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3 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:




You guys are right, this is a far superior news source to twitter X.

Thank you for the political news, i don't feel so news-tarded now.

This is a hockey site.  There will be chirps.   

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13 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


While this is both funny & gross it’s actually unfair. He was  trying to add ‘sexual touching’ to the incest bill and first cousins was inadvertently omitted on the draft of the new bill. So in fairness to Wilson I will say he was trying to improve protection for minors. Rare for a Republican but admirable nonetheless.




Good catch.


Makes it less funny now, but good catch 😛

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32 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Trump Relives His Past Cognitive Test Glory at Rally: ‘A Giraffe, A Tiger … A Whale, Which One’s the Whale?’


As if he has the slightest clue on how to even begin a math problem like 3,293 x 4 / 3 .

Even with a calculator he probably comes up with eleventy-two.

“And let me tell you, they always show you the first one — like a giraffe, a tiger, a whale,” Trump said, to laughter in the room. “Which one is the whale? Ok… And that goes on for three or four. And then it gets harder, and harder, and harder. And then it’s ‘multiply 3,293 times four, divide by three.’ They have plenty of tough stuff.”



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40 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

Remember, the QOP hold the majority.  The QOP are the ones ranting and raving about the border.  Immigration reform is part of the solution. 


Nope, can't do that.


The QOP want the system broken so they can campaign on the broken system and dupe their sheep.  THAT is what they want.  They don't actually want to fix anything.




Johnson: Now is not ‘the time for comprehensive immigration reform’ 

Election year with a terribly polling 1st term. Both parties play this game. No one should be surprised. It's similar to Pierre not giving his ideas until an election is called. These guys are experts at helping themselves before their constituents. 

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11 hours ago, Wiggums said:


  Biden's whole shtick during election time was that Trump's border policies were "cruel and inhumane". He used that as a major talking point to persuade people.  Biden has been using similar policies and tactics that Trump did but only a shittier version of them.   Talk about hypocrisy



Trump enacted policies people claimed Biden never would because Biden was to soft and loved migrants and only Trump was man enough to carry through with them.  Biden kept them up and carried through with them.  Now Biden isn't strong enough on it.


Talk about hypocrisy

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34 minutes ago, 5forFighting said:

Election year with a terribly polling 1st term. Both parties play this game. No one should be surprised. It's similar to Pierre not giving his ideas until an election is called. These guys are experts at helping themselves before their constituents. 

It's not similar.  In Canada we may withhold policy ideas so the other party doesn't "borrow" them, but I don't hear of one party actively blocking the government from actually action on a "crisis". 

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16 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Trump enacted policies people claimed Biden never would because Biden was to soft and loved migrants and only Trump was man enough to carry through with them.  Biden kept them up and carried through with them.  Now Biden isn't strong enough on it.


Talk about hypocrisy

There's a maga attack as against Nikki Haley because she won't call migrants criminals. Anything short of rapists and drug dealers is too liberal for this crowd

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4 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Trump enacted policies people claimed Biden never would because Biden was to soft and loved migrants and only Trump was man enough to carry through with them.  Biden kept them up and carried through with them.  Now Biden isn't strong enough on it.


Talk about hypocrisy


How many wars is Biden involved In? How many did Trump start?

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16 hours ago, Wiggums said:


  Biden's whole shtick during election time was that Trump's border policies were "cruel and inhumane". He used that as a major talking point to persuade people.  Biden has been using similar policies and tactics that Trump did but only a shittier version of them.   Talk about hypocrisy




Its already been answered but the cruel and inhumane was the child separation policy.  Sometimes sending the child over 1000 miles away to another city. And no records kept to rejoin them.  All purposely done to try and scare others from coming.


US reunites nearly 700 kids taken from parents under Trump



And there are still about 1000 that may never be reunited.  With no records to go by.  Also some mothers sent back without their children.  If that's not cruel, I don't know what is.


If you are going to use the word hypocrisy, simply look at everything the Republican party is doing today. 

Law Enforcement used to be good now........BAD and corrupt  (because they are going after our leader)

Russia and dictator Putin used to be bad.....now GOOD (just defending against the evil Ukraine by invading)

NATO itself used to be a good thing, and the USA's role as leader....now BAD, must defund and get out, let Trump's pal Putin do whatever he wants to Europe, and democratic movements.

Republicans deny Obama his supreme court pick when he had another 8 months in office saying a judge should not be appointed in a Presidents final year.....They then, with only 2 weeks left in Trump's term, appoint another far right judge.

Cancel Culture bad....But only if its not boycotting Mr Potato head, or Teletubbies, or Taylor Swift, Dixie Chicks, Bud Light, or......here's a more comprehensive list:



And almost worst of all Democracy, which was one of the USA's greatest pride, the peaceful transfer of power if you lost etc...Now is BAD and corrupt.....(but only IF a Republican loses, if they win its fine) Kind of odd that the "deep state Democrats" flipped Trump votes for Biden, but then left the votes in place to have an R majority in the House so they couldn't get anything passed.


So much hypocrisy. Way too many examples to list. 

Democrats may be hypocrites in some areas, I'll grant you that. But the sheer amount of hypocrisy on the R side is overwhelming.


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Another item for the "both sides are the same" crowd........







An Oklahoma lawmaker is facing backlash for proposing a discriminatory bill that deems people of Hispanic descent as “terrorists”.

Republican state representative JJ Humphrey introduced the bill, HB 3133, which seeks to combat problems in the state, such as drug and human trafficking, and lay out punishments to those who have committed these “acts of terrorism”.

The punishment for such a crime would be forfeiting all assets, including any and all property, vehicles, and money.

In addition to “a member of a criminal street gang” and someone who “has been convicted of a gang-related offense,” the bill defines a terrorist as “any person who is of Hispanic descent living within the state of Oklahoma”.

The move was met with fierce criticism.

State senator Michael Brooks, who serves as the senate’s minority caucus vice-chair and founded the Oklahoma Latino legislative caucus, said the move by Humphrey was unsurprising.

“To have the law treat people differently based on their race or ethnicity only creates greater divides,” Brooks said. “The bill is fatally flawed, and I don’t know if there’s much of a way to be able to change it.”



I think Texas (thanks to Greg Abbott) still has the lead in racist policies, but OK is trying to make up ground....:classic_dry:

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18 hours ago, Rob Eh said:


How many wars is Biden involved In? How many did Trump start?


Bloody hilarious. So many snowflakes were literally crying when Trump won, claiming he was going to start world war 3.  


I mean, if I was a leader looking to win back land by military force I would wait for the U.S to elect a feeble leader who can barely finish a sentence too.  



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18 hours ago, Satchmo said:

How many wars was Trump involved In? 

Donny is a faux warhawk.  Pretends to be tough but couldn't last one round (at any moment in his life) to even a pipsqueek like Trudeau Jr..  Got his daddy to write him a doctor's note to excuse him from combat.  Just like his grandpa who evaded the draft in Germany by immigrating over to the US. 

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1 minute ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

A senile old Sleepy Joe is still more articulate than Urine Man.


I've heard a few people say this now.  It's either brainwashed bias or people really don't follow any of Joe's gaffes, speeches, etc close enough.  The guy is a wreck.  Trump says dumb too shit but Biden is on another level 

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