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1 minute ago, BlockerHigh said:


So you still think trump is a russian asset even after even cnn admitted Hilary paid for the Steele Dossier 


got it 

So I follow the evidence as it exists because if it walks like a duck talks like a duck and lies more than any human being in existence it's probably a duck.


Clinton was fined for the steele dossier.  So what?  It turned out to be basically credible in that Trumps campaign DID in fact accept help from Russia during his campaign.  Should we recall the magical wiki cable leak that happened days before the election in which the individual leaking it magically ended up in Russia of all places?


Look mate.  I am a very simple man.  I tend to judge people based on their actions and actionable history.  When you're clutching your pearls in shock that I think Trump might in fact still be involved with Russia and there's so much gd smoke involved with him; I look at the acts, actions and what's happened and who benefitted from it and think.  Yup.  That's probably accurate.


But way to say Jonathan Li is a top level spy while ignoring the almost dozen links I posted in which Trump made moves, actions or gave information directly to russian or chinese interests and keep on clutching them pearls my dude

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Just now, RupertKBD said:


You haven't looked at any facts. You've looked at Republican bullshit.


If they had evidence, they'd be doing a formal Impeachment proceeding. Even members of their own party say they don't have the goods.





Do you have any concept of what the uniparty is?


do you think the usa is really a democracy? 

Or have you considered, that the govt is run by a group of people on both sides who serve the same oligarchs and companies who enrich them as payment for directing taxpayer money their way?


Now think about what would happen, if a man, such as Trump, came in and said I’m going to tear down this system of taxpayer Grift… what would the system do!? and add in his threat to the military industrial complex…


now ask, how do career politicians, on both sides, who make 170k per year for decades are somehow worth 100’s of millions 


It’s common sense guy 


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1 minute ago, BlockerHigh said:

Do you have any concept of what the uniparty is?


do you think the usa is really a democracy? 

Or have you considered, that the govt is run by a group of people on both sides who serve the same oligarchs and companies who enrich them as payment for directing taxpayer money their way?


Now think about what would happen, if a man, such as Trump, came in and said I’m going to tear down this system of taxpayer Grift… what would the system do!? and add in his threat to the military industrial complex…


now ask, how do career politicians, on both sides, who make 170k per year for decades are somehow worth 100’s of millions 


It’s common sense guy 


Yes he came in, drained the swamp and within 18 months gave himself massive tax breaks and started a trade war his daughter was immune to and managed to deal with russia in no less than 7 times in which russia either got information, had disputes walked away from had allies threatened on behalf of them or had sanctions dropped.


It's remarkable

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5 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

So what happens if they shut the government down? They have two days before that happens.



The GOP has caused a number of shut downs recenty.  Basically they still get paid but everyone else gets screwed.




What happens when a US government shutdown takes place?

Thousands of federal government employees are put on furlough, meaning that they are told not to report for work and go unpaid for the period of the shutdown, although their salaries are paid retroactively when it ends.

Other government workers who perform what are judged essential services, such as air traffic controllers and law enforcement officials, continue to work but do not get paid until Congress acts to end the shutdown.

Depending on how long it lasts, national parks can either shut entirely or open without certain vital services such as public toilets or attendants. Passport processing can stop, as can research – at national health institutes.

The Biden administration has warned that federal inspections ensuring food safety and prevention of the release of dangerous materials into drinking water could stop for the duration of the shutdown.

About 10,000 children aged three and four may also lose access to Head Start, a federally funded program to promote school readiness among toddlers, especially among low-income families.

How unusual are US government shutdowns?

For the first 200 years of the US’s existence, they did not happen at all. In recent decades, they have become an increasingly regular part of the political landscape, as Washington politics has become more polarised and brinkmanship a commonplace political tool. There have been 20 federal funding gaps since 1976, when the US first shifted the start of its fiscal year to 1 October.

Three shutdowns in particular have entered US political lore:

A 21-day partial closure in 1995 over a dispute about spending cuts between President Bill Clinton and the Republican speaker, Newt Gingrich, that is widely seen as setting the tone for later partisan congressional struggles.

In 2013, when the government was partially closed for 16 days after another Republican-led Congress tried to use budget negotiations to defund Barack Obama’s signature Affordable Care Act, widely known as Obamacare.

A 34-day shutdown, the longest on record, lasting from December 2018 until January 2019, when Donald Trump refused to sign any appropriations bill that did not include $5.7bn funding for a border wall along the US border with Mexico. The closure damaged Trump’s poll ratings.

What is triggering the latest imminent shutdown?

In large part, the crisis is being driven by the relatively weak position of McCarthy, the Republican speaker in the House of Representatives. Working with a wafer-thin majority in the 435-seat chamber, McCarthy needed a record 15 ballots to ascend to his position last January, a position earned only after tense negotiations with a minority of far-right Republicans.

Those same rightwingers are now in effect holding McCarthy hostage by refusing to vote for the appropriations bills on the basis of spending guidelines the speaker previously agreed with Biden. McCarthy could, theoretically, still pass the bills with the support of Democrats across the aisle. But rightwingers, notably the Florida congressman Matt Gaetz, have vowed to topple him as speaker in such a scenario.


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13 minutes ago, BlockerHigh said:

Do you have any concept of what the uniparty is?


do you think the usa is really a democracy? 

Or have you considered, that the govt is run by a group of people on both sides who serve the same oligarchs and companies who enrich them as payment for directing taxpayer money their way?


Now think about what would happen, if a man, such as Trump, came in and said I’m going to tear down this system of taxpayer Grift… what would the system do!? and add in his threat to the military industrial complex…


now ask, how do career politicians, on both sides, who make 170k per year for decades are somehow worth 100’s of millions 


It’s common sense guy 



I don't think of any of the stuff in your first five paragraphs, because I don't traffic in silly "Illuminati" type conspiracy theories....


AS far as you final paragraph goes, you're half right. It's "common", but "sense" doesn't enter into the equation at all....

Edited by RupertKBD
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Just now, RupertKBD said:


I don't think of any of the stuff in your first five paragraphs, because I don't traffic in silly "Illuminati" type conspiracy theories....


AS far as you final paragraph goes, you're have right. It's "common", but "sense" doesn't enter into the equation at all....

You’re not going to accept anything that alters your preconceived notions


it’s ok I understand what this comes from


cheers I’m out



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Repubs, starting to figure out-that they have nothing to impeach Joe with:



WASHINGTON — Republicans are growing more and more frustrated with the House Oversight Committee's impeachment hearing, with some beginning to admit it has been a failure.

The Thursday hearing began with the Republicans' own witness, lawyer Jonathan Turley testifying that he doesn't believe there's enough evidence to impeach President Joe Biden.

Stephen Neukam of The Messenger tweeted on Thursday afternoon that anger is growing within the GOP as Republicans flail – and Democrats appear to have their act together.

"Republican aides tell me the impeachment hearing is being overshadowed by spending battle," Neukam posted on social media. "A House GOP aide told me this would be the biggest story in the country, but is being overshadowed. I asked another if he was paying attention. The answer? 'Spending spending spending.'"

He went on to quote another house staffer: Chairman James "Comer (R-KY) and staff botched this bad"

The aide said the information from the Republicans has been “confusing,” while Democrats appear “on message.”

"How can you not be better prepared for this?" the staffer lamented.

Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) went so far as to troll Comer in real time, saying, "As a former director of emergency management, I know a disaster when I see one."

When Raw Story caught up with him after the hearing, he called it an "unmitigated disaster for the Republicans. Their own witness says there isn't any evidence to impeach Joe Biden. These guys are going to need a federal declaration. They're going to need FEMA to bail them out, that's how bad the disaster is."

Punchbowl News' Jake Sherman posted on social media that he's hearing the same comments from Republican leadership.


Raw Story caught up with a few other members outside the hearing room to ask how they felt things were going.

Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) said when the hearing was announced, "My colleagues and I have spent nine months gathering information, vetting allegations, and establishing the concerning fact pattern upon which this inquiry is based."

Even in the hearing, his questions focused on the timeline of the shutdown and the impeachment hearings. He then pivoted to talk about whistleblowers and information on the investigations.

"I think it's — clearly, the Democrats are trying to lead us away from the purpose of this hearing and that purpose was gaining other peoples' perspective about the use of the inquiry," he said, explaining that the goal wasn't to provide evidence but have a holistic conversation about whether an impeachment was warranted.

"Today, there is not that direct link," Sessions said about the evidence gathered over the past several years. "The purpose of that inquiry is to determine if there is that link."

Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) made similar comments, confessing that they don't have any evidence. He explained that the purpose of the first hearing "is to establish the predicate for going to get additional information that the committee needs to finish its investigation."

"Prof. [Jonathan] Turley said in a sense he needs to see more than what's been laid out, but that's the purpose of the inquiry," Donalds continued. "If we felt we had everything necessary for articles of impeachment, we would have dropped articles of impeachment. That's why we're in the inquiry phase, to get that information to get a final determination if an impeachment is warranted or not."

For all of the 2023 session, both the House Judiciary and House Oversight Committees have been investigating Hunter Biden and by extension his father. Comer hasn't explained how this inquiry is different from the previous inquiries.

Rep. Haley Stevens (D-MI) told Raw Story she hasn't been able to watch any of the hearings because she's desperately trying to stop a government shutdown.

"It's just constant dysfunction," she said.

"I'm like, we're shutting down the government and starting an impeachment for no reason," she continued. "They're losing the narrative on shutdown."


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3 minutes ago, BlockerHigh said:

It appears as though this is a non issue as of June 20th 2023


Hunter Biden and Patrik Ho:



Hunter Biden has drawn media scrutiny over the years for connections to a scandal-plagued, now-bankrupt Chinese energy giant, CEFC China Energy. According to a Washington Post report, the company and its executives paid $4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and James Biden (the president’s brother) in the years between Joe Biden’s time as vice president and president.

The company was founded by Ye Jianming, a Chinese national who was deputy secretary for several years in a Chinese military organization that has been called a front for a unit of the People’s Liberation Army responsible for intelligence-gathering and propaganda, according to The New York Times. Ye also reportedly “sent a gift” to North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, the paper reported, and his company hired many former military officers and received billions of dollars in loans from government banks. A CNN report said the firm “aligned itself so closely with the Chinese government that it was often hard to distinguish between the two,” and that Ye “appeared to be China’s unofficial energy envoy.”

Hunter Biden met Ye in May 2017, according to the Times, and offered to help him “identify investment opportunities” in the U.S. energy sector. Biden told The New Yorker that Ye gave him a 2.8-carat diamond worth about $10,000 after the meeting. Biden said he “knew it wasn’t a good idea to take it,” and he gave it to his associates. He kept working with Ye, though, and told the magazine he “did not consider Ye to be a ‘shady character at all.’” He started negotiating a deal for the Chinese energy conglomerate to invest in a Louisiana liquefied natural gas project.

Ye recruited Hunter Biden to provide legal advice to another CEFC official, Patrick Ho. Biden signed an engagement letter on Sept. 18, 2017, agreeing to a $1 million retainer, according to the Post.

In November 2017, Ye and Biden agreed on the Louisiana deal, according to The New Yorker. The same month, FBI agents arrested Ho, who immediately called James Biden. James Biden thought Ho was trying to reach Hunter, he later told The New York Times.

Ho was convicted of seeking to boost CEFC’s prospects in Africa by bribing officials in Chad and Uganda. He received a three-year prison sentence for the offense March 25, 2019. The Louisiana investment deal fell through. Hunter Biden told The New Yorker it was “bad luck.” The Wall Street Journal reported that a review of related corporate records showed “no role” for now-President Joe Biden in connection to his son’s relationship with CEFC.

And Ye vanished. On Oct. 12, 2018, Reuters reported that Chinese prosecutors accused him of bribing a top Communist Party official. That official pleaded guilty. The Chinese government aggressively censored references to Ye on Chinese social media network WeChat, and researchers at the University of Hong Kong concluded Ye was one of the most censored topics of 2018.

Hunter Biden’s work with Ye and Ho wasn’t his only China-linked business work. He also helped start a private equity fund, known as BHR, with a number of partners, including Chinese businessman Jonathan Li. Biden and two other American board members controlled 30 percent of the firm, according to The New York Times, and Chinese investors — including the state-owned Bank of China — controlled the rest. The New Yorker reported that Hunter “did not take an equity stake in BHR Partners until after his father left the White House.”

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10 minutes ago, BlockerHigh said:

I’ll just leave this here


ps this is what Trump was impeached for 


looking into biden admitting he bribed Burisma to fire a prosecutor trying to uncover corruption at the company Hunter was on the board of, and has no experience and thus no business being on the board of. 

they called it a trump quid pro quo


when Joe is literally on video bragging about it 


projection at its finest 


I for one, think impeaching the man uncovering the crime is wrong. 



Yeah that statement is false as it si Obama administration foreign policy to get that prosecuter fired. Not to mention it being official policy of many western gonvernment. 


Also the Ukrainian president at the time just flat out said that was wrong and the the guy was gonna be fired anyways by his parliament irrespective of anything else. 


This is fox so no liberal bias there. Go to min 4ish. 





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52 minutes ago, BlockerHigh said:



bank records 



WhatsApp messages 

biden was on 20 calls with this son and his business partners

irs whistleblower testimony 

business partner testimony 

and now this 


I would posit the idea of “no evidence” is clearly something the media wants you to believe and not the truth. 

I would suggest following the House Judiciary GOP and Kevin McCarthy on Twitter to see what you are not being informed of. Examining both sides of the argument is very important, it seems from your post you’re only getting what the main stream media wants you to see. You can then also compare what you read and see there Vs how the media “spins” it… and then assess for yourself. 

trump was impeached for uncovering Biden’s corruption in Ukraine.

I for one find that disturbing. But then again; the govt has a history of going after people who expose it. Assange, Snowden, etc. 



‘Fictitious’ facts and ‘imagined’ history: GOP Rep. Ken Buck slams Biden impeachment effort

“Trump’s impeachment in 2019 was a disgrace to the Constitution and a disservice to Americans. The GOP’s reprise in 2023 is no better,” Buck wrote in an op-ed published Friday.


GOP Rep. Ken Buck, a member of the hardline House Freedom Caucus, slammed his caucus and party’s efforts to impeach President Joe Biden as “relying on an imagined history.”


“Trump’s impeachment in 2019 was a disgrace to the Constitution and a disservice to Americans. The GOP’s reprise in 2023 is no better,” Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) wrote in an op-ed published Friday.


House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) announced the impeachment inquiry into Biden this week in an attempt to placate his conservative critics.


Buck’s positioning as an impeachment skeptic is something of an anomaly among hardline conservatives in the the far-right caucus responsible for McCarthy’s many headaches.


In an interview last Sunday, Buck suggested that “there is not a strong connection at this point between the evidence on Hunter Biden and any evidence connecting the president.”


He seemed to have changed his mind Tuesday, when he called the inquiry a “good move.”


But, on Thursday in an interview with Jake Tapper on CNN, he reverted to his previous stance: “I want to make sure we don’t ruin this institution over a tit-for-tat impeachment. If the evidence is there, Jake, I will absolutely vote for impeachment. I don’t see the evidence at this point.”


Buck’s Washington Post op-ed doubled down on that argument, laying out his understanding of the evidence against Hunter Biden and his father.

Republicans are “relying on an imagined history,” he claimed, calling the facts cited by Republicans “fictitious” and emphasizing the gravity of an impeachment inquiry.


“The House is back in session, and Americans are getting an up-close look at Washington’s dysfunction. We are barreling toward a government shutdown without making progress on cutting our out-of-control spending. Yet Republican leadership has decided to divert attention to an impeachment inquiry into President Biden,” Buck wrote.



Edited by nuckin_futz
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Just now, RupertKBD said:


Check the nearest mirror son....

I’ve clearly done a lot more research than most here 


pretty much everyone has come at me with insults, dismissiveness, and an unwillingness to actually consider information beyond what they “think” aka have been told by cnn


main stream media lied you repeatedly 


Hunters laptop was russian disinformation 

trump was a russian asset 

Obama didn’t spy on his campaign 

covid didn’t come from a lab

saddam had wmd’s

Covid vaccines stop transmission 

Hilary didn’t pay for the steele dossier 


I could go on and on, but the real issue here is


At what point do “you look in the mirror” and ask “why do i continue to trust groups that have proven to lie to me”.


Cheers bro. Enjoy the game tonight 

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I always love these "You should check into....." posts, which always refer to "theories" we've already seen debunked by dozens of sources....


......except for the Youtube channel or Twitter feed or some clown they happen to consider an authority on the subject....

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