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9 minutes ago, DSVII said:

I want to pose a question to those who are on the 'both sides' spectrum of this (i.e both sides are equally egregious) 


What are your thoughts on project 2025? As far as I know, only one side is pushing for this. There is no DNC equivalent of this.





Project 2025 is a paper published by the Heritage foundation which is training up the staff for the next Republican administration, it is frightening what they are planning on doing once they resume power. The heritage foundation is a strong think tank of the Republican party and Trump has endorsed and implemented their recommendations in his last term.


And despite all the lies in everything the Republicans are saying, I believe what they are telling me here.




Full 900 page document for those who want to read it. This is straight from their own sites and their own words


These folks know how to long term plan, Roe vs Wade and the conservative supreme court was a decades long project that culminated recently. So this should be taken very seriously. 


The first Trump presidency was a surprise to everyone, and these folks were not prepared to implement everything they had planned and Trump was roadblocked by a lot of the checks and balances of the office and the gridlock that ensued. This plan resolves to correct that and subscribes to the theory the president has absolute power on the executive branch.


It is based on Unitary Executive Theory that Article 2 of the constitution gives the President the ability to do whatever they want. And Hamilton's interpretation of executive theory but taken to the extreme. 


Some points of this plan:

  • Using a mechanism known as schedule F to fire 50,000+ federal employees and fill them with Republican loyalists, regardless of merit, purely ideological political beliefs and loyalty and recognizing the President as the ultimate authority. Those replaced are in the most part, career civil servants who upheld the law, regular government workers who pointed out to Trump in his first term that his actions weren't legal. 
  • Dismantle and defund the DOJ and FBI, break up the department of homeland security, education, commerce, health and human services
  • The White House takes full control of the agencies like FCC and FTC (Trade and Communications). (Basically if you want to compete and get a broadcast license? Tow the fox news line)
  • Anti-Climate change progress plan, the EPA is a target for dismantling and de-toothing. Trump rolled back 100+ environmental regulations in his first term, Biden came back and rolled those back, this would undo all of that and more.
  • All Federal agencies are directly controlled by the president rather than being independent, power is consolidated into the hands of the president
  • Put into policy all the culture war bs, every single state will be able to publish their version of revisionist history 
  • Prosecutions of anyone who distributes abortion pills by mail (backdoor to national ban) It's about domination, religion and control, not life.
  • While sex and sexual discrimination is allowed, religious views on traditional marriage, gender and sexuality will be strictly protected and enforced
  • Recommendations to reform education, voting rights, immigration on Christian biblical based ideologies
  • This is an excerpt from 2025 : "The next conservative President must make the institutions of American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors. This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists." 
    • I.e Use the stones to destroy the stones (Freedom of speech to destroy freedom of speech)
  • Eliminate the word 'gender', LGBT protections, edit title 7 of the civil rights act (can't discriminate on gender/sexuality) in all government departments (Mike Johnson, the current speaker, is on record for saying Homosexuality is deviant and should be punishable by law)
  • Full Criminalization of Pornography - absolutely outlawed, people who produce and distribute it to be imprisoned, librarians and educators who 'supply it' should have their institutions closed and registered as sex offenders (this includes books that don't have pictures but explicit details), telecommunications and tech firms that facilitate the spread of what is deemed pornography is done. (bye bye Netflix?)



I believe the response from the both sides crew was that there are safeguards in place and the Republicans won't be able to accomplish any of this....


I wish I shared that optimism.....

Edited by RupertKBD
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1 minute ago, RupertKBD said:


I believe the response from the both sides crew was that there are safeguards in place and the Republicans won't be able to accomplish any of this....


I wish I shared that optimism.....


This plan is drafted by the Heritage foundation, these are the brightest career politicans, lawyers and legal scholars who can find every loophole and exploit it to their benefit. The constitution is not immune, you can already see them perverting the 1st amendment to destroy 1st amendment rights for others.


Everyone thought Roe V Wade was safe, these folks proved it wrong. The safeguards aren't as strong as they think they are

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17 minutes ago, DSVII said:

This plan is drafted by the Heritage foundation,

The name, by itself, is enough to start my warning bells. Give them credit- it is much easier to say than "Women pregnant and work the stove, while the colored folk plow the field, foundation"

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37 minutes ago, DSVII said:


This plan is drafted by the Heritage foundation, these are the brightest career politicans, lawyers and legal scholars who can find every loophole and exploit it to their benefit. The constitution is not immune, you can already see them perverting the 1st amendment to destroy 1st amendment rights for others.


Everyone thought Roe V Wade was safe, these folks proved it wrong. The safeguards aren't as strong as they think they are


20 minutes ago, Gurn said:

The name, by itself, is enough to start my warning bells. Give them credit- it is much easier to say than "Women pregnant and work the stove, while the colored folk plow the field, foundation"


IIRC, the Heritage Foundation is (and was) heavily involved in right wing Judicial appointments, including the suggestion of ACB to president Peach.....

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2 hours ago, DSVII said:

I want to pose a question to those who are on the 'both sides' spectrum of this (i.e both sides are equally egregious) 


What are your thoughts on project 2025? As far as I know, only one side is pushing for this. There is no DNC equivalent of this.





Project 2025 is a paper published by the Heritage foundation which is training up the staff for the next Republican administration, it is frightening what they are planning on doing once they resume power. The heritage foundation is a strong think tank of the Republican party and Trump has endorsed and implemented their recommendations in his last term.


And despite all the lies in everything the Republicans are saying, I believe what they are telling me here.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025#:~:text=The plan proposes slashing U.S.,Departments of Education and Commerce.


Full 900 page document for those who want to read it. This is straight from their own sites and their own words



These folks know how to long term plan, Roe vs Wade and the conservative supreme court was a decades long project that culminated recently. So this should be taken very seriously. 


The first Trump presidency was a surprise to everyone, and these folks were not prepared to implement everything they had planned and Trump was roadblocked by a lot of the checks and balances of the office and the gridlock that ensued. This plan resolves to correct that and subscribes to the theory the president has absolute power on the executive branch.


It is based on Unitary Executive Theory that Article 2 of the constitution gives the President the ability to do whatever they want. And Hamilton's interpretation of executive theory but taken to the extreme. 


Some points of this plan:

  • Using a mechanism known as schedule F to fire 50,000+ federal employees and fill them with Republican loyalists, regardless of merit, purely ideological political beliefs and loyalty and recognizing the President as the ultimate authority. Those replaced are in the most part, career civil servants who upheld the law, regular government workers who pointed out to Trump in his first term that his actions weren't legal. 
  • Dismantle and defund the DOJ and FBI, break up the department of homeland security, education, commerce, health and human services
  • The White House takes full control of the agencies like FCC and FTC (Trade and Communications). (Basically if you want to compete and get a broadcast license? Tow the fox news line)
  • Anti-Climate change progress plan, the EPA is a target for dismantling and de-toothing. Trump rolled back 100+ environmental regulations in his first term, Biden came back and rolled those back, this would undo all of that and more.
  • All Federal agencies are directly controlled by the president rather than being independent, power is consolidated into the hands of the president
  • Put into policy all the culture war bs, every single state will be able to publish their version of revisionist history 
  • Prosecutions of anyone who distributes abortion pills by mail (backdoor to national ban) It's about domination, religion and control, not life.
  • While sex and sexual discrimination is allowed, religious views on traditional marriage, gender and sexuality will be strictly protected and enforced
  • Recommendations to reform education, voting rights, immigration on Christian biblical based ideologies
  • This is an excerpt from 2025 : "The next conservative President must make the institutions of American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors. This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists." 
    • I.e Use the stones to destroy the stones (Freedom of speech to destroy freedom of speech)
  • Eliminate the word 'gender', LGBT protections, edit title 7 of the civil rights act (can't discriminate on gender/sexuality) in all government departments (Mike Johnson, the current speaker, is on record for saying Homosexuality is deviant and should be punishable by law)
  • Full Criminalization of Pornography - absolutely outlawed, people who produce and distribute it to be imprisoned, librarians and educators who 'supply it' should have their institutions closed and registered as sex offenders (this includes books that don't have pictures but explicit details), telecommunications and tech firms that facilitate the spread of what is deemed pornography is done. (bye bye Netflix?)

    From the wiki
  • In November 2023, The Washington Post reported that deploying the military for domestic law enforcement under the Insurrection Act would be an "immediate priority" upon a second Trump inauguration in 2025. That aspect of the plan was being led by Jeffrey Clark, a Trump co-defendant in the Georgia election racketeering prosecution and an unnamed co-conspirator in the federal prosecution of Trump for alleged election obstruction. Clark is a senior fellow at the Center for Renewing America, a Project 2025 partner.[40] The plan also reportedly includes directing the DOJ to pursue those Trump considers disloyal or political adversaries. After the Post story was published online, a Heritage spokesman said there were no plans related to the Insurrection Act or targeting of political enemies within Project 2025



Reading that - what's then the difference between an absolute monarch and a PotUS under this logic?  (I see very little difference.)  I thought their whole idea was to step out from under monarchy and enfranchise "the people"?

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10 minutes ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:


Reading that - what's then the difference between an absolute monarch and a PotUS under this logic?  (I see very little difference.)  I thought their whole idea was to step out from under monarchy and enfranchise "the people"?


The president's role on paper is still 'in check' by the other branches, but the general plan revolves around flooding every part of the government with MAGA loyalists so that those safeguards just okays everything the president does.


Not to mention with everything under their control, we'll see a lot more gerrymandered maps from the conservative courts to provide that checkmark of legitimacy for the skewed elections.


In practice, in times of emergency, the President can assume almost dictatorial powers, such as during the Civil war with Lincoln. He was theoretically a dictator during the state of emergency, instated martial law for certain parts of the country and suspended habeas corpus.  It was to his credit that his interpretation of the constitution was less cynical and power grabby and he truly made those powers temporary. 


Edited by DSVII
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3 hours ago, DSVII said:

I want to pose a question to those who are on the 'both sides' spectrum of this (i.e both sides are equally egregious) 


What are your thoughts on project 2025? As far as I know, only one side is pushing for this. There is no DNC equivalent of this.





Project 2025 is a paper published by the Heritage foundation which is training up the staff for the next Republican administration, it is frightening what they are planning on doing once they resume power. The heritage foundation is a strong think tank of the Republican party and Trump has endorsed and implemented their recommendations in his last term.


And despite all the lies in everything the Republicans are saying, I believe what they are telling me here.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025#:~:text=The plan proposes slashing U.S.,Departments of Education and Commerce.


Full 900 page document for those who want to read it. This is straight from their own sites and their own words



These folks know how to long term plan, Roe vs Wade and the conservative supreme court was a decades long project that culminated recently. So this should be taken very seriously. 


The first Trump presidency was a surprise to everyone, and these folks were not prepared to implement everything they had planned and Trump was roadblocked by a lot of the checks and balances of the office and the gridlock that ensued. This plan resolves to correct that and subscribes to the theory the president has absolute power on the executive branch.


It is based on Unitary Executive Theory that Article 2 of the constitution gives the President the ability to do whatever they want. And Hamilton's interpretation of executive theory but taken to the extreme. 


Some points of this plan:

  • Using a mechanism known as schedule F to fire 50,000+ federal employees and fill them with Republican loyalists, regardless of merit, purely ideological political beliefs and loyalty and recognizing the President as the ultimate authority. Those replaced are in the most part, career civil servants who upheld the law, regular government workers who pointed out to Trump in his first term that his actions weren't legal. 
  • Dismantle and defund the DOJ and FBI, break up the department of homeland security, education, commerce, health and human services
  • The White House takes full control of the agencies like FCC and FTC (Trade and Communications). (Basically if you want to compete and get a broadcast license? Tow the fox news line)
  • Anti-Climate change progress plan, the EPA is a target for dismantling and de-toothing. Trump rolled back 100+ environmental regulations in his first term, Biden came back and rolled those back, this would undo all of that and more.
  • All Federal agencies are directly controlled by the president rather than being independent, power is consolidated into the hands of the president
  • Put into policy all the culture war bs, every single state will be able to publish their version of revisionist history 
  • Prosecutions of anyone who distributes abortion pills by mail (backdoor to national ban) It's about domination, religion and control, not life.
  • While sex and sexual discrimination is allowed, religious views on traditional marriage, gender and sexuality will be strictly protected and enforced
  • Recommendations to reform education, voting rights, immigration on Christian biblical based ideologies
  • This is an excerpt from 2025 : "The next conservative President must make the institutions of American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors. This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists." 
    • I.e Use the stones to destroy the stones (Freedom of speech to destroy freedom of speech)
  • Eliminate the word 'gender', LGBT protections, edit title 7 of the civil rights act (can't discriminate on gender/sexuality) in all government departments (Mike Johnson, the current speaker, is on record for saying Homosexuality is deviant and should be punishable by law)
  • Full Criminalization of Pornography - absolutely outlawed, people who produce and distribute it to be imprisoned, librarians and educators who 'supply it' should have their institutions closed and registered as sex offenders (this includes books that don't have pictures but explicit details), telecommunications and tech firms that facilitate the spread of what is deemed pornography is done. (bye bye Netflix?)

    From the wiki
  • In November 2023, The Washington Post reported that deploying the military for domestic law enforcement under the Insurrection Act would be an "immediate priority" upon a second Trump inauguration in 2025. That aspect of the plan was being led by Jeffrey Clark, a Trump co-defendant in the Georgia election racketeering prosecution and an unnamed co-conspirator in the federal prosecution of Trump for alleged election obstruction. Clark is a senior fellow at the Center for Renewing America, a Project 2025 partner.[40] The plan also reportedly includes directing the DOJ to pursue those Trump considers disloyal or political adversaries. After the Post story was published online, a Heritage spokesman said there were no plans related to the Insurrection Act or targeting of political enemies within Project 2025


This is literally communism based on religious ideologies.  Destroy all oversight run everything through the white house and strip citizens of the rights of freedom to the betterment of the few.


This is basically communism with religious extremism that is little different than sharia law


This will result in civl war at best and literally an open board and field for every dictator and rogue state in the world who will effectively be given free run with the US useless to step in and help

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1 hour ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:

Reading that - what's then the difference between an absolute monarch and a PotUS under this logic?  (I see very little difference.)  I thought their whole idea was to step out from under monarchy and enfranchise "the people"?


Me too....they even fought a war over it, IIRC.


Now these so-called "patriots" seem to want a new King.....

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I tell ya....this "Witch Hunt" just keeps on finding Witches......






n a series of reports shared Friday with district attorneys' offices in the state, the bipartisan ethics panel laid out evidence of an alleged scheme to direct funds to the campaign of Adam Steen, a Trump-endorsed Republican who in 2022 unsuccessfully ran to unseat Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, one of the most powerful lawmakers in the state.

Vos, who once likened Trump to the iceberg that sank the Titanic, ultimately defeated Steen by a narrow margin. But the commission found "probable cause" to refer three county Republican parties, Steen's campaign, eight individuals and Trump's leadership PAC, Save America, to law enforcement for felony campaign finance violations.




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4 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Trump given 30 days to find $454M as Engoron officially files civil fraud ruling



What are the consequences if he chooses not to provide the cash?  Does he get tossed in jail or do they proceed to take his assets and liquidate them until the judgement value is met (and force him into bankruptcy if it's not enough)?

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3 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Trump given 30 days to find $454M as Engoron officially files civil fraud ruling



It gets better....according to Lisa Rubin, this judgement accrues interest of around $111k per day....


Forget shoes....Trump better start selling these, because Letty James has him by the balls....



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8 minutes ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:


What are the consequences if he chooses not to provide the cash?  Does he get tossed in jail or do they proceed to take his assets and liquidate them until the judgement value is met (and force him into bankruptcy if it's not enough)?

I think after 30 days, it's time to collect.  Part of the appeal process is to put up a bond for the judgement amount.  He has 30 days to do that.  The E. Jean Carroll case is coming up soon to the 30 day window for him to put up the bond for an appeal.

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New York Attorney General Letitia James said her office will seize Donald Trump's assets, including his prized Manhattan skyscrapers, if he can't scrape together the cash to pay a $350 million-plus fine in his civil fraud verdict.

“If he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek judgment enforcement mechanisms in court, and we will ask the judge to seize his assets,” James told ABC News on Tuesday.



Edited by Gurn
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2 minutes ago, Gurn said:





New York Attorney General Letitia James said her office will seize Donald Trump's assets, including his prized Manhattan skyscrapers, if he can't scrape together the cash to pay a $350 million-plus fine in his civil fraud verdict.

“If he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek judgment enforcement mechanisms in court, and we will ask the judge to seize his assets,” James told ABC News on Tuesday.




I guess the question is, when she goes to sell the penthouse, does she list it at 11,000 sq ft, or 30,000 sq ft? :classic_unsure:

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2 hours ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Trump Stumbles Through Bonkers Rant About ‘Evil’ Joe Biden ‘Persecuting Christians’ — And Migrants Pouring Over ‘Steak Mountain’





I have a theory that he's addressing specific QAnon ideas with these weird statements. 


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3 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


I guess the question is, when she goes to sell the penthouse, does she list it at 11,000 sq ft, or 30,000 sq ft? :classic_unsure:

I'm hoping for a quick, reduced price sale, and move on to the next sellable asset.

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5 hours ago, DSVII said:

I want to pose a question to those who are on the 'both sides' spectrum of this (i.e both sides are equally egregious) 


What are your thoughts on project 2025? As far as I know, only one side is pushing for this. There is no DNC equivalent of this.





Project 2025 is a paper published by the Heritage foundation which is training up the staff for the next Republican administration, it is frightening what they are planning on doing once they resume power. The heritage foundation is a strong think tank of the Republican party and Trump has endorsed and implemented their recommendations in his last term.


And despite all the lies in everything the Republicans are saying, I believe what they are telling me here.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025#:~:text=The plan proposes slashing U.S.,Departments of Education and Commerce.


Full 900 page document for those who want to read it. This is straight from their own sites and their own words



These folks know how to long term plan, Roe vs Wade and the conservative supreme court was a decades long project that culminated recently. So this should be taken very seriously. 


The first Trump presidency was a surprise to everyone, and these folks were not prepared to implement everything they had planned and Trump was roadblocked by a lot of the checks and balances of the office and the gridlock that ensued. This plan resolves to correct that and subscribes to the theory the president has absolute power on the executive branch.


It is based on Unitary Executive Theory that Article 2 of the constitution gives the President the ability to do whatever they want. And Hamilton's interpretation of executive theory but taken to the extreme. 


Some points of this plan:

  • Using a mechanism known as schedule F to fire 50,000+ federal employees and fill them with Republican loyalists, regardless of merit, purely ideological political beliefs and loyalty and recognizing the President as the ultimate authority. Those replaced are in the most part, career civil servants who upheld the law, regular government workers who pointed out to Trump in his first term that his actions weren't legal. 
  • Dismantle and defund the DOJ and FBI, break up the department of homeland security, education, commerce, health and human services
  • The White House takes full control of the agencies like FCC and FTC (Trade and Communications). (Basically if you want to compete and get a broadcast license? Tow the fox news line)
  • Anti-Climate change progress plan, the EPA is a target for dismantling and de-toothing. Trump rolled back 100+ environmental regulations in his first term, Biden came back and rolled those back, this would undo all of that and more.
  • All Federal agencies are directly controlled by the president rather than being independent, power is consolidated into the hands of the president
  • Put into policy all the culture war bs, every single state will be able to publish their version of revisionist history 
  • Prosecutions of anyone who distributes abortion pills by mail (backdoor to national ban) It's about domination, religion and control, not life.
  • While sex and sexual discrimination is allowed, religious views on traditional marriage, gender and sexuality will be strictly protected and enforced
  • Recommendations to reform education, voting rights, immigration on Christian biblical based ideologies
  • This is an excerpt from 2025 : "The next conservative President must make the institutions of American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors. This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists." 
    • I.e Use the stones to destroy the stones (Freedom of speech to destroy freedom of speech)
  • Eliminate the word 'gender', LGBT protections, edit title 7 of the civil rights act (can't discriminate on gender/sexuality) in all government departments (Mike Johnson, the current speaker, is on record for saying Homosexuality is deviant and should be punishable by law)
  • Full Criminalization of Pornography - absolutely outlawed, people who produce and distribute it to be imprisoned, librarians and educators who 'supply it' should have their institutions closed and registered as sex offenders (this includes books that don't have pictures but explicit details), telecommunications and tech firms that facilitate the spread of what is deemed pornography is done. (bye bye Netflix?)

    From the wiki
  • In November 2023, The Washington Post reported that deploying the military for domestic law enforcement under the Insurrection Act would be an "immediate priority" upon a second Trump inauguration in 2025. That aspect of the plan was being led by Jeffrey Clark, a Trump co-defendant in the Georgia election racketeering prosecution and an unnamed co-conspirator in the federal prosecution of Trump for alleged election obstruction. Clark is a senior fellow at the Center for Renewing America, a Project 2025 partner.[40] The plan also reportedly includes directing the DOJ to pursue those Trump considers disloyal or political adversaries. After the Post story was published online, a Heritage spokesman said there were no plans related to the Insurrection Act or targeting of political enemies within Project 2025




I think some of these are already public knowledge.  Some of those are dead in the water, especially the power to president claim.  That's a stupid idea.  They don't win the White House often enough for that to benefit them.  The Democrats play the gerrymander game as good or better than they do so they'll likely never have a super-majority either.


They're also going to try and radically reform Social Security.  First it will start with raising the age that people can start collecting benefits and then they'll try and privatize the trillions of dollars involved into the hands of the people who legally bribe them.


It's one of the reasons why the GOP wanted DeSantis over Trump.  Trump doesn't want to mess with Social Security and DeSantis would have been a good and obedient dog and would have done as he was told.


There's a reason why people think that there's a fair chance that the US will be splitting into at least 2 separately autonomous entities in the future.  One power base wants an increasingly socialist based state while the other increasingly wants a religious based repressive one.  Both sides are as diametrically opposed as two sides could be.

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3 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:

while the other increasingly wants a religious based repressive one.  Both sides are as diametrically opposed as two sides could be.

hopefully, as part of the divorce, the more socialist side gets custody of the nukes.


Nothing scares me more than the thought of religious folk being in charge of weapons of mass destruction. Those folk actually believe they are going to a better place after they die- and I don't want them rushing things

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10 minutes ago, Gurn said:





New York Attorney General Letitia James said her office will seize Donald Trump's assets, including his prized Manhattan skyscrapers, if he can't scrape together the cash to pay a $350 million-plus fine in his civil fraud verdict.

“If he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek judgment enforcement mechanisms in court, and we will ask the judge to seize his assets,” James told ABC News on Tuesday.




Trump is dragging his feet on the appeal.  If she does file, he'll get moving and seek temporary relief through the appellate court.  He's going to do everything he can to drag as many of these court cases past election day.  If he gets elected, he'll have some leverage with these cases.

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