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4 minutes ago, Wiggums said:

  Never once called Biden a sex offender so you're wrong, again.  I said there were a few woman who had accused him of inappropriate conduct, one accused him of sexual assault.  I didn't call him a convicted sexual offender, or a convicted rapist or any other fake news.  


Oh really... you don't think the following translates to the same thing?


On 2/2/2024 at 10:16 AM, Wiggums said:

And all the other women who have accused Biden of inappropriate conduct? 


Lemme guess, all liars? Got it


Let me guess, this quote was "fake news" too right? You never said this?

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7 minutes ago, The Lock said:


Oh really... you don't think the following translates to the same thing?



Let me guess, this quote was "fake news" too right? You never said this?


...okay inappropriate conduct isn't even a law... So no it's not the same as literally stating FALSELY that someone IS a convicted rapist.


Secondly, I say other women have accused him, I didn't even accuse him myself in that quote..   


Where here would I be open to a defamation case lol?  What a stupid fucking conversation.


I'll give you the W, sure.  I don't care 


Edited by Wiggums
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16 minutes ago, Wiggums said:

...okay inappropriate conduct isn't even a law... So no it's not the same as literally stating FALSELY that someone IS a convicted rapist.


Secondly, I say other women have accused him, I didn't even accuse him myself in that quote..   


Where here would I be open to a defamation case lol?  What a stupid fucking conversation.


This is a stupid conversation, but not for the reasons you're thinking. I'm done. My mental health currently can't handle this kind of crap.


You've lost my respect at this point. Doubt that means much to you.

Edited by The Lock
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3 hours ago, Rob Eh said:


Yeah, you went out of your way to defend an obvious predator. What aboutism shouldn't give these types of people a free pass.



Does it bother you that others are simultaneously doing the exact same thing with Joe the Sniffer.



Yeah, except theres 10 video examples of him fondlying and brazenly sniffing their hair in the weirdest way i've ever seen.


There are alot of sexual deviants in politics, thats one thing thats obvious. Anthony Weiner was probably the worst and he's a close personal form friend of that end of the democrat party. The filthy end, much like the military industrial complex Cheney's and Bush's on the republican side.



Worse than the now *checks notes* 11 different high ranking or affiliated republicans in trouble for sexual relations with kids or outright assaults against women in the last 6 years?



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58 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


Calling someone a convicted rapist when they're not is the defamation part, the insults were directed at me later.  Maybe have the full context before you reply to someone?  I see you got a bunch of upvotes though, one even from the guy who knows damn well what I was referring to lol

 Right on guys

Not a convicted rapist, a sexual assault enthusiast.  IS that better for you?


53 minutes ago, The Lock said:


Then what are you doing when you talk about Biden and claiming he's a sex offender? Perhaps you should be tried for defamation based on what you've just said. Also, what did you think the E Jean Carroll trial was all about? Trump being convicted is a fact.


The irony. "Right on" indeed. *slow clap

I laughed at this Lock.  Because lol the irony.


47 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


  Never once called Biden a sex offender so you're wrong, again.  I said there were a few woman who had accused him of inappropriate conduct, one accused him of sexual assault.  



Who are these women?  See below for the numerous requests for names or stories to corroborate statements made without verification


18 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Ok who are all these other women?


Please let us know who they all are.


Ok but, who are all these women who accused Biden?


How many accusers?  Who are they?


Ok great you're feelings are hurt.


But who are all these accusers and how many are there

Who????  Who are they all??


31 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


...okay inappropriate conduct isn't even a law... So no it's not the same as literally stating FALSELY that someone IS a convicted rapist.


Secondly, I say other women have accused him, I didn't even accuse him myself in that quote..   


Where here would I be open to a defamation case lol?  What a stupid fucking conversation.


I'll give you the W, sure.  I don't care 


Inappropriate conduct is not shoving your fingers inside of a woman but hey technicalities and grey areas am I right?


And yes, you do care.  You can't give it up.


And finally, who are all these accusers?  

Edited by Warhippy
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8 minutes ago, 112 said:


iirc the judge at one of his civil trials said it's fair to describe Trump as a rapist. Trump has not been found criminally guilty of sexual assault but has been found civilly liable for sexual abuse. He has not been criminally charged because the statute of limitations has expired, not because the claims are without merit. More than 25 women have made similar accusations against Trump as Carroll has.


This type of wordplay you're using is really splitting hairs. So he's not a convicted rapist - just a basic one? So he hasn't been found guilty in criminal court - just a civil one? This doesn't sound like an argument that reflects well on Trump. Keep in mind that a jury of 12 of his peers decided that Trump did offend against Carroll.


It is splitting hairs, I agree.  All I tried to say was he's not a convicted rapist which is factually true.  Turned into a two day argument for some reason.  Anyways, I even said I'd take the L just so it can end  

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8 hours ago, bishopshodan said:

He's done tons of steriods. Very open about it. 


Hmm.  I thought he just did the steroids that help you recover from injury and not the synthetic testosterone (anabolic).  Anabolics can really do a number on your heart so I hope he didn't go full bore cycle after cycle on them.  My high school was known for anabolic steroid use.  We had one guy have a mild heart attack in health class of all places.  He had started using them in jr. high school.  Back in the late 80's-early 90's though, those anabolics were no joke and nobody knew that there was a way to cycle them to give your body time to recover. 

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4 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Hmm.  I thought he just did the steroids that help you recover from injury and not the synthetic testosterone (anabolic).  Anabolics can really do a number on your heart so I hope he didn't go full bore cycle after cycle on them.  My high school was known for anabolic steroid use.  We had one guy have a mild heart attack in health class of all places.  He had started using them in jr. high school.  Back in the late 80's-early 90's though, those anabolics were no joke and nobody knew that there was a way to cycle them to give your body time to recover. 

oh. yeah not sure about anibolics, but I thought he had admitted to doing stuff in the past before TRT which hes on now... maybe because of what he did in the past?.

Anyway. I'm prettty sure he's all about putting stuff in his body that might be seen as controversial

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20 hours ago, Ilunga said:



I am sure he endeared himself to many Canadians when he referred to Canada as a " frozen communist shithole " 

He has a very misinformed opinion of so many things Canada. I watched when he went on some rant about freedom of speech. I am no fan of the politics up here and a lot of what he moans about but the impact of it is not what he seems to think it is....

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12 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


I don't think he's on anabolic steroids.  He apparently just really doesn't like Canada. 


I'm kind of curious if he performs his stand-up in Toronto or Vancouver.  It irritates me when someone is vocal on not liking the US but still comes here to make money.  I would imagine it's the same with some Canadians when it comes to Canada. 

He is on testosterone of some sort...this comes straight out his own mouth. 

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2 hours ago, Gnarcore said:

He is on testosterone of some sort...this comes straight out his own mouth. 


These days, unlike when I was in high school, I think there's different levels/potentcies of terstosterone.   Not sure though since it's not something that's reported on often anymore outside of combat sports.  And if you're going to be bashing people's faces in, you'll be cycling the heavy duty anabolics.


I do remember he was competitive champion taekwondo fighter before he became an actor so I wouldn't be surprised if he roided up then and that would have been around the late 80's-early 90's so if he did anabolic injections back then, he did the same hard stuff that my high school teammates did.  I hope the guy didn't take years off of his life if that's the case.


I remember a couple of the guys who took them had acne all over their bodies especially their face and when they went off of them for health or money reasons, they'd lose the crapload of pimples but often gain deep stretch marks as they lost the mass that the steroids gave them.


Fortunately for them, none of them grew breasts.  That actually used to be a thing back then.  Supposedly when your body stopped producing testosterone, the natural estrogen in your body, on certain people, could start giving you actual breasts.  I still remember the pictures that the area coaches would show on a slide projector.  They'd start with a zoom in on the breasts and then the next slide showed the dude that they were on.


Like I said though, I know very little about today's steroids except that they can be designer and can come in varying levels. 

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12 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:




Trump is literally the reason why there should not be presidential immunity. He's literally committed crimes and sacrificed the safety of US citizens and wants to get away with it.


I really think Trump needs even a week in jail just to get a taste of what's to come.

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6 minutes ago, The Lock said:


Trump is literally the reason why there should not be presidential immunity. He's literally committed crimes and sacrificed the safety of US citizens and wants to get away with it.


I really think Trump needs even a week in jail just to get a taste of what's to come.

Thing is, he really isn't even making many (if any) arguments of being innocent but rather, he's got the "immunity idol".

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1 hour ago, RupertKBD said:


He's actually doing both....


Making claims of having done "nothing wrong", while at the same time saying he should have immunity....Yet the morons that support him remain willfully ignorant of this dichotomy....

Willfully ignorant assumes that they have the mental capacity to understand. The fact is, the bulk of his supporters are from the left side (double digits) of the IQ curve and, as you point out, are morons. Those who are not morons are mostly idiots, imbeciles and cretins.

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