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Kimmel Torpedoes Trump After Rant On ‘Stupid Jimmy Kimmel’ — That Got Everything Wrong



Stupid Jimmy Kimmel, who still hasn’t recovered from his horrendous performance and big ratings drop as Host of The Academy Awards, especially when he showed he suffered from TDS, commonly known as TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME, to the entire World by reading on air my TRUTH about how bad a job he was doing that night, right before he stumbled through announcing the biggest award of all, “Picture of the Year.” It was a CLASSIC CHOKE, one of the biggest ever in show business, and to top it off, he forgot to say the famous and mandatory line, “AND THE WINNER IS.” Instead he stammered around as he opened the envelope. Supposedly his wife, and even management, begged him not to do it, “DON’T READ HIS TRUTH, JIMMY, PLEASE DON’T DO THIS,” they said. He was made to look like a FOOL, which he is, and at the same time go down in Television History as the WORST HOST EVER OF THE ONCE VAUNTED ACADEMY AWARDS!


The 2024 Oscars did not have a “big ratings drop.” According to Deadline, “19.5M viewers tuned in to watch the 2024 Oscars, according to Nielsen data. That’s a 4% win over the 18.8 million who tuned in for the 95th annual Academy Awards in 2023, propelling the show to a 4-year audience high.”


The top award is called “Best Picture,” not “Picture of the Year.”


The famous line is “The Oscar Goes To –” not “AND THE WINNER IS.”


It was legendary actor Al Pacino who announced Best Picture, not Kimmel.


Pacino later explained “I just want to be clear it was not my intention to omit them, rather a choice by the producers not to have them said again since they were highlighted individually throughout the ceremony. I was honored to be a part of the evening and chose to follow the way they wished for this award to be presented.”


Kimmel only corrected the most glaring error, writing on Twitter, “In fairness to our former President, many stable geniuses confuse me with Al Pacino.”

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Sounds like Hair Gropenfuhrer is really desperate for cash. Now he wants to charge down ballot Repugs for using his name or likeness in fundraising:






In a letter received by Republican digital vendors this week, the Trump campaign is asking for down-ballot candidates who use his name, image and likeness in fundraising appeals to give at least 5 percent of the proceeds to the campaign.

“Beginning tomorrow, we ask that all candidates and committees who choose to use President Trump’s name, image, and likeness split a minimum of 5% of all fundraising solicitations to Trump National Committee JFC. This includes but is not limited to sending to the house file, prospecting vendors, and advertising,” Trump co-campaign managers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita wrote in the letter, which is dated April 15.

They add: “Any split that is higher than 5% will be seen favorably by the RNC and President Trump’s campaign and is routinely reported to the highest levels of leadership within both organizations.”


Exactly the way the real mafia works...."Hey, we're going to let you earn, but remember to kick some upstairs".....

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11 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Our dishwasher died so I have been searching for one.  My apologies 🙂


1 minute ago, Spur1 said:

My condolences. 


There's a joke in there, but my wife would kill me if she ever saw it.....:classic_unsure:

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10 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:



There's a joke in there, but my wife would kill me if she ever saw it.....:classic_unsure:

Likewise especially because I am always saying I don’t like dishwashers. 😇

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Just now, The Arrogant Worms said:

Biden Hits Back at Trump Claiming He’s Behind Trials: ‘His Lack of Ethics Has Nothing To Do With Me’



The same "Sleepy Joe", who "doesn't know where he is" somehow managed to set it up so that Orange Julius Caesar, has 90+ criminal charges against him, spread out over 4 indictments and is bleeding the Trump campaign and the RNC of their cash....


Sounds like a "get shit done" kind of POTUS, if you ask me....

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

No problem. I’m assuming you’ll have a new dishwasher working as soon as the stock tanks again. 🤨

I am hoping we can get one soon.  Portable dishwashers are out of stock everywhere and delivery dates are in May.  I did call a repair guy but he has not gotten back to me yet.  He is a great honest guy who tries to save you money....the advantages of living in a smaller community.  Word gets around if you suck.


Well edit as he just called.  He might be able to look at it Friday.....probably the motor which is $2-300.00 so $425.00 to fix.  New ones are $1000 after tax.


Second edit $470 to fix.

Edited by The Arrogant Worms
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2 hours ago, Cerridwen said:

I will only EVER hear the MAGA House Republicans moving like this from now on!! LMAO!! 😂

(For those not in the know, this was Moscow Marge and her minions marching Mayorkas's impeachment papers to wherever yesterday!)



The Democrats can either, let it go to trial, table the impeachment until it is automatically dismissed after the new Congress is seated in January, or outright immediately dismiss it once Republican Senators are done objecting to whichever motion is brought forth.

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1 hour ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

I am hoping we can get one soon.  Portable dishwashers are out of stock everywhere and delivery dates are in May.  I did call a repair guy but he has not gotten back to me yet.  He is a great honest guy who tries to save you money....the advantages of living in a smaller community.  Word gets around if you suck.


Well edit as he just called.  He might be able to look at it Friday.....probably the motor which is $2-300.00 so $425.00 to fix.  New ones are $1000 after tax.


Second edit $470 to fix.

That is the issue with dishwashers. The pump goes, and if you can get one for an older model, you might as well replace it unless you bought a Bosch. But if you buy a Bosch you ain't replacing the pump for 10+ years typically. 

We swapped those bitches out like candy in the hotels 😄 

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2 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:



The Democrats can either, let it go to trial, table the impeachment until it is automatically dismissed after the new Congress is seated in January, or outright immediately dismiss it once Republican Senators are done objecting to whichever motion is brought forth.



Senate Rejects Mayorkas Impeachment Charges At Trial Ending GOP Bid To Oust Hi
Washington — The Senate quickly dispensed with the two impeachment charges against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, convening a short-lived trial Wednesday that brought an end to a months-long effort to punish the secretary for his handling of the southern border.

The Senate's 51-member Democratic majority voted to dismiss both charges as unconstitutional over the objections of Republican members. The entire proceeding lasted just three hours.


More from the same article:





Edited by Cerridwen
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13 hours ago, Cerridwen said:



High school social studies ftw!  I'd brag about being correct, but anyone who paid the slightest bit of attention in school knows how this process goes. 


The clown squad knew exactly what was going to happen even before they started to waste the House and Senate's time.

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7 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:



High school social studies ftw!  I'd brag about being correct, but anyone who paid the slightest bit of attention in school knows how this process goes. 


The clown squad knew exactly what was going to happen even before they started to waste the House and Senate's time.


Political theatre is all that seems to matter now.

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1 hour ago, Bob Long said:

Political theatre is all that seems to matter now.


That's the whole point of those committee/sub-committee hearings on C-Span.  Grandstanding and mugging for the camera with the hope that any one-liner that you have makes the news and/or trends on social media.

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With one letter, Trump turned the Republican Party into an extortion racket

I’d like to congratulate Donald Trump on the speed with which he’s turned the Republican Party into something resembling an extortion racket.


Aside from sinking his fangs into the Republican National Committee like a hungry bat on a plump Berkshire hog, the man spending his days in a Manhattan courtroom under criminal indictment is now looking to bleed cash out of down-ballot GOP campaigns.


In an April 15 letter, Trump’s campaign notified all Republican candidates that if they use the former president’s name, image or likeness on any campaign advertisements, they need to deliver at least 5% of the money they raise back to the aforementioned criminal defendant.


You know, a little kickback for the boss man. Just enough to get Trump’s beak wet. Because, as has been made abundantly clear, the GOP is Trump and Trump is the GOP.

The Republican Party is now nothing but a Donald Trump piggy bank

He’s got his daughter-in-law Lara Trump in place at the top of the RNC pecking order, and she didn’t hold back detailing the committee’s singular focus: “Every single penny will go to the No. 1 and the only job of the RNC – that is electing Donald J. Trump as president of the United States and saving this country.”


Sorry, other Republican candidates! Maybe you can find a different Republican National Committee to help you out. Oh, and in the meantime, if you mention the Republican at the top of the ticket, you need to ship some of the green you raise back upstream to the guy already vacuuming donor money up like a Statue-of-Liberty-size Dirt Devil.


If this sounds unbecoming of a presidential candidate who claims to be wildly successful and incredibly wealthy, wait until you see the tacky sneakers and weird Bibles he’s selling.

Biden is out-fundraising Trump, so more Bibles must be sold!

Adding to the cash thirst, the former president’s campaign is trailing President Joe Biden badly in the fundraising department.


A Financial Times analysis released this week found: “Donald Trump has raised $75 (million) less for his presidential bid than Joe Biden and has 270,000 fewer unique donors now than at the same stage of his run for the White House four years ago.”


He’d have to sell a moon-high stack of Bibles to catch up, so the grift must grow. And grow it has with this new “pony up some cash” push on fellow candidates.

Trump campaign's letter to other GOP candidates reads like a mob flick

As if actively trying to get Trump’s campaign cast in the next Martin Scorsese gangster film, the letter to down-ballot Republicans included this line: “Any split that is higher than 5% will be seen favorably by the RNC and President Trump’s campaign and is routinely reported to the highest levels of leadership within both organizations.”


Sure, 5% is nice. That’s fine. But, you know, maybe do 10%, maybe even 15%? That’s the kinda thing that gets you noticed, kid.

When you give your party to someone under criminal indictment, well ...

The letter also included this note to any campaigns that use Trump’s name, image or likeness and don’t play ball: “Any vendor whose clients ignore the guidelines mentioned above will be held responsible for their clients' actions. Repeated violations will result in the suspension of business relationships between the vendor and Trump National Committee JFC.”


Yeah, nice little campaign you got there. Shame if anything happened to it, you know?


This all sounds dodgy as the day is long, but regardless, here's what all the little Republican candidates not named Donald Trump are going to do. They're going to line up in their fancy Trump sneakers with their Trump Bibles tucked under their arms and drop an offering in the MAGA hat at the feet of the Donald.


Frankly, it’s what they deserve.


They gambled on this guy again.


And the house always wins.



Edited by nuckin_futz
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