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1 minute ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

Ahh the irony calling Biden "Sleepy Joe", yet Pumpkinhead falls asleep in court.

You just can't write this stuff.


That was my first thought too.  I was like, "I get how bored he must be but damn dude, you lost your best put-down at best and you just gave your opponents some serious ammunition against you at worst."


Slap a friggin' bed in that plane of yours if it already doesn't have one.  😂

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4 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Like I said a few pages back, when a board full of hockey fans knows that a stock is going to drop, the world at large was going to come to the same realization sooner or later. 


It just happened to happen much sooner rather than later. 


It's kind of impressive how fast it's cratering towards the ground.  We should start a pool on when it eventually gets de-listed from NASDAQ. 

Full board minus one..... we all know who 🥸

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5 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


That was my first thought too.  I was like, "I get how bored he must be but damn dude, you lost your best put-down at best and you just gave your opponents some serious ammunition against you at worst."


Slap a friggin' bed in that plane of yours if it already doesn't have one.  😂

Probably because he can't spell Coffee right. 😉

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16 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:

I thought that about Epstein.  I figured if he was going to get killed, it would happen months later in general population by a paid off inmate.


Turns out, multiple cameras can suddenly "malfunction" and people can "coincidentally" suicide themselves at that exact time.


Well, I don't buy into conspiracy theories, but if Hair Gropenfuhrer wants his SS to stand guard outside his cell, I'd call that a fair deal....

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Just now, Bob Long said:

Ok so that's where the order to stand aside has to come from then.


Technically Homeland Security has dominion over all of the 3 letter agencies, and the Secret Service. 


In practice, I have no idea if they are more coordinators than they are deciders/enforcers. 


The current serving POTUS has the final word if it comes down to any kind of departmental infighting.  If it gets as far as the White House, then the sh*tshow will be in peak form since Trump is currently running against him.


I'm just waiting for the final sentencing since chances are Trump is pretty much boned here in NYS.  If he's sentenced to any kind of time, it's going to have to be house arrest.  Then what happens when he can no longer go on the election trail?  Do the Republicans replace him?  Does MAGA go apesh*t?  Does the House start handing out subpoena's in retaliation like they're candy?


This could really really snowball into a 3rd world-like scene.

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8 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

Probably because he can't spell Coffee right. 😉


Honestly, I think he had an old man brain malfunction.  That's what happens when geriatrics are consistently elected to office.


Now where did I put my cup of covfefe !!!

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12 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Technically Homeland Security has dominion over all of the 3 letter agencies, and the Secret Service. 


In practice, I have no idea if they are more coordinators than they are deciders/enforcers. 


The current serving POTUS has the final word if it comes down to any kind of departmental infighting.  If it gets as far as the White House, then the sh*tshow will be in peak form since Trump is currently running against him.


I'm just waiting for the final sentencing since chances are Trump is pretty much boned here in NYS.  If he's sentenced to any kind of time, it's going to have to be house arrest.  Then what happens when he can no longer go on the election trail?  Do the Republicans replace him?  Does MAGA go apesh*t?  Does the House start handing out subpoena's in retaliation like they're candy?


This could really really snowball into a 3rd world-like scene.


Maga has a Martyr in that case, and meal team 6 finds something to poop on I guess.

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15 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:

Well, I don't buy into conspiracy theories, but if Hair Gropenfuhrer wants his SS to stand guard outside his cell, I'd call that a fair deal....


I would be gobsmacked if he ever saw the inside of a cell while under SS protection.  If he were ever sentenced to time, it would have to be somewhere the SS could get him in and out of at a moment's notice if danger arose.  Any time would most likely be spent under house arrest.


Now that the Democrats have opened this giant Pandora's box of dung, Congress is going to have to address this situation before the next former POTUS gets arrested and charged in retaliation for Trump's arrests.  There's going to need to be some kind of guidelines set forth as to how this all is to be handled.

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5 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


I would be gobsmacked if he ever saw the inside of a cell while under SS protection.  If he were ever sentenced to time, it would have to be somewhere the SS could get him in and out of at a moment's notice if danger arose.  Any time would most likely be spent under house arrest.


Now that the Democrats have opened this giant Pandora's box of dung, Congress is going to have to address this situation before the next former POTUS gets arrested and charged in retaliation for Trump's arrests.  There's going to need to be some kind of guidelines set forth as to how this all is to be handled.


Do you have any evidence to back up that claim, or are you just parroting the Republican stock claim, that this all Brandon's doing and has nothing to do with the fact that Trump is an actual criminal, who is finally facing actual consequences for his actions?


AFAIK, all 4 Indictments were handed down by Grand Juries with no particular political affiliation....

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16 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


I would be gobsmacked if he ever saw the inside of a cell while under SS protection.  If he were ever sentenced to time, it would have to be somewhere the SS could get him in and out of at a moment's notice if danger arose.  Any time would most likely be spent under house arrest.


Now that the Democrats have opened this giant Pandora's box of dung, Congress is going to have to address this situation before the next former POTUS gets arrested and charged in retaliation for Trump's arrests.  There's going to need to be some kind of guidelines set forth as to how this all is to be handled.

LOL..that will never happen.

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4 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:

Do you have any evidence to back up that claim, or are you just parroting the Republican stock claim, that this all Brandon's doing and has nothing to do with the fact that Trump is an actual criminal, who is finally facing actual consequences for his actions?


AFAIK, all 4 Indictments were handed down by Grand Juries with no particular political affiliation....


What claim are you talking about?!  I said, "Giant Pandora's box of Dung".  It has nothing to do with Biden.  It has everything to do with Letitia James and the NY state Democrats.  She ran on the premise of going after Trump.  It was a major part of her platform.  She was not shy about saying that when she was running for office. 


Like I have said before here.  New York State and City Democrats covered up his wrongdoings when he was one of them, but after he became a Republican and ran for president, he suddenly found them attacking him for some of the same things he did in the past.


There is zero doubt in my mind that he is technically guilty of what they are charging him with.  He even admitted it while he was president.


My issue is that they purposely timed all of this for political reasons.  This isn't a tough case and should have been brought to court shortly after Trump left office. 


New York is a fairly corrupt political state.  The FBI barely makes the news anymore when they raid someones office.

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19 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

LOL..that will never happen.


Which part?  The cell time or the frmr. POTUS retaliation? 


It won't be Biden that will be retaliated against if that's what you're thinking.  The DoJ has already declined to prosecute him for the documents issue because of his mental fitness.  Those age related issues aren't going to suddenly reverse themselves.  But the next Democrat in the White House after Biden better be squeaky clean or the conservatives in the Republican Party will be on him/her like blood hounds.

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4 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

He can't spell hamburger either but it doesn't stop him eating them for every meal.


My favourite is that he apparently drinks diet Coke with his fast food, as if that balances out his 1000 calorie sodium loaded Big Mac and large fries.  McDonald's probably extended his life when they got rid of their super sizes years ago.

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23 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


My favourite is that he apparently drinks diet Coke with his fast food, as if that balances out his 1000 calorie sodium loaded Big Mac and large fries.  McDonald's probably extended his life when they got rid of their super sizes years ago.

But I thought you said the Secret Service was supposed to protect him? 

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its crazy that a felon can still be president in the US...i dd not know that.  

LA Times:

Former President Trump made history last year as the first of the nation’s chief executives to be indicted for a crime.

This week, he will add another chapter — becoming the first former president to stand trial on criminal charges.

And later this year, he could top even that if he becomes the first candidate with a criminal record to win the presidency.


Here’s a look at the unprecedented legal questions Trump’s situation presents.

Could Trump become president after being convicted of a crime?


There’s nothing in the Constitution or federal law that prevents a felon from holding the nation’s highest office.

While many federal employees would not be hired if they had a felony conviction on their record, the Constitution sets only a few bare-bones requirements for the chief executive.

“No Person except a natural born Citizen...shall be eligible to the Office of the President,” it says.


While today’s voters worry about candidates who are too old, the men who wrote the 1787 document sought to screen out those who were too young or lived abroad. A president must have “attained the age of 35 years and been 14 years a resident within the United States.”

Elizabeth Wydra, president of the progressive Constitutional Accountability Center, says it is a mistake to assume the legal system will stand in Trump’s way.

“Nothing prevents him from running for president and being elected, even if he is in jail at the time of the election,” she said.


Incidentally, the law is not so generous to voters, she noted.

“Having a felony on your record can prevent you from voting for president in some states,” Wydra said.

How can the Constitution lack such a good-conduct clause?

Historians say the eminent figures who wrote the Constitution put their trust in electors to choose the president.

They did not foresee a disreputable character ever winning the allegiance of these electors, who were typically property-owning white men like them. Alexander Hamilton, who helped devise the electoral-college system, expressed confidence that it would bring forth “characters preeminent for ability and virtue” who would win the “esteem and confidence of the whole Union.”

Within a few decades, that system was gradually replaced by one in which the voters decide state-by-state on the slates of electors who are pledged to one candidate.

Doesn’t the 14th Amendment disqualify candidates who “engaged in insurrection?”

Yes, but Trump was not charged with insurrection after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

And the Supreme Court ruled unanimously in March that states acting on their own may not enforce this provision.

Congress would have to act in order for that provision to be enforced.

Has anyone ever run for president from prison?


Eugene Debs ran five times as the Socialist Party candidate for president and won nearly a million votes in 1920 when he was serving a prison term for sedition.

Debs had spoken out against the World War I draft and earned the ire of President Wilson. But shortly after winning the White House, President Harding commuted the sentence.

What are the chances Trump could be convicted before the election?

It’s quite possible.

Trump is facing four sets of criminal charges.

The two most serious cases involve the federal charges brought by special counsel Jack Smith. He indicted Trump in Washington for conspiring to subvert the counting of the electoral votes after Trump lost the November 2020 election.

In a separate case, Trump was charged with leaving the White House with highly classified documents, keeping them in his Florida home and refusing to return them when requested.

Both of those cases are moving slowly and are not expected to be tried and completed by the time of the November election.

What happens to the federal cases if Trump wins the election?

If Trump were elected president again, the chief executive could order the federal prosecutions be dropped.

He could also issue pardons for all of his aides and allies as well as the hundreds of his supporters who broke into the Capitol to stop the certification of President Biden’s victory.

What about the Georgia election interference case?

In a third criminal case, Fani Willis, the Fulton County, Ga., district attorney, brought a sprawling racketeering indictment against Trump and 18 others for allegedly conspiring to upset the vote count there.

That case has been sidetracked by allegations that Willis hired a romantic partner to run the prosecution.

So which case is the most likely to reach a conclusion before the election?

The “hush money” case set to go to trial in New York may be the least serious of the lot, but it has the best chance of being decided by a jury prior to the election.

The state trial was to begin Monday with jury selection.

Trump was indicted for 34 payments made to his former attorney Michael Cohen for what were listed in the company’s books as legal fees.

But the payments included reimbursing Cohen for the $130,000 he had given to adult film actor Stormy Daniels to prevent her from disclosing an alleged past sexual encounter with Trump.

This record-keeping offense can be punished as a low-level felony if it can be shown that Trump committed a second crime by seeking to hide campaign contributions that influenced the election. Trump said he was trying to conceal the story from his wife.

Could Trump face jail if convicted in the hush money case?

Yes, but it’s unlikely.

New York lawyers say defendants with no criminal record who are found guilty of a nonviolent offense are usually given probation, not a jail term.

And even if Trump provoked an irritated judge to make an exception in his case, he could be released on bail while his lawyers appeal the conviction.

Could a reelected President Trump pardon himself in the New York hush money case?


The president pardon power is very broad, but it applies only to federal offenses, not to crimes under state law. The same would be true of the Georgia case.

What happens to the New York case if Trump wins the election?

That is unclear.

The New York judges could suspend the case if Trump is reelected. It has been a Justice Department policy for years that presidents should be not distracted by civil and criminal cases while serving as president, though such cases have been allowed to proceed to some degree.

The Justice Department under a reelected President Trump is likely to assert that federal law is supreme and that the president should be protected against such cases while in office.

The Constitution says “the judges in every state shall be bound” by laws enacted “under the authority of the United States.”

The Georgia case would likely be suspended as well.

But there is no clear precedent.

“We’re certainly in new territory,” said Michael Waldman, president of the Brennan Center in New York. “We don’t know because we don’t have any experience with this situation.”


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11 minutes ago, Toni Zamboni said:

There’s nothing in the Constitution or federal law that prevents a felon from holding the nation’s highest office.


11 minutes ago, Toni Zamboni said:

Incidentally, the law is not so generous to voters, she noted.

“Having a felony on your record can prevent you from voting for president in some states,” Wydra said.


So you may not be able to vote for President if you have a felony on your record but you could still run for President.


I see.     :classic_blink:

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1 minute ago, Toni Zamboni said:

its crazy that a felon can still be president in the US...i dd not know that.

It's that way because there was rampant political corruption even back then around the world, and the framers did not want future politicians to be able to subvert the will of the people through the use of the judiciary.


Don't forget that before the 17th amendment that Senators were not directly elected by the will of the people.  They were appointed by state legislatures.  That caused a lot of corruption precipitated by individual states in that half of the Congress.

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2 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


What claim are you talking about?!  I said, "Giant Pandora's box of Dung".  It has nothing to do with Biden.  It has everything to do with Letitia James and the NY state Democrats.  She ran on the premise of going after Trump.  It was a major part of her platform.  She was not shy about saying that when she was running for office. 


Like I have said before here.  New York State and City Democrats covered up his wrongdoings when he was one of them, but after he became a Republican and ran for president, he suddenly found them attacking him for some of the same things he did in the past.


There is zero doubt in my mind that he is technically guilty of what they are charging him with.  He even admitted it while he was president.


My issue is that they purposely timed all of this for political reasons.  This isn't a tough case and should have been brought to court shortly after Trump left office. 


New York is a fairly corrupt political state.  The FBI barely makes the news anymore when they raid someones office.


I spit my coffee onto the couch..............lol


There is not one state that isn't corrupt as all hell.........


The Red one's more! LOL

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2 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


I would be gobsmacked if he ever saw the inside of a cell while under SS protection.  If he were ever sentenced to time, it would have to be somewhere the SS could get him in and out of at a moment's notice if danger arose.  Any time would most likely be spent under house arrest.


Now that the Democrats have opened this giant Pandora's box of dung, Congress is going to have to address this situation before the next former POTUS gets arrested and charged in retaliation for Trump's arrests.  There's going to need to be some kind of guidelines set forth as to how this all is to be handled.


What would happen if Trump wins the election?  Is he allowed to be POTUS if he is found guilty in this case and has to do time?  If he can become POTUS wouldn't he be the one to go after the other former POTUS's?  Isn't that what they called his "revenge tour"?


This is interesting in terms of how it is going to play out.  If I were the Democrats I'd much rather have Michelle Obama run against Trump than Biden.  There is too much risk to run Biden.  He may lose...

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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3 minutes ago, JIAHN said:

I spit my coffee onto the couch..............lol


There is not one state that isn't corrupt as all hell.........


The Red one's more! LOL



I haven't looked in years but at one point when state legislatures were ranked as far as corruption, New York State would regularly come in as the most corrupt.  It wasn't that long ago that the FBI raided then arrested several of the NYS legislative leaders.  If memory serves, they have all been convicted of crimes.


I've lived 4/5ths of my life in this state.  It's not an honest one.


If I thought anybody would read it, I'd go on to explain the history of the state leaders screwing over and causing the initial downfall of Buffalo with the St. Lawrence Seaway last century.


As for some red states, you're pretty much dead on with.  They're corrupt especially in the deep red states because they usually have large majorities which gives them a fiefdom where they can lie, cheat, and steal in.


I forget which red state it was about 7-10 years ago, the legislators were so corrupt that they actually proposed the changing of the wording of a state law so they couldn't be prosecuted if caught breaking that law in the future.  I don't know where that eventually landed since I was so disgusted that I never followed up on the final outcome.

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