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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

The Democrats could just say that Biden isn’t fit for office anymore. Maybe get a doctor’s note to state he has dementia. Not sure it’s a smart idea to take another chance with him given his elderly state. 

Wasn’t Gavin Newsom supposed to be interested in the job?  He’s the governor of California. Ronald Reagan was also the governor of California and he won the presidency in a landslide. 

There are a lot of quality Democrats who could/should run. Who seriously thinks Biden can complete a 2nd term? The quality of his VP could carry the ticket. 

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8 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

There are a lot of quality Democrats who could/should run. Who seriously thinks Biden can complete a 2nd term? The quality of his VP could carry the ticket. 


Whoever is the VP will have the inside track to the nomination in 28.  Dropping Harris is going to be a problem for a portion of the DNC base, especially if it isn't a female candidate.  Thing is, they HAVE TO WIN.  And I agree, the VP is going to be an important part of the decision, just as it is on the QOP side.  Neither Biden or TRUMP look like a solid bet to finish this next term.  TRUMP may even resign so he can get pardoned if a self-pardon doesn't work.

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1 hour ago, RupertKBD said:


It's possible, but for that to happen, millions of voters who rejected Trump in 2020 have to change their minds and support him this time around, despite the very real possibility of him being a convicted felon.


I'm not saying that it can't happen, (we've already been over the "logic" of the American voter) but I just have a hard time picturing it.


the US is an odd duck. If Trump is viewed as an "underdog" - stay with me here - being persecuted unfairly, yep I think he has a solid chance. 


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15 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


the US is an odd duck. If Trump is viewed as an "underdog" - stay with me here - being persecuted unfairly, yep I think he has a solid chance. 


Only his base think he's being persecuted unfairly though.  People with functioning brains see him for the terrorist vermin that he is.

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5 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Only his base think he's being persecuted unfairly though.  People with functioning brains see him for the terrorist vermin that he is.


I'm not so sure as you are. Imagine for a moment Biden has a brain freeze moment during a debate, like McConnel did. Or falls down on live tv. Add to that, maybe Trump actually wins some of his current cases and he looks unfairly prosecuted to some. 

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29 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


the US is an odd duck. If Trump is viewed as an "underdog" - stay with me here - being persecuted unfairly, yep I think he has a solid chance. 



Yeah, I hear a lot about this as well, but TBH, I think it gets more media oxygen than it deserves. I believe the majority of the Trumps base believes he's being persecuted, but I believe other Republicans are holding their noses, because Trump is the inevitable nominee and they won't vote for a Dem, no matter how bad the alternative is...


I believe rational people would have to look at this and realize many of the challenges to Trump are coming from his own people (Republicans)....and that the charges he is facing were a result of Indictments handed down by Grand Juries without political affiliation....


While we like to joke about the discernment of American voters, I believe that the majority are normal folks and not divorced from reality like the ones who make all the headlines. Most of them will see through the smokescreens and make their decision based on facts....not the fantasy that Trump and his cronies are promoting.


Meanwhile, Joe Biden has barely even started campaigning. He has a ton of ammo to throw at Bone Spurs over the next year and while he's doing that, the US economy is doing better than expected. Certainly far better than the doom and gloom predictions from the right.


The one Achilles Heel I see for Biden (other than the age thing) is the US-Mexico border. However, the hardliners in Congress are giving him ammunition there as well. On one hand they're calling it a crisis, while on the other hand refusing to support a bipartisan bill for increased border security and Ukraine funding. (both of which have broad public support, as well as the support of people like Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn) Some of them have even admitted they won't support the bill because it would be good for Joe Biden. In other words, they are willing to let it remain a crisis, in the hopes that voters will blame Biden for their own inaction.


Again, I could see Trump's base buying that garbage, but not moderates and independents....both of which Trump needs, if he's going to retake the White House.

Edited by RupertKBD
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1 minute ago, RupertKBD said:


Yeah, I hear a lot about this as well, but TBH, I think it gets more media oxygen than it deserves. I believe the majority of the Trumps base believes he's being persecuted, but I believe other Republicans are holding their noses, because Trump is the inevitable nominee and they won't vote for a Dem, no matter how bad the alternative is...


I believe rational people would have to look at this and realize many of the challenges to Trump are coming from his own people (Republicans)....and that the charges he is facing were a result of Indictments handed down by Grand Juries without political affiliation....


While we like to joke about the discernment of American voters, I believe that the majority are normal folks and not divorced from reality like the ones who make all the headlines. Most of them will see through the smokescreens and make their decision based on facts....not the fantasy that Trump and his cronies are promoting.


Meanwhile, Joe Biden has barely even started campaigning. He has a ton of ammo to throw at Bone Spurs over the next year and while he's doing that, the US economy is doing better than expected. Certainly fare better than the doom and gloom predictions from the right.


The one Achilles Heel I see for Biden (other than the age thing) is the US-Mexico border. However, the hardliners in Congress are giving him ammunition there as well. On one hand they're calling it a crisis, while on the other hand refusing to support a bipartisan bill for increased border security and Ukraine funding. (both of which have broad public support, as well as the support of people like Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn) Some of them have even admitted they won't support the bill because it would be good for Joe Biden. In other words, they are willing to let it remain a crisis, in the hopes that voters will blame Biden for their own inaction.


Again, I could see Trump's base buying that garbage, but not moderates and independents....both of which Trump needs, if he's going to retake the White House.


all reasonable. I'm not saying its a slam dunk for Trump, and I certainly don't want to see him win, I just think he's got a good shot at it if/when Joe has an age issue. 





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1 minute ago, Bob Long said:

all reasonable. I'm not saying its a slam dunk for Trump, and I certainly don't want to see him win, I just think he's got a good shot at it if/when Joe has an age issue.


Yeah, if Joe falls asleep mid speech, or falls out of his chair at a State Dinner, then all bets are off.....but I would argue that recent events suggest that Trump is just as likely to do this as Biden.



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3 hours ago, Bob Long said:


I feel like there's some weird subtext we are missing with these oddball trump statements lately. Some religious or alt right crazy shit.

Building his insanity defense, or angling for 'reduced mental capacity" -no need to jail.?

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1 hour ago, The Arrogant Worms said:




The Koch brothers (or brother, one of them croaked) put something out a few days ago saying their internal polling operation had Trump losing handily to Biden in all 5 swing states. They were/are backing Haley huge.

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DeWit is big in AZ politics. He was the Treasurer of Arizona at one time running a huge bond portfolio for the state. I met him maybe 13 years ago in Vegas when he was CEO of Echo Trading. Some friends of mine were big traders at Echo. Can't say I was real impressed but he did buy me dinner. lol

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2 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


It's possible, but for that to happen, millions of voters who rejected Trump in 2020 have to change their minds and support him this time around, despite the very real possibility of him being a convicted felon.


I'm not saying that it can't happen, (we've already been over the "logic" of the American voter) but I just have a hard time picturing it.


Didn't Bone Spurs win in 2016 by less than 70,000 votes based on the electoral college?  Also, Hillary actually won the popular vote.  So, I don't think you need to convince millions of people to change their minds.  Only a few swing states usually decide elections, which could come down to less than 100,000 votes...

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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I just heard a New Hampshire voter point out that there were no wars started during Trump's precedency.  I've heard two others say that in the past few days and I've heard it said here as well.  It got me asking myself how often do wars start?   Not 'regional conflicts, or 'border disputes', but actions large enough to be called wars?


Not that often thankfully.   They are rare enough that just about any president could get through a term without one.   Many have.


It also struck me that a global pandemic hit halfway through his term.   Not even Putin would start a war in a time of such uncertainty.


So, the best Trump could really say is that no war started in the first half of is term.   Seems to me Biden could say the same thing.

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22 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Didn't Bone Spurs win in 2016 by less than 70,000 votes based on the electoral college?  Also, Hillary actually won the popular vote.  So, I don't think you need to convince millions of people to change their minds.  Only a few swing states usually decide elections, which could come down to less than 100,000 votes...


Maybe....but that doesn't really change the fact that people who didn't vote for Trump last time will have to change their minds and vote for his this time, even though he's facing 91 criminal charges.

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2 hours ago, Bob Long said:


how does this break down when viewed by the electoral college numbers?


Biden gets all 19 ec votes from Penn making it damn near impossible for Trump to win as if Penn goes left, chances are Michigan, and, Minnesota is also going dems as they are typically left of Penn. 

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