.6 million valuation of Mar-A-Lago by the Palm Beach County Tax Assessor as being too high. Trump repeatedly sought the lowest possible valuations of Mar-A-Lago in appraisals since the day he acquired it.

An article describes how Donald Trump appealed to try to get a lower valuation on the Mar-a-Lago property.An article describes how Donald Trump appealed to try to get a lower valuation on the Mar-a-Lago property.

Palm Beach Daily News / Screenshot

Why would Donald Trump argue that the valuation of $26.6 million was too high? 


The answer is simple and is at the heart of New York Attorney General Letitia James civil Fraud lawsuit. The essential allegations of the New York AG civil lawsuit are that Donald Trump would fight for very low valuations of his properties to dodge taxes and then fraudulently inflate the valuations of the same properties on his statements of financial conditions to get favourable loans.


Take Mar-A-Lago, for example. 


When the Palm Beach County Tax Assessor applied a $26.6 million valuation in 2020, Trump argued the property was valued at far less as he had always done with that property. The Mar-A-Lago property is encumbered with a “trust for historical preservation” in a 2002 deed where Trump agreed “to forever extinguish his right to develop or use the Property for any purpose other than club use.”


The 2002 Deed also specifically "limits changes to the Property including, without limitation, the division or subdivision of the Property for any purpose, including use as single family homes, the interior renovation of the mansion, which may be necessary and desirable for the sale of the Property as a single family residential estate, the construction of new buildings and the obstruction of open vistas." Id. As Judge Engoron explained in his summary judgment order: “In exchange for granting the easement, Mar-a-Lago was taxed at a significantly lower rate (the club rate) than it otherwise would have been (the private home rate).”

The Mar-A-Lago property is encumbered with a “trust for historical preservation” in a 2002 deed where Trump agreed “to forever extinguish his right to develop or use the Property for any purpose other than club use.”


The Mar-A-Lago property is encumbered with a “trust for historical preservation” in a 2002 deed where Trump agreed “to forever extinguish his right to develop or use the Property for any purpose other than club use.”


Judge Engoron's Ruling

So on the one hand, while Donald Trump deflated the valuation of Mar-A-Lago to pay less taxes by encumbering the property with historical easements and other restrictions, Trump fraudulently inflated the value of the property to get favourable loans.


Judge Engoron explained that “Donald Trump's statement of financial conditions for 2011-2021 value Mar-a-Lago at between $426,529,614 million and $612,110,496, an overvaluation of at least 2,300% compared to the assessor's appraisal” and that Trump “seems to imply that the numbers cannot be inflated because he could find a buyer from Saudi Arabia to pay any price he suggests.” 


Trump ran this same scheme of deflating the value of properties for tax assessors and inflating the value properties for banks to get favourable loans with his other properties. 


So when Donald Trump, or Eric, or Don Jr. whine that the valuation of the property is higher than the tax assessment, they are admitting to the fraud they are accused of. They fought for the lower valuations to pay less taxes. By claiming the property is valued at $1.8 billion would, given a slightly less than 1 percent property tax rate in Florida, the Trumps could owe approximately $15-18 million a year in property taxes instead of the fraction of that was paid.


And as far as the neighbouring properties to Mar-A-Lago with smaller lots with higher valuations, those are unencumbered residential properities that must pay property taxes on the higher valuation.




Your post reads a lot like what Don Jr has been posting and an article from the Federalist Society. Hardly unbiased sources.

 Eric Trump (no relation) X-tweeted that it was appraised from anywhere from $200 million to $1 billion.


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This is how the QOP will try to pass blame on to the Dems.  They will include poison pills like this into their budget that the Dems will have no choice but to block.  The QOP is not a serious party.





Defense Secretary Austin’s salary cut to $1 under GOP budget plan

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1 hour ago, Rob Eh said:

Getting really heated, a lot of malicious personal insults and accusations going back and forth of the committee. Check it out on YiuTUbe


Well, it is a gong show led by QOP clowns.  What do you expect.



The QOP's own legal expert testified that:


"I have previously stated that, while I believe that an impeachment inquiry is warranted, I do not believe that the evidence currently meets the standard of a high crime and misdemeanor needed for an article of impeachment"


https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-own-witness-pours-cold-water-biden-impeachment-1830726#:~:text="I do not believe there,misdemeanors while serving as president."


and then the QOP refused to allow Archer's testimony to be entered.  Remember that name.  





Edited by the destroyer of worlds
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16 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

 Eric Trump (no relation) X-tweeted that it was appraised from anywhere from $200 million to $1 billion.



Well if that's the case having it assessed at up to $1 billion and declaring it to be worth less than $26 million would be fraud.


I guess they are due for a re-assessment and a hefty tax bill will be forthcoming.

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So they're just wasting time while whining about weaponizing the DOJ yet are literally doing the exact same thing with less actual evidence, proof or justification that isn't just revenge.


U.S. House Republicans launched their impeachment inquiry Thursday against President Joe Biden, saying they intend to "provide accountability" as they make their case to the public, their colleagues and skeptics.

House Republicans are trying to show what they say are links from the president to his son Hunter's previous overseas businesses, though key witnesses said they do not yet see hard evidence of impeachable offences.

Rep. James Comer, the Republican chair from Kentucky, said the lawmakers have "a mountain of evidence" that will show that the elder Biden "abused his public office for his family's financial gain."

The first of a promised continuing series of hearings comes as a potential federal government shutdown looms.

Democrats on the panel questioned the priorities of their colleagues across the aisle.

"We're 62 hours away from shutting down the government of the United States of America and Republicans are launching an impeachment drive, based on a long debunked and discredited lie," said Jamie Raskin, the top Democrat on the panel.

He said Republicans are rehashing five-year-old allegations from Donald Trump, first raised in 2019 during the former president's first impeachment, on his Ukraine pressure campaign.

'Where's Rudy?'

Raskin and others wondered aloud why Republicans haven't demonstrated interest in calling Rudy Giuliani and Lev Parnas as witnesses. Rep. Kweisi Mfume of Maryland at one point held up a "Where's Rudy?" sign.

Giuliani travelled throughout Europe and in Delaware, often at the behest of his former client Trump, to dig into Hunter Biden's business dealings

Parnas, a Giuliani associate on some of this travels, recently accused Comer of pursuing a "false" narrative.

"Never, during any of my communications with Ukrainian officials or connections to Burisma, did any of them confirm or provide concrete facts linking the Bidens to illegal activities," Parnas wrote, referring to the energy company where Hunter Biden held a board seat.

Influence peddling evident: Republican witness

The hearing Thursday heard from outside experts in tax law, criminal investigations and constitutional legal theory.

Two Republican witnesses said there was currently no evidence that reached the level necessary for the standard of high crimes and misdemeanours.

A top Republican witness, Jonathan Turley, a George Washington University professor and expert in impeachment issues, said he believed the House had passed the threshold for an inquiry but that the current evidence was not enough to merit charges.

"I do not believe that the current evidence would support articles of impeachment," said Turley.

Turley said there was a duty to launch an inquiry into what seemed like corrupt "influence peddling," though he allowed that such activities do not always rise to the level of law breaking.

Bruce Dubinsky, a forensic accountant, told the hearing that nothing he's seen connects the president to illicit activities.

Republicans have been investigating Hunter Biden for years, since his father was vice-president. While there have been questions raised about the ethics around the family's international business, one former business partner of Hunter Biden has told House investigators the son was selling the "illusion of access" to his father.

Turley told the lawmakers the question remains, "Was the president involved?"

Impeachment trial not on the horizon

In the run-up to the hearing, Republicans unveiled a tranche of new documents and bank records that detail wire transfers from a Chinese businessman to Hunter Biden in 2019. Hunter Biden had listed his father's address on the wire transfer form, which Republicans say provided a clear link to the president.

Abbe Lowell, an attorney for Hunter Biden, said the address on the wire transfer, which he says was a loan, was listed to the president's Delaware home because it was the address on Hunter Biden's driver's licence and "his only permanent address at the time."

Hunter Biden has admitted, in interviews and a memoir, to a number of mistakes as he battled drug addiction.

House Republicans are also looking into the Justice Department investigation into Hunter Biden's taxes and gun use that began in 2018. Two IRS whistleblowers came forward to Congress in the spring with claims that department officials thwarted their efforts to fully investigate Hunter Biden and that they faced retaliation when they pushed back.

The claims have since been disputed by the Department of Justice, the IRS and FBI agents who worked on the case. Lowell has sued the IRS on Hunter Biden's behalf for privacy breaches.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced the impeachment inquiry this month, egged on by Trump and with mounting pressure from his right flank to take action or risk being ousted from his leadership job.

With a slim margin in the House, it's not clear Republicans have the votes to impeach Joe Biden should formal proceedings occur. And with Democrats holding the majority in the Senate, Biden's conviction and removal from office is a near impossibility.

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