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48 minutes ago, Ilunga said:



I am sure he endeared himself to many Canadians when he referred to Canada as a " frozen communist shithole " 


I haven’t thought much of him for a while now so that didn’t move the needle for me.

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7 hours ago, Ilunga said:

I am sure he endeared himself to many Canadians when he referred to Canada as a " frozen communist shithole " 





On a serious note.  I had no idea he called out Canada.  I'm not a Trudeau fan, but damn, that's harsh.

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37 minutes ago, Bob Long said:

Steroids after 50 will have that effect.


I don't think he's on anabolic steroids.  He apparently just really doesn't like Canada. 


I'm kind of curious if he performs his stand-up in Toronto or Vancouver.  It irritates me when someone is vocal on not liking the US but still comes here to make money.  I would imagine it's the same with some Canadians when it comes to Canada. 

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Just now, Sabrefan1 said:


I don't think he's on anabolic steroids.  He apparently just really doesn't like Canada. 


That's ok, I feel the same way about Alberta.



Just now, Sabrefan1 said:

I'm kind of curious if he performs his stand-up in Toronto or Vancouver.  It irritates me when someone is vocal on not liking the US but still comes here to make money.  I would imagine it's the same with some Canadians when it comes to Canada. 


He's just chasing the money. Right now for him it's coming from playing to the conspiracy dumb dumbs. If the left loved him he'd do that thing.

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21 hours ago, The Lock said:


Actually, she did the opposite of accusing Biden of misconduct. She instead gave more context behind the video:




See, I do know how to use google and if you actually used google you would be able to find out the context behind this, although I'm sure this wasn't your intention of getting us to do your homework for you.


Yeah, you went out of your way to defend an obvious predator. What aboutism shouldn't give these types of people a free pass.


21 hours ago, Bob Long said:


does it bother you at all that you're trying to make excuses for a sexual abuser? 


Does it bother you that others are simultaneously doing the exact same thing with Joe the Sniffer.


21 hours ago, Satchmo said:

 I just wanted to know your opinion.  I already know mine.


And yes, that video is a bit creepy, as well as being pretty far from 'grab 'em by the pussy'.   


Yeah, except theres 10 video examples of him fondlying and brazenly sniffing their hair in the weirdest way i've ever seen.


There are alot of sexual deviants in politics, thats one thing thats obvious. Anthony Weiner was probably the worst and he's a close personal form friend of that end of the democrat party. The filthy end, much like the military industrial complex Cheney's and Bush's on the republican side.



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1 minute ago, Rob Eh said:


Yeah, you went out of your way to defend an obvious predator. What aboutism shouldn't give these types of people a free pass.



Does it bother you that others are simultaneously doing the exact same thing with Joe the Sniffer.


no, because I don't support or make excuses for Biden. 


1 minute ago, Rob Eh said:


Yeah, except theres 10 video examples of him fondlying and brazenly sniffing their hair in the weirdest way i've ever seen.


There are alot of sexual deviants in politics, thats one thing thats obvious. Anthony Weiner was probably the worst and he's a close personal form friend of that end of the democrat party. The filthy end, much like the military industrial complex Cheney's and Bush's on the republican side.




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25 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

Yeah, you went out of your way to defend an obvious predator. What aboutism shouldn't give these types of people a free pass.


No. I showed how the video was taken out of context by providing proof it was taken out of context.


The fact that you apparently don't even need proof in order to see Biden as an "obvious predator" shows you're part of the delusional far right. If there's actual proof Biden's a predator then show it to me. I have yet to see you or anyone else from the far right do so. If Biden is an obvious predator then it should be the easiest task for you to show me that he's an obvious predator.


And yes, you're absolutely in the far right if this is what you truly believe.


PS: Please learn what whataboutism is. You clearly don't know what it means.

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16 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

There are alot of sexual deviants in politics, thats one thing thats obvious. Anthony Weiner was probably the worst and he's a close personal form friend of that end of the democrat party. The filthy end, much like the military industrial complex Cheney's and Bush's on the republican side.



Can you expand on 'that end of the democrat party' ?   Feel free to name names and to describe transgressions.


I'm also curious on your take on the military industrial complex because you keep mentioning it.   

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13 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:

I only listen to and/or watch his podcast when he has scientists like Michio Kaku on, or an actor or comedian that I like on, but I figured I'd post this because I know how much the left leaning people on this board love him with all their hearts :classic_cool: and so badly wanted him cancelled.


*edit*  I have it in US Politics because he's been very politicized by a large percentage of the Western Hemisphere.





I know quite a few left leaning people that like and listen to Joe. It's why he is still on top. I know he got people upset during covid but...

He does have some great guests at times like you say.  He has also refused to has Trump on his show from what I hear. He even said  Trump is "man baby" and "existential threat to democracy". So, asides from his dumb comments about Canada ( he's often stoned AF) and some of his friends,  he doesn't seem like a right wing type or anything...he's probably somewhere in the middle for the USA politics.

He knows tons about MMA, is a really good martial artist himself. He gets alot of listeners from that alone. The UFC is trying to be political these days but many of the fans are not. Proof of this is in the comment section of any mma artitcle. They are tired of Dana ( think Gary Bettman) and hate when they hear Joe chriping about politics.

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In the battle for the Indep. voters (the voters either side absolutely needs to win), you need a good 'ground game' to try & get their votes.



Granted, Dotard constantly trying to shore up support for his base (rightwingnuts) isn't itself going to win over those voters.

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23 hours ago, Wiggums said:


Trump should sue you for defamation 😂


Nice insults again guys, real mature.


It's not defamation if it's true.


Late Edit: Also, you don't want insults to be considered defamation. Think about it. Every Trump post, every Trump rally, all of those could have a defamation trial each.

Edited by The Lock
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56 minutes ago, The Lock said:


It's not defamation if it's true.


Late Edit: Also, you don't want insults to be considered defamation. Think about it. Every Trump post, every Trump rally, all of those could have a defamation trial each.


Calling someone a convicted rapist when they're not is the defamation part, the insults were directed at me later.  Maybe have the full context before you reply to someone?  I see you got a bunch of upvotes though, one even from the guy who knows damn well what I was referring to lol

 Right on guys

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8 minutes ago, Wiggums said:

Calling someone a convicted rapist when they're not is the defamation part, the insults were directed at me later.  Maybe have the full context before you reply to someone?  I see you got a bunch of upvotes though, one even from the guy who knows damn well what I was referring to lol

 Right on guys


Then what are you doing when you talk about Biden and claiming he's a sex offender? Perhaps you should be tried for defamation based on what you've just said. Also, what did you think the E Jean Carroll trial was all about? Trump being convicted is a fact.


The irony. "Right on" indeed. *slow clap

Edited by The Lock
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8 minutes ago, The Lock said:


Then what are you doing when you talk about Biden and claiming he's a sex offender? Perhaps you should be tried for defamation based on what you've just said.


The irony.


  Never once called Biden a sex offender so you're wrong, again.  I said there were a few woman who had accused him of inappropriate conduct, one accused him of sexual assault.  I didn't call him a convicted sexual offender, or a convicted rapist or any other fake news.  



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Even a former Trump Economic adviser says Biden is running a strong economy....







"We had a blowout jobs report, more than twice the consensus expectation [of 180,000 projected jobs added]," Kudlow said on Fox Business on Friday afternoon. "I know that many of my conservative friends are trying to drill holes in this report. But you know what, folks? It is what it is. It's a very strong report. Not every economic stat should be viewed through a political lens."

"I've been in this business a very long time, and sometimes you just need to throw away the ballot box and recognize the numbers," he added. "This was a very strong report."

Kudlow pointed to several other factors in the jobs report that pointed to a strong economy, like an increase in the rate of productivity (output per hour) and wage increases being higher than expected for Americans. The January jobs report showed a three-month increase of 4.5% in inflation-adjusted (real) wages.



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