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36 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:


To say this problem is all Biden's fault is absolutely incorrect.  This  (like housing) is a problem that has existed for decades.  Immigration reform has been non existent for multiple administrations.  There is a bipartisan Senate bill sitting there that the House QOP refuses to take up.  The border isn't wide open and Biden hasn't done less than any other administration.  Hell, during the Obama administration, they deported more people in term 1 and in term 2 than TRUMP did in his term.  Hardly soft of immigration.

4 years later, still blaming Trump for Biden not doing anything in his time in office.   Cool. 

36 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:



TRUMP negotiated the withdraw terms.  Both his and Biden's administrations thought that the Afghan army could hold out better than they did.  They didn't.  Retreats and withdraws are messy affairs.  Go look into the withdraw from Vietnam.  Lots of parallels.

Trump didn’t finalize anything. 
Biden took over and did what he did. 
Again, blaming Trump for Biden moves. 


36 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:


World wide thing.  Actually, the US fared better than a number of developed nations.  (from last year)  https://home.treasury.gov/news/featured-stories/the-us-economic-recovery-in-international-context-2023

World wide thing that is mostly based on what happens in America.  
He hasn’t done well and you fucking know it. 

36 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:




Well, Forbes does have it as a top 10 worse state.  Yet, Tennessee has a way worse violent crime rate, a very similar property crime rate, and a much greater chance of being a victim of a violent crime, yet it ranks below Cali.  https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/criminal-defense/crime-rate-by-state/


As you said, it's a state issue, but there are Republican run states on that list that are just as bad, or worse.  Crickets.

I’m not talking about other states.

Im talking about Cali, and in the last 4 years, it’s turned to shit, mostly because of Californian left wing politicians. 

People with your reasoning are why I don’t like conversing in this thread most the time.  
Same as in the Canada thread.  
Nothing is Biden/Trudy’s fault.  
And if it is, Trump did it worse.   
Get over it.  The orange cunt has been gone for 4 years and you folks are still blaming him for shit that is happening today.  
What a joke. 

Also, no one was defending Trump, and certainly not me.   

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So basically anything wrong during Biden's tenure is Trump's fault?  Got it




On Nov. 11, 2020, two days after he fired then-Defense Secretary Mark Esper, Trump ordered a complete withdrawal by Jan. 15, Milley said. After pushback from military leaders, Trump rescinded it, but ordered a reduction to 2,500 troops.


Biden ordered a complete withdrawal in April, setting a target date of Sept. 11. The Pentagon pushed back again, but Biden overruled it and moved up the withdrawal to the end of August.

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1 hour ago, D.B Cooper said:

1)  4 years later, still blaming Trump for Biden not doing anything in his time in office.   Cool. 

Trump didn’t finalize anything. 
Biden took over and did what he did. 
Again, blaming Trump for Biden moves. 


2)  World wide thing that is mostly based on what happens in America.  
He hasn’t done well and you fucking know it. 


3) I’m not talking about other states.

Im talking about Cali, and in the last 4 years, it’s turned to shit, mostly because of Californian left wing politicians. 

4)  People with your reasoning are why I don’t like conversing in this thread most the time.  

Same as in the Canada thread.  
Nothing is Biden/Trudy’s fault.  
And if it is, Trump did it worse.   
Get over it.  The orange cunt has been gone for 4 years and you folks are still blaming him for shit that is happening today.  
What a joke. 

Also, no one was defending Trump, and certainly not me.   

Ok, lets respond


1)  Never just blamed TRUMP on the immigration problem.  Multiple administrations and decades are words I used.  Plenty of blame to go around.  AS I MENTIONED, there is a bipartisan bill that the HOUSE QOP isn't taking up.  Again, decades and multiple Congresses have blame here.  I only mentioned TRUMP in the immigration point to show that OBAMA deported more people that TRUMP did.  Nowhere in my point did I say that this was all TRUMP's fault.


2)  Other nations had it worse.  Canada is one of them.  So, you are wrong here.


3)  State issues are state issues.  Hardly the fault of the administration.  As I pointed out, there are some REPUBLICAN run states that are WORSE than Cali.  Guess those ones are because of left-wing politicians????


4)  That orange C^%$ has a chance to take office again.  His failings are very much at play.


You want to discuss about what Biden and Trudope have done wrong, then actually make points that are supported by actual data and sources.  You tried to lay a bunch of things that Biden did poorly, when they are far more complex and the blame is far more spread out than one administration.  Things where Biden actually hasn't done that poorly. 


And yes, pointing out the TRUMP did worse is a valid point.  Again, he has a chance of becoming the next president.  His shortcomings are very much on the table.  

Edited by the destroyer of worlds
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1 hour ago, bishopshodan said:


I was thinking about Sheriff but I thought working in the prison would be more rewarding. I hope to do some good in the world and 'correct' some of these badasses ( the right way) so that they dont reoffend.  

Pretty intimidating job but I am really enjoying it.




Be prepared. 

Talk to guys ahead of you. Get the lay of the land. 


All my best. Be safe. 

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17 minutes ago, D.B Cooper said:

Harsher than Obama, sure. Maybe. 
Good enough?  Not even close.  It’s a mess and he hasn’t improved any of the issues in 4 years. 

Biden wasn’t forced to do anything that Trump set up.   He pulled them out when he did.  He left everything there.  


As someone who had to recently renew at a gross rate, im absolutely checking it out.  
It is planning to drop.  Hasn’t yet. 

Meh.  Couldn’t make it worse.   
The way I see it, he oversees it all. 
If it’s failing, that’s a reflection of his management.  

Both are horrible.   
Im not here to defend Trump.  I hope he gets dick cancer and dies. 


If that’s what you are taking from what I’ve said, you clearly aren’t paying attention.   I’ve clearly said multiple times I don’t support either, and if I was forced to vote, it would be liberal. 



Absolutely not.  
Global stability isn’t realistic and not something I want my government focusing on.
Especially while our country is such a mess.  

You got countries like China, Russia, Iran, etc……. Going out of their way to cause such a fuckery, global stability is impossible.  
Time to mow our own grass for a while. 
our yard looks like shit 

If you don’t want to listen and simply engage like a foolish troll, then you’ll be accorded such treatment. 



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2 hours ago, Sharpshooter said:

Immigration: Biden is imposing harsher restrictions vis a vis the Obama restrictions and working with the Southern States to restrict crossings. 

Afghanistan: Trump didn’t do shit in ensuring that assets were recovered. 
Trump didn’t have any plan whatsoever even though he was the one that made the decision to pull out. Biden was the one that had to quickly make the pivot. He fucked it up, I agree. But the decision was made prior to Biden’s administration. 

Inflation: Both are/have been going down. Check it out. 

California: Biden doesn’t control California. Do you want Biden meddling in State affairs? 

At the end of the day, who is better for Canada and the world? 

Let go of the rest of Conservative vs Liberal arguments. 

Focus on who is better for global stability. 

Global stability. Is that not your main focus? 

Immigration: I’m not sure what Biden is actually supposed to do about this.

During Trump’s time in office, despite his obsession with this issue, he failed to solve “the problem”. He tried banning muslims, he tried building a wall that Mexico was going to pay for, he tried separating families, and on it goes. 


Now that Biden is in office the Repugs, on the Dotard’s orders, are blocking any border security measures that would help. Trump does not want a “Biden win”

on border security. This is more important to Drumpf. He wants to promote the narrative that Biden is “weak” on “the border”.


Meanwhile Repug governors in the border states are bussing migrants to “Democrat cities” . Send them the rapists and criminals, sayeth agent orange. This will lead to a spike in crime in those cities. And of course the Dotard will blather on and on about how those cities are experiencing the worst crime rates ever. 


To summarize: Donald Trump creates problems for the country, Donald Trump will solve those problems, if elected. This is so effing whack. What an asshole. 






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49 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

You literally can't critique Biden


I mean, I kinda was just calling him shit, old, frail, a career politician, less than ideal... in the last couple pages.

Got challenged on it, had a good convo, now on to the next.


So maybe the word literally should be downgraded to something else?

Edited by bishopshodan
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9 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


I mean, I kinda was just calling him shit, old, frail, a career politician, less than ideal... in the last couple pages.

Got challenged on it, had a good convo, now on to the next.


So maybe the word literally should be downgraded to something else?

I mean you even said it. The Biden defense brigade came out pretty quick. I'll admit your discourse was more cordial for sure but non the less weren't going to leave your words unchallenged. It's almost like people are scared to admit Biden's faults because it may be seen as some sort of "win" for Trump when in reality they both need to be taken out back and put of of their presidential misery 

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1 minute ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

I mean you even said it. The Biden defense brigade came out pretty quick. I'll admit your discourse was more cordial for sure but non the less weren't going to leave your words unchallenged. It's almost like people are scared to admit Biden's faults because it may be seen as some sort of "win" for Trump when in reality they both need to be taken out back and put of of their presidential misery 


I dont mind different opinions. When it is Rup asking me for clarification I will respond. He has a very good knowledge of the US situtation. He has been in the US politics thread for as long as I can rememeber. 


And my original issue was more along the line of what you said in your last sentence.

I do wish that there was different choices ( both shit)  but I cannot agree with the idea that one isn't worse than the other. They are not equal. If one has to run the dumb show, I'm going with the skeleton by a country mile. 


Kinda like 'all poiticians suck statements'....they do, for the most part, but a dude like Trump is the Dyson Vacuum of politicians 


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2 hours ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Trump Takes Aim at ‘RINO’ Fox News Contributors: ‘GET RID OF KARL ROVE!!!’


When one of the worst scumbags on earth, isn’t scummy enough for you. 
The dotard has standards. 

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46 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

I mean, I kinda was just calling him shit, old, frail, a career politician, less than ideal... in the last couple pages.

Got challenged on it, had a good convo, now on to the next.


So maybe the word literally should be downgraded to something else?

It's weird how some people get all defensive when someone challenges their position....


I didn't criticize anyone's opinion.....I literally asked "why" they felt the way they did....:classic_rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:



Have no idea which party Dean is in but I have to admit that comment is funny.🤣


Dean Phillips is the Democrat Congressman from Minnesota.  He flipped that seat from Republican to Democrat for the first time since 1958.  He is also one of the Democratic candidates for President.  Even the Democrats acknowledge that Biden has dementia…


I’m attacked for being honest and saying the quiet part out loud - the part DC insiders only do in private. I admire our President. I voted for him and campaigned for him. He has visited my home and been gracious to my family and our country. But shame on all of you pretending everything is ok. You are leading us - and him - into a disaster, and you damn well know it.

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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14 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Dean Phillips is the Democrat Congressman from Minnesota.  He flipped that seat from Republican to Democrat for the first time since 1958.  He is also one of the Democratic candidates for President.  Even the Democrats acknowledge that Biden has dementia…


I’m attacked for being honest and saying the quiet part out loud - the part DC insiders only do in private. I admire our President. I voted for him and campaigned for him. He has visited my home and been gracious to my family and our country. But shame on all of you pretending everything is ok. You are leading us - and him - into a disaster, and you damn well know it.

It's a lesser of two evils.


Mark Cuban:




Cuban basically says "I'd vote for Sleepy Joe even if he wasn't alive over Dotard" 

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18 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


I'm just going by what that source is publishing.  According to them 315k are no longer in fighting shape.  CNN, along with MSNBC, is among this board's "approved" and highly revered sources of news.  I don't do loads of Google searches, but when I do, I try to find sources that people will accept.


Unless of course I'm purposely posting something that brings a little sound proofing to the echo chamber habits of some. 


Speaking of which, I was going to make mention of the MSM ignoring some primaries and post some Trump Primary numbers in red states where only Republicans can vote but since tomorrow is Super Tuesday, I'm curious to see how they'll report those first.

I know you were giving numbers from the sources, tbh I haven’t watched CNN or MSNBC in years.

Don’t get me wrong, I am hoping for Russia to lose this war but having gone through the war personally.

I see that lot of these numbers about Russian loses are grossly overinflated, Russian media and their allies are doing the exact same thing. I do agree that the coverage about Super Tuesday has been low key. At least here in Illinois.


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23 hours ago, CBH1926 said:

if these analysts think that Russia lost 315k troops out of initial 360k, they are out to lunch.

To me lost means killed, being wounded doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t be back on the battlefield.

As in every war, losses are exaggerated for the propaganda purposes. Russians have suffered big losses but I think their army is still able to wage a large scale war.



Depends on who is leading them.  Much like the Italian army in WW2, who in "popular opinion" are viewed with utter disdain; in reality Rommel remarked that he wasn't disappointed in the 'average typical Italian soldier'; it was their officers/generals that led them *VERY BADLY*.

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41 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

It's a lesser of two evils.


Mark Cuban:




Cuban basically says "I'd vote for Sleepy Joe even if he wasn't alive over Dotard" 


As I have stated many times, it's always a choice between the the lesser of two evils for us here in our supposed democracies.

The parties choose their own candidates.

Political lobbying as well as political donations.


Trey and Matt hit the Nail bang on the head when they came out with this 




Doesn't the turd sandwich really remind you of someone.


Like seriously 


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