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43 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

To the best of my knowledge, the purpose of the amendment is to protect citizens against a tyrannical government.  I'd certainly prefer if there was other recourse available to handle the vermin currently in the SCOTUS.  Merely pondering what the options are because Thomas, Kavannaugh ACB, and Gorush aren't going to stop their war on democracy voluntarily.


TBH, I've been pleasantly surprised by Kavanaugh since his appointment.


I'll preface this by saying that I was against his confirmation, because of his misleading testimony and his conspiracy theory peddling about the Clintons try to scuttle his appointment to the court. But....


Since that inauspicious beginning, Kavanaugh's rulings have pretty much been consistent with those of Roberts and closer to the ideological center than any of the three liberal Justices. ACB and Gorsuch have both been right of Roberts and Kavanaugh, but not nearly as extreme as Thomas and Alito. If anyone is waging war on Democracy, it's those two.


It wouldn't be a surprise to see all of the Justices survive the next Presidential term, but Thomas is 75 and does not appear to be in the best of health. If Trump is elected in November, we can be assured that a younger version of the same guy is appointed and Democracy will suffer an even bigger blow. However, if Joe Biden, or his successor is POTUS, perhaps some balance could be restored.....along with some much needed integrity.

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6 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


At some point, I'll Google and see if I can find the articles where the DoJ said that a president could pardon himself.


Some Democrats even flipped out and considered trying to pass a law removing that power, but from what I can remember, some of the Democrat leadership wasn't on board with that idea which scuttled any attempt.


Trump will not issue himself a pardon. It's far too messy of a proposition. If he regains the Presidency he will simply order his lackey AG to drop all pending cases and apologize to him.

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2 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

Trump will not issue himself a pardon. It's far too messy of a proposition. If he regains the Presidency he will simply order his lackey AG to drop all pending cases and apologize to him.


If he does go about it that way, all he's doing is giving himself a temporary 4 year reprieve.  The next president's DoJ could easily reinstate any and all charges.


If I were him, and that was my concern, I'd pardon myself in my final week in office and see if anyone would bother with more trials since he can't seek a 3rd term.  I suspect by then everyone would be tired of it all and would just let it go since there's no political advantage after he's done with a second term.


Until the Georgia case is settled one way or the other though, his goose could be cooked eventually.  He'd be out of reach only until he is no longer president.  As president, he can only try and pressure Georgia to drop the state charges.  Since he's not exactly subtle, that could just end up getting him more state charges.

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15 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


If he does go about it that way, all he's doing is giving himself a temporary 4 year reprieve.  The next president's DoJ could easily reinstate any and all charges.


If I were him, and that was my concern, I'd pardon myself in my final week in office and see if anyone would bother with more trials since he can't seek a 3rd term.  I suspect by then everyone would be tired of it all and would just let it go since there's no political advantage after he's done with a second term.


Until the Georgia case is settled one way or the other though, his goose could be cooked eventually.  He'd be out of reach only until he is no longer president.  As president, he can only try and pressure Georgia to drop the state charges.  Since he's not exactly subtle, that could just end up getting him more state charges.


Disagree, The next President's DOJ wouldn't go after him. With the country as divided as it is, it would simply be pardon time and forget this loser once and for all.


However as we have seen with his fake electors scam, his election lies, his glee upon hearing his supporters wanted to hang his 'traitor' VP, Trump isn't leaving in 2028 and there is not but 1 or 2 Congressional Republicans who would have the balls to tell him he has to go and face the wrath of his vengeful lunatic followers. The military wouldn't do a thing about it either especially after another 4 unhinged years and their ranks being filled with loons like General Flynn. Just think about what the landscape would look like after 4 years of an administration filled with Stephen Millers.



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Just now, nuckin_futz said:

Disagree, The next President's DOJ wouldn't go after him. With the country as divided as it is, it would simply be pardon time and forget this once and for all.


You may be right.  Time will tell.  That is if he wins re-election.



However as we have seen with his fake electors scam, his election lies, his glee upon hearing his supporters wanted to hang his 'traitor' VP, Trump isn't leaving in 2028 and there is not but 1 or 2 Congressional Republicans who would have the balls to tell him he has to go and face the wrath of his vengeful lunatic followers. The military wouldn't do a thing about it either especially after another 4 unhinged years and their ranks being filled with loons like General Flynn. Just think about what the landscape would look like after 4 years of an administration filled with Stephen Millers.


I disagree.  He's done at the end of his 2nd term whether he wants to go or not.  Everyone abandoned him when he lost the election the first time.  The White House became a ghost yard.  They'll start jumping ship in his final year just like they did the first time.  It happens with most presidents.  People in Washington look out for themselves first usually.


Also, Michael Flynn was Obama's man before he was Trumps.  He was Obama's Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency if my memory is correct.


He's not even a Republican anymore.  He joined a 3rd party after only 2 years as a republican, and was a lifetime Democrat before then.

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1 hour ago, Bob Long said:

Not really. I did the trusted traveler interview because it got me a nexus pass. All they asked in the interview was basic stuff like old addresses, etc. 


If you're going to spend time in the US might as well make it easy.


1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:

I'm not talking about border travel.  I'll see if I can find the article when I have a minute.


Couldn't find what I was looking for on CDC, but I did find something similar and did a bit more digging into parallel corroborating information.


I'll send it to you over private message.  I don't want to derail the flow of conversation going on right now in this thread.

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1 minute ago, nuckin_futz said:

There is an X factor this time. That being his army of lunatic supporters whom every Republican is afraid of. What happened to Lindsay Graham when he said on the floor of the Senate that he was done? The next day he got yelled at in an airport and his new found spine vanished. Same with Kevin McCarthy and Mitch and yada yada yada.


Lindsay Graham has been a chicken-hearted snake his entire life.  I don't even want to get started on McCarthy and Moscow Mitch.


The Republicans will likely not be in charge of either houses of Congress after the mid-terms if history repeats itself.



Yes Flynn was an Obama guy. Obama also recommended Trump not hire him because he was found to be unethical and incompetent.


Thanks for the info.  I actually didn't remember that.  I'm not surprised in the least though.



Which as it turn out were perfect qualifications to work under Trump.





Trump was a lifelong Democrat too before he decided being a Republican was the path of least resistance.


Trump was a Democrat because it bought him protection and political favours in New York.  He became a Republican because he agreed with them and it was easier to run as president on their ticket.  Also, he had burned bridges with the national Democratic Party with the Obama birther crap.  The NY State Democrats were also abandoning him piece by piece by then.


New York regularly ranks among some of the most corrupt states as far as politics goes.  The feds are slowly trying to clean it up.



Senator Kennedy was elected as a Democrat now he's a full fledged Republican smart ass.


He is an interesting dude.  I'll give him credit though.  It seems that he does genuinely love his state.



Candice Owens was once a rabid Obama supporter until she realized there was more money in riling up the right than the left. Party affiliation means nothing to opportunistic scoundrels.


I can't stand even listening to her and I'm fairly tolerant when it comes to people that I disagree with.  She's faker than Kim Kardashian's hind quarters.

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17 hours ago, Duodenum said:

He's old, who cares. His results speak for themselves, plus he isn't Trump (which, sadly, is the #1 reason to vote). 


I expect another big showing from Gen Z. They know a Trump 2nd term is hazardous to their long-term outlook. 


The results are a disaster. Inflating the economy with a printing press? A country over run with illegals? What policy has he invoked that is exceptional?


13 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


They'd be upset about a journalist doing journalism


The Putin interview wasn't bad.  It's interesting to see it from the other side's perspective whether you agree with the Russians or not.  Personally I don't, but it was still interesting.



It was interesting, but as usual Carlson's interviewing performance was not great. He does great monologues but is slow on his feet. Putin was impressive but left out alot of history that didn't suit him. 😄 Sad how leftys are afraid to let us hear him.


8 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


But he has a side.  Some people wanted to hear his side of the argument, including me.


He mixed truth with what I believe are falsehoods, but I still wanted to hear what he had to say.



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9 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


So you're of the opinion that he's the only conservative journalist that has requested an interview? I doubt that.....Putin agreed to the interview because Carlson has been pushing his agenda and he sees it as free propaganda.


You're also being far too kind to Carlson by calling him a journalist. He's a professional liar and there are $780 million pieces of evidence to back that up.

This is the message that Vladimir Solovyev sent to TC when he got ousted from Fox.

Also Margarita Simonyan publicly asked two years ago for Putin to allow Carlson to interview him.

When it comes to top Russian propagandists today you have Simoyan, Skabeya, Solovyev and Kislyak.

These people are fiercely loyal to Putin, there must be a reason why they wanted him to be interviewed by Tucker.

Sure he is conservative, but there are plenty of other conservative journalists in this country.


You have our admiration and support in any endeavor you choose for yourself next, be it running for President of the United States (which you should totally do, by the way) or making an independent media project," he wrote in an email, according to a screen grab he shared on his Telegram channel.

"We'll happily offer you a job if you wish to carry on as a presenter and host! You are always welcome in Russia and Moscow, we wish you the best of luck."

Alongside the message on Telegram, Solovyov wrote in English: "Tucker, come join us. You don't have to be afraid of taking the piss out of Biden here," using a common British expression for mocking someone.




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2 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


TBH, I've been pleasantly surprised by Kavanaugh since his appointment.


I'll preface this by saying that I was against his confirmation, because of his misleading testimony and his conspiracy theory peddling about the Clintons try to scuttle his appointment to the court. But....


Since that inauspicious beginning, Kavanaugh's rulings have pretty much been consistent with those of Roberts and closer to the ideological center than any of the three liberal Justices. ACB and Gorsuch have both been right of Roberts and Kavanaugh, but not nearly as extreme as Thomas and Alito. If anyone is waging war on Democracy, it's those two.


It wouldn't be a surprise to see all of the Justices survive the next Presidential term, but Thomas is 75 and does not appear to be in the best of health. If Trump is elected in November, we can be assured that a younger version of the same guy is appointed and Democracy will suffer an even bigger blow. However, if Joe Biden, or his successor is POTUS, perhaps some balance could be restored.....along with some much needed integrity.

Indeed. Beer Bong Brett has actually been rather reasonable compared to that witch ACB...

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26 minutes ago, Malibu said:


The results are a disaster. Inflating the economy with a printing press? A country over run with illegals? What policy has he invoked that is exceptional?



It was interesting, but as usual Carlson's interviewing performance was not great. He does great monologues but is slow on his feet. Putin was impressive but left out alot of history that didn't suit him. 😄 Sad how leftys are afraid to let us hear him.




Putin hates democracy.  He murders his own people.  Why the fuck would any rational human being want to hear what he has to say.

Edited by The Arrogant Worms
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1 hour ago, Bob Long said:

just want to acknowledge @Sabrefan1 for being the resident American taking some heat today 🤣 appreciate your input on these topics. 


No worries.  I had some extra energy to burn today and a few hours of time to kill.


I know there are plenty of people that these days now wish I never came back, but I am who I am.  🤣🤣

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31 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Putin hates democracy.  He murders his own people.  Why the fuck would any rational human being want to hear what he has to say.

You realize if things are censored as you wish, you wouldn't have a clue as to what is true or false. 🙂

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49 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Putin hates democracy.  He murders his own people.  Why the fuck would any rational human being want to hear what he has to say.

Pootin is scum. The sooner he’s dead the better. He really should be drawn and quartered and his body parts pissed on. He’s one seriously sick MOFU. Sadly there are US politicians in bed with him, like the Orange Ass Clown 🤡 

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1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:


No worries.  I had some extra energy to burn today and a few hours of time to kill.


I know there are plenty of people that these days now wish I never came back, but I am who I am.  🤣🤣

I doubt that. 

This is your ‘safe space’ though…ironically? 


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2 hours ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Putin hates democracy.  He murders his own people.  Why the fuck would any rational human being want to hear what he has to say.

It's not about validation, sometimes it's good to know how someone dangerous thinks?

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