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14 hours ago, Rob Eh said:


What are you taking about, centrist/independent republicans? Don't you mean the neo-con Rino's led by Liz Cheney? Thats your centrist/independent? That's laughable, don't forget who her father is.


So basically since you seem so focused on the names I used rather than what I actually said, I'm going to assume you're not disagreeing with what I said.


No matter what names you want to slap on different groups, there's a divide within the Republican party that's ripping themselves apart at the moment. This whole thing about Liz Cheney and her father... meaningless with what I've said. It's whataboutism at best. It doesn't matter who's part of what group. What matters is the divide is there.

Edited by The Lock
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Arizona Republicans Relentlessly Boo Kari Lake On Home Turf Following Scandal

Arizona Republicans let Kari Lake have it this weekend as they hurled boos and jeers her way at a state GOP meeting following a scandal involving her and the now-former head of the state’s party.


The brutal reaction arrived following the resignation of Arizona GOP chairman Jeff DeWit after leaked audio appeared to show him pressing Lake, a Trump-endorsed election denier running for a U.S. Senate seat, to stay out of office.


DeWit claimed that the conversation was “selectively edited” and denied that he asked her not to run for office after she lost in the state’s gubernatorial race back in 2022.

Lake, who has been rumored as a vice presidential pick for former President Donald Trump, spoke at the Arizona Republican Party meeting where she nominated the Trump-backed Gina Swoboda to replace DeWit before she got hit with a sea of boos on Saturday.


“We don’t agree on everything, but one thing we do agree on is the elections in Arizona are a corrupt mess. Can we agree that our elections are a mess in Arizona?” Lake told the crowd.


“You did it,” one audience member yelled in response.



She should have known better than to turn in a fellow Republican who was just trying to bribe her.


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Trump tax return leaker sentenced to five years in prison

A former IRS consultant was sentenced to five years in prison for leaking former President Donald Trump’s tax returns as well as the filings of thousands of other wealthy people to the news media.


A district judge on Monday agreed with the Justice Department that Charles Littlejohn, 38, deserved the maximum statutory sentence for what she called “egregious” crimes.

Judge Ana Reyes, a Biden nominee to the bench, focused on Littlejohn's decision to release Trump's filings, which Reyes called "an attack on our constitutional democracy."

Noting that Trump was under no legal obligation to release his filings and likening the case to the Jan. 6 attacks on the Capitol, Reyes said: "It cannot be open season on our elected officials."


Littlejohn’s lawyers had asked for leniency in the form of a sentence of between 12 and 18 months, saying that, at the time, he believed the public had the right to know how much Trump and the others paid in taxes. He has since come to regret leaking the information, his representatives told the court.


Littlejohn gave Trump’s records to the New York Times, which published a blockbuster report in September 2020, shortly before the presidential election, showing that Trump had paid little or nothing in taxes. Littlejohn also gave tax data on thousands of wealthy people to ProPublica, which published a string of stories showing how some maneuver to erase their tax bills.


Among those who had their filings leaked was Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), who, appearing at the two-hour sentencing hearing, asked the judge for the maximum sentence.

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10 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Man Yelling About Military Industrial Complex Crashes Nikki Haley Rally, Tears Up Her Sign While Shouting Trump Slogan



Okay, if a someone actually feels the need to do this, I would actually question their confidence in Trump winning because they clearly deem Haley as being a threat.

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5 hours ago, Gnarcore said:

I did in high school and UVic. Never had one take 3 pages though. Not calling you a liar I just never experienced that. Also that question wasn't on the damn test. He is lying and made up random numbers on the spot. 

Thanks. It was over 30 years ago for me so the 3 pages was probably an over exaggeration on my part. I definitely remember having to flip my paper to finish the answer, so it was definitely up to two pages. And I do remember some questions being in 3-4 different parts, i.e., 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D. So the entire question with 4 different answers would have been included in all of that. 

In any event, it was nice to see the usual suspects coming in here for the sole purpose of trying to shit on me for points on a post that wasn’t even relevant to this thread.  Best for me not to engage with them moving forward. 

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29 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I told you. Biden isn’t going to last the year. They will deem him medically unfit and do the switcheroo with Michelle. 





You'll just believe anything you're told that would go against the democrats, won't you? I bet you didn't even look for evidence of this. lol

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51 minutes ago, Gurn said:



The “God's Army” truckerconvoy that's headed to the southern border in a "Take Our Border Back" campaign has been decimated by conspiracy theories that it's an FBI front, Vice News reported Monday.

The line of trucks that departed Virginia Beach Monday had just a few dozen participants — much less than the 700,000 organizers had promised.

According to Vice's report, the less-than-stellar turnout was likely due to theories circulating in right-wing circles that the convoy could be a “psyop” or “honeypot" trap laid by the federal government to coax people into committing violence.

“I have 3 former associates doing lengthy prison sentences because of the [Jan. 6] setup,” one person wrote on Telegram. “I know first hand, even if they don’t have charges they can pin on you, they will make some up.”

One of the organizers of the convoy, former military commander Pete Chambers, even gave credence to the conspiracy theory in a video message to supporters, telling FBI agents that if they "start going after these people, trying to trap them, you’re going to be found out."


more at link.


I tell ya, those truckers are just too smart for Sleepy Joe and his weaponized DOJ....

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40 minutes ago, The Lock said:


You'll just believe anything you're told that would go against the democrats, won't you? I bet you didn't even look for evidence of this. lol

Why would Michelle Obama running for President be going after the Democracts?  🤣


Biden doesn’t even know he’s alive. If Michelle ran for President she would win in a landslide over Bone Spurs. Is this situation supposed to be hurtful for Democrats?  I’m kinda confused by your post to be totally honest with you. 

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Just now, Elias Pettersson said:

Why would Michelle Obama running for President be going after the Democracts?  🤣


Biden doesn’t even know he’s alive. If Michelle ran for President she would win in a landslide over Bone Spurs. Is this situation supposed to be hurtful for Democrats?  I’m kinda confused by your post to be totally honest with you. 


Reread my post... carefully.... because it clearly went over your head.

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I told you. Biden isn’t going to last the year. They will deem him medically unfit and do the switcheroo with Michelle. 


She is on record stating her distaste for DC. She has never been elected to any public office and apart from being First Lady has zero political experience. 

This is a fantasy. 

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

It would literally be the best news possible for the Democrat party to be totally honest with you. Not really interested in watching an 81 year old man try and win another election. 


No argument here. I'd be happy to see Michelle run. I'm just curious as to whether you actually believe it....?

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1 hour ago, nuckin_futz said:

She is on record stating her distaste for DC. She has never been elected to any public office and apart from being First Lady has zero political experience. 

This is a fantasy. 

So she has the same amount of experience as Bone Spurs did in 2016. Don’t think that would be an issue with most voters. 

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