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10 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


We all figured out he was lying by the next morning after first discussing it the day before.  Neither NYC, NYPD, or the NYFD, would allow the claimed 25k people to gather in a small part of a park.  That would be a safety hazard. 


Also, that park is too small to fit 25k people in one of it's clearings.


There's also the fact that his campaign has never once told the truth about his crowd sizes.


Apropos of nothing, but it reminds me of an Andy Capp cartoon I saw years ago....


Andy is dressed up in his football kit and is looking none too happy....Flo asks, "How did the match go, Pet? Was is a rough sort of crowd?"


Andy replies, "If you must know, we lost 2-nil and the 'crowd' was wearing a tan scarf".....

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5 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:





He's setting up his excuses to use for after the verdict(s) come back.  He sees the writing on the wall. 


I'm still curious to see if the Secret Service has done anything to prevent an attempt at jailing Trump.  He'll appeal of course, and they can take a bail deposit in lieu of jailing him.


It's insane how much Trump has riding on this election.  He loses and the sharks will attack.  He wins, it all turns into a blip on the radar.


He wins and USA flushes the rest of it's legitimacy and influence.

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1 hour ago, nuckin_futz said:

He wins and USA flushes the rest of it's legitimacy and influence.


That's what everyone said the first time around.  Trump won, the world complained and besides a bunch of morons smearing poop on a Capitol chamber wall and ransacking Pelosi's office, the world kept on spinning. 


Until the Western world can defend itself without help and countries besides China and a few of their allies move off of the dollar, the US will continue on just fine.



Trump doesn't have 4 years this time.  He has about 2 1/2 while his last 18 months will see him lose influence to his Republican successor.


Then everyone will be saying the USA will flush it's legitimacy if DeSantos or whoever else they drag onto the RNC stage is elected.

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1 hour ago, nuckin_futz said:


He wins and USA flushes the rest of it's legitimacy and influence.

Again?   Lol.  
Nothing ever changes, so why would this round make a difference.  
I think the big orange cunt is going to win again and the people who will feel it the most will be Europe once he stops funding the wars. 

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4 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


That's what everyone said the first time around.  Trump won, the world complained and besides a bunch of morons smearing poop on a Capitol chamber wall and ransacking Pelosi's office, the world kept on spinning. 


Until the Western world can defend itself without help and countries besides China and a few of their allies move off of the dollar, the US will continue on just fine.



Trump doesn't have 4 years this time.  He has about 2 1/2 while his last 18 months will see him lose influence to his Republican successor.


Then everyone will be saying the USA will flush it's legitimacy if DeSantos or whoever else they drag onto the RNC stage is elected.

Nazification of the SCOTUS along with a POTUS that openly supports domestic terrorism certainly made the US look like a joke to every civilized country.  Trumps crimes against humanity shouldn't be ignored; it is going to take decades to undo the damage caused by that worthless piece of shit.

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8 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


I always felt that the average NASCAR fan would quite happily watch a washing machine spin around, provided he had enough beer, and that the washing machine was extremely loud and was involved in a fiery crash every once in a while....

Nascar used to do a slew of circuits like Laguna Seca. Those races they'd bring in Indy guys for the yokels who could only turn left. That was great racing. 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, nuckin_futz said:


What I mean by influence is the USA's standing with the rest of the world. I think after the 1st Trump presidency the only country which had a higher opinion of the USA was India and that was 100% attributable to the fact that Trump was openly hostile towards Muslims as is Modi. Your country may possibly elect a guy who doesn't believe democracy is worth defending. Harry Truman is rolling over in his grave. 


I have always had a rather high opinion of the USA. I currently have never had a lower opinion of the USA in my life. That's what I am talking about because I'm clearly not the only one.


There's no doubt that Trump is a buffoon on the world stage.  His love affair with his boyfriends in Moscow and Pyongyang is also uber strange.  His own party had to vote to pass a bill into law so that if he gets re-elected, he cannot unilaterally withdraw the US from NATO.  A pre-emptive law to block a possible future president had to be a new one in the history of the USA.  The Biden campaign would be smart to push that one into the public eye after Trump is nominated.



I've been complaining about the West not being more independent for decades.  The USA's standing with the world is honestly secondary though.  The West will always play nice with us because we hold the monsters at bay.


If the rest of the Western world started to mimic Germany economically and then spent 3-5% more of their GDP on their defence, they could get out from under the US's apron.


The last time I read an article on the world's view of the US, Vietnam strangely enough had the highest positive outlook towards the USA believe it or not.

Edited by Sabrefan1
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51 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


I've been complaining about the West not being more independent for decades.  The USA's standing with the world is honestly secondary though.  The West will always play nice with us because we hold the monsters at bay.



Now what happens when your President is one of the monsters?  That's what happens if Agent Orange is elected.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


There's no doubt that Trump is a buffoon on the world stage.  His love affair with his boyfriends in Moscow and Pyongyang is also uber strange.  His own party had to vote to pass a bill into law so that if he gets re-elected, he cannot unilaterally withdraw the US from NATO.  A pre-emptive law to block a possible future president had to be a new one in the history of the USA.  The Biden campaign would be smart to push that one into the public eye after Trump is nominated.



I've been complaining about the West not being more independent for decades.  The USA's standing with the world is honestly secondary though.  The West will always play nice with us because we hold the monsters at bay.


If the rest of the Western world started to mimic Germany economically and then spent 3-5% more of their GDP on their defence, they could get out from under the US's apron.


The last time I read an article on the world's view of the US, Vietnam strangely enough had the highest positive outlook towards the USA believe it or not.

Yup, and that country is *STILL* Communist.  Probably helps that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" (China).  More oddball facts, I've seen arguments/articles where there were more people from Canada that *VOLUNTEERED* (legally or most likely illegally) to fight in Vietnam on the US side during that "police action" than US draft dodgers coming to Canada.  "Free trade" 🥸

Edited by NewbieCanuckFan
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Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

What I mean by influence is the USA's standing with the rest of the world. I think after the 1st Trump presidency the only country which had a higher opinion of the USA was India and that was 100% attributable to the fact that Trump was openly hostile towards Muslims as is Modi. Your country may possibly elect a guy who doesn't believe democracy is worth defending. Harry Truman is rolling over in his grave. 


I have always had a rather high opinion of the USA. I currently have never had a lower opinion of the USA in my life. That's what I am talking about because I'm clearly not the only one.


No. You are not.


I like @Sabrefan1, (and not just because he's a fellow Bills fan) but quite honestly, this blase' attitude towards a potential second Trump presidency is baffling to me and I can tell you without fear of being gainsaid, the bulk of the rest of the civilized world thinks the American electorate has gone crazy.


Right wing politicians and news outlets might portray Trump as the victim of some insidious plot to keep him out of the White House, but to people outside the US, it's clear that he's a lying, crooked demagogue who cares for nothing but himself.


It's clear to all of us that he attempted to overthrow a legitimate election and is paving the way for doing so again, should he lose again. The only difference is, this time around, he's had 4 years to prepare. All over America, his supporters have been steadily inserting themselves into local election boards....


It's clear to all of us that he willfully concealed classified documents in an attempt to keep them for himself.


Yet we see otherwise rational Americans shrugging it off, saying "How bad could it be?"


I know it sounds harsh, and I really don't mean it to be, but I honestly believe you're all insane for not making a Trump loss your biggest priority and as Futz said, I'm not alone....


Edited by RupertKBD
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10 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


You give Trump way too much credit.


I wonder if people are misunderstanding your take here, could we be looking at something as simple as how Canadians view the role of government vs people in the US? people up here aren't afraid of government as a force for good things, even many of the conservatives. But in the US, government isn't viewed as nearly as helpful.


Could this be part of why you don't view Trump as a big a threat as some of the Canucks in here? 


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1 hour ago, RupertKBD said:


No. You are not.


I like you @Sabrefan1, (and not just because he's a fellow Bills fan) but quite honestly, this blase' attitude towards a potential second Trump presidency is baffling to me and I can tell you without fear of being gainsaid, the bulk of the rest of the civilized world thinks the American electorate has gone crazy.


Right wing politicians and news outlets might portray Trump as the victim of some insidious plot to keep him out of the White House, but to people outside the US, it's clear that he's a lying, crooked demagogue who cares for nothing but himself.


It's clear to all of us that he attempted to overthrow a legitimate election and is paving the way for doing so again, should he lose again. The only difference is, this time around, he's had 4 years to prepare. All over America, his supporters have been steadily inserting themselves into local election boards....


It's clear to all of us that he willfully concealed classified documents in an attempt to keep them for himself.


Yet we see otherwise rational Americans shrugging it off, saying "How bad could it be?"


I know it sounds harsh, and I really don't mean it to be, but I honestly believe you're all insane for not making a Trump loss your biggest priority and as Futz said, I'm not alone....



I understand your feelings.  I just don't think Trump will be able to do as much damage to the world as the rest of everyone here thinks that he can.  His NATO threat was his best club to use against other countries.  Congress has taken that club away from him and all future presidents.


That leaves military threat.  The military will not just blindly follow him.


There was a lot of dooming and glooming about Andrew Jackson and he's now on our $20 bill.  Trump will never get close to that recognition of course, but he would be going in under the same kind of cloud that Jackson did.


I am way more worried about Trump getting into office and the Republicans gaining solid majorities in both houses of Congress.  The Republicans would go after Social Security and pass more ridiculous tax cuts.  That's just to begin.  I have no idea what they still have yet to go after once those 2 things are done.


Trump by himself is not going to be a huge thing, but Trump with a full Republican congress could do some actual damage to the US.  In other words, I'm more concerned about the Republicans as a whole than I am about a morbidly obese loud orange man.



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7 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


I understand your feelings.  I just don't think Trump will be able to do as much damage to the world as the rest of everyone here thinks that he can.  His NATO threat was his best club to use against other countries.  Congress has taken that club away from him and all future presidents.


That leaves military threat.  The military will not just blindly follow him.


There was a lot of dooming and glooming about Andrew Jackson and he's now on our $20 bill.  Trump will never get close to that recognition of course, but he would be going in under the same kind of cloud that Jackson did.


I am way more worried about Trump getting into office and the Republicans gaining solid majorities in both houses of Congress.  The Republicans would go after Social Security and pass more ridiculous tax cuts.  That's just to begin.  I have no idea what they still have yet to go after once those 2 things are done.


Trump by himself is not going to be a huge thing, but Trump with a full Republican congress could do some actual damage to the US.  In other words, I'm more concerned about the Republicans as a whole than I am about a morbidly obese loud orange man.



Jackson still managed to commit genocide and promote slavery.  He was easily the biggest piece of shit in history to become POTUS before Trump and the two are very similar with their bigotry and disregard for humanity.

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1 hour ago, Bob Long said:


I wonder if people are misunderstanding your take here, could we be looking at something as simple as how Canadians view the role of government vs people in the US? people up here aren't afraid of government as a force for good things, even many of the conservatives. But in the US, government isn't viewed as nearly as helpful.


Could this be part of why you don't view Trump as a big a threat as some of the Canucks in here? 




I'm not worried about Trump because, even though he'd be president, he's just one person.  Our government is not really built for speed.


Trump will have checks and balances on him if he goes back to office.  As a 2nd term president, he's also short on time to do anything long term.  Add to that, that he's going to be preoccupied with his revenge tour for a year or more and he won't even really be the person running the show day to day during his revenge, his aides and cabinet will be handling the day to day dredge of keeping the executive branch going, not him.


That leaves foreign affairs, just like during his first term, he going to go for flashy self-aggrandization first.  He'll take another high profile trip to go rekindle the flame with his boyfriend in Pyongyang.  After that's done, he'll just piss off some Western foreign leaders.  Congress has already neutered him from being able to do anything of consequence.


I'm much more worried about single-party control than I am of the orange clown.

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8 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Jackson still managed to commit genocide and promote slavery.  He was easily the biggest piece of shit in history to become POTUS before Trump and the two are very similar with their bigotry and disregard for humanity.


The Indian Removal Act and what happened after it wasn't just Jackson.  It was a country-wide policy that was authorized in Congress. 


As for slavery, it was sadly legal in the US.


Jackson was a product of his time.

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Just now, Sabrefan1 said:


The Indian Removal Act and what happened after it wasn't just Jackson.  It was a country-wide policy that was authorized in Congress. 


As for slavery, it was sadly legal in the US.


Jackson was a product of his time.

He was also very active in his crimes against humanity.  Jackson was nothing short of pure evil and the US should be ashamed of having that subhuman vermin on their money.

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11 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:




Random note from the prison nerd here.


'Behind bars' is becoming an old school term. 'Behind solid metal door with small plexy window ' is more accurate. 

Most prisons/jails have done away with bars. 


The reason is makes sense, and is one of the grossest things about corrections. 


I bet you can guess....think about what some monkeys fling sometimes... 



Yep. Naked apes do it too. 

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