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Tit for tat if the border bill is tanked.  No end around for you QOP




Biden Would Veto GOP-Backed Standalone Bill for Aid to Israel, White House Says


The legislation would offer no further help for Ukraine.

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20 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


I agree. I think Thomas and Alito might get Gorsuch and ACB onboard, but Roberts and Kavanaugh will decline.

I still can't believe somehow beer boy is the most sane one from the Trump trio. 

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15 minutes ago, 24K said:

I still can't believe somehow beer boy is the most sane one from the Trump trio. 

 Agreed. I would have expected it to be Gorsuch, but BK even comes in better than Roberts from what I've seen.....

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14 hours ago, Malibu said:

There's nothing not to trust. They admit to 5000-8500 encounter threshold. 


And yet, this "disaster" of a bill is supported by the Border Patrol union:






“This proposed legislation would provide the strongest set of tools we have had in decades to effectively manage migration and enhance our nation’s border security,” acting CBP Commissioner Troy Miller said in a leaked internal memo to employees acquired by Fox News.

Miller highlighted parts of the agreement that would expand Border Patrol authority and provide funding for 1,500 new agents, as well as systemic reforms.

“Together, these tools and resources would enable us to maximize consequences against those who unlawfully enter the country, maintain order and security at the border, and appropriately prioritize our essential national security and public safety missions,” he said.

Miller also called the proposed deal “tough” and “fair,” echoing the language from President Biden’s endorsement of the package Sunday. 



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Not looking good for ole orange man. 





Accountant’s Apparent Lies Further Dooms Trump’s Bank Fraud Defense


Trump accountant Allen Weisselberg is apparently working out a deal addressing lies he told on the stand in the New York bank fraud trial. Now Trump is in even more trouble.

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2 hours ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Kremlin Cronies: Putin-Tucker Interview Will ‘Blow Up’ U.S. Election

Russia’s state TV stooges believe a Tucker Carlson-Putin interview will boost Putin at home and help restore Trump to the White House.



Someone explain to me why that Nazi was allowed to enter Canada and spew his hate speech.

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2 minutes ago, Malibu said:

It would mean a huge expansion of their membership.


I don't know what this is supposed to mean.


Bottom line is: The Border Patrol supports the bill and the people who don't are only against it, because they want to help Trump.

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2 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

‘It’s Absurd’: Christiane Amanpour Slams Tucker Carlson For Whining Western Journalists Don’t Interview Putin


Putin does not have the right to have his voice heard or be treated the same as actual people.  Carlson belongs in front of a firing squad for treason.

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3 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


I don't know what this is supposed to mean.


Bottom line is: The Border Patrol supports the bill and the people who don't are only against it, because they want to help Trump.

The main union priority is to ensure the job security of the membership and this bill would do this in spades and then some, so they should definitely support it. The people who don't support the bill want to stop illegal immigrants from entering the country. This bill just integrates them into the country better. When the level of encounters goes over 8500, and the are theoreticlly able to close the border off, it's already too late of course. It's  a joke.


I look at the bright side. I prefer the morals and ethics of the people over our present population in general, so I'm fine with the invasion in the long run.

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3 hours ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

Which means there are more of them to do their job.  


If the "border crisis" is real, and it is an invasion like how the QOP is describing it, then more is better than less, right?

It's better for the migrants because they wont have to wait as long to be processed and integrated into the country. The border patrol is there to assist them in the process once they cross.

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2 minutes ago, Malibu said:

The main union priority is to ensure the job security of the membership and this bill would do this in spades and then some, so they should definitely support it. The people who don't support the bill want to stop illegal immigrants from entering the country. This bill just integrates them into the country better. When the level of encounters goes over 8500, and the are theoreticlly able to close the border off, it's already too late of course. It's  a joke.


I look at the bright side. I prefer the morals and ethics of the people over our present population in general, so I'm fine with the invasion in the long run.

I’m scratching my head a bit here… help me out.


So in your opinion the union supports the bill because it ensures job stability so it should follow that they’d vote against a guy who says he would do more to stop illegal immigration altogether? Like the wall guy, who they gave their full support & backing?

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23 minutes ago, Malibu said:

The main union priority is to ensure the job security of the membership and this bill would do this in spades and then some, so they should definitely support it. The people who don't support the bill want to stop illegal immigrants from entering the country. This bill just integrates them into the country better. When the level of encounters goes over 8500, and the are theoreticlly able to close the border off, it's already too late of course. It's  a joke.


I look at the bright side. I prefer the morals and ethics of the people over our present population in general, so I'm fine with the invasion in the long run.




They want the border to remain a crisis, so they can campaign against Biden on it. They've even come out and admitted it....

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32 minutes ago, Malibu said:

The main union priority is to ensure the job security of the membership and this bill would do this in spades and then some, so they should definitely support it. The people who don't support the bill want to stop illegal immigrants from entering the country. This bill just integrates them into the country better. When the level of encounters goes over 8500, and the are theoreticlly able to close the border off, it's already too late of course. It's  a joke.


I look at the bright side. I prefer the morals and ethics of the people over our present population in general, so I'm fine with the invasion in the long run.

i could be wrong about this but I suspect you are getting all your info on this matter from X.


Immigration is complicated.  The bill is complicated.   Most Republicans have not even read it -  Trump told them not to bother - but that has not stopped them from commenting on it.  The bill holds almost everything the Republicans had asked for but now they can't accept it for fear of making Democrats look good.

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Almost comical how useless this crew is. All they can do is break things and now they can't even do that properly.


Looks like they miscalculated the votes and failed to account for Steve Scalise being absent. They will try again tomorrow when he's present and it is expected to pass.





Edited by nuckin_futz
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6 minutes ago, The Lock said:

Good call. His shirt may stain from it.





After then-Attorney General William Barr gave an interview to The Associated Press in December 2020 saying there was no widespread voter fraud, Trump was so enraged that he threw his plate of food at the wall, smearing it with ketchup, Hutchinson said.

“There was ketchup dripping down the wall and a shattered porcelain plate on the floor,” Hutchinson testified, noting that aides nearby conveyed the president was “extremely angry” at the Barr interview. She told the committee that she then grabbed a towel and started wiping the ketchup off the wall alongside a presidential valet.



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