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11 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

You really have only two points to make right?  Regardless of what else might be said these are your only counterarguments?


his other points are:


I'm rubber, you're glue. 




I know you are but what am I? 

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4 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

You really have only two points to make right?  Regardless of what else might be said these are your only counterarguments?

Those are the only 2 that I have argued. Don't care about the other stuff as I haven't been involved/don't care too. Much prefer just lurking and dropping in when I see something egregious.

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5 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Those are the only 2 that I have argued. Don't care about the other stuff as I haven't been involved/don't care too. Much prefer just lurking and dropping in when I see something egregious.

I'm a bit of a word nerd and it's nice to know another definition of the word egregious.

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2 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


Since pretty much every major news outlet carried the story, I'd say it reached a lot of them. In fact, I'd say that the ones most likely to have not heard about it are the ones who avoid MSM, because of what they would call "bias"....and what I would call "reporting facts that they don't want to hear"....


....you know....like the fact that the leading candidate for the Republican presidential nomination has dinner with a known anti-Semite and his white Supremacist buddies....

Setting aside the debate over whether or not he knew who Nick  Fuentes was I will assume we can all agree that he knew full well who the Proud Boys were when he said this  in his  debate with Biden -


 "Proud Boys – stand back and stand by. But I'll tell you what, somebody's got to do something about antifa and the left."



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9 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

I'm a bit of a word nerd and it's nice to know another definition of the word egregious.


Same......I've also developed a new appreciation for the word "bollixed" over the past several pages.....

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4 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Look we don't agree and that's fine. So what's the point of this?

It's a dig.  It's a chirp.  It's a disagreement on what matters and what does not.  It results from regret over wasted time and pixels.   

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34 minutes ago, Bob Long said:

from a Canadian perspective, I'd be thrilled with Haley over Trump. 


The only way that happens is if the SCOTUS rules against Trump and more states remove him from their ballots.  Then the Republican party would remove him from the race and that would leave Haley the last person standing.  Personally I think that's the only reason why she has yet to concede the primary to Trump.

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6 minutes ago, 4petesake said:

Setting aside the debate over whether or not he knew who Nick  Fuentes was I will assume we can all agree that he knew full well who the Proud Boys were when he said this  in his  debate with Biden -


 "Proud Boys – stand back and stand by. But I'll tell you what, somebody's got to do something about antifa and the left."


It's not even so much about whether Trump knew....It's about whether the voting public should care.


Seems like on one hand, we have folks with their knickers in a twist over the fact that the Canadian Parliament honored a guy with Nazi connections, even though nobody knew about those connections and all members of the House applauded him....


....and on the other hand, we have a former (and possibly future) POTUS associating with a known White Supremacist and the reaction is "who cares"? :classic_rolleyes:

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2 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

It's a dig.  It's a chirp.  It's a disagreement on what matters and what does not.  It results from regret over wasted time and pixels.   

Or you could just move on? Instead of as you say "wasting" your time 


The lame "digs" and "chirps" says more about you than anything about me 🤷

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2 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


The only way that happens is if the SCOTUS rules against Trump and more states remove him from their ballots.  Then the Republican party would remove him from the race and that would leave Haley the last person standing.  Personally I think that's the only reason why she has yet to concede the primary to Trump.



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22 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


from a Canadian perspective, I'd be thrilled with Haley over Trump. 



I'd be relieved.  But not happy.  She was the UN ambassador under Trump.  She backed everything he did. All the deplorable behaviour and lies.  She'd be a MAGA mouthpiece, and like the House, she wouldn't get anything done or undone unless it was approved by Trump and his cult.  And she seems okay with that.  Despite her weak sauce come backs at Trump about getting her name mixed up with Pelosi's.  She'd just be a puppet of the extreme right. She'd be smarter though. And less of a narcissist who demands to be adored.  So she'd be a definite improvement. 


I want Trump to run.....and lose badly. That would be the best outcome. And I think its possible.  The more charges he is convicted of, the more he declines cognitively, the more Republicans will stay home on election day, if not vote for Biden.


If Haley surges, wins her own state of South Carolina maybe, so other Republicans can see she can win, and move to her, and takes momentum away from the orange dimwit, she could still win.  And if that happens, then old Joe is in for trouble.  No matter how backwards and out of touch Haley is with most Americans, she is fresh, young(er), speaks well, and her gender will attract a lot of female independents, as well as some traditional Democratic voters.  And Republicans will vote for her in droves. She is the perfect blend of MAGA extremism, (she will initiate an abortion ban nation wide), but with a media friendly disposition the MSM will designate as "moderate".   And I think if that happens, no matter how bitter the fight, Trump will stand by her side and endorse her.  If only to have a future President in his court to maybe hand him a few pardons.


But no....I really hope  Biden can squeak out a win.  Not that I agree with everything he does.  Or doesn't do.  Its just a matter of protecting American democracy. Which would also protect ours, and also give pause to any dumb crybaby convoy fans that think they might bring Fascism to Canada as well.


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48 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


from a Canadian perspective, I'd be thrilled with Haley over Trump. 

If nothing else it might prevent the civil war that is a potential outcome of a Biden victory.   Then again, maybe not.

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3 hours ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

It was from the part of the speech where he was advocating for the death penalty for drug dealers.  Think about how insane that is.  

Very firm on the death penalty for drug dealers…unless there’s money to be made from selling pardons.




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3 hours ago, kilgore said:

I've seen 10x more senile mumbo jumbo from Trump than Biden.  Astounding how some in the MSM still puts Biden's age and speaking ability as a big difference and hurdle.

According to Fox, Breitbart etc. Biden is a senile man whose brain has turned into mush.

On the other hand, he is is this criminal mastermind whose family profited tremendously and not to mention pulling off biggest election theft in history. So which is it?

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