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Curious what happens now that Feinstein has died. Does Newsom select someone to honour Feinstein's wish he replaces her with a black female - or does he give a leg up to one of the possible 2024 candidates who would have been trying to win the seat.

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5 hours ago, Rob Eh said:

I watched hours of those hearings and argued with people that didn't watch 5 minutes of it. Then i watched as the MSM and late night quack shows like Kimmel and Clobert defamed the shit out of the witnesses like it Maoist 60's China. (some of the whistleblowers were democrats)


You did? :classic_huh:


AFAIK, the late night shows are all showing re-runs because of the writer's strike....:classic_unsure:

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2 hours ago, BlockerHigh said:






run by the same people who are controlled by the people lying to you 


this is pathetic 


Yeah, Fact-checking sites are all BS....


It's the twitter feeds of guys named Salty whatever, that are where the real facts are....:picard:

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10 hours ago, BlockerHigh said:

I mean when he ran he may have jumped on “drain the swamp” because it resonated with so many, it may have just been a narrative he was selling 


then he gets in, realizes how bad it is, can’t do much, and at the same time is endlessly attacked 


once out of office, the attacks didn’t stop. He realized the swamp is more real than he thought and they are after him and his family because he scared them and their system of grift 


because of the endless attacks, it’s NOW personal for him, he wants to get even and actually stop it now… 

In my view he’s a necessary step to clean up govt. you hold your nose and deal with his verbal nonsense for him to bring rule of law back to govt. and to be honest, his policies for the most part economically benefited the US until covid hit, and then all countries got f’d. 

He had ALL the power and instead of draining the swamp he dropped a deuce in it and shoved trillions in tax breaks through while spending the most any sitting US president has in history 


As for attacks.  Are you serious?  His entire twitter feed is/was full of his attacks against literally everyone and when people spoke against him he contacted twitter/facebook and forced them to remove the post or ban the poster (but that's not censorship or fascism) 


revisionist history doesn't fly here.


As for your statements about grassley/hunter and chinese spies or the like I addressed those pages ago and you ignored them while telling others the same stories and claiming some level of superiority.

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3 hours ago, BlockerHigh said:

Not if it’s following rule of law and people have broken it 


you think it’s acceptable to go after a man for 8 years to “try and find a crime”? 

is that law?


Do you ever ask how US politicians making 170k a year are worth $100 mil? 

Use some common sense 



Laughs in Hillary Clinton and "HER EMAILZ"





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5 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

He had ALL the power and instead of draining the swamp he dropped a deuce in it and shoved trillions in tax breaks through while spending the most any sitting US president has in history 


As for attacks.  Are you serious?  His entire twitter feed is/was full of his attacks against literally everyone and when people spoke against him he contacted twitter/facebook and forced them to remove the post or ban the poster (but that's not censorship or fascism) 


revisionist history doesn't fly here.


As for your statements about grassley/hunter and chinese spies or the like I addressed those pages ago and you ignored them while telling others the same stories and claiming some level of superiority.

GOP controlled the senate, congress (and of course the executive branch) but did nothing but line his own pockets..  But he got his job done (stacking the Supreme Court) from the Ben Shapiro's of the world.

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Here’s some video from the hearings that can help those to learn the big picture and stop using the msm talking points of no evidence!! And also helps explain the process for impeachment hearing. As you can see the “no evidence narrative parroted by democrats, then their state owned media, has trickled its way down as intended. People repeating it without actual knowledge. This is how social media engineering and media control works. 


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5 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Not to mention Al Capone and most other mafia leaders.  Agent Orange is no better than those criminals.

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7 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Hilary actually broke the law


she was Secretary of State 

not President

she cannot remove and declassify anything. 
she had a server she destroyed that contained classified info 

phones that were destroyed that contained the same 


nothing to hide 


dude your partisanship shows what you are


People I respect are those who care about the values democracies are built on - particularly equal application of the law. 

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2 hours ago, BlockerHigh said:

Steele dossier is not contested in who funded it and why. 

I posted numerous links on this 

You posted numerous links and statements.


I posted numerous rebuttals and statements that refute much of what you insinuated and then somehow magically neglected to face.


So for your benefit I will post them again.  All direct rebuttals and responses to claims and statements you made having "studied this more than most" you will be able to attribute these to being truthful and honest to the situation.


I might also remind you that the committee sitting right now, is literally trying to impeach a sitting president based on evidence that does not exist and is nothing more than punitive as per statements made byt their own witnesses and party members and their twitter feeds that you purport to be full of credible evidence and reasoning as to why the sitting president is guilty are also full of statements about jewish space lazers.  Pizza gate, clinton and obama baby blood bathing as well as calling everyone and their dog groomers and pedophiles because they do not agree with their slant.


So again, here are rebuttals to everything you've posted since about page 17 before I bowed out and went to work last night.  Please feel free to match the response to your own posts since "doing your own research" is so critical to you.


17 hours ago, Warhippy said:

So I follow the evidence as it exists because if it walks like a duck talks like a duck and lies more than any human being in existence it's probably a duck.


Clinton was fined for the steele dossier.  So what?  It turned out to be basically credible in that Trumps campaign DID in fact accept help from Russia during his campaign.  Should we recall the magical wiki cable leak that happened days before the election in which the individual leaking it magically ended up in Russia of all places?


Look mate.  I am a very simple man.  I tend to judge people based on their actions and actionable history.  When you're clutching your pearls in shock that I think Trump might in fact still be involved with Russia and there's so much gd smoke involved with him; I look at the acts, actions and what's happened and who benefitted from it and think.  Yup.  That's probably accurate.


But way to say Jonathan Li is a top level spy while ignoring the almost dozen links I posted in which Trump made moves, actions or gave information directly to russian or chinese interests and keep on clutching them pearls my dude


17 hours ago, Warhippy said:

It appears as though this is a non issue as of June 20th 2023


Hunter Biden and Patrik Ho:



Hunter Biden has drawn media scrutiny over the years for connections to a scandal-plagued, now-bankrupt Chinese energy giant, CEFC China Energy. According to a Washington Post report, the company and its executives paid $4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and James Biden (the president’s brother) in the years between Joe Biden’s time as vice president and president.

The company was founded by Ye Jianming, a Chinese national who was deputy secretary for several years in a Chinese military organization that has been called a front for a unit of the People’s Liberation Army responsible for intelligence-gathering and propaganda, according to The New York Times. Ye also reportedly “sent a gift” to North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, the paper reported, and his company hired many former military officers and received billions of dollars in loans from government banks. A CNN report said the firm “aligned itself so closely with the Chinese government that it was often hard to distinguish between the two,” and that Ye “appeared to be China’s unofficial energy envoy.”

Hunter Biden met Ye in May 2017, according to the Times, and offered to help him “identify investment opportunities” in the U.S. energy sector. Biden told The New Yorker that Ye gave him a 2.8-carat diamond worth about $10,000 after the meeting. Biden said he “knew it wasn’t a good idea to take it,” and he gave it to his associates. He kept working with Ye, though, and told the magazine he “did not consider Ye to be a ‘shady character at all.’” He started negotiating a deal for the Chinese energy conglomerate to invest in a Louisiana liquefied natural gas project.

Ye recruited Hunter Biden to provide legal advice to another CEFC official, Patrick Ho. Biden signed an engagement letter on Sept. 18, 2017, agreeing to a $1 million retainer, according to the Post.

In November 2017, Ye and Biden agreed on the Louisiana deal, according to The New Yorker. The same month, FBI agents arrested Ho, who immediately called James Biden. James Biden thought Ho was trying to reach Hunter, he later told The New York Times.

Ho was convicted of seeking to boost CEFC’s prospects in Africa by bribing officials in Chad and Uganda. He received a three-year prison sentence for the offense March 25, 2019. The Louisiana investment deal fell through. Hunter Biden told The New Yorker it was “bad luck.” The Wall Street Journal reported that a review of related corporate records showed “no role” for now-President Joe Biden in connection to his son’s relationship with CEFC.

And Ye vanished. On Oct. 12, 2018, Reuters reported that Chinese prosecutors accused him of bribing a top Communist Party official. That official pleaded guilty. The Chinese government aggressively censored references to Ye on Chinese social media network WeChat, and researchers at the University of Hong Kong concluded Ye was one of the most censored topics of 2018.

Hunter Biden’s work with Ye and Ho wasn’t his only China-linked business work. He also helped start a private equity fund, known as BHR, with a number of partners, including Chinese businessman Jonathan Li. Biden and two other American board members controlled 30 percent of the firm, according to The New York Times, and Chinese investors — including the state-owned Bank of China — controlled the rest. The New Yorker reported that Hunter “did not take an equity stake in BHR Partners until after his father left the White House.”


17 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Top level spy?


You dont say.  What about this one invited to mar a lago?


Sorry.  "not invited" even though she had an actual invitation as a +1





As for spying, funny you mention this.  Because Trump sure did have some interesting statements made about him and kept some interesting company.  Like, it's genuinely interesting how many "mistakes" were made that benefitted Russia, China and the middle east.  More so that the person who ended up benefitting more often than not afterwards was....Trump


It's amazing almost all of these are different instances in which Trump somehow managed to oops information to foreign nations, or somehow managed to benefit them or outright managed to profit off of them after policy changes to their benefit











But whatever, this is all media bias.  Or you don't have time to read it all.  or it doesn't matter what happened then it's what matters and happens now.  Biden is in charge and blah blah blah.





16 hours ago, Warhippy said:

He says ironically ignoring the near dozen links I posted while also posting 2 year old links about patrik ho claiming Hunter Biden and Joe Biden were involved with a Chinese spy yet ignoring the link I posted proving it was a non issue that was almost 3 years more current


But ok


16 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Keep this in mind. 


Much like the reasons the steele dossier funding was demanded to be investigated by trump to suggest it was more important than the mueller findings.  The people who are suggesting that this is the case are 100% ignoring what the findings of the mueller investigation and by extension the steele dossier found out.


When an individual intervenes that many times in their own investigation and then downplays the findings that outright prove a foreign interest helped said individual sweep in to power; while saying it's more important to know who funded it because that's the real issue....


That maybe just maybe the important things are being missed here


In 2019, the Mueller investigation concluded that it could not determine any criminal conspiracy between Moscow and the Trump campaign.

It also found that Russia had interfered in the election "in sweeping and systematic fashion", and outlined 10 times when Mr Trump possibly impeded the investigation.

Following this, the Trump administration announced an investigation into the origins of the inquiry into Russian interference. Mr Trump had long called for such a probe.


16 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Sure.  The person being investigated who impeded the investigation 10 ish times who swept in to power based on the help of said foreign nation who immediately removed sanctions against said foreign nation has nothing to hide.  What really matters is who funded the investigation that found it out


It also found that Russia had interfered in the election "in sweeping and systematic fashion", and outlined 10 times when Mr Trump possibly impeded the investigation.


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1 hour ago, RupertKBD said:


Yeah, Fact-checking sites are all BS....


It's the twitter feeds of guys named Salty whatever, that are where the real facts are....:picard:

so you think, because some random person posts something on a Twitter that I posted here, but that links to a govt document or video you can watch for yourself, means the random person is the source? Really? No the source is the govt document of video of a hearing. It also allows you to then go search more on that topic.  


what this suggests is yet again, the people screaming for proof, are too scared to even look at it - because it would suggest didn’t click through and see that.  





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8 minutes ago, BlockerHigh said:

Here’s some video from the hearings that can help those to learn the big picture and stop using the msm talking points of no evidence!! And also helps explain the process for impeachment hearing. As you can see the “no evidence narrative parroted by democrats, then their state owned media, has trickled its way down as intended. People repeating it without actual knowledge. This is how social media engineering and media control works. 


These statements are literal sound bites and statements made in recording/video and audio by people within their very own party and their very own witnesses called on to testify at this hearing.


That is not a narrative.  That is not a lie.  That is a literal series of statements made by people that can not be refuted.  The suggestion of that being media bias is childish.

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Former federal prosecutor and University of Michigan Law Professor Barbara McQuade walked through the information presented by Republicans in the House Oversight Committee Thursday and whether it is "enough" to lead to conviction or impeachment of President Joe Biden.

MSNBC's Chris Jansing played a clip of Rep. Nancy Mace (R-NC) accusing Biden of having an office space that housed a Chinese-aligned company. She also accused Hunter Biden of calling his father the "family's only asset."

"Is that what constitutes evidence as you know it?" Jansing asked. "Or was there anything you heard so far today, Barbara, that constitutes evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors?"

McQuade said simply, "None, whatsoever."

She explained that, when a criminal investigation is started, there must be "predication, and that means sound evidence, articulable evidence from which you believe a crime has been committed that should begin an investigation."

McQuade also noted that, with public officials, there's typically the necessity for two pieces of evidence to be submitted before an investigation starts.

"Here all we have is some puffery out of the mouth of Hunter Biden," she explained. "Was Hunter Biden trading on his father's name? It appears that he absolutely was shamelessly, but that has nothing to do with Joe Biden himself. So, until they have evidence that Joe Biden was involved in some sort of illegal activity or some sort of activity that compromised his ability to serve as President of the United States, an inquiry is really out of bounds in my view."


She also explained that moves like this "diminish the value of what an impeachment is all about, and perhaps that is the goal."

On his personal social media site, Donald Trump demanded that the Republicans impeach Biden as a way of retribution.

"If every president gets impeached for something, then impeachment means nothing, and so, therefore, the impeachments of Donald Trump we just shrug and say, well, all presidents get impeached. It's all political," she said.

Former George W. Bush strategist, Matthew Dowd, called Thursday's hearing "catastrophic" because the witnesses agreed that there wasn't enough evidence to impeach Biden.


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6 minutes ago, BlockerHigh said:

Hilary actually broke the law


she was Secretary of State 

not President

she cannot remove and declassify anything. 
she had a server she destroyed that contained classified info 

phones that were destroyed that contained the same 


nothing to hide 


dude your partisanship shows what you are


People I respect are those who care about the values democracies are built on - particularly equal application of the law. 

Hillary broke the law?


Why was she exonerated after numerous investigations?


So she removed classified information and couldn't remove it or declassify it and you are a big fan about law?


So lemme ask you about something






Just saying since you're big on law and order.  Since Clinton was exonerated and found not guilty by no less than 3 major investigations.  You'll honour that of course.  But what about these instances?  Just curious.


Oh and since we're on that subject and you have so much interest in Hunter.  Can we address this issue as well?




Seems to me that inviting your son in law who magically made $2 billion and his wife, your daughter who was magically made immune to major trade disputes; in to high clearance meetings and knowing that they had access to and accessed high level clearance on personal phones in high level meetings would also be an issue.  So do tell.  Are we going to apply this universally or?



The briefings came soon after President Donald Trump was sworn into office on Jan. 20, and before some top aides, including senior adviser Jared Kushner, used their personal email and phones to conduct official White House business, as disclosed by POLITICO this week.

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2 hours ago, Canadian said:

Curious what happens now that Feinstein has died. Does Newsom select someone to honour Feinstein's wish he replaces her with a black female - or does he give a leg up to one of the possible 2024 candidates who would have been trying to win the seat.


Newsom selects, but IIRC Feinstein's seat on the committees is vacant, like the ones that appoint judges for instance, so it's a split vote now. Repubs can stall the process.

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3 minutes ago, DSVII said:


Newsom selects, but IIRC Feinstein's seat on the committees is vacant, like the ones that appoint judges for instance, so it's a split vote now. Repubs can stall the process.

Yes and Newsome has said he is only appointing someone temporarily and not one of the current people running in the primary as to not give an advantage to one campaign. 
The democrats can now replace her easily as the sticking point before was they wanted to temporarily replace her when she was sick but couldn’t. 

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There are only 4 States where a vacancy cannot be filled by Governor appointment (North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island and Wisconsin) and those vacancies can only be filled by special election.  California's Governor has stated he really doesn't want to appoint another Senator since he already did that when Harris took the VP job.  He also stated that he would choose a black woman as he went with Padilla (a Latino man) last time.


He's also probably going to do is sooner, rather than later due to the razor thin margin Democrats have and her empty seat will give them problems in the Government shutdown debacle with the QOP.






Who will replace Dianne Feinstein in the Senate? Gov. Newsom will pick

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has for years been dreading the possibility of having to make the politically fraught decision of replacing Feinstein.
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Ya, still waiting on the list of approved news and information sites that he was asked to provide.  It doesn't have to be comprehensive.  Maybe top 5, top 10.  Just a taste so we can see.  Won't quote or @  him


Here is another thing for him to understand.  All those YouTube/Rumble/Bitchute creators that I think he consumes have to get their information from somewhere.  Where, oh where do they get their information from, besides their posteriors?  Media?  Journalists?  Hmmmm

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4 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


You did? :classic_huh:


AFAIK, the late night shows are all showing re-runs because of the writer's strike....:classic_unsure:


That was well timed by good ole Rob. 🧢


Fits perfect in the last few pages talking about trusting info and sources. 

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