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24 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Trump Claims Barack Obama Is Secretly Running The Country Through Biden: ‘Can’t Let That Happen’


Obama would wipe the floor with Chump if he was eligible to run again.

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4 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:



At this point, Americans who are actually patriots and especially those in the military or have love ones in them should hold their nose and vote for Biden even if he is in a coffin. 


This is dangerous and will lead to ww3 no matter what Trump thinks. It is literally surrendering US superpower status. Xi, Putin, Kim must be loving this right about now.  

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10 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

Whenever the Conservative Party calls me and asks if they can count on my support my answer is always “yes absolutely”.

Never in my life could I even consider voting for them. So I’d take polling with a grain of salt.


I used to like inviting the Jehovah Witnesses inside when they knocked on my door. 


After making them a cuppa I would break out my copy of Origin of Species and try, politely of course, to keep them around and explain my " belief " to them. 


I still don't understand why they have stopped coming around.

8 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Why did what I wrote make you think that I said it in a negative way?  I was actually just saying it as a matter of fact.  There is a fair chance she will become president if Biden wins a 2nd term.


I'm not a fan of hers, but I would give her every chance to win me over.  If I can give a game show host that chance 8 years ago, I can extend her that same opportunity.


*edit*  I just re-read my post and I get why you thought I was saying it negatively.  The scarier thought was that Biden may already be taking the medicine and it may already be less effective.  That would mean bad things for his remaining years.  Reagan was kept secluded by Nancy because of his mental state for a fair number of years before he passed away.


As messed up as Reagan and PO1135809 and some of your other Presidents have been, it's gotta be Andy " by god " Jackson who was the biggest psychopath of all them. 


Some of the things I have read about him


He was a hard fighting, hard drinking bigot with a hair trigger temper and possibly the most terrifying president to ever take the White house.

He carried a hickory cane around that he liked to beat people with.


He often fought duels, reputedly 103 of them, before he became president


Once he fought a guy that was a better shot than him, rather than trying to quick draw, Jackson took the bullet to the chest, due to the rules of dueling the other dude had to stand there while Jackson took his time to aim properly shooting the dude dead.

That bullet was in him for the rest of his life, along with others.


He was asked if he had any regrets about his life, he stated I didn't shoot Henry Clay and I didn't hang John C Calhoun.

Calhoun was his VP, he, Jackson had allegedly stated to him

" If you secede from our nation, I will secede your head from the rest of your body "


So he even though he had killed and was responsible for the deaths of a shit load of people, he regretted not killing more.


I know it was different times back then, but holy shit, this guy was out there.


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5 hours ago, Ilunga said:

As messed up as Reagan and PO1135809 and some of your other Presidents have been, it's gotta be Andy " by god " Jackson who was the biggest psychopath of all them. 


Some of the things I have read about him


He was a hard fighting, hard drinking bigot with a hair trigger temper and possibly the most terrifying president to ever take the White house.

He carried a hickory cane around that he liked to beat people with.


He often fought duels, reputedly 103 of them, before he became president


Once he fought a guy that was a better shot than him, rather than trying to quick draw, Jackson took the bullet to the chest, due to the rules of dueling the other dude had to stand there while Jackson took his time to aim properly shooting the dude dead.

That bullet was in him for the rest of his life, along with others.


He was asked if he had any regrets about his life, he stated I didn't shoot Henry Clay and I didn't hang John C Calhoun.

Calhoun was his VP, he, Jackson had allegedly stated to him

" If you secede from our nation, I will secede your head from the rest of your body "


So he even though he had killed and was responsible for the deaths of a shit load of people, he regretted not killing more.


I know it was different times back then, but holy shit, this guy was out there.




Jackson was a fascinating president.


Many people don't know that he was a 2-star general in the Army.


He was for the common man and as such was a true populist.  He couldn't stand rich and entitled people.  He hated the British with a burning passion.


He investigated the members of his predecessors administration.  He actually proved that corruption was going on.  Needless to say, John Quincy Adams who already hated Jackson was not thrilled.


Jackson's years as president helped shape the US into what it is today.

Edited by Sabrefan1
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6 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:



Jackson was a fascinating president.


Many people don't know that he was a 2-star general in the Army.


He was for the common man and as such was a true populist.  He couldn't stand rich and entitled people.  He hated the British with a burning passion.


He investigated the members of his predecessors administration.  He actually proved that corruption was going on.  Needless to say, John Quincy Adams who already hated Jackson was not thrilled.


Jackson's years as president helped shape the US into what it is today.


Yes I am conversant with a lot of old " by gods "  history.


Jackson's " Indian Removal " policy would be considered close to genocidal in today's world. 

At the very least ethnic cleansing. 


He did some good shit, and some really bad shit. 


What cracks me up is when the repugs went spastic when treasury secretary Jack Lew  announced Harriet Tubman would replace Jackson on the $20 bill.


Of course PO1135809' administration shut that down.




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8 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


As far as Reagan goes, I actually remember his presidency fairly well.  He was among the best foreign policy presidents the US ever had.  He was a cowboy when the world needed a cowboy to hasten the Soviet Union to it's grave. 


Unfortunately, in my opinion, he was also one of the worst domestic policy presidents.  He let his cabinet convince him that trickle-down economics was a worthwhile economic strategy. 


He may have put the dagger into the already slowly dying Soviet Union, but his domestic policy lit the fuse on the middle class of America.  Then each succeeding president after Reagan tore the heart of our manufacturing economy out piece by piece and moved it to foreign countries.  Manufacturing is what created a strong middle class in the US.


The murder of America's middle class has directly led to the rise of China who has become the main adversary of the US.  All because of people who already have more money than they could spend in their lifetime want even more and the politicians want to feast on the crumbs those people sprinkle onto them in the form of legal bribes.


Fuckin Ronnie and Mags.


All I will ever remember those dudes for,  and she wore the pants in that relationship, was they were responsible for their countries building the Neutron Bomb.


Oh and that's right, trickle down economics.

We have all seen how that shit has worked out.


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1 hour ago, Ilunga said:


Fuckin Ronnie and Mags.


All I will ever remember those dudes for,  and she wore the pants in that relationship, was they were responsible for their countries building the Neutron Bomb.


Oh and that's right, trickle down economics.

We have all seen how that shit has worked out.



The Neutron bomb was an inevitability.  It just happened on his watch.  The US had started drawing up plans for it a quarter century or so beforehand.


If WW3 ever does break out, it will be the conventional multiple high-yield nuclear warheads that will do the dirty work of destroying the infrastructure of the nuclear powers.  The neutron bomb was just another scare tactic used to intimidate the Soviet Union.  In that respect, it did it's job.


A Neutron bomb is basically useless as far as a nuclear war goes, it's yield was designed to take out troops on a battle field in a horrible and nasty way, and they decommissioned the final one a few years after the Soviet Union fell.  The ICBM's of the late 60's into the early 70's made the neutron bomb obsolete.


As an aside, I still to this day have occasional intense nightmares of being nuked sitting in my home or being outside out and about.  Even though the Cold War days are long gone, they left quite the lasting scar on the silent generation, baby boomers, and my generation (Gen X).

Edited by Sabrefan1
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1 minute ago, Alflives said:

Because they are friggin’ anti vaxx, flat earther, trucker convoy morans? 


True. It's more the fascination with Putin I find interesting. Or is it just a daddy fetish? It's just odd.

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12 hours ago, Duodenum said:

Yikes. Imagine hating America so much you'd vote for this.


Biden as a vegetable is a better option. This guy is as evil and anti-democracy as they come.


Could you imagine any other former president ever saying such a thing? My lord.

I routinely pass by roadkill that I would vote for before I vote for DT.


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49 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


That's another issue, wth are poor republican voters actually gaining?

Nothing, they get to “own” others, these idiots routinely vote against their own interests.

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29 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

I routinely pass by roadkill that I would vote for before I vote for DT.


I made this comparison before but I liken both of them to drunks (not literally obviously).  One is a friendly/nice drunk while the other is a mean spirited/vindictive drunk.  

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4 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:



Jackson was a fascinating president.


Many people don't know that he was a 2-star general in the Army.


He was for the common man and as such was a true populist.  He couldn't stand rich and entitled people.  He hated the British with a burning passion.


He investigated the members of his predecessors administration.  He actually proved that corruption was going on.  Needless to say, John Quincy Adams who already hated Jackson was not thrilled.


Jackson's years as president helped shape the US into what it is today.

Jackson's campaign in the south that led to the Battle of New Orleans is a fascinating read. 

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12 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

Jackson's campaign in the south that led to the Battle of New Orleans is a fascinating read. 

My limited understanding of history tells me the aftermath of that victory kept the US unified at least until the start of the Civil War.

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1 minute ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

My limited understanding of history tells me the aftermath of that victory kept the US unified at least until the start of the Civil War.

If memory serves Jackson continued his fighting the British in the south after the victory at New Orleans 1814. Even tho peace talks preceded the battle the Brits engaged anyways. Jackson was to engage the Brits at Mobile but peace kicked in. The Brits had allied with the Spanish in hopes of taking the southern lands back after the Louisiana Purchase. 


Yes, single party rule in America for 25 years after the War of 1812. 

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4 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:



Jackson was a fascinating president.


Many people don't know that he was a 2-star general in the Army.


He was for the common man and as such was a true populist.  He couldn't stand rich and entitled people.  He hated the British with a burning passion.


He investigated the members of his predecessors administration.  He actually proved that corruption was going on.  Needless to say, John Quincy Adams who already hated Jackson was not thrilled.


Jackson's years as president helped shape the US into what it is today.


On the other side of the ledger is the infamous trail of tears  and the Indian removal acts. And for better or worse his outright annexation of Florida (and the future birth of Floridaman ;)). Not that no president is without his controversies.


A very consequential and interesting president indeed.



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