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5 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Central park 5

Segregation of rental units

Open use of the n word

Relating south east Asians to 7/11 workers

9/11 comments

Calling first nations individuals Pocahontas

"Look at my black guy" during campaign

Comments about Obama

Comments about Haley

Comments about various Dem senators/Congress people 


He obviously just thinks all of this is funny so it's on.  Right?


Before you say show me proof.


Super easy to find


















But show me where trump is a racist or says racist things because obviously this is just him joking around and obviously that makes it ok

"Monday when first lady Jill Biden spoke to the UnidosUS conference and said, “The diversity of this community — as distinct as the bodegas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio, is your strength.” She was rightfully denounced by elected officials, candidates, and even some in the media like the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. 


This isn’t the first time a member of the Biden family has said something outrageous about race. In 2007, then-Sen. Biden said this about then-Sen. Barack Obama: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”



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7 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Central park 5

Segregation of rental units

Open use of the n word

Relating south east Asians to 7/11 workers

9/11 comments

Calling first nations individuals Pocahontas

"Look at my black guy" during campaign

Comments about Obama

Comments about Haley

Comments about various Dem senators/Congress people 


He obviously just thinks all of this is funny so it's on.  Right?


Before you say show me proof.


Super easy to find


















But show me where trump is a racist or says racist things because obviously this is just him joking around and obviously that makes it ok


Cool. There's a long list of similar things that Biden has said  

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12 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

In 2010, he warmly eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan, saying he was “one of my mentors” and that “the Senate is a lesser place for his going.”


I can play the same game 🤷


Byrd changed his opinion on race long before that eulogy:




In a 2006 CNN interview, Byrd expressed regret for the filibuster and called his time in the Klan the greatest mistake of his life ( here ). In 2005, Byrd commented on his past membership of the Klan in his memoir and in an interview with the Washington Post said, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times … and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."


Donald Trump never changes and would never admit he did something wrong.

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6 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

80 years ago a 23 year old southern man made a mistake he later regretted...


Byrd later called joining the KKK "the greatest mistake I ever made." In 1997, he told an interviewer he would encourage young people to become involved in politics but also warned, "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena." In his last autobiography, Byrd explained that he was a KKK member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision— a jejune and immature outlook—seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions." Byrd also said in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."


Why not tell people what you told me?  It's hard to prove that Trump is a racist

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23 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


Is designating the KKK as a terrorist group considered pandering to racists ?  It Would kinda be the opposite wouldn't it?


But I mean yeah there are always going to be racists and if they have to vote for somebody I'm sure he would take it.  

Denouncing the KKK is a no brainer for any politician.   In fact, it's a must.


But then again....










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2 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


Why not tell people what you told me?  It's hard to prove that Trump is a racist

I'm just trying to point out to you that it's equally hard to prove Biden is a racist.

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4 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

I'm just trying to point out to you that it's equally hard to prove Biden is a racist.


Yes, neither are.  But there's tons of people in here calling Trump a racist and it's based off of their feelings.


You told me it's hard to prove that Trump is a racist, why don't you tell other people this?  

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3 hours ago, Wiggums said:


They don't get it. 


Anyone can dig shit up about these old dinosaurs and label them racist./ Lol.  Who should we do next? All we need is google and some pitchforks


lol.  So you managed to dig up a handful of quotes from Biden's past, where he made a questionable gaffe.  Mostly stereotyping, for what he mistakenly thought would be taken as a harmless joke.  Very anti-PC, which most conservatives probably wouldn't mind at all.  Only brought up as a very weak response to Trump's overwhelming and ongoing racist "jokes" and behaviours that are meant to demean and insult, and dog whistle to his base.  Intent is a huge factor, in NHL calls and in politics.


Compared to thousands of examples for Trump. Many not just stereotyping, but actually defending racists. "good people on both sides" directed at marchers with torches chanting 'the Jews will not replace us!", and using a car to kill a young woman protester. 


Meeting with KKK leaders for lunch.

Or caught being openly racist like making building managers put a "C" on application forms for renters in his buildings if they were "coloured".  Those would go right into the waste  bin.

Demanding the death penalty in full page ads for the group of black teens, one only 15, that were unfairly accused of raping a white girl in Central Park. Stirring up racist feelings.  Never apologized after DNA cleared them.

Calling Mexicans murderers and rapists with the "well, maybe some of them are okay" tacked on. 

Calling African nations where some immigrants come from "shithole countries".

His outright Muslim ban.


And its never stopped or been apologized for.  His latest is on Nikki Haley.  Calling her Nimbra on more than one occasion. Its a take on her Indian birth name which she dropped for Nikki.  Add on his insinuations of not being from the US with his "whereever she's from"  Just like when he overemphasized Barrack's middle name Hussein every time he could. All meant as dog whistles to his racist base. Not obviously racist but enough to let them know he thinks like they do. Why else would he do it?


Lately his talk of elimination of the "vermin" and that  "immigrants are poisoning the blood of the  country"  ripped right out of Hitler's book.


Its funny watching Republicans and their voters and some of their defenders here in Canada, pretend that they would be against all his racist talk and actions, IF they could be convinced that all of that I listed above was not simply made up by "fake news". 

But if you show them the actual court documents, evidence, quotes,  video to back it up.......and they can't pretend its not true anymore, then its a quick pivot to...what about those few dumb Biden gaffes from the last 20 years. ..eh ..eh??

Guess what? we still are laughing, and cringing, at your blind wilful ignorance and asshole worship of Trump. That that is someone you look up to. An example for your children. Makes me puke.


But why be proven as hypocrites and be laughed at over and over because of it?  Why not just admit you love the racist talk. You miss the TV shows where everyone looked like you.  You love the talk of eliminating political rivals on the left.  Shutting up the free press and journalists that expose the corruption and make your Dear Leader authoritarian's job harder to do.  You love the idea of a new Fascist leader like Adolf to get things back in "order". When men were men and women were women and there wasn't any confusion. Where the disadvantaged and poor can just die off if they can't afford to live in a rich man's world.  That democracy doesn't even matter anymore.  (if your side loses). Make me and my wealthy friends and donors wealthier! no matter who has to suffer to make that happen, even democracy itself.  That is their main mandate in office. Pretty easy to deduce since Trump's main legislation passed in office was a huge cut in taxes for the wealthy, cutting environmental laws to help those corps as well, while cutting back on things like food stamps, and veteran care to pay for some of it. The rest is just  doled out onto the debt. 


How any person on the planet could support such a sexist, whiny, lying, criminal, juvenile name calling, narcissistic, and total baby like him says more about them than Trump himself.  Its not that Trump exists that's depressing. There will always be assholes like him in history. Its the thousands of stupid marks he and the other wealthy elite MAGAs are fuelling their anger at different cultural progressions and changes in society that are going too fast for their bigoted  minds to accept, or that disagrees with their chosen religious cult.  A combination of assholes and the morons who they take advantage of and who believe everything that the assholes are telling them,which is usually always projection...of behaviour that they engage in.  I didn't realize there were so many of them. That is what is scary.




Edited by kilgore
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Just now, Wiggums said:


Yes, neither are.  But there's tons of people in here calling Trump a racist and it's based off of their feelings.


You told me it's hard to prove that Trump is a racist, why don't you tell other people this?  

I will if you want but people don't always listen to me.   You of all people should know that 😀

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10 minutes ago, Wiggums said:

Yes, neither are.  But there's tons of people in here calling Trump a racist and it's based off of their feelings.




It's based off the things that he's said and done.

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1 minute ago, Wiggums said:


Do it.  Take over for me, I'm out 

OK - Listen everybody, when Trump does or says something we are not supposed to feel anything.   Just go pure Vulcan.


I couldn't help myself there.   What I was supposed to say is we do not have enough hard evidence to categorically prove that either Trump or Biden is a racist 


I still think there is a mountain of proof to show how chummy Trump can be with racists when he feels it is to his advantage.

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Texas doubles down





Governor Abbott Issues Statement On Texas’ Constitutional Right To Self-Defense

January 24, 2024 | Austin, Texas | Press Release

Governor Greg Abbott today issued a statement on Texas’ constitutional right to defend and protect itself as President Joe Biden continues to attack Texas and refuse to perform his duties to secure the border.

"The Executive Branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting States, including immigration laws on the books right now," reads the statement. "President Biden has instructed his agencies to ignore federal statutes that mandate the detention of illegal immigrants. The failure of the Biden Administration to fulfill the duties imposed by Article IV, § 4 has triggered Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which reserves to this State the right of self-defense. For these reasons, I have already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary."

Read the Governor’s full statement here.

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4 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

OK - Listen everybody, when Trump does or says something we are not supposed to feel anything.   Just go pure Vulcan.


I couldn't help myself there.   What I was supposed to say is we do not have enough hard evidence to categorically prove that either Trump or Biden is a racist 


I still think there is a mountain of proof to show how chummy Trump can be with racists when he feels it is to his advantage.

I think you hit it on the head right there. If it was obvious that Trump was a racist then why did his support in the 2020 election increase in Black, Latino and Asian communities over the 2016 vote? Like most politicians Trump will change his message based on his audience. I believe he is capable of almost anything based on whether it benefits him or not. 

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1 hour ago, Wiggums said:


Yes, neither are.  But there's tons of people in here calling Trump a racist and it's based off of their feelings.


You told me it's hard to prove that Trump is a racist, why don't you tell other people this?  


actually I think if you review your posts, its you that are operating on feelings when it comes to political issues. I mean look at your reaction to the inquiry ruling.


Its obvious to anyone without a personal gripe that Trump is in fact a racist, sexist, overall shit person. And thats not my feelings, thats objective evidence. 


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23 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

I think you hit it on the head right there. If it was obvious that Trump was a racist then why did his support in the 2020 election increase in Black, Latino and Asian communities over the 2016 vote? Like most politicians Trump will change his message based on his audience. I believe he is capable of almost anything based on whether it benefits him or not. 


if you are willing to be chummy with racists, you are being racist. Its not even debatable. 

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There are plenty of reasons to despise TRUMP, and not bring up racism.


His failure to preserve the Bonwit Teller Art Deco sculptures.

The Central Park 5.

His dealings with contractors and his casino scandals.

TRUMP University.

His foundation.

Access Hollywood tape.

Stormy affair

His POTUS announcement speech.

His tens of thousands of lies while POTUS.

The 4 indictments.

And many, many more.


The fact that there are people who continue to defend this guy fully and completely is astounding. 

Edited by the destroyer of worlds
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7 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


actually I think if you review your posts, its you that are operating on feelings when it comes to political issues. I mean look at your reaction to the inquiry ruling.


Its obvious to anyone without a personal gripe that Trump is in fact a racist, sexist, overall shit person. And thats not my feelings, thats objective evidence. 




Subjective opinion 

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3 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:



Subjective opinion 


no, objective. How many people do you know that has his history of racist stuff (not surprising from a slum lord father, apple, tree, etc.), convicted of sexual assault, says people like Putin and Kim Jong Un are good people? All the daily shitty things he says on social media attacking people. 


None of that is subjective. 


I guess maybe you enjoy that stuff Ricky? but yes, Trump is objectively a piece of shit. 


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