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Attack Trump verdict or be exiled - a new test for Republicans

There’s a new front line in Donald Trump’s battle to get elected.

Just minutes after he was found guilty on all 34 felony counts on Thursday, I heard from a person close to the former president who described this moment as a “civil war” within the Republican Party.

The historic nature of Trump’s criminal conviction is being leveraged by his campaign as a sort of roll-call vote to see which politicians will defend the former president and which of them will defend America’s legal system. It appears you can’t do both.

Last night, a weather balloon was sent up.

Larry Hogan, a moderate Republican who is running for an open Senate seat in liberal-leaning Maryland, took to social media to urge all Americans to “respect the verdict and the legal process”.

Within minutes, Chris LaCivita, a top official on Trump’s campaign, posted a crystal-clear reply to Mr Hogan: “You just ended your campaign.” The implication: if you’re not with us on this, you’re politically dead.


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56 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:


I think a lot of countries don't allow convicted felons to enter.  However, there is subjectivity regarding time since conviction and/or seriousness of crime that can see convicted felons getting a pass and allowed entry.  Canada is in this boat as well.

Pee Pee will let him in.

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4 hours ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

Tell us where in the US or even Canada you can just show up to a polling station without any ID, vote, and your vote is counted. 


In reality, every jurisdiction has a list of valid forms of ID.  In some jurisdictions you can cast a provisional vote with it counting if you can later produce identification. 


This whole voter ID thingy is nothing but bs.  If a specific ID is required, then it should be free and easy to get.  If you work 9 to 5 Monday to Friday, it should be easy for you to get.  The trick is that the same folks who push the voter ID laws are also folks who won't make it easily acquired.  They would force folks living in Abbotsford to travel into Surrey on a week day to get the ID.  Pretty hard if you don't drive.


Why would someone need to drive from Abbotsford to Surrey to get BCID when there is an ICBC driver licensing office right in Abbotsford?


Abbotsford driver licensing (Clearbrook Plaza)

150 - 31935 South Fraser Way
Abbotsford V2T5N7

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17 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Why would someone need to drive from Abbotsford to Surrey to get BCID when there is an ICBC driver licensing office right in Abbotsford?


Abbotsford driver licensing (Clearbrook Plaza)

150 - 31935 South Fraser Way
Abbotsford V2T5N7

Not if those offices get closed, like was done in the states.

close most of the places that people could get the I.D., then move the few that remained,  far away; hoping a lot of people would just give up, and not vote.

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Why would someone need to drive from Abbotsford to Surrey to get BCID when there is an ICBC driver licensing office right in Abbotsford?


Abbotsford driver licensing (Clearbrook Plaza)

150 - 31935 South Fraser Way
Abbotsford V2T5N7

I was making a point that illustrates what some people in some southern US states would have to do in order to get state issued ID.  Alabama comes to mind.  Sorry I didn't spell it out.

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Posted (edited)

Here's hoping that all of these fucktards get a visit from the FBI in the not too distant future....






"Find the jurors. All of them. Take no prisoners," wrote one user on a Trump-focused message board.

"Just give them the rope," said another, in an explicit reference to lynching. "The time for talking has long gone. Let them swing outside the courthouse."

Some posts used coded language, such as one which urged "short drops" – that is, execution by hanging – for the people responsible for Trump's trial.

Another user replied with "short walks and long drops", plus a helicopter emoji – an apparent reference to "death flights" such as those used by right-wing dictators in Argentina and Chile to dispose of dissidents.

One post seen by Reuters claimed that "someone in New York with nothing to lose needs to take care of Merchan," referring to the judge who oversaw the trial, while another declared: "Time to start capping some lefties."

The overwhelming sentiment from MAGA loyallists is that Trump's conviction is wholly unjustified, and proves that the American political and justice systems are irretrievably rigged.

"One million men (armed) need to go to Washington and hang everyone. That's the only solution," said one message quoted by Reuters.

The majority of posts seen by The Independent did not preach violence but instead were advocating electoral solutions or non-violent civil disobedience. But calls for extrajudicial murder were not difficult to find.

A thread urging Trump supporters to "LEGALLY destroy the professional lives" of Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg, prosecutor Matthew Colangelo, and trial judge Juan Merchan attracted particular scorn.

"That’s a lot of unnecessary words to say 'try and hang'," replied one user. "All the ghillie suits in America and you want to use the broken and corrupt judicial system. F*** off," said another, referring to a type of camouflage suit used by military snipers.

Other responses included "my AR-15 is legal", "rope", and "they have addresses. you know".



Edited by RupertKBD
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6 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:

They can flap their gums all they want, but they better be ready to die for the cause.

For these types of crimes you get a one way ticket to Terre Haute federal penitentiary.

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10 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

They can flap their gums all they want, but they better be ready to die for the cause.

For these types of crimes you get a one way ticket to Terre Haute federal penitentiary.

Guantanamo is the correct place for these pieces of shit.

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1 minute ago, King Heffy said:

Guantanamo is the correct place for these pieces of shit.

In case they make good on these threats, Terra Haute offers needle for the federal crimes.

This was where domestic terrorist Timothy McVeigh was dealt with.

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9 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

In case they make good on these threats, Terra Haute offers needle for the federal crimes.

This was where domestic terrorist Timothy McVeigh was dealt with.

They're treated far too humanely there though.  Guantanamo sends a far stronger message.

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14 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

In case they make good on these threats, Terra Haute offers needle for the federal crimes.

This was where domestic terrorist Timothy McVeigh was dealt with.


I doubt any of these keyboard warriors would try something where people with real guns might shoot back at them...


Remember all the Jan 6ers crying when it came to sentencing? These are the same kind of people. I just want to see the feds track them down....

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52 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

In case they make good on these threats, Terra Haute offers needle for the federal crimes.

This was where domestic terrorist Timothy McVeigh was dealt with.


Next year on June 11 will be 25 years since McVeigh was executed. 


I still wonder if the FBI has a cold case open on the others that were allegedly involved in the making of the bomb and the planning of the attack.

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33 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Next year on June 11 will be 25 years since McVeigh was executed. 


I still wonder if the FBI has a cold case open on the others that were allegedly involved in the making of the bomb and the planning of the attack.

Yeah, I always suspected that there were others involved but he took that information to the grave.

I know another person got 12 years in prison for helping them.

Nichols must be enjoying his time at the supermax prison in Florence Colorado.


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5 hours ago, CBH1926 said:

Yeah, I always suspected that there were others involved but he took that information to the grave.

I know another person got 12 years in prison for helping them.

Nichols must be enjoying his time at the supermax prison in Florence Colorado.


I get that is where they send terrorists, crime lords and prison gang leaders but that frankly is cruel and unusual punishment.  

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"If elected president again, Trump would need special permission to enter several key countries for maintaining foreign relations


Donald Trump may face travel restrictions with his newfound felon status, potentially complicating his presidency if he were to win another term in office.

Thirty-eight nations, counting the United States, bar felons from entry, according to World Population Review. Those bans stand regardless of whether someone is allowed to retain their passport after conviction.'





Countries That Deny Entry to Felons

  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Cambodia
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • China
  • Cuba
  • Dominican Republic
  • Egypt
  • Ethiopia
  • Hong Kong
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Iran
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • Kenya
  • Macau
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • Morocco
  • Nepal
  • New Zealand
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • Taiwan
  • Tanzania
  • Tunisia
  • Turkey
  • Ukraine
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

If Trump were elected to another term in the White House and chose to apply for special travel waivers, the irony would not go unnoticed."


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51 minutes ago, Gurn said:


"If elected president again, Trump would need special permission to enter several key countries for maintaining foreign relations


Donald Trump may face travel restrictions with his newfound felon status, potentially complicating his presidency if he were to win another term in office.

Thirty-eight nations, counting the United States, bar felons from entry, according to World Population Review. Those bans stand regardless of whether someone is allowed to retain their passport after conviction.'







It's still way more funny that he can't vote for himself in Florida.  There's no special waiver for that.


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16 hours ago, CBH1926 said:

I believe it is electoral college, not that the goobers would know how to spell it.

Lol, the inbred hillbillies fail to realize Hillery would've beat Herr VonnSh*tzHisPants if it was based on the popular vote.  

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Hey, MAGA. More evidence that your conspiracy theories are mostly built on a foundation of bullshit. Great mounds of it spilling over everywhere. I can remember the election deniers on this site advocating the use of 2000 Mules as documentary proof of the Democrats playing fast and loose with the ballot boxes. Turns out spewing slanderous lies costs a lot of money. 




Publisher of ‘2,000 Mules’ election conspiracy theory film issues apology



"The conservative media company behind the book and film “2,000 Mules,” which alleged a widespread conspiracy by Democrats to steal the 2020 election and was embraced by former president Donald Trump, has issued an apology and said it would halt distribution of the film and remove both the film and book from its platforms.

In a statement posted to their website, Salem Media Group, Inc. apologized specifically to Mark Andrews, a voter from Georgia falsely depicted illegally voting in “2,000 Mules.”


The Georgia Bureau of Investigation cleared Andrews of wrongdoing, and found he was legally dropping off ballots for members of his family. Andrews filed a defamation lawsuit against Salem, as well as the team behind the movie: right wing commentator Dinesh D’Souza, and the group True the Vote."


(Article continues for those interested)


....and winning, winning, winning.....

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