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2 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


The problem with Rodgers is that he's smart, but not as smart as he thinks he is.  He makes the narcissistic mistake of thinking that he's the smartest guy in any room that he's in.  Those kind of people inevitably get found out.  For Rodgers, it was when he became a weekly guest on Pat McAfee's show.


Don't know the reference to the show but I'll assume it's some kind of conspiracy fest.

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1 minute ago, Gnarcore said:

Not everyone on the list went full Prince Andrew. For fucks sake Stephen Hawking is on it. 


Seriously though, I guarantee any controversial name on that list will be considered "guilty until proven innocent".

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1 hour ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Jimmy Kimmel Threatens Aaron Rodgers With Lawsuit After Quarterback Suggests Host Was on Epstein’s List



Dear Aasshole: for the record, I’ve not met, flown with, visited, or had any contact whatsoever with Epstein, nor will you find my name on any “list” other than the clearly-phony nonsense that soft-brained wackos like yourself can’t seem to distinguish from reality. Your reckless words put my family in danger. Keep it up and we will debate the facts further in court.

If he wasn't guilty, he'd just sue him. Viacom would sue him, he's a liar.

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1 minute ago, Rob Eh said:

If he wasn't guilty, he'd just sue him. Viacom would sue him, he's a liar.

So your boy Agent Orange must be guilty of everything he's being sued for then, right?

Edited by King Heffy
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3 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


Pretty sure the lefties won't back anyone on that list.


I mean the flight logs have been out since the Maxwell trial naming Prince whatsiznutz, Clinton, Dershowitz, Trump, et al but the one that really pisses me off is ex-US (Democrat) Senator George Mitchell. His name shows up a few times on the flight logs and he’s one of the guys named by Virginia Giuffre who claims that she was sex-trafficked to while underage. Meanwhile Mitchell was the head of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia compensation fund for clergy sex abuse victims. That’s gross.


I’m not excusing Clinton or Trump if they were involved in some way but nether of them would register as a surprise in the least, so it’s a bit of a yawner where they’re concerned.


So far as I know Barry’s name never showed on the logs nor was it even whispered in the Maxwell trial.

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1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:


The non-MAGA are waiting to pounce even though Trump has already testified in court years ago that he's been there. 


I'm not a Trump fan by any means, and I'm worried about what he could do in a second term, but I'm also not blind.  Each side will have excuses for their favorite names.

When did Trump testify in court? I can't seem.to find any info on this.


The thing about Epstein is he was considered a legitimate businessman for many years. I'm sure many celebrities, politicians, and the like, were in his presence without any knowledge or participation in his nefarious activities. Being on the list doesn't make anyone automatically guilty but the pitchforks are already out regardless.


That being said, Trump and Epsteins relationship is well documented. Everyone seems to want anyone on that list to face justice but somehow his bff gets a free pass? Not to mention the very credible case of the 14 year old who stated Epstein introduced her the Trump and the 2 passed her around on multiple occasions. If anyone knew of Epsteins crimes Trump did. Hell, even hired the guy who gave Epstein his sweetheart deal to avoid federal crimes, as his Secretary of Labour. 


You hear the Obamas might have been on his plane and you can't wait to buy in on the conspiracy but the orange guy gets a free pass? I don't get it.




Edited by JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo
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2 hours ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

You hear the Obamas might have been on his plane and you can't wait to buy in on the conspiracy but the orange guy gets a free pass? I don't get it.


I'm not in lockstep with everyone about Trump being the antichrist, so I'm suddenly giving him a free pass? 


I've made it abundantly clear that I'm not a Donald Trump fan.  He's a fraudster.  Always has been.  I've been well aware of the guy most of my life.  I'm just not ready to yet say for sure that he is 100% guilty of being a pedophile.  I have also said he worries me as a 2nd term president insofar as he doesn't have to worry about re-election.  He'll have all but carte blanche to do as he pleases at the federal level.  He wouldn't make the same mistake twice and not give himself a pardon before he leaves office.  He'll in essence be a dictator for 4 years if he so chooses to be.




I just have little to no doubt that people will slam dunk on Trump and others being on the flight log, but will give any name that they like excuses up the arse. 


If I  haven't yet made it clear to you and others; I can't stand partisan politics.  It enables the crooks and liars in government who then turn around and enable the crooks and liars who pay them off.

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31 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

Nope, not at the bottom yet.





That's demonstrably false.  Insurrection is specifically written into the Constitution.  The lawmakers at the time wanted to keep political power from the current and any future rebels.  As a lawyer, she has to realize that.  You can't pass a BAR exam and not know all of the amendments.  I would think that they come up once or twice both indirectly and directly...


The question in front of the courts right now is, did Donald Trump's actions constitute insurrection.

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2 hours ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

That being said, Trump and Epsteins relationship is well documented. Everyone seems to want anyone on that list to face justice but somehow his bff gets a free pass? Not to mention the very credible case of the 14 year old who stated Epstein introduced her the Trump and the 2 passed her around on multiple occasions.


Is this what you're referring to?



During the 2016 election, an anonymous woman filed and then dropped a lawsuit accusing Trump of raping her at a party hosted by Epstein in 1994, when she was just 13-years-old. Trump denied the allegations as being “categorically false,” and reporters have also deemed the account to be potentially unreliable, as it was shopped to the media by fringe figures that included a former Jerry Springer producer. According to Vox, the sole journalist who was able to interview the anonymous accuser, “came away confused and even doubting whether [she] really exists.”


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3 hours ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

When did Trump testify in court? I can't seem.to find any info on this.


This one I think I may be misremembering years later.  Trump was on the list to testify against Epstein, but as far as I can find, Trump was actually never called to the stand. 


He banned Epstein from MAGA Central (Mar-A-Lago) in 2008 for hitting on/trying to pick up a member's teenage daughter.  My guess is they already were angry with one another over Trump having pulled a fast one on Epstein with the purchase of a mansion Epstein had told him about in which Trump bought out from under him and then resold for millions in profit.  Trump just needed an excuse.  That's likely why Trump was never called to the stand to testify.

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I know this is shocking.... but the Epstein list release has been delayed again.  🤣...:picard:


Just rip the friggin' Band-Aid off already for crying out loud.  Eventually the unnamed John and Jane Does will be named and the redacted names will be unredacted.  Delaying it further will just make people angry.

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1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Is this what you're referring to?



I've never seen that particular criticism, got a link? Keep in mind this was well before Epstein became public enemy number one so that alone adds credibility in my opinion. The story was corroborated by by the girl who brought her to the party as well. I realize the suit was dropped but so was basically every accusation ever brought against trump, or Epstein for that matter. Money and power solves a lot of legal issues. Not to mention the threat of having your life ruined by the q qlux qlan. 


I'm just saying, anyone prone to conspiracy theories, who wants to cast judgement on anyone on this list, should probably start with the rapey orange guy. 

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48 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

I've never seen that particular criticism, got a link? Keep in mind this was well before Epstein became public enemy number one so that alone adds credibility in my opinion. The story was corroborated by by the girl who brought her to the party as well. I realize the suit was dropped but so was basically every accusation ever brought against trump, or Epstein for that matter. Money and power solves a lot of legal issues. Not to mention the threat of having your life ruined by the q qlux qlan. 


I'm just saying, anyone prone to conspiracy theories, who wants to cast judgement on anyone on this list, should probably start with the rapey orange guy. 


Don't get me wrong.  If a 16 year old Ivanka look-a-like met Trump at Mar-A-Lago and he thought he could get away with it, I'd bet my bottom dollar that he'd mount her like a dog.  I just have my doubts that he'd do it on a semi-public island.  Nobody is surprised though that Bill Clinton is said to have visited that Island many times.  Sadly his little brain always beats out the big one.  It's sad because he was a fairly good president.  My only beef with him as president was his further pushing of the Reagan era globalization plan.


I think I snagged that quote from that semi-popular at the time Esquire article from a few years ago.  Lemme check my browser history and I'll grab you the link and edit it in.


*edit*  Here's the old Esquire link that made moderate waves a few years back.  Follow the word link in that article that points to a Washington Post article about when Trump screwed over Epstein to turn a few million bucks profit.  If that story goes how I remember it from years ago, it's funny because it further shows that Trump will screw over anybody and everybody he knows for cash. 



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I think it's worth pointing out that although there are credible reports of underage girls at Epstein's parties, that doesn't automatically make anyone on the list a pedophile. AFAIK, there were plenty of consenting adults present as well.


It doesn't make Epstein or Maxwell any less of a scumbag, but it also doesn't prove attendees had sex with underage women.

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What goes around comes around.....a religious bigot who refused to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple, now owes them $360k....




Karma is a bitch....almost as much of a bitch as Kim Davis.....

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24 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Epstein pals breathe sigh of relief as report suggests new files won't incriminate


Names I fully expect to be on the list; 



 Austin matthews

 Mitch  Marner

 William Nylander 

Jonathan Tavares

Justin Woll

Ryan Reaves

Tyler Bertuzzi

Mark Giordano

Nazeem Kadri

Jonathan Huburdeau








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