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26 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Sure I agree. People have interest in politics. I get it. However, there is interest in politics and then there is an obsession to spend your entire day in political threads constantly criticizing the shit you don’t like as well as obsessively attacking the people who like the other shit you hate. 

Does this type of behaviour happen in the Mafia and Chess threads? 

Don’t know, actually I don’t know if there is a chess thread anymore and only wandered into the mafia thread by mistake as a noob. Ate me up and spit me out. 🤪


Obsession is pretty subjective though. I think most of us think we spend just about the right amount of time online and in all sorts of threads that interest us. As for attacks there are certain posts that invite them. I get my back up by phrases like “only a moron would think” or “anybody who knows anything would agree.” Likewise the argument that someone is “a fanboy” because they explained how the system works whether it’s about Jim Benning or Justin Trudeau. 


People are passionate about things so emotions sometimes get volatile. I don’t think that is necessarily bad and when it is I trust the mods to sort it out.

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3 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Pointing out a fact isn't sour grapes.  It's called pointing out a fact.  If you don't agree with it, that's your opinion, and you are allowed to have an opinion.  Again, saying I have sour grapes goes back to trying to attack the poster once again instead of actually trying to have a debate...


I don't see "sour grapes" as being an attack. It's just how the other person views your post. It IS their opinion.


This is what I mean: you have control over how you react and view other people's posts which can make all the difference.

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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Pointing out a fact isn't sour grapes.  It's called pointing out a fact.  If you don't agree with it, that's your opinion, and you are allowed to have an opinion.  Again, saying I have sour grapes goes back to trying to attack the poster once again instead of actually trying to have a debate...

I agree that we are all entitled to our opinions.  I believe you were not pointing out a fact. You were just voicing an opinion.   As I did.

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2 minutes ago, 4petesake said:

Don’t know, actually I don’t know if there is a chess thread anymore and only wandered into the mafia thread by mistake as a noob. Ate me up and spit me out. 🤪


Obsession is pretty subjective though. I think most of us think we spend just about the right amount of time online and in all sorts of threads that interest us. As for attacks there are certain posts that invite them. I get my back up by phrases like “only a moron would think” or “anybody who knows anything would agree.” Likewise the argument that someone is “a fanboy” because they explained how the system works whether it’s about Jim Benning or Justin Trudeau. 


People are passionate about things so emotions sometimes get volatile. I don’t think that is necessarily bad and when it is I trust the mods to sort it out.


I agree.  And you are one of the posters that someone can have an actual debate with without it escalating into personal attacks.  Those phrases would indeed invite a response.  Calling someone a moron is a personal attack, and IMO you would have the right to respond back and defend yourself in that situation...

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4 hours ago, CBH1926 said:

But you know as well as I do, if this guy wins and shit hits the fan overseas, we are getting involved no matter what.


People said that before his first term also.  Trump was enough of a wildcard that nothing big really happened because nobody knew how he would respond. 


The only country I worry about with Trump is China.  China wants Taiwan back and I'm not sure how Trump would react if they attacked while he was president.

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1 hour ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

This is what is important to Republicans?


Jim Jordan Vows To Get To The Bottom Of ‘Woke’ Google AI That Brought The World ‘Black George Washington’



Republicans are angry that their twitter accounts are suspended, so it must be that the government is colluding with businesses to illegally restrict freedom of speech? Is that what they're saying? The last time I checked, corporations don't owe anyone a platform. I'm not sure how an AI image generator fits into all of this.

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4 hours ago, RupertKBD said:

I agree that they don't give a shit....that has been proven time and again.


FTR, I understand and agree with everything Honig says, but none of this explains why they declined to hear the case in December and then changed their minds now.


Nobody has been able to answer that question for me. Honig doubts that they're running interference for Trump, but there must be a reason for the change of heart. I'd just like to know what that reason is, and I'd wager so would a lot of Americans. (present company excepted, apparently)


If the SCOTUS Justices actually care about their public perception and approval rating (and the complaining from the likes of Roberts, Alito and ACB suggests they do) they aren't doing themselves any favors here.


The SCOTUS cares about it's public perception up to a point.  You seem to want to believe there's a plan and something nefarious going on.  Has anything substantial within the court changed in the previous 3 months?  My guess would be, various assistants and SCOTUS justices finally got whichever justices who wanted it to continue to be litigated in the lower courts to relent and finally agree to take the case.


Also, I wouldn't be surprised if the former majority in the SCOTUS was attempting to sidestep this entire case completely.  This is going to be extremely time consuming for them.  Whatever they decide, or more specifically "say in their majority opinion" will be parsed and picked apart for decades to come.  Any unintentional ambiguity could tip the scales of power and change the face of government in the US or just as bad if not worse, introduce over-accountability and weaken the office of the president.  Presidents should be held accountable to the voters and not the legal system.


I don't envy the SCOTUS in this, but it's what they signed up for.


Those are my best "on the spot" guesses.  I hope that's a bit of what you were looking for?

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3 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


The Jack Smith cases are not lawsuits. They're criminal Indictments that were handed down by non-partisan Grand Juries.....


Sorry.  Slip of the tongue/brain fart.  I was using the terms interchangeably when I shouldn't be.


Now I'm wondering if I did the same thing/faux pas at my nieces b-day party today when we were all talking about this.  Yikes...  😬

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2 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


I agree that they don't give a shit....that has been proven time and again.


FTR, I understand and agree with everything Honig says, but none of this explains why they declined to hear the case in December and then changed their minds now.


Nobody has been able to answer that question for me. Honig doubts that they're running interference for Trump, but there must be a reason for the change of heart. I'd just like to know what that reason is, and I'd wager so would a lot of Americans. (present company excepted, apparently)


If the SCOTUS Justices actually care about their public perception and approval rating (and the complaining from the likes of Roberts, Alito and ACB suggests they do) they aren't doing themselves any favors here.

SCOTUS can hardly vote in favour of Presidents having full immunity from prosecution.  It would reveal their insanity if not question their cosy existence.

SCOTUS scared shitless of voting against Trump and ending up atop Trump's imaginary list for vengeful extinction when he sits next in his oval office.

Smith anticipated Trump's antics by asking SCOTUS for a swift, simple pre-trial ruling.  Yes/No, so easy.  Jack exposed their colors for all to see.

So they will kick that can as far down the road as palatable until they can weasel out of their constitutional responsibility altogether with a Trump win.

SCOTUS also well aware that Dems won't hold them to account anyway, in the unlikely event Biden triumphs over corruption.


Trump can easily pay any fines judgments, Saudies already gave $2Billion to Jared early for 'cleaning', in preparation for these expected court verdicts.

If not Saudi, then Oligarchs of Putin.  Even Musk views these fines as pocket change - a pittance to pay for control of the US economy and security.

Trump plays the simpleton to a fault, distracting mainstream media perfectly while behind the curtain, wrecking-balls smash US institutions into citizen impotency.

Trump'll be hauled off anyway once voted in, likely replaced by one of the more seriously scary dark artists, now forming long line-ups in the wings.

Libs be powerless due to political/electoral rigging; they lost the plot by politically sidelining a popular Bernie from standing in the last election.

Can't blame those disgruntled Lib voters for a disgruntled apathy to not vote again, or worse even choosing Trump's lies in protest.

US voters once groaned bitterly about having to vote between a peanut farmer and an actor, but where's the public outrage given today's choice?

Two senile, barely coherent old farts, pandering pathetically to industialized, crooked commerce or a false prophet of an oppressive Gilead utopia.

Only difference today is those paymasters no longer care that voters see through their paid-for hoax as 'Leaders of the Free World'.

We can just go fuck ourselves.



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3 hours ago, The Lock said:


You can yes, I've done it myself with posters both side. However, you have to generally give to get. Even if someone attacks at first, your response generally will dictate how it goes. If you lash back at the person, the response is not going to be great. If, however, you listen to what the other person is saying and actually give a constructive response, you will mostly end up with a great conversation with the other side.


Yet, a lot of people don't seem to realise this. They react thinking it's on the other person to respond with the respect they want and then complain when they lash out back at the person. The phrase "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" has a lot of merit here, just most people when they post their opinion don't follow that and feel threatened when their opinion gets challenged.


100%.  Well said, my friend...

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3 hours ago, Satchmo said:

False.   I would say some are but the case for election interference is not.  IMHO that is the one that cannot be ignored.


They ignored it for 2 years.  It was only brought up when it was because it was/is politically expedient to do so. 


The best that they are likely to get out of this if Trump loses this election is his house arrest.  If he wins the election, the federal cases will disappear and just before he leaves office, he'll write himself a big fat blanket pardon which won't likely be contested by the Democrats because he'll be out of politics for good and will no longer be a threat to their power.


These cases are political and as such, they look to become at the whim of the election base.


That said, he's not out of the woods in his NY criminal case. 


The big one in Georgia is on life support though because of the antics of that idiot ADA who is claiming racism because she can't keep it in her pants.

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10 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


They ignored it for 2 years.  It was only brought up when it was because it was/is politically expedient to do so. 


The best that they are likely to get out of this if Trump loses this election is his house arrest.  If he wins the election, the federal cases will disappear and just before he leaves office, he'll write himself a big fat blanket pardon which won't likely be contested by the Democrats because he'll be out of politics for good and will no longer be a threat to their power.


These cases are political and as such, they look to become at the whim of the election base.


That said, he's not out of the woods in his NY criminal case. 


The big one in Georgia is on life support though because of the antics of that idiot ADA who is claiming racism because she can't keep it in her pants.

Important points perhaps but none prove all charges were politically motivated.     

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I've been popping into the politics threads for about a decade.


I have learned tons and am very thankful for those that constantly post. I am also thankful that there are some very bright folk that challenge some of the nonsense that is posted. 


So, please keep it up. I dont think I have ever been really triggered because none of you know me. The victims in this thread should maybe take a break or stick to other threads if they cant do the same... realise that we are anonymous here.  I firmly believe if you are willing to discuss and debate with honesty...post sources, back up your claims... that these threads are some of the best. The bright folk i talk about will chat away with respect. But, if you are disingenuous or ignorant... they will give you the gears.


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52 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


They ignored it for 2 years.  It was only brought up when it was because it was/is politically expedient to do so. 


The best that they are likely to get out of this if Trump loses this election is his house arrest.  If he wins the election, the federal cases will disappear and just before he leaves office, he'll write himself a big fat blanket pardon which won't likely be contested by the Democrats because he'll be out of politics for good and will no longer be a threat to their power.


These cases are political and as such, they look to become at the whim of the election base.


That said, he's not out of the woods in his NY criminal case. 


The big one in Georgia is on life support though because of the antics of that idiot ADA who is claiming racism because she can't keep it in her pants.


Did they? Or were they waiting for the Jan 6th Committee report? Or when the Fake Electors scheme came to light?

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30 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

He loves her "handshakes" 🥸





"There's a sucker born every minute"  (aka GOP voter)

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1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:


They ignored it for 2 years.  It was only brought up when it was because it was/is politically expedient to do so. 


The best that they are likely to get out of this if Trump loses this election is his house arrest.  If he wins the election, the federal cases will disappear and just before he leaves office, he'll write himself a big fat blanket pardon which won't likely be contested by the Democrats because he'll be out of politics for good and will no longer be a threat to their power.


These cases are political and as such, they look to become at the whim of the election base.


That said, he's not out of the woods in his NY criminal case. 


The big one in Georgia is on life support though because of the antics of that idiot ADA who is claiming racism because she can't keep it in her pants.

*ALOT* tougher to "win" in a criminal case.  Believe me as I've been on "jury duty' multiple times (criminal & civil).  I can't get more than three numbers on the lottery but when jury duty selection time comes....I always get 'that envelope'.  

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8 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

He loves her "handshakes" 🥸





"There's a sucker born every minute"  (aka GOP voter)

Could probably get a weekend with Hoebert with those Trump Bucks.  The antibiotics you'd need after that wouldn't come cheap though.

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27 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

He loves her "handshakes" 🥸





"There's a sucker born every minute"  (aka GOP voter)



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