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6 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

Seems Martina has a bone to pick with Jr.






Junior is just like his dad.  Hustling for a quick buck.  It's kinda weird seeing him doing an ad read like a young YouTuber though.


The discovery of Ivermectin won the Noble Prize for a couple of biologists/biochemists.


It's an incredible and very cheap anti-parasitic drug that's saved countless lives in poor countries.  It just hasn't been scientifically proven to work on COVID.



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2 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


If it's the same as it was when I was younger, you'll want to visit Prague then.

Can't recommend Prague highly enough.  I liked it enough that I'll go back the next time the WJHC is in the Czech Republic.

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2 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:

If it's the same as it was when I was younger, you'll want to visit Prague then.


16 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Can't recommend Prague highly enough.  I liked it enough that I'll go back the next time the WJHC is in the Czech Republic.


I always thought it would be cool to spend a week or so in Prague and then travel down to Vienna and take one of those cruises down the Danube....Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest, Belgrade....maybe jump off there and finish up in Sofia, or Bucharest....

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8 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

Seems Martina has a bone to pick with Jr.





Damn that was my idea. I had a plan worked out to sell "micro dosing" of horsey meds to dumb conservatives during the pandemic. Could have made a mint. 

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"Fueled by right-wing politicians and the powerful gun lobby, nearly three-quarters of firearm owners in the United States believe the enduring myth that a gun at the ready will keep them safer—but a new analysis offers the latest hard evidence that guns simply make life more dangerous and deadly for everyone.



Listening to former NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre and the right-wing lawmakers who count on the gun lobby's endorsements, one could hardly be blamed for conjuring an image of a "good guy with a gun" who frequently stops a violent attack from happening—but the analysis shows how faulty research in the 1990s underpinned such claims.

Surveys at the time, including a widely-cited study by Gary Kleck and Matt Gertz, estimated that between 760,000 and 2.5 million defensive gun uses (DGU) occurred annually.

But the Harvard Injury Control Research Center found two years later that fewer than 550,000 burglaries occurred in gun owners' homes annually, while Kleck and Gertz had estimated that "guns were used for self-defense during burglaries approximately 845,000 times."

"Burglary victims would have needed to use their gun defensively in more than 100% of cases, which is, of course, impossible," the issue brief reads.

Until the myth of the "good guy with the gun" is defeated,said Devin Hughes, founder and president of GVPedia, "Americans will continue buying firearms in the mistaken belief that those guns will make them safer, and gun violence will continue unabated."


more at link

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18 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:



I always thought it would be cool to spend a week or so in Prague and then travel down to Vienna and take one of those cruises down the Danube....Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest, Belgrade....maybe jump off there and finish up in Sofia, or Bucharest....

I dated a girl from Bratislava. Was awesome but def needed a translator EVERYWHERE at the time. Luckily I was sharing a bed with one at the time 😛

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"Democrats in the Virginia House of Delegates forced their Republican colleagues to take an up-or-down vote Monday on a sweeping anti-abortion bill one lawmaker called “a slap in the face” to women who have been raped or suffer life-threatening complications from a pregnancy.


In a procedural move designed to put Republicans on the spot over the most extreme anti-abortion proposals emerging from their ranks, Democrats themselves brought a GOP-sponsored bill to the House floor that would have cut off public funding for clinics and hospitals where abortions are performed with no exceptions for rape, incest, severe fetal abnormalities or when the mother’s life is at risk.

The hardball move by Democrats to advance the bill just far enough that all Republicans would have to vote on it comes after a hotly contested 2023 election season that Democrats characterized as a referendum on preserving abortion access in Virginia. Forcing Republicans to go on the record Monday, Democrats said, would help illuminate whether they got the message voters had sent by electing Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate.

After several rounds of parliamentary battle over whether the bill could be scaled back or stricken from the agenda altogether, Republicans were forced to vote on the bill with no changes. The legislation was rejected in a nearly unanimous 95-1-2 vote, with just a few Republicans abstaining or voting no.


“If the patron didn’t know what he was doing, maybe he should’ve stayed out of women’s business,” said Del. Candi Mundon King, D-Prince William, who called the bill an attack on potentially thousands of women.

Republicans protested that they were trying to fix the very problems Mundon King was decrying when she called the bill a “slap in the face” to women, but were being denied the chance by Democrats more interested in a political stunt.

“I don’t know where the absurdity of this theater ends,” Gilbert said.


more at link.

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25 minutes ago, Gnarcore said:

I dated a girl from Bratislava. Was awesome but def needed a translator EVERYWHERE at the time. Luckily I was sharing a bed with one at the time 😛


Almost got an all expenses paid trip there when I was 17....just needed to win a couple more games.....:classic_happy:

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5 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Almost got an all expenses paid trip there when I was 17....just needed to win a couple more games.....:classic_happy:

Damn! Back when I went it was soooo cheap vs even Czech. Was an amazing time 🙂


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Just 9 months ago, Lindsey Graham went to Ukraine and told Zelenskyy this:



'I will continue to stand with and for Ukraine’s freedom until every Russian soldier is expelled from Ukrainian territory'


Guess which spineless coward just voted against the Ukraine Aid package?




The reason for the "No" vote? Because it didn't do enough to address the migrant issue on the southern US border.....Of course we all know who killed the bipartisan bill to address that issue...


All of these Republican lapdogs should just get it over with. Go to the nearest vet's office and get your balls chopped off. Donald Trump has already done that figuratively, anyway....

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34 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Yeah....so is Penicillin.....but if I acquired a bunch of it and sold to rubes who believed me when I said it cures Cancer, then I'd still be a lying scumbag....


Yeah.  I'm also worried about people buying the antibiotics that are in that or any similar kit and self medicating and causing even more bacteria resistant strains of disease. 


A few years ago, I had a small cut that got infected in my lower leg on my shin and within 24 hours it had spread to the middle of my thigh.  Had it been an antibiotic resistant infection, it could have turned out like I was living in the 19th century where a simple tiny cut would have been the catalyst that ended me.


Hopefully the FDA puts the kibosh on those kits soon.

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1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:

Yeah.  I'm also worried about people buying the antibiotics that are in that or any similar kit and self medicating and causing even more bacteria resistant strains of disease. 


A few years ago, I had a small cut that got infected in my lower leg on my shin and within 24 hours it had spread to the middle of my thigh.  Had it been an antibiotic resistant infection, it could have turned out like I was living in the 19th century where a simple tiny cut would have been the catalyst that ended me.


Hopefully the FDA puts the kibosh on those kits soon.


True story:


When I was in my late teens and early 20s, I had jobs at an Industrial Chroming shop and at a Meat packing plant. If you get a cut in either of those professions, it's a virtual guarantee that it's going to get infected.


Over the course of both jobs, I had cuts that made my hands swell up like balloons.....but....since I broke 30, I've never had another infection from a cut and that includes a stint in contruction....

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So, the $95 billion Ukraine/Israel bill passed the Senate....


I'm pretty sure Donald Trump doesn't want it, because Biden would get credit for  "win"....so the question is, does Mike Johnson allow it to be voted on?

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1 hour ago, RupertKBD said:

True story:


When I was in my late teens and early 20s, I had jobs at an Industrial Chroming shop and at a Meat packing plant. If you get a cut in either of those professions, it's a virtual guarantee that it's going to get infected.


Over the course of both jobs, I had cuts that made my hands swell up like balloons.....but....since I broke 30, I've never had another infection from a cut and that includes a stint in contruction....



My entire calf ballooned up.  That was definitely weird.  The infection ate away at the adipose tissue so there's a sizable spot on the front of my leg, on my shin, that is still discolored and fairly bumpy. 


I still have no idea what caused it.  I must have touched something fairly germ filled and then touched the cut sometime later the same day.

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3 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:


Here's the clip .....



Its beyond dumb for Trump to come out and say that the way he did, but he is not wrong that NATO countries should have a strict mandatory requirement of 2% of GDP for military budget. Because it is a % of GDP it is fair for all parties and would immensely strengthen NATO. Saying I'm part of NATO so I can decrease my military budget and still feel safe leaves the burden heavily on nations like UK and USA.    

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