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3 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


I've mostly ignored that spending bill.  Like every bill that Congress passes, it filled with pork barrel spending.  To be fair to Biden though, the Trillion dollar infrastructure bill idea originated during the Trump administration.  Biden just tagged on a claim that it will reduce inflation.  I have no idea how, and nobody will know for sure until the non-partisan GAO does a full postmortem accounting of the spending and inflation details.


I'm willing to bet that New York redirected some of that federal money to their general fund because our infrastructure is the same as it's always been; don't fix it until it's about to break.   I do remember that some of the Biden years clean energy initiatives and investments haven't been panning out as hoped so that's disappointing.  I'd like to see a competent clean energy plan.

The herd is finally acknowledging nuclear as being the logical alternative, if ultra cheap carbon captured natural gas isn't acceptable. 


The spending was laundered as providing much needed infrastructure which is nowhere to be seen. Your government spends money like ours does, turning a 3 billion dollar piece of pipeline into a worthless 33 billion dollar project which may never be completed.

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25 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

So Fani and her lover are going to fuck up the prosecution in Georgia?  🤦‍♂️

Fani Willis Tells All in Wild Testimony, Talks Cash Piles in Safe, Father’s Advice, Preferring Grey Goose Over Wine


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2 hours ago, RupertKBD said:

I'm going to call axios stupid, they didn't word that right.  It should be 1/3 of people that believe in the T Swift conspiracy are Republican.  That's a big difference.  Doing the math, 18% x 32% = 6% (rounding up).

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36 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

So Fani and her lover are going to fuck up the prosecution in Georgia?  🤦‍♂️

I really don't know why that would happen.


"Office" romances happen all the time.  Lawyers get in relationships with other lawyers all the time.  The only real time it is an issue if it involves both sides of the case.  Like if an actual defendant in a case has a lawyer who is in a relationship with the other side.


Wade isn't representing any of the defendants.  He was hired by Fani to work HER case.


This is just a delay tactic by Team TRUMP telling us they have neither the facts nor the law on their side.



“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”

 Carl Sandburg

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17 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:

I like that I can talk with people on this board like you about subjects we disagree on and I'm not instantly labeled a "libtard" or a "fascist".  I've gotten called both which is really weird.


Not liking either party in the US gets you disliked by anyone whose life revolves around their political beliefs.  As much as I talk about politics here, I avoid talking about it in person with people.  If I'm on a date with someone and she steers the conversation to current events, I tell her that I don't have strong political beliefs.  😬

Reading this, I'm reminded a story I read about Henry Fonda & Jimmy Stewart.  Two polar opposites in terms of "politics" but REALLY close friends; a friendship that lasted throughout their lives.  Apparently the two rarely if ever discussed politics with each other.  Well there was this movie (but it was movie heh):



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3 hours ago, Wiggums said:


There are examples every day, everywhere.


You've admitted before there is no proof that Trump is racist

  It's perception created by the media that wants him to fail, simple minded people who don't have a grasp on the real world buy into it and here we are.  


We are more divided than ever and it's because of progressive left race mongering and media outlets making money off clickbait whilst trying to start a race war.  Fear and anger sells


Racism is and always been an issue but the left has put people against each other which has actually caused even more racism, hatred and as I said, divisiveness.  Outlets like CNN literally labelling people by skin color first, name second.


Have you ever heard Morgan Freeman talk about racism? Watch until the end




Laughs in US Republicans response to Obama becoming president


Oh tell me more

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2 hours ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Fani Willis Tells All in Wild Testimony, Talks Cash Piles in Safe, Father’s Advice, Preferring Grey Goose Over Wine



Honestly, I think she and Wade should just recuse themselves and have someone else take over the case.


While the optics around the two of them are bad, I don't see how they should result in a dismissal.....

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3 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Honestly, I think she and Wade should just recuse themselves and have someone else take over the case.


While the optics around the two of them are bad, I don't see how they should result in a dismissal.....

The case hasn't even been tried yet.  There is really no ethical violations regarding the two thus far.  There really isn't any grounds for dismissal.


The optics of the two, yes is messy.  And yes, at worse, they maybe should hand the case off. 


Thus giving a chance at a delay over seeing this trial happening prior to the election in November.  Team TRUMP gets a win with a delay.

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5 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Slavery is a part of our history and according to the UN, our current day as well.  Like you said, indentured servitude is slavery wrapped up in a different title.

According to your constitution slavery is active. AKA prison labor. 

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The internet is in an uproar over the revelations that a top GOP witness lied under oath.

A vital informant of the FBI's investigations into Joe Biden's son Hunter is being charged by a grand jury with lying under oath in the investigation. It doesn't bode well for the ongoing attacks on the Bidens from Republicans.

Alexander Smirnov, who was identified as a confidential human source in the investigation, was arrested in Las Vegas, a Justice Department statement said on Thursday. He had alleged that executives at the Ukrainian company Burisma claimed they only hired Hunter Biden to "protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems," while Biden was vice president.


The release said that Smirnov was changing his stories after the fact.

The internet rushed to point out the findings and how it will impact the Republican attempts to bring down Biden through impeachment.

"This person was just indicted for making false statements. Any comment?" asked national security attorney Bradley Moss.

"I am confident - I am CERTAIN - that we will hear a measured, objective and humble commentary from @seanhannity tonight responding to this indictment. Positive. No doubts," Moss continued, his post dripping with sarcasm

Media Matters fellow Matthew Gertz also pointed out that Fox reported the lies.

"Sean Hannity's Fox News show ran with this informant's claims in at least 85 separate segments last year, including 28 monologues," he said. "He said they proved Joe Biden engaged in 'public corruption on a scale this country has never seen before.'"

Dr. Mary Trump, Ph.D., the niece of former President Donald Trump asked, "Can someone check on [Rep. James] Comer (R-KY) to see if he's ok?"

Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson agreed the House Oversight and Reform Committee chairman would be the one hardest hit by the news.

"Slow Jim Comer hardest hit," he said.

Former Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas noted that, since he came forward about the Giuliani scheme to bring down Biden, he's known that the $5 million bribe from Burisma was a lie.

"Absolute f---ng clown car of stupid," quipped University of Texas School of Law professor Lee Kovarsky.

"My favorite part of the breaking news about the FBI informant getting arrested today is that it was all done by the Special Counsel the Republicans demanded to investigate Hunter Biden. They literally beat the DOJ into submission and the guy is dismantling their entire case," noted Fred Wellman of MeidasTouch.

"I’d say this is a BFD, no? Once again, major parts of the Hunter Biden case falling apart due to lies by alleged 'witness'/'informants.'" said ex-Republican and Lincoln Project podcast host Tara Setmayer.

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3 hours ago, Malibu said:

The herd is finally acknowledging nuclear as being the logical alternative, if ultra cheap carbon captured natural gas isn't acceptable.



Personally I prefer the cheap natural gas approach here in the US.  We don't have enough "adults in the room" in corporations or the government to properly do nuclear on a large scale.

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1 hour ago, Gnarcore said:

According to your constitution slavery is active. AKA prison labor. 


Yeah.  Our prison system badly needs an overhaul.  It got even worse when some states privatized their prisons and turned them over to corporations.

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43 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Yeah.  Our prison system badly needs an overhaul.  It got even worse when some states privatized their prisons and turned them over to corporations.

Ya that is a subject I am pretty well versed on. Watched a lot of docs on your system and read a lot of articles. 

A good watch is The 13th on netflix 🙂

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18 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

CNN Legal Analyst Says Bombshell Indictment ‘Eviscerates’ GOP’s Biden Impeachment Case: ‘Completely Discredited’


Wasn't too long ago that the conservative posts were Hunter this and Hunter that lol. 


Learn nothing and move on to the next item on the outrage porn docket. 

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1 hour ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

CNN Legal Analyst Says Bombshell Indictment ‘Eviscerates’ GOP’s Biden Impeachment Case: ‘Completely Discredited’


Fox, unsurprisingly, has a different spin.  I wanted to see if they were even reporting on it.  They are.  The article begins with a reporting of the arrest and ends with Comer railing at the FBI and saying it does not matter, we'll get them anyway.







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Something popped up in my memory a couple of hours ago while I was doing something completely unrelated.  This fits into my worry about Democrats trying to bring in new voters. 


NYC Democrats have already tried to give the vote to people who aren't even US citizens.  Needless to say, a state judge struck the law down not long after it was passed since it was unconstitutional.


To be fair, NYC politicians aren't the best and brightest and aren't directly comparable to most national Democrats, but it goes to show that there are elements in that party that may try and "stuff the ballot" any way that they can including using non-citizen immigrants.



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3 hours ago, Gnarcore said:

Ya that is a subject I am pretty well versed on. Watched a lot of docs on your system and read a lot of articles. 

A good watch is The 13th on netflix 🙂

For a second there I thought that you spent some time in the slammer.

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Just now, CBH1926 said:

For a second there I thought that you spent some time in the slammer.

Nope. Just a subject that has always interested me. Under Harper we did away with things like law libraries and education programs while extending sentences and denying parole for minor shit with an attempt to privatize. There are certain things we could be more like the US in...not many these days but some...their prison system and culture is maybe the last thing we should emulate. 

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9 hours ago, Bob Long said:


she could actually make a big difference if she decides to encourage younger voters even more than she has. 


Why a Canadian would want Trump to win is beyond me, but I've given up on CanCon's making any rational sense. 



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8 minutes ago, Gnarcore said:

Nope. Just a subject that has always interested me. Under Harper we did away with things like law libraries and education programs while extending sentences and denying parole for minor shit with an attempt to privatize. There are certain things we could be more like the US in...not many these days but some...their prison system and culture is maybe the last thing we should emulate. 

Prison system is pretty bad, when it comes to culture are you talking about prison culture or just culture in general?

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17 hours ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

The case hasn't even been tried yet.  There is really no ethical violations regarding the two thus far.  There really isn't any grounds for dismissal.


The optics of the two, yes is messy.  And yes, at worse, they maybe should hand the case off. 


Thus giving a chance at a delay over seeing this trial happening prior to the election in November.  Team TRUMP gets a win with a delay.


It's definitely less than ideal, but I think it might be worse if she stays on:






It’s essential that the Fulton County prosecution not descend into a diversionary circus where the focus is on the prosecuting team’s misjudgments instead of the defendants’ misdeeds. Willis and Wade should voluntarily recuse themselves and allow other prosecutors to run the case.

This is critical for three reasons. First, Willis and Wade’s continued presence would create huge distractions as the trial approaches. The prosecutors should be focused on making their case in court, not managing rolling media frenzies surrounding extraneous matters.

Second, Willis and Wade stepping aside would limit the fallout over Wade’s invoices, something that should be getting more attention in this whole controversy. Wade hasn’t just billed Fulton County over $650,000 under Willis’ supervision; he’s done so in irregular fashion. For example, Wade billed 24 hours for the case in a single day. Standing alone, Wade’s billing practices warrant scrutiny. Combined with his personal relationship with Willis, they raise significant questions, including whether any of his outsized earnings have benefited Willis.




Moreover, even the prospect of this impropriety could allow Trump to assert a defense (in court and in the public square) that the cases against him are part of a pattern of prosecution that amounts to a witch hunt undertaken by a corrupt system.

Finally, and most importantly, Willis and Wade should recuse themselves because these controversies and even the appearance of corruption simply cannot be allowed to reach the jury and infect the trial. This could happen if the judge allows Trump’s attorneys to raise them in court. Or it could happen if the related media coverage reaches jurors outside the courthouse. If even one juror thinks Willis was motivated to prosecute Trump to enrich a romantic partner instead of to do justice, it could switch the verdict from guilty to not guilty. Jury trials often turn on far less.



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