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John Oliver pointed something out on last night's show.....Eric's birthday is on January 6th.....:classic_ohmy:


"So Mr. President, how did the family celebrate your son's 37th birthday?"


"Oh, you know, the usual.....had some cake....opened a few presents.....tried to overthrow democracy......just a fun day all around....."

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17 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Shows the maturity level of the MAGA crowd. They are morans. 


have you ever seen that Kimmel bit where Americans can't point out their own state on a map? people just aren't as engaged there in the details. You very likely know far more than the average American about whats happening in their system. 

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SCOTUS has overturned lower court rulings that kept Trump off the ballot. No surprise there....




Hopefully we get a ruling on presidential immunity quickly, so Jack Smith can either get back to business, or Joe Biden can order Special Forces to take out Trump.....

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22 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:

SCOTUS has overturned lower court rulings that kept Trump off the ballot. No surprise there....




Hopefully we get a ruling on presidential immunity quickly, so Jack Smith can either get back to business, or Joe Biden can order Special Forces to take out Trump.....


I think we can all guess how this is going to go. His scotus lackeys will find a seam to let him off the hook, while not explicitly allowing immunity. 

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1 minute ago, Bob Long said:


I think we can all guess how this is going to go. His scotus lackeys will find a seam to let him off the hook, while not explicitly allowing immunity. 

It’s almost like the more of a criminal Orange Baby is the more the MAGA morans like the guy. 

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2 minutes ago, Alflives said:

It’s almost like the more of a criminal Orange Baby is the more the MAGA morans like the guy. 


Americans love a show. And an underdog. What concerns me about all these failed court cases is he can convince a lot of them that he is the "underdog". Americans can't resist that. 

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17 hours ago, RupertKBD said:

Everyone and their dog knew that Trump's gambit would be to delay and try and run out the clock. If Smith could have Indicted a year earlier and given himself extra time to make sure the cases got to trial, he would have done so.


He was only appointed special prosecutor a little over a year ago.  He couldn't have brought the charges earlier.  He hadn't had the position yet.


He hurried to get the charges through as it was so they would dog Trump while he was running. 


I remember a White House hummer taking longer to investigate after they even found DNA evidence on a dress. 




Mini-tangent time!!  Speaking of the Whitewater investigation, that was the single biggest abuse of using a special prosecutor that I have ever seen in my lifetime.  They went on a fishing expedition.  When they couldn't find any bad real estate dealings, they then moved on and tried to prove Big Willy had someone killed.  When that turned out to actually be the suicide that it was reported to be, they then land on a loose lipped intern with a stain on her dress.  That there will always be the most ridiculously political investigation in my lifetime.


Because of that abuse, every president after Slick Willy made sure to appoint a lackey to head up the DoJ.  That's why nobody was surprised when Trump did the same with Sessions and then with Barr the enabler.

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14 hours ago, CBH1926 said:

If people didn’t know how was he going to react in his first term, after 8 years in the spotlight, I think that changed. Ukraine would be the first one to find out. I have followed Russian and pro Russian media ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union. There is a reason why they have been pushing for him and have been very excited about the prospect of him winning again.


If Putin wins in Ukraine, for sure he is moving the front lines over to Moldavia or Armenia and further destabilizing Europe. Latvia and Estonia have a very high Russian population. Trump wouldn’t engage Putin over any of those countries and Europeans aren’t doing anything without the Americans.


Since some people here prefer CNN still, the Russians, according to them, have lost 87% of their troops and 2/3 of all of it's tanks, and 1/3 of their lite fighting vehicles.  I'm amazed Putin still has such a grip on power after his troops were so badly exposed.





It's going to take Russia years to build back their ground forces to the point where just the UK and/or France can't overwhelm their advances.  As far as Russia goes, the only thing keeping them from being invaded by the paper tiger EU is their nuclear arsenal.

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1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:


He was only appointed special prosecutor a little over a year ago.  He couldn't have brought the charges earlier.  He hadn't had the position yet.


He hurried to get the charges through as it was so they would dog Trump while he was running. 


I remember a White House hummer taking longer to investigate after they even found DNA evidence on a dress. 




Mini-tangent time!!  Speaking of the Whitewater investigation, that was the single biggest abuse of using a special prosecutor that I have ever seen in my lifetime.  They went on a fishing expedition.  When they couldn't find any bad real estate dealings, they then moved on and tried to prove Big Willy had someone killed.  When that turned out to actually be the suicide that it was reported to be, they then land on a loose lipped intern with a stain on her dress.  That there will always be the most ridiculously political investigation in my lifetime.


Because of that abuse, every president after Slick Willy made sure to appoint a lackey to head up the DoJ.  That's why nobody was surprised when Trump did the same with Sessions and then with Barr the enabler.


I already made that exact point....in response to someone who asked why he didn't Indict in August of 2022....


I disagree that he "hurried" the charges through, just to mess up Trump's election plans. That being said, I understand why you have to make that assumption, since your entire argument of these charges being election interference, instead of actual consequences for his criminals actions, is predicated on it....

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We have a resident poster who likes to think that Biden will drop out.


History tells us that is a bad idea.  in '52 and '68, the incumbent Democrat POTUS did not seek re-election.  The Democrats lost the Presidency both times.


Fetch isn't going to happen.

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53 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:



Trump has a new "reason" for this.....He's doing it "on purpose" to troll JB and Barry.....or whatever....He's now using this excuse as a blanket explanation for all his verbal gaffes. It's also why he was mixing up Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi.....


One thing you have to give Bone Spurs credit for....he's got a lie ready for every occasion....:classic_rolleyes:

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Today's USA supreme court ruling putting Trump back in the ballot in Colorado ends the fight 

The USA has officially begun the move from a Republic to a monarchy. The minute the court exempted Trump the whole foundation on which the US Constitution as a republic was founded .... Became moot


Trump will win and will not leave office until a time of his choosing or passing 


A constitution that isn't applicable to a president ( past or present ) re created monarchy rule which the USA fought England over 


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Just now, Sapper said:

Today's USA supreme court ruling putting Trump back in the ballot in Colorado ends the fight 

The USA has officially begun the move from a Republic to a monarchy. The minute the court exempted Trump the whole foundation on which the US Constitution as a republic was founded .... Became moot


Trump will win and will not leave office until a time of his choosing or passing 


A constitution that isn't applicable to a president ( past or present ) re created monarchy rule which the USA fought England over


I think this gambit was doomed from the get-go and I held out almost no hope that it would be upheld.


The real test will be the Immunity claim. On the face of it, it seems ridiculous....but we know Thomas will probably vote in Dotard's favor. Maybe Alito too, but that's not a given IMO. I'll be shocked if any of the others follow suit, but I think we've learned to expect the unexpected by this current group.


I just hope they get to it soon, rather than further delaying things, as Trump hopes....

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11 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:



30 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


He's still mixing up Biden and Obama.


The last few marbles are rolling away. 


Dementia Don is cooked.

He does it to troll, and it's funny as hell

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8 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


I already made that exact point....in response to someone who asked why he didn't Indict in August of 2022....


I disagree that he "hurried" the charges through, just to mess up Trump's election plans. That being said, I understand why you have to make that assumption, since your entire argument of these charges being election interference, instead of actual consequences for his criminals actions, is predicated on it....


I don't "have" to make any assumptions.  I'm not perfect and I'm not a lawyer or judge.  I don't pretend to be an expert at law either.  This is all my assumptions based on past political prosecutions I've seen both nationally and here in NY.  I could be right in my opinions, or I could be wrong. 


I prefer having discussions rather than "winning" them.  I don't get the winning a discussion mentality some people have.


Unlike a fair amount of people who post over the internet, I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong or changing an opinion if presented with well reasoned arguments.


I apologize when I make mistakes that mislead others or even when I misunderstand and derail or confuse others in what's being discussed.


I prefer to enjoy my conversations with people.  Not try and have a half-assed competition with them that I won't remember days after.


It's why I enjoy talking with you.  You seem to be of like mind and when I've apologized for not correctly wording something or misunderstanding something you've said, it's over and done with immediately and you don't try and do weird "victory" dances.


Even on here and the old CDC, I would watch people who couldn't carry on collegiately in their discussions.  Fortunately they would usually go away when others stopped talking to them.

Edited by Sabrefan1
Misspelled "collegiately"
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4 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


He does it to troll, and it's funny as hell

It's also kinda funny that this 'Obama is pulling all the strings' idea didn't surface until after he started mixing up Obama's and Biden's names.

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30 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


He does it to troll, and it's funny as hell

We're laughing at him, not with him.  He'd be a great joke if he wasn't the biggest threat to democracy on the planet.

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38 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


He does it to troll, and it's funny as hell


Do you think trolling is presidential?

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4 minutes ago, 112 said:


Do you think trolling is presidential?


The media has been trolling him for the last 8 years.  The true and biggest threat to democracy is that, the media.  

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The problem with trolling is if you don't give up the game, the difference between trolling and actual beliefs/behavior becomes less and less.  


Whenever TRUMP'S gaffes get called out, he doubles down.  He doesn't give up the game.  That isn't trolling. 

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2 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

He's got you hook, line, and sinker.

And it's funny as hell. 


Why?  He admitted this months ago..  He says he believes Obama is still running the whitehouse which is another troll job cause clearly Joe doesn't have the mental capacity to do so himself.  


It's the only thing he messes up repeatedly...cause it's on purpose, like I said he's been doing it for months.


You're on the line, not me.  You probably still think he called his wife Mercedes too 



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