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1 hour ago, RupertKBD said:


Whoever it is, it likely won't move the needle. Above all else, Trump is a narcissist and wants all of the attention on himself. He won't pick someone like Nancy Mace, because she might take some of the focus away from him.


He'll find himself another milquetoast running mate like Pence....one that, like Pence, ticks a particular demographic box.


If I had to bet, I'd wager he doesn't go the Evangelical route this time. He'll pick a woman, or a visible minority. Elise Stefanik, or Tim Scott, would be my guesses....


7 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


You know, with everything going on he might pick a real loonie. Certainly wouldn't be out of character. 

I think he goes for a total brown noser toady. So Elise and Scott would be ideal choices in that regard. But sure...definitely a good underdog bet on an absolute nut case 😄

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51 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Whoever it is, it likely won't move the needle. Above all else, Trump is a narcissist and wants all of the attention on himself. He won't pick someone like Nancy Mace, because she might take some of the focus away from him.


He'll find himself another milquetoast running mate like Pence....one that, like Pence, ticks a particular demographic box.


If I had to bet, I'd wager he doesn't go the Evangelical route this time. He'll pick a woman, or a visible minority. Elise Stefanik, or Tim Scott, would be my guesses....


Democrats are too nice.  To garantee a win I think they should have dumped Harris.  Well, actually, they probably should have dumped Biden to be honest But if they keep Biden, then they could have made the ticket fresher and more appealing with either Whitmore or Newsom as VP.  Not that I think there is much wrong at all with Harris.  But the right wing media are experts, if not at anything else, at smearing their opponents into oblivion with relentless character attacks.  Hillary, Franken, and unfortunately  Harris too fall into that group. Its unfair, but it is what it is.


I think ideally they should have picked Newsom to run as VP. Whitmore a close second. To show the people that there is a competent person as VP to step in if Joe doesn't make it to the end.  Someone conservative Democrats and moderate Republicans and Independents would be comfortable with.  Also, bonus, to showcase a possible candidate for 2028. 


If we are still in the land of could've would've should've, ideally I think Trump wouldn't have stood a chance against a Newsom/Whitmore ticket.

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23 minutes ago, Bob Long said:

You know, with everything going on he might pick a real loonie. Certainly wouldn't be out of character. 


Well, he's got plenty to choose from....

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1 hour ago, Bob Long said:


Yep that's it, there may have been time to change but its the ticket now.


It'll be interesting to see who trump picks, it might be another Palin.

Maybe he will pick an attorney; Alina Habbas comes to mind Lol.

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Mark Hamill Debuts Hilarious List Of Donald Trump’s ‘Best Words’



“Star Wars” icon Mark Hamill has been paying attention to former President Donald Trump’s creative attempts at spelling.


“His made up words are fun,” Hamill wrote on X (formerly Twitter) on Wednesday, “but his more-than plentiful misspellings absolutely RULE!”


He included a screenshot of a recent Trump post on Truth Social, which included the non-words “DISINFORMATES” and “MISINFORMATES.”


Here’s some of Hamill’s list:

  • “Stollen” for stolen
  • “Honered” for honored
  • “Unpresidented” for unprecedented
  • “Smocking” for smoking
  • “Sole” for soul
  • “Frorida” for Florida
  • “Melanie” for Melania
  • “Capital Hill” for Capitol Hill
  • “Infair” for unfair
  • “Shoebiz” for showbiz
  • “Marine Core” for Marine Corps
  • “Boarder” for border
  • “Loose” for lose
  • “Leightweight” for lightweight
  • “Grest” for great
  • “Hearby” for hereby

He closed out the list with the “always memorable” Trump word for hamburgers: “hamberders.”


“This is merely a partial list, but undoubtedly, we can all look forward to the frequent & numerous misspellings sure to come!” the actor wrote, signing off with the hashtag “TheBestWords.”

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'Trump tax': MSNBC host Chris Hayes shows how Trump winning would increase costs



How much would former President Donald Trump's proposed 10 percent tariff plan actually cost the average American household?


The wave of tariffs Trump enacted when he was last president caused chaos, but there are many complexities that muddy this somewhat.


However, MSNBC's Chris Hayes took an educated and simple guess at just how badly the country would be hit in the pocketbook under Trump's second-term plans.


"We don't know exactly how much everything would cost," said Hayes, but "just add 10 percent on the back of the napkin. Here's the cost of living under the Trump Tax."


"Start with groceries," he said. "A dozen eggs cost about $3. Once you apply the Trump Tax, that is up to $3.30, with the U.S. importing over 4 million eggs a year, but cost consumers over $1.2 million


. If you like oranges, they currently go for about $1.53 per pound. With the Trump Tax, that would be $1.68 per pound, which would cost American consumers almost $71 million for the nearly half a billion pounds of the import


. Bananas. We don't really grow them in the U.S., do we? They average about $.63 per pound and going up to $.69 per pound with the Trump Tax, thanks to the U.S. importing more than 10 million pounds per year, that could cost Americans at $609 million and that's a $609 million tax on American consumers


. Then there's tomatoes. They go for about $2.13 per pound. Apply the 10 percent Trump Tax. They would be $2.34 per pound, potentially costing Americans $3.5 million thanks to the 6.8 million pounds we import per year. If you are spending $1,200 on groceries, add another $120 to the bill. That's more than the peak of inflation in 2022, which topped off at 9 percent. This is 10 percent."


Groceries are just the start, he continued.


"How about the refrigerator?" said Hayes. "You need to keep the groceries fresh. The average cost of a new fridge is about $1,300. With the Trump Tax, that could go up to $1,430, costing Americans $1.95 billion for the 15 million refrigerators that we import.


Again, $1.95 billion of new taxes. What about the car that you need to drive to the grocery store? On average, a new car costs about $48,808 today. With Trump Tax, it costs $53,684, with Americans potentially taking a $66.3 billion hit across the board on the 13 million cars we import


. That's not including the 50 percent tariff which would make it another $25,000. Even the smartphone in your pocket cost on average about $940 right now.


With Trump Tax, it can go up to $1,034, with Americans potentially paying an extra $13.2 billion for the nearly 141 million smartphones that we import per year."


"Everyone hates when you have to pay more for things," he added. "Inflation is one of the biggest liabilities for a sitting president.


Yet here is Donald Trump, in the Year of our Lord 2024, running against President Biden, promising to make things more expensive for every American."

Edited by The Arrogant Worms
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5 hours ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

I am not religious but I loved that movie and had the original soundtrack LP.


Me, too...there was a sharing of music from the play/movie in the What Are You Listening To thread earlier!

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With Lara Trump in RNC draining lot of money to be used for Trumps legal bills and fines.

I wonder how will lack of funds affect Republicans on the ballot in 24.


This guy bankrupted casinos, which is very difficult thing to do, since you have dummies lining up to give you their money. I bet he bankrupts RNC coffers as well, that is why he is talking so much shit because others are footing the bill.

Edited by CBH1926
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18 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

With Lara Trump in RNC draining lot of money to be used for Trumps legal bills and fines.

I wonder how will lack of funds affect Republicans on the ballot in 24.


This guy bankrupted casinos, which is very difficult thing to do, since you have dummies lining up to give you their money. I bet he bankrupts RNC coffers as well, that is why he is talking so much shit because others are footing the bill.

I was asking just that in the US election thread.


Our resident expert feels as though it si already affecting the down ballot issues and will have major issues for campaigns and incumbent GOP politicians and hopefuls.



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12 hours ago, CBH1926 said:

With Lara Trump in RNC draining lot of money to be used for Trumps legal bills and fines.

I wonder how will lack of funds affect Republicans on the ballot in 24.


This guy bankrupted casinos, which is very difficult thing to do, since you have dummies lining up to give you their money. I bet he bankrupts RNC coffers as well, that is why he is talking so much shit because others are footing the bill.

He would have actually been fine in the casino business if he didn't over spend building the Taj. His debt on it was way too large to cover. And that is even with probably stiffing every major contractor working on it......

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14 hours ago, Warhippy said:

I was asking just that in the US election thread.


Our resident expert feels as though it si already affecting the down ballot issues and will have major issues for campaigns and incumbent GOP politicians and hopefuls.


The majority of political spending comes from PAC money.  Where it's going to hurt the GOP is the House.  Some of the smaller seats in contested districts,1 where there isn't much PAC money, count on RNC loans and donations.  With the razor thin margin in the House as it is, the GOP could very well lose their majority there.


As far as I'm personally concerned, split control is the best case scenario.  I prefer slow moving gridlock over either party having full control.

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1 hour ago, Gnarcore said:

He would have actually been fine in the casino business if he didn't over spend building the Taj. His debt on it was way too large to cover. And that is even with probably stiffing every major contractor working on it......


It was the minor small business contractors that got screwed the worst.  The major ones that had a healthy balance sheet could fight him in court so he couldn't threaten them with an expensive court battle.


The way he'd usually stiff the small guys was to go over their work, tell them it was unacceptable and sub-standard and offer them much less than the agreed upon estimate.  When they'd inevitably complain, he'd tell them to sue him because he can afford to drag it through court but they can't.


The way he kept the scam going was that he'd only screw over a certain number of contractors.  So if you were hard up enough for the work, you'd roll the dice on whether taking the job would bankrupt your business or help it get your balance sheet in the black.


As much as the people on this board love the NY Democrats right now, this was the kind of crap he did under their protection.  His mortal sin wasn't that he hurt people, it was that he turned on his enablers and dared to usurp "their power" for himself.

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1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:


It was the minor small business contractors that got screwed the worst.  The major ones that had a healthy balance sheet could fight him in court so he couldn't threaten them with an expensive court battle.


The way he'd usually stiff the small guys was to go over their work, tell them it was unacceptable and sub-standard and offer them much less than the agreed upon estimate.  When they'd inevitably complain, he'd tell them to sue him because he can afford to drag it through court but they can't.


The way he kept the scam going was that he'd only screw over a certain number of contractors.  So if you were hard up enough for the work, you'd roll the dice on whether taking the job would bankrupt your business or help it get your balance sheet in the black.


As much as the people on this board love the NY Democrats right now, this was the kind of crap he did under their protection.  His mortal sin wasn't that he hurt people, it was that he turned on his enablers and dared to usurp "their power" for himself.

That was indeed his go to move. I know he fucked over a few bigger ones too. The guy who has the windows contract for much of the project got screwed. It is in either the Trump or Dirty Money doc on Netflix. 

He definitely didn't fuck over the concrete guys...cuz well...they were mobbed up 😄 

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