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4 hours ago, Bob Long said:


its the militia part thats supposed to be well regulated, correct? I think the "arms" part is pretty wide open.

A well regulated militia, now I'm gonna do the whole American populace thing right wingers love to use for arguments sake, includes regulation of arms. 


There is no military in the world that just go free for all in terms of arms and more importantly their usage and rules of engagement. 

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2 minutes ago, 24K said:

A well regulated militia, now I'm gonna do the while American populace right wing gers love to use for arguments sake, includes regulation if arms. 


There is no military in the world that just go free for all in terms of arms and more importantly their usage and rules of engagement. 


I think the US blew it on the militia part, regular Joe's shouldn't have access to military style guns.

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A very interesting read ........


The troll farms are winning and can't be stopped

  • Everything is fake

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."


That's the first amendment and may prove to be what undoes liberal democracies. Worse yet, the Supreme Court has interpreted 'free speech' extremely broadly, including the use of money as free speech.


It's increasingly clear to me this is an extreme vulnerability that being exploited in the US and around the world.


On June 6 the State Department’s top official on digital and cyber policy, Nate Fick, told an audience at an event hosted by the Washington Post:

“I don’t think most American citizens really viscerally understand how much of the content they see on social platforms is actually a foreign intelligence operation…. I just don’t think we viscerally get how much of what we see is bot-generated or foreign intelligence service–generated.”

I have little doubt that's true and an increasing fear that much of what I see -- and maybe even things I believe -- has been hijacked by these groups.


Seeing the tools that are out there with AI and bots, I believe it's almost trivial now to set up a bot farm. If I were an anti-American Russian doing it, I wouldn't be writing "Mother Russia is great," the aim would be to sow division, to crank up the volume on any issue, to inspire American hate for other Americans.


Divide and conquer.


I also believe that Russia sees itself as a victim of this game, rightly or wrongly. They believe that the Euromaidan rallies in Ukraine -- which were organized on social media -- were a US influence operation.


On Friday, Reuters reported an incredible story. During the peak of the pandemic, the US was running an online operation to discredit the Chinese vaccine in the Philippines and ultimately vaccines in general, putting thousands of lives at risk and the Philippines had among the worst inoculations rates in Southeast Asia.


It was part of a petty fight after China started a “disinformation campaign to falsely blame the United States for the spread of COVID-19," according to the report.


If the US was willing to do that to the Philippines, what is it doing elsewhere?

Reuters reports:

Today, the military employs a sprawling ecosystem of social media influencers, front groups and covertly placed digital advertisements to influence overseas audiences, according to current and former military officials.... in February, the contractor that worked on the anti-vax campaign – General Dynamics IT – won a $493 million contract. Its mission: to continue providing clandestine influence services for the military.

This has been going on for a long time. In 2013, Reddit revealed that Eglin Air Force Base in Tampa Bay (the home of the US's propaganda wing) was it's most-addicted city.


After Euromaiden, the Russians became determined to retaliate and that was why the Internet Research Agency -- founded by Yevgeny Prigozhin -- was at work in the 2016 US election. I suspect the Russians were amazed at how well it worked and so did the rest of the world. The aim isn't to invent stories but to elevate conspiracies and make people angry.


Given the comments from the State Department, the US knows its a target. Heather Cox Richardson wrote about it earlier this week:

Officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) told lawmakers that Russian influence operations aimed at undermining support for Ukraine and faith in democratic institutions provide the top threat to the upcoming U.S. election. China is the second-greatest threat but is more cautious because it is concerned about U.S. blowback, while the third, Iran, acts primarily as a “chaos agent,” trying to confuse voters. The ODNI officials said they have been issuing warnings to political candidates, government officials, and others targeted by foreign groups.

That brings us back to free speech. These kinds of campaigns are going to prove nearly-impossible to stop. Democrats like it when false rumours are spread about Republicans and vice versa. Anyone trying to stop the rumours would be seen as partisan or disloyal. It's a win-at-all costs mentality that puts party ahead of country.


AI is going to hyper-charge this. There will be individually-optimized campaigns based on your data that create videos and ads targeted at you personally to make you unhappy and enraged.


Yes, some bot farms will be shut down but 10 more will spring up. I don't see any way to stop it. The first amendment is written in stone and social platforms are open, anonymous and for sale.


What can we do? Ban anonymity online? That would be extremely unpopular. Go to a censored, walled-off internet like China? That's completely incompatible with the Constitution and freedom in general.


Edited by nuckin_futz
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8 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

After Euromaiden, the Russians became determined to retaliate and that was why the Internet Research Agency -- founded by Yevgeny Prigozhin -- was at work in the 2016 US election. I suspect the Russians were amazed at how well it worked and so did the rest of the world. The aim isn't to invent stories but to elevate conspiracies and make people angry.




That brings us back to free speech. These kinds of campaigns are going to prove nearly-impossible to stop. Democrats like it when false rumours are spread about Republicans and vice versa. Anyone trying to stop the rumours would be seen as partisan or disloyal. It's a win-at-all costs mentality that puts party ahead of country.



And to a certain degree, we're seeing this play out here in Canada as well - on this subforum, even.

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Just now, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:


And to a certain degree, we're seeing this play out here in Canada as well - on this subforum, even.


This forum isn't immune. Nor was the old one. A certain former member there posted Russian propaganda all the time.

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2 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

A very interesting read ........


The troll farms are winning and can't be stopped

  • Everything is fake

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."


That's the first amendment and may prove to be what undoes liberal democracies. Worse yet, the Supreme Court has interpreted 'free speech' extremely broadly, including the use of money as free speech.


It's increasingly clear to me this is an extreme vulnerability that being exploited in the US and around the world.


On June 6 the State Department’s top official on digital and cyber policy, Nate Fick, told an audience at an event hosted by the Washington Post:

“I don’t think most American citizens really viscerally understand how much of the content they see on social platforms is actually a foreign intelligence operation…. I just don’t think we viscerally get how much of what we see is bot-generated or foreign intelligence service–generated.”

I have little doubt that's true and an increasing fear that much of what I see -- and maybe even things I believe -- has been hijacked by these groups.


Seeing the tools that are out there with AI and bots, I believe it's almost trivial now to set up a bot farm. If I were an anti-American Russian doing it, I wouldn't be writing "Mother Russia is great," the aim would be to sow division, to crank up the volume on any issue, to inspire American hate for other Americans.


Divide and conquer.


I also believe that Russia sees itself as a victim of this game, rightly or wrongly. They believe that the Euromaidan rallies in Ukraine -- which were organized on social media -- were a US influence operation.


On Friday, Reuters reported an incredible story. During the peak of the pandemic, the US was running an online operation to discredit the Chinese vaccine in the Philippines and ultimately vaccines in general, putting thousands of lives at risk and the Philippines had among the worst inoculations rates in Southeast Asia.


It was part of a petty fight after China started a “disinformation campaign to falsely blame the United States for the spread of COVID-19," according to the report.


If the US was willing to do that to the Philippines, what is it doing elsewhere?

Reuters reports:

Today, the military employs a sprawling ecosystem of social media influencers, front groups and covertly placed digital advertisements to influence overseas audiences, according to current and former military officials.... in February, the contractor that worked on the anti-vax campaign – General Dynamics IT – won a $493 million contract. Its mission: to continue providing clandestine influence services for the military.

This has been going on for a long time. In 2013, Reddit revealed that Eglin Air Force Base in Tampa Bay (the home of the US's propaganda wing) was it's most-addicted city.


After Euromaiden, the Russians became determined to retaliate and that was why the Internet Research Agency -- founded by Yevgeny Prigozhin -- was at work in the 2016 US election. I suspect the Russians were amazed at how well it worked and so did the rest of the world. The aim isn't to invent stories but to elevate conspiracies and make people angry.


Given the comments from the State Department, the US knows its a target. Heather Cox Richardson wrote about it earlier this week:

Officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) told lawmakers that Russian influence operations aimed at undermining support for Ukraine and faith in democratic institutions provide the top threat to the upcoming U.S. election. China is the second-greatest threat but is more cautious because it is concerned about U.S. blowback, while the third, Iran, acts primarily as a “chaos agent,” trying to confuse voters. The ODNI officials said they have been issuing warnings to political candidates, government officials, and others targeted by foreign groups.

That brings us back to free speech. These kinds of campaigns are going to prove nearly-impossible to stop. Democrats like it when false rumours are spread about Republicans and vice versa. Anyone trying to stop the rumours would be seen as partisan or disloyal. It's a win-at-all costs mentality that puts party ahead of country.


AI is going to hyper-charge this. There will be individually-optimized campaigns based on your data that create videos and ads targeted at you personally to make you unhappy and enraged.


Yes, some bot farms will be shut down but 10 more will spring up. I don't see any way to stop it. The first amendment is written in stone and social platforms are open, anonymous and for sale.


What can we do? Ban anonymity online? That would be extremely unpopular. Go to a censored, walled-off internet like China? That's completely incompatible with the Constitution and freedom in general.


I mostly use Facebook for marketplace and I follow a couple of classic car groups and such. I get the most ridiculous shit coming across my feed these days. Its not stuff I follow or groups I belong to or anything like that. Just random hateful anti-trans, anti-woke, anti liberal stuff and it's usually painfully stupid. You'd have to be an idiot to believe in the majority of this crap but, unfortunately, they walk amongst us. Needless to say the comments are an absolute cesspool and it seems to be spreading to my groups, public and private.


I'll get a post about a weird car or something in one of my groups and there will be a bunch of normal comments but also a bunch of comments about the driver being gay, the car being trans etc. I suspect that some of it is bots and trolls but some of it is real. People are being manipulated by this nonsense and its deeply concerning. And it seems these bots can infiltrate just about any group they want these days, one way or another, so how do you stop it?


What's also concerning is it seems Facebook thinks I'm a maga/fuck Trudeau conservative or something. I almost never post and I don't follow anything political or conservative. I even used the option to stop showing content but it just keeps coming. It's like Facebook wants me to become a convoy driving,  conspiracy nut. Seriously, do conservatives get a bunch of posts saying what a good job Trudeau is doing or does this shit only work one way. This is another reason I have to push back on this current conservative narrative that it's somehow the liberals that are benefiting from foreign interference. Is there a Pierre Poilievre hate farm out there I don't know about, because Trudeau had a couple.


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9 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:


This forum isn't immune. Nor was the old one. A certain former member there posted Russian propaganda all the time.

Some people just like to get a rise out of others.  I suspect they don't really believe in what they post.  They're only interested in provoking a reaction.

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Something I posted in the RuZ /UKraine thread last week which I think is well worth watching .


There is a common theme of Empires trying to have Control , over Colonies and Ethnic Peoples trying protect ourselves from those  Totalitarianism Regimes .

It goes back to the early 1900’s


It’s relearning History to how we got to this point in present  time.

It brings us up to date as to what is happening in the World today.


I found it unbiased ,  by historians, and observers. It keeps us on theme to find how, as citizens of the World ,

we find ourselves looking for Peace ,

and Defending to protect it, and Democracy.


     Politics, Misinformation , propaganda, and lies are constantly dividing us,  it’s a powerful tool to create unrest and false claims, it puts not only protest signs in our hands,

but weapons as well .


I believe it’s      9 ,  1 hr episodes..

   very well done , and well worth watching.


just wanted to share this.


Netflix.  The Bomb and the Cold War



Check out “Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War” on Netflix




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Maybe it's just me, but I am sensing a turning of the tide that elected Trump in 2016. He insists on giving speeches pretty much every other day or so that are increasingly incoherent, filled with lies and exaggeration and based in hate, rage and retribution. I think he should be required to speak every day to a nationally televised audience so the public can fully appreciate what a blithering idiot he is. And it really isn't Trump who is to be feared, but his ultra-Maga operatives who are plotting what is essentially martial law by going after their enemies. And who are their enemies? 1. Any and all Democrats; 2. Politically outspoken actors and musicians; 3. Writers and reporters that Trump hates; 4. Tens of thousands of immigrants, legal or not; 5. Doctors; 6. Teachers; 7. Military leadership; 8. Regulatory agencies; 9 Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, Seth Myers, Jon Stewart, John Oliver, Trevor Noah, the cast of Saturday Night Live, Anderson Cooper, Laurence O'Donnell, Rachel Maddow, George Conway, Rick Wilson, Molly Jong-Fast, Lisa Rubin, Neal Katyal, Andrew Weissman, Robert De Niro, Chris Christie, Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels, E. Jean Carroll, Liz Cheney, Adam Schiff, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Taylor Swift, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Andrea Mitchell, Ali Velshi, Ari Melber, Ben Meiselas, Joy Reid, Stephanie Ruhle, Chris Hayes, Joe and Mika, Jim Acosta, Dana Bash, Erin Burnett, Kaitlan Collins, Van Jones, Jake Tapper, David Axelrod, and on and on and on; 10. All women of childbearing age with functioning ovaries. In my opinion, it is precisely that group of women who will massively oppose Trump and his MAGA conspiracy. 



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Probably thinks it’s ok because he paid for it ,     
The prick needs to be on the RuZ frontline.


Republicans: “Release the Epstein list!”

Also Republicans: Never question why Donald Trump seems to be so connected to Epstein and those who gave aide to him or covered for him?

Not only was Donald Trump in Epstein’s “black book” and flight logs multiple times, but he also wished Ghislaine Maxwell “well,” and had strong ties to these people.

- Alan Dershowitz - Trump’s Impeachment Attorney - Was accused of sexual misconduct by Virginia Giuffre, one of Epstein’s victims. She claimed she was forced to have sex with Dershowitz. Dershowitz went on to represent Epstein, as he did with Trump, representing Trump in his impeachment, and arguing for him in the media. It’s also bizarre that Dershowitz is a registered Democrat, but suddenly began parroting many of Trump’s political talking points when Trump become president.

- Alexander Acosta - Trump’s Labor Secretary - This is the man who negotiated the ridiculous sweetheart deal with Epstein in Florida. This deal took place mostly in secret and meant that Epstein would not face any charges related to sex trafficking underaged girls. It granted Epstein and his co-conspirators immunity from federal prosecution. Trump hired Acosta to be his Labor Secretary when he was elected President.

- Steve Bannon - Former Trump Chief Strategist - He had business deals with Epstein and he was involved in trying to improve Epstein’s public image after Epstein was accused of sex trafficking underage girls. Republicans seem to forget this. Trump remains close to Bannon today.

- Roger Stone - Long-time Trump Confidant and Advisor - Stone has publicly defended Epstein and downplayed the severity of the allegations against him. Again, Republicans never seem to mention this.

- George Nader - Involved informally in the 2016 Trump Campaign - He has been implicated in legal cases involving Epstein and has been convicted of possessing child pornography.

- William Barr - Trump’s Attorney General - Barr has no known direct connections to Epstein, but his father Donald Barr hired Epstein as a mathematics and physics teacher in the 70s, despite Epstein not being qualified for the position. People thought it was very odd at the time, and still do.




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Their only platform now is to creat a coup ..


Its to “save face” for their own embarrassment and wrong doing ..

Trump has empowered them all ..


Hitler did the same as he rose within the Natzi party .


That proof was realized at the Nuremberg Trials .


Those men were hanged for crimes against humanity .


America .    Wake up and stand for the values that brought your families to this continent .    




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