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5 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


So, you think there's something to Tucker's "Great Replacement Theory"? Interesting....


Some less cynical folks might opine that immigrants are not the boogeymen (and women and children) that the Right has made them out to be and rather, are a vital component of the US economy.....

Illegal migrants are certainly necessary in Bidens inflate your way to prosperity policy. Probably safe to say "boogeymen" if these stats from 2020 are holding.   



Nov 3, 2023  Nationwide, 329,347 men were apprehended by Border Patrol in that year, compared to 75,678 women who were apprehended



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8 minutes ago, Malibu said:

Illegal migrants are certainly necessary in Bidens inflate your way to prosperity policy. Probably safe to say "boogeymen" if these stats from 2020 are holding.   



Nov 3, 2023  Nationwide, 329,347 men were apprehended by Border Patrol in that year, compared to 75,678 women who were apprehended



Can you buy us all Statista accounts so we can see that stuff?

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4 hours ago, RupertKBD said:

So instead, you offer generalizations about the cynical nature of politics in general, as a stand in for any proof of what you (and Tucker Carlson) are claiming as fact.


I know that might come across as insulting, but it's not meant to be. It's my honest opinion based on years of seeing you post the both sides narrative about virtually every topic regarding US Politics and make such a point of telling everyone how you always vote for the Independent candidate....


How in God's name can a semi-retired late middle aged former family business office executive prove what the US government is or isn't doing?  Of course I'm speculating!  You're insane if you think I have any inside knowledge.  Quickly Googling articles from left leaning news sources that most people here will accept is not proof.  It's choosing which corporate owned news source you choose to believe.


Everything I say is an educated guess.  I've said as much plenty of times!


Nobody of any authority will ever come out and say, "Hey, we're power hungry, as is all of the people on my side, and we will do what the people in power of every other empire has ever done, we will do everything we can to get even more power."



Like it or not, these people in Congress agree on more than they disagree.  The one Speaker of the House that I disliked more than any other, including Gingrich was/is Paul Ryan.  He did everything to sow the division in Congress.  His number one rule wasn't to do the best he could for his country.  His rule was to never go against what he called, "The Family".  Now that's some Godfather wanna-be traitorous conduct. 


Would you like me to Google and find an old article that talked about Paul Ryan saying that or will you take my word for it because it's something negative about a Republican?


If I were to speculate that Democrats fart rainbows and shit puppies and the Republicans kill and eat babies while they plan world domination using southerners and their handguns, not many here would blink an eye. 


Yes.  I'm a centrist in the classical sense of the word.  Both parties are rapidly becoming radical and it's a recipe for disaster.  Although since I'm not in lockstep with either side of the spectrum, most Republicans I know, including half of my family, believe I'm a liberal leaning mostly lefty.  Whereas every single solitary Democrat that I know, since I'm not in lockstep with them either, believes I'm a fascist.  It's actually tough to have Democratic friends nowadays because of how radical many have become.


I posted pictures of my past voting ballots on CDC that showed my votes split up between both parties when a third party candidate wasn't running in the races I was casting for.  I will do the same this November.  I already know who I'm voting for in the national races.  I still haven't pinned down the state and local ones yet.  I've always felt the need to show proof of what I say since I talk about politics so much here with everybody and I'm probably the only centrist here.

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6 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


How in God's name can a semi-retired late middle aged former family business office executive prove what the US government is or isn't doing?  Of course I'm speculating!  You're insane if you think I have any inside knowledge.  Quickly Googling articles from left leaning news sources that most people here will accept is not proof.  It's choosing which corporate owned news source you choose to believe.


Everything I say is an educated guess.  I've said as much plenty of times!


Nobody of any authority will ever come out and say, "Hey, we're power hungry, as is all of the people on my side, and we will do what the people in power of every other empire has ever done, we will do everything we can to get even more power."



Like it or not, these people in Congress agree on more than they disagree.  The one Speaker of the House that I disliked more than any other, including Gingrich was/is Paul Ryan.  He did everything to sow the division in Congress.  His number one rule wasn't to do the best he could for his country.  His rule was to never go against what he called, "The Family".  Now that's some Godfather wanna-be traitorous conduct. 


Would you like me to Google and find an old article that talked about Paul Ryan saying that or will you take my word for it because it's something negative about a Republican?


If I were to speculate that Democrats fart rainbows and shit puppies and the Republicans kill and eat babies while they plan world domination using southerners and their handguns, not many here would blink an eye. 


Yes.  I'm a centrist in the classical sense of the word.  Both parties are rapidly becoming radical and it's a recipe for disaster.  Although since I'm not in lockstep with either side of the spectrum, most Republicans I know, including half of my family, believe I'm a liberal leaning mostly lefty.  Whereas every single solitary Democrat that I know, since I'm not in lockstep with them either, believes I'm a fascist.  It's actually tough to have Democratic friends nowadays because of how radical many have become.


I posted pictures of my past voting ballots on CDC that showed my votes split up between both parties when a third party candidate wasn't running in the races I was casting for.  I will do the same this November.  I already know who I'm voting for in the national races.  I still haven't pinned down the state and local ones yet.  I've always felt the need to show proof of what I say since I talk about politics so much here with everybody and I'm probably the only centrist here.

That being said a centrist American is a right wing Canadian. 

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5 hours ago, Satchmo said:

If so, it really is current pain for future gain. 


Current pain?  The Democrats aren't hurting currently.  This migration issue won't hurt their chances in Congress.  If it wasn't for Biden's problems on camera, migration would have only marginally hurt them as far as the White House goes. 



Are the Dems happy to lose the next election in hopes that the children and grandchildren of illegal immigrants will vote for them?


Even though they lost the House, the Democrats have been doing better than expected in elections.  The Republicans can't help but shoot themselves in the foot every time they take the "asshole side" of an issue.  Personally I'm getting really tired of them calling Social Security an "entitlement".  If it's an entitlement, give me back every FICA deduction that I have ever paid.  I could turn that large chunk of change into an even larger chunk.



Or do they think their actions will sway the Hispanic/Latino American vote?


They still own the Latino vote.  It's just not as big as it once was.  If they could get more Latinos into a state like Florida, they'd be able to win the White House even more than they have since the 90's.



As you can tell, I don't really understand why you feel as you do.


I look at the world of politics through the lens of a pessimist.  I suppose that makes me a bit of a non-partisan radical come to think of it.  In all honesty, I hope I'm very wrong.  Both sides have dug themselves in and the moderates have been retiring from Congress.  That doesn't bode well for the future no matter how immigration goes.


I'd like to still believe a "national divorce" is impossible, because it already failed one time before, but I'm starting to wonder.  At some point something is going to give.  I'm just not sure what, where, or how.

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12 minutes ago, Spur1 said:

That being said a centrist American is a right wing Canadian. 


Probably.  😂


I know most people here believe I'm a right wing nutcase in sheep's clothing.  Although the pictures I have posted of my voting ballot says otherwise.  I think I still have one or two old ballot pictures floating around on one of my cloud servers.  Probably my Google Drive.  It's my dumping ground of forgotten files.

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5 hours ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

They already did in the War of 1812 (well, it was known as York then) 😉


Sending a few militia's into what is now Canada was foolhardy.  Between that and the British threat of boycotting businesses of any state that joined in, that whole thing was a disaster.


Read about the inept attack on Lundy's Lane and the political events preceding it.  Also know that from age 19-23, I drunkenly threw up on Lundy's lane plenty of times.  🤣

Edited by Sabrefan1
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9 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Sending a few militia's into what is now Canada was foolhardy.  Between that and the British threat of boycotting businesses of any state that joined in, that whole thing was a disaster.


Read about the inept attack on Lundy's Lane and the political events preceding it.  Also know that from age 19-23, I drunkenly threw up on Lundy's lane plenty of times.  🤣

War of 1812 really was a draw in a sense, the two nations (well one future one) ended up being stronger after.

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1 hour ago, Malibu said:

Illegal migrants are certainly necessary in Bidens inflate your way to prosperity policy. Probably safe to say "boogeymen" if these stats from 2020 are holding.  


I'm not familiar with that particular policy.....how did Biden get it through the House?

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8 hours ago, Wiggums said:


Woaahh only half as likely?  My bad for painting illegal migration in such a bad light.  If they start committing the same amount of crime, then I'll be worried

technically, according to math, the crime rate inside america will go down if any amount of people doing half the bad shit are allowed in. 
the 100% factual truth therefore is that illegal immigration reduces the % of violent crimes on the streets of America. 
It is just math, hate the math, not the messenger. (and for what it is worth, I believe good fences make good neighbours: i want a border fence on the US/Mexico Border with regular controlled crossings. I want the US to staff and outfit their border security with better funds and equipment to actually monitor that fence when built. But math is math)

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24 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

War of 1812 really was a draw in a sense, the two nations (well one future one) ended up being stronger after.

Nah. The Americans attacked us and we f*cked them up. We won and they ran back and whined. Losers. 

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46 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

War of 1812 really was a draw in a sense, the two nations (well one future one) ended up being stronger after.


If it wasn't for that war, the US wouldn't have created a standing army.  It taught the new country's government that if it ever wanted to truly become a power that it couldn't count on the states to do the governments bidding.  Funny enough, later that century, the federal government fought a war that cemented it's supremacy over the states anyways.  Had the war of 1812 not happened, there may never have been a US army to stop the south from seceding and taking over the rest of the country.

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1 minute ago, RupertKBD said:


I'm not looking for actual proof. I'm just looking for a bit more than a 250 year old quote.....


If this is just purely your opinion, then fair enough. I stand by my earlier statement that I think you're being overly cynical. I also stand by my statement that your 'both sides" argument is a false equivalency.


As far as your response to someone else, I actually do think the Democrats are the "good guys".


They believe in Climate Change and they believe action needs to be taken to address it.

They believe in common sense gun legislation and don't believe that their "personal freedom" to own whatever type of firearm they choose is more important than the lives of schoolchildren.

They believe that stringing razor wire across rivers used by migrants to try and enter the US is beyond the pale.

They also believe that if a migrant is drowning, you shouldn't stop Border Services officers from trying to save them.

They believe that separating family members with no intention of ever reuniting them is cruel and inhuman.

They believe that everyone should be able to vote, instead of looking for ways of preventing people from voting.

They believe that women (and their doctors) should be allowed to make their own reproductive and health choices.

They believe in the separation of church and state.

They don't think Vladimir Putin is the good guy.

They believe that the LGTBQ community should enjoy the same rights as the rest of American society.


Those might not move the needle for you, but they certainly do for me. In addition, they are all verifiable, unlike Great Replacement Theory.

Compared to the Pugs, the Rats are kings. Good list. Trump must lose for our world to be safe. How anyone (with a brain) can vote for that pos is beyond my thinking. 

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33 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Nah. The Americans attacked us and we f*cked them up. We won and they ran back and whined. Losers. 


There was no "us" back then Alf.  Canada wasn't created until decades later. 


Before then, what is now Canada was split up between interests with Britain being the most powerful interest.

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Just now, Sabrefan1 said:


If it wasn't for that war, the US wouldn't have created a standing army.  It taught the new country's government that if it ever wanted to truly become a power that it couldn't count on the states to do the governments bidding.  Funny enough, later that century, the federal government fought a war that cemented it's supremacy over the states anyways.  Had the war of 1812 not happened, there may never have been a US army to stop the south from seceding and taking over the rest of the country.

And regardless of all this in the war 1812-1814 we kicked some serious (loser coward doodle) American ass. We kind of embarrassed those loserdoodles. Made them cry like Johnny hockey, 

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1 minute ago, Sabrefan1 said:


There was no "us" back then Alf.  Canada wasn't created until decades later. 


Before then, what is now Canada was split up between interests with Britain being the most powerful interest.

Us was Indigenous + French + British. We came together to embarrass the loser US scum who tried to invade us. Then we attacked and embarrassed those loser craperolla US forces so much they surrender and sued for peace. We dominated and won that war. Made the the losers cry, 

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6 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:

I'm not looking for actual proof. I'm just looking for a bit more than a 250 year old quote.....


It drives me nuts that people of today think that they are so superior and so much more intelligent than people who once founded a nation. 


The only thing that you or I have over them intellectually is that we can use technology.  Pluck them out of their time and drop them in my home and I'll have them using computers, cars, and iPhones before the end of the month.



If this is just purely your opinion, then fair enough.


That's all it's ever been.  I've never hidden that fact.  I've posted the words, ""I may be wrong" or "time will tell" enough times that I should consider putting it in my signature box.



I stand by my earlier statement that I think you're being overly cynical.


And I think you may be correct.  Like I've said in more than one post today.  I look at things through a prism of pessimism these days.  I really really want to be wrong. 


I still think a "national divorce" is extremely unlikely, but I no longer think it's impossible like I used to believe.  Pessimism born of cynicism on my part.



I also stand by my statement that your 'both sides" argument is a false equivalency.


Both sides argument in respect to which subject?  I still think both sides suck in general if that's what you mean.



As far as your response to someone else, I actually do think the Democrats are the "good guys".


I think that the Democrats default isn't set to "asshole" like it is with most Republicans, but I don't believe they are the "good guys" either.



They believe in Climate Change and they believe action needs to be taken to address it.

They believe in common sense gun legislation and don't believe that their "personal freedom" to own whatever type of firearm they choose is more important than the lives of schoolchildren.

They believe that stringing razor wire across rivers used by migrants to try and enter the US is beyond the pale.

They also believe that if a migrant is drowning, you shouldn't stop Border Services officers from trying to save them.

They believe that separating family members with no intention of ever reuniting them is cruel and inhuman.

They believe that everyone should be able to vote, instead of looking for ways of preventing people from voting.

They believe that women (and their doctors) should be allowed to make their own reproductive and health choices.

They believe in the separation of church and state.

They don't think Vladimir Putin is the good guy.

They believe that the LGTBQ community should enjoy the same rights as the rest of American society.


I'd respond to these but I want to go to bed in a couple of hours instead of spending the next 24 hours straight defending my position with each subject with everyone who visits this thread... lol



Those might not move the needle for you, but they certainly do for me. In addition, they are all verifiable, unlike Great Replacement Theory.


I'd really really really like to be wrong about the immigrant situation, but from what I've been seeing, it just fits in. 


Could I be misinterpreting what I see?  Sure.  I'm not a domestic or foreign policy expert.  Never have been.  Never will be.

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17 minutes ago, Alflives said:

And regardless of all this in the war 1812-1814 we kicked some serious (loser coward doodle) American ass. We kind of embarrassed those loserdoodles. Made them cry like Johnny hockey, 


14 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Us was Indigenous + French + British. We came together to embarrass the loser US scum who tried to invade us. Then we attacked and embarrassed those loser craperolla US forces so much they surrender and sued for peace. We dominated and won that war. Made the the losers cry, 


I used to love reading about the War of 1812 in my 20's.  It was a fascinating read.  I used to have a university textbook on CD-Rom that covered it in better detail than any website I've ever perused on it since. 


I eventually lost my interest and fascination in that war and a fair amount of modern history after I started studying ancient history and ancient civilizations.  The last 25 years I've been much more fascinated with history starting around the time of Babylon through the Roman Republic then Empire.

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3 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:

It drives me nuts that people of today think that they are so superior and so much more intelligent than people who once founded a nation.


Not sure where this is coming from. I certainly haven't said anything about Washington being wrong....I just don't believe that quote supports your theory on Democrats immigration strategy....


The rest of your post, I believe I've addressed. Of course my positions are all just my opinion.


I think we're a pretty good example of two people who can support the same football team, yet agree on almost nothing else....:classic_cool:

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1 minute ago, RupertKBD said:

Not sure where this is coming from. I certainly haven't said anything about Washington being wrong....I just don't believe that quote supports your theory on Democrats immigration strategy....

My apologies then.  I misunderstood the reason behind what you were saying.



The rest of your post, I believe I've addressed. Of course my positions are all just my opinion.


Yeah.  At some point, we'll just go from tenderizing that steak to pulverizing it.  Like I said, I hope I'm wrong on some of my more serious opinions.



I think we're a pretty good example of two people who can support the same football team, yet agree on almost nothing else....:classic_cool:


I like that I can talk with people on this board like you about subjects we disagree on and I'm not instantly labeled a "libtard" or a "fascist".  I've gotten called both which is really weird.


Not liking either party in the US gets you disliked by anyone whose life revolves around their political beliefs.  As much as I talk about politics here, I avoid talking about it in person with people.  If I'm on a date with someone and she steers the conversation to current events, I tell her that I don't have strong political beliefs.  😬

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