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5 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


They should....but sometimes that fact gets glossed over by people making comments like "Obama had cages too".....

You mean back when he lived in Kenya? 

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4 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


49 states would be fine.  California is the biggest state in need of seasonal workers that will do tedious sh*t work for low pay.

You mean the state that feeds a shit ton of your country? 😄 

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1 hour ago, 4petesake said:


“It’s a crisis but don’t fix it.”



GOP senators seethe as Trump blows up delicate immigration compromise

Senior Senate Republicans are furious that Donald Trump may have killed an emerging bipartisan deal over the southern border, depriving them of a key legislative achievement on a pressing national priority and offering a preview of what’s to come with Trump as their likely presidential nominee.

In recent weeks, Trump has been lobbying Republicans both in private conversations and in public statements on social media to oppose the border compromise being delicately hashed out in the Senate, according to GOP sources familiar with the conversations – in part because he wants to campaign on the issue this November and doesn’t want President Joe Biden to score a victory in an area where he is politically vulnerable.


Same on both sides, am I right?  Any republican that claims government doesn't work needs to look in a mirror.  Every republican that blocks this in order to prevent Biden from "scoring points" should be booted out of office.  This is the definition of unpatriotic, unamerican.  MAGA my ass, they just want control.

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On 1/24/2024 at 6:41 PM, NewbieCanuckFan said:




Nikke Haley raises $2.6 million after Trump threatens to to blacklist anyone who donated to her campaign

The Nikki Haley for President campaign announced a $2.6 million fundraising haul since New Hampshire polls closed on Tuesday, January 23. That includes $1.2 million raised from small-dollar and digital donations after Trump’s unhinged pledge to “permanently bar” any individual who contributed to Haley’s campaign.

“Donald Trump’s threats highlight the stark choice in this election: personal vendettas or real conservative leadership,” said Haley spokesperson Ann Marie Graham-Barnes. “Trump’s scheme blew up in his face. The contributions to the Haley campaign are pouring in — proof that people are sick of the drama and are rallying behind Nikki’s vision for a strong and proud America.

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5 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


Nikke Haley raises $2.6 million after Trump threatens to to blacklist anyone who donated to her campaign

The Nikki Haley for President campaign announced a $2.6 million fundraising haul since New Hampshire polls closed on Tuesday, January 23. That includes $1.2 million raised from small-dollar and digital donations after Trump’s unhinged pledge to “permanently bar” any individual who contributed to Haley’s campaign.

“Donald Trump’s threats highlight the stark choice in this election: personal vendettas or real conservative leadership,” said Haley spokesperson Ann Marie Graham-Barnes. “Trump’s scheme blew up in his face. The contributions to the Haley campaign are pouring in — proof that people are sick of the drama and are rallying behind Nikki’s vision for a strong and proud America.

I think it was Seth Myers that made the joke, but what an empty threat from Trump.  Like he would ever turn away someone offering him money 🤣

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5 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Wow!!  I had no idea Washington used that many,  When I lived in the Southwest for almost a decade, they were mostly used as handymen and cheap construction labor, but they weren't necessary, just convenient.


Back then, California was the only state that had an actual real need of immigrants for their farms.


When I left the Southwest and moved back to Buffalo in the middle of the aughts, almost 20 years ago, California was concerned with the uptick in the Mexican economy thanks to manufacturing being moved there.  Everyone from Napa Valley to the food staple farms were complaining that they wouldn't get the workers that they needed to bring in their harvests.

In the Midwest agricultural work is done mostly by illegal migrants, slaughter houses as well.

Construction, landscaping, factory work as well where I live.

When it comes to hospitality industry, if all Mexican and Central Americans left, every single restaurant and hotel would close down. Even last few years, since migration has slowed down from Mexico, wages for BOH have gone up tremendously.


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9 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


That's not how it works.  The president would federalize the Texas National Guard and order them to stand down.

Eisenhower did the same thing when Arkansas governor sent National guard in 1957 to prevent school integration.

That and he also sent down 101st airborne, just in case.

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10 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:

Well lucky for Trump, the Georgia criminal case is going his way thanks to the corrupt and horny DA prosecuting him.  What a gong show that thing turned out to be.





@Cerridwen Why the faux minus rep face?  The DA couldn't keep it in her pants and she overpaid the dude boinking her so he'd take her on vacations and boink her some more.


The judge is none to happy with her and she's being investigated by the state of Georgia for criminal activity.


How is that not a gong show?


She could end up losing her license to practice law, lose her position in her own DA office, and end up with her very own criminal record.

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6 hours ago, Gnarcore said:

You mean the state that feeds a shit ton of your country? 😄 


And gets us drunk on wine.  Well not me.  I gave up recreational drinking just before I moved back home to Buffalo almost 20 years ago.  It lost it's appeal to me. 


Now I'll just kick back a drink now and again during special occasions.  I've never been a big wine drinker.  It's funny how awful beer and alcohol tastes once you lose your taste for it.

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8 hours ago, RupertKBD said:

The state Senate of Georgia approved this? :classic_ohmy:


Color me shocked. :classic_rolleyes:


Not so much her paying exorbitant amounts of money to her boy toy so he could take her on multiple vacations.  She's in more than a bit of trouble.  As for Georgia, it's not as red as it used to be.  Trump will likely still take it in November though.

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9 hours ago, Bob Long said:

Trump must have a deal with Satan, no one is this lucky.


If he loses the election in November, a dismissal without prejudice will just add to his legal bills because the trial will start all over from square 1.


If he wins the election in November, that will just pause the trial for 4 years, but he'll do his damndest as president to have it thrown out and my money is on that he'll succeed.


Trump has more, by a wide margin, riding on this election than I have ever seen any candidate have.

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4 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


If he loses the election in November, a dismissal without prejudice will just add to his legal bills because the trial will start all over from square 1.


If he wins the election in November, that will just pause the trial for 4 years, but he'll do his damndest as president to have it thrown out and my money is on that he'll succeed.


Trump has more, by a wide margin, riding on this election than I have ever seen any candidate have.


Oh no doubt. It's just I've never seen a leader in North America have so many fanatical followers. It's freaky.

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1 minute ago, Bob Long said:


Oh no doubt. It's just I've never seen a leader in North America have so many fanatical followers. It's freaky.

It’s Cult like the way the crazies follow Trump. The Crazies (those who follow Trump) are like the Alberta, let’s go to Ottawa, truckers on steroids. These Crazies are garbage eaters. 

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1 minute ago, Sabrefan1 said:


This country is massively divided.  They'll drop away if he loses the election.


The US, from my personal pov, literally has everything, from the most innovative , best and smartest to what ever you have to be to hang a picture of Jesus and Trump up in your kitchen. What seems new to me is the level of sustained hate there seems to be now, and just how much people have moved away from basic issues like good jobs, food prices, etc. The extremes seem larger to me now, maybe it was 5% on either side when I was a kid, now it feels more like 20% on both sides are extremists.

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3 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


The US, from my personal pov, literally has everything, from the most innovative , best and smartest to what ever you have to be to hang a picture of Jesus and Trump up in your kitchen. What seems new to me is the level of sustained hate there seems to be now, and just how much people have moved away from basic issues like good jobs, food prices, etc. The extremes seem larger to me now, maybe it was 5% on either side when I was a kid, now it feels more like 20% on both sides are extremists.

The Alf’s used to go down south often. Last time was 2000. We went to Idaho to pick up another cattle dog. The feel down there was off. Wife and I talked about at the time too. Felt so good get get across the border. Never went back, and won’t. 
IMHAO the advent of the internet allowed for information to be spread quickly and to massive numbers. The crazies multiplied and became prominent. They spread like a disease. And it’s palpable. 

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3 minutes ago, Alflives said:

The Alf’s used to go down south often. Last time was 2000. We went to Idaho to pick up another cattle dog. The feel down there was off. Wife and I talked about at the time too. Felt so good get get across the border. Never went back, and won’t. 
IMHAO the advent of the internet allowed for information to be spread quickly and to massive numbers. The crazies multiplied and became prominent. They spread like a disease. And it’s palpable. 


Yea I can see that for sure. We won't be planning any us road trips anytime soon.


Still love Seattle tho.

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17 minutes ago, Bob Long said:

The US, from my personal pov, literally has everything, from the most innovative , best and smartest to what ever you have to be to hang a picture of Jesus and Trump up in your kitchen. What seems new to me is the level of sustained hate there seems to be now, and just how much people have moved away from basic issues like good jobs, food prices, etc. The extremes seem larger to me now, maybe it was 5% on either side when I was a kid, now it feels more like 20% on both sides are extremists.


You have politicians to thank for that.  They used the emerging divide to win elections and in so doing, made the divides widen.


As a middle of the road Independent, I've been watching it happen for years now.  Honestly as far as movement goes, the left sprinted even further left than the Republicans went right.  That was their direct reaction to what the Tea Party did with the Republican party by moving them into a mostly conservative party.


So basically one side went far right and the other side responded by going even further left. 


It's why moderates (mostly Republican) have been retiring from Congress recently.  That will leave the government itself more radical, both left and right.

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6 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


You have politicians to thank for that.  They used the emerging divide to win elections and in so doing, made the divides widen.


As a middle of the road Independent, I've been watching it happen for years now.  Honestly as far as movement goes, the left sprinted even further left than the Republicans went right.  That was their direct reaction to what the Tea Party did with the Republican party by moving them into a mostly conservative party.


So basically one side went far right and the other side responded by going even further left. 


It's why moderates (mostly Republican) have been retiring from Congress recently.  That will leave the government itself more radical, both left and right.


I get yelled at by some on here when I say the left has lost the plot, but I think objectively you can see it. The university environment is getting stupid, eg. 


I do think Trump is going to win, unless by some miracle the Dems put forward a better choice.

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3 minutes ago, Bob Long said:

I get yelled at by some on here when I say the left has lost the plot, but I think objectively you can see it. The university environment is getting stupid, eg.


People who believe that they are good fighting against evil will get angry if you tell them otherwise. 


Unless I'm having fun messing with someone, I don't often comment on their beliefs.  It's pointless because you suddenly are bunched in with the evil they believe they are fighting against.



I do think Trump is going to win, unless by some miracle the Dems put forward a better choice.


I think right now Trump has the upper hand.  If the Democrats can stir up their base and get them to vote again rather than stay home, 2024 could be a repeat of 2020.


Seeing Trump getting the numbers that he's getting with black and latino voters is a bad sign for the Democrats.

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5 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


People who believe that they are good fighting against evil will get angry if you tell them otherwise. 


Unless I'm having fun messing with someone, I don't often comment on their beliefs.  It's pointless because you suddenly are bunched in with the evil they believe they are fighting against.


If someone is going to try to make me live their religion, then I will happily give them an earful.


5 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


I think right now Trump has the upper hand.  If the Democrats can stir up their base and get them to vote again rather than stay home, 2024 could be a repeat of 2020.


Seeing Trump getting the numbers that he's getting with black and latino voters is a bad sign for the Democrats.


Imo that demographic shift has everything to do with your household economy. Who is going to make my family's life better? The Democrats - the so called progressives in particular - have really dropped the ball on that question.

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